El Monestir de Ripoll, localització de la sèrie 'Comtes'
El Monestir de Santa Maria és una de les localitzacions de Comtes. La docusèrie que se centra en 4 comtes catalans. Guifré Borrell, Sunyer I i Borrell II i el primer de tots ells, el que inaugura la sèrie: Guifré el Pilós, mort i enterrat a Ripoll el 897. Amb un guió de l’escriptor i antropòleg Albert Sánchez Piñol i sota la direcció de Carles Porta.S’ha volgut narrar amb el màxim rigor un període poc documentat i que mai abans s’havia traslladat al terreny audiovisual.
Ripoll (Gerona) España
Ripoll es un pueblo precioso. Tanto la zona del río, que provoca que haya unos fantásticos puentes que le dan un toque especial, como su casco histórico, merecen mucho la pena.
Es uno de esos sitios que ha de ser parada obligada si estás haciendo una ruta por el Pirineo Condal. Además, históricamente, estamos ante un pueblo que ha tenido gran importancia y tradición. No obstante, su monasterio fue un centro neurálgico de actividad durante muchos años y, a día de hoy, sigue ocupando un papel relevante. Es, por cierto, la capital de la comarca de Ripollés. Ripoll es un municipio catalán de la provincia de Gerona, Cataluña. Es la capital de la comarca del Ripollés, situada en la confluencia de los ríos Ter y de su afluente Freser, en el prepirineo catalán.
Sus orígenes pueden encontrarse en torno a la fundación del Monasterio de Santa María, mandado construir por Wifredo el Velloso, un importante centro cultural durante la Edad Media.
Además del monasterio de Santa María de Ripoll, destaca la iglesia de Sant Pere, del siglo XII, con elementos prerrománicos, que alberga el Museo Etnográfico. La manufactura de clavos y armas fue la principal actividad económica de la localidad y entre los siglos XVI y XVIII fue uno de los centros armeros más importantes de Europa. Con la llegada del ferrocarril y la industria textil, la ciudad logró un nuevo impulso económico que se ha mantenido hasta nuestros días.
Ripoll is a lovely village . Both the river area , which has some fantastic causes bridges that give a special touch , and its historic center , very worthwhile .
It is one of those places that has to be a must stop if you are doing a tour of the Pyrenean counties . In addition , historically , this is a town that has had great importance and tradition. However, the monastery was a hub of activity for many years and , today , continues to play an important role. It is , incidentally, the capital of the region of Ripoll . Ripoll is a Catalan town of Gerona , Catalonia. It is the capital of the region of Ripoll, situated at the confluence of the rivers Ter and its tributary Freser , in the Catalan Pyrenees .
Its origins can be found around the foundation of the Monastery of Santa Maria and was built by Wilfred the Hairy , an important cultural center during the Middle Ages.
Besides the monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll, the church of Sant Pere, the XII century with Romanesque elements , which houses the Ethnographic Museum. The manufacture of nails and weapons was the main economic activity of the city and between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries was one of the most important centers of Europe gunsmiths . With the advent of railways and the textile industry , the city achieved an economic revival that has continued to this day.
Ripoll é uma linda vila. Tanto a área do rio, que tem algumas causas pontes fantásticas que dão um toque especial, e seu centro histórico, muito interessante.
É um daqueles lugares que tem de ser parada obrigatória se você está fazendo um tour pelos municípios dos Pirinéus . Além disso, historicamente , esta é uma cidade que tem tido grande importância e tradição. No entanto , o mosteiro era um centro de atividade por muitos anos e , hoje , continua a desempenhar um papel importante. É , aliás , a capital da região de Ripoll . Ripoll é uma cidade catalã de Gerona , na Catalunha. É a capital da região de Ripoll, situado na confluência do rios Ter e seu afluente Freser , nos Pirinéus catalães .
Suas origens podem ser encontradas em torno da fundação do Mosteiro de Santa Maria e foi construído por Wilfred o Cabeludo , um importante centro cultural durante a Idade Média .
Além do mosteiro de Santa Maria de Ripoll , a igreja de Sant Pere, do século XII , com elementos românicos ,
Estudi sobre el claustre del monestir de Ripoll
“Claustrum” és un llibre que regira la història del claustre del Monestir de Ripoll. Després de nombrosos estudis sobre la portalada i la part romànica de l’edifici, calia aprofundir en la part gòtica. Han fet falta anys d’investigació exhaustiva per tal de tenir el llibre enllestit.
El Ripollès, el bressol de Catalunya | #InPyrenees @costabrava
Les terres del Ripollès se situen als peus del Puigmal entre la Vall de Ribes i de Camprodon, la Vall de Núria i Sant Joan de les Abadesses, i acullen un gran patrimoni artístic i cultural romànic.
“Terra de Comtes i Abats”, proposa una visita al Monestir de Santa Maria de Ripoll, el Centre d’Interpretació del Monestir, la portalada romànica i el Museu Etnogràfic per tal d’apropar-nos a la història de Catalunya.
The Ripollès grounds are located at the foot of the Puigmal between Ribes Valley and Camprodon Valley, Nuria Valley and Sant Joan de les Abadesses. They are hosting a large artistic and cultural Romanesque patrimony.
Land of Counts and Abbots proposes a visit to Santa Maria de Ripoll, the Monastery Interpretation Centre, the Ethnographic Museum and the Romanesque to approach the history of Catalonia.
Las tierras del Ripollès se sitúan los pies del Puigmal entre el Valle de Ribes y de Camprodon, el Valle de Nuria y San Juan de las Abadesas, y acogen un gran patrimonio artístico y cultural románico.
Tierra de Condes y Abades, propone una visita al Monasterio de Santa María de Ripoll, el Centro de Interpretación del Monasterio, la portada románica y el Museo Etnográfico para acercarnos a la historia de Cataluña.
Pardines recuperarà els senders perduts
Pardines s’ha proposat recuperar els senders perduts durant aquesta mandat municipal i així disposar d’un atractiu turístic més. L’ajuntament compta amb la col·laboració del Centre Excursionista de la Vall del Segadell.
Cançoner de Ripoll 3
Presentació del llibre Cançoner de Ripoll a la Llibreria La Tralla de Ripoll, amb la interpretació musical d'alguns dels poemes per Joan Silva. Textos poètics en llatí de tema eròtic datas vers el darrer terç del segle XII, traduïts per Jordi Raventós i editats per l'editorial Adesiara.
Pardines reforma el magatzem del Purgatori
El magatzem del Purgatori ha rebut un rentat de cara gràcies a l'ajut que l'ajuntament de Pardines ha rebut de la Diputació de Girona. L'ens gironí també ha portat diners per garantir la mobilitat al municipi en cas de nevades.
Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) San Pedro del Pinatar
Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) San Pedro del Pinatar
San Pedro del Pinatar is a small town and municipality in the autonomous community and province of Murcia, southeastern Spain. The municipality is situated at the northern end of Murcia's Mediterranean coastline, the Costa Cálida, and borders with the province of Alicante. It has an area of almost 22 km², and a population (2008) of 23,738.
San Pedro del Pinatar (Saint Peter of the Pinewoods) is about 49 km from the provincial capital, Murcia. The municipality is situated between the Mediterranean Sea coast and the Mar Menor (Little Sea), a coastal saltwater lagoon which is the largest in Europe. The Mar Menor coast belongs to other three municipalities: San Javier, Los Alcázares and Cartagena. The latter is not by the Mar Menor itself, but in the Mediterranean. San Pedro del Pinatar occupies a small peninsula with 14 km of coastline between the two seas. The terrain is a mostly low-lying littoral depression, with an average elevation of only 13 m above mean sea level.
San Pedro del Pinatar continues to be a very popular Spanish holiday destination and the population increases during the summer months as people from Madrid (and other Spaniards) with second homes descend on the area. Lots of free entertainment is provided by the council.
Alot to see in San Pedro del Pinatar such as :
Ethnographic Archaeological museum (Calle Dr. Mirón de Castro: It contains paleontological fossils, objects, etc. It has an exclusive room for submarine archaeology and another one for the ethnographic type dedicated to the last centuries (from the 18th century).
Museum of the Sea (Calle Ingeniero Lorenzo Morales, 2.): marine and marine article collections.
Conservation and research center of the Humedales Las Salinas (Avda. de las salinas): it offers interesting exhibitions on the natural park and the work in the salt mines.
Casa del reloj or Villa of San Sebastian (Avda. Artero Guirao): an example of modernist architecture. The Spanish president, Emilio Castelar y Ripoll, died here in 1899. Since the end of the 20th century it has been reconstructed and turned into a restaurant.
Church of San Pedro Apostle (Plaza de la Constitucion): it is a temple that became a Franciscan hermitage in the 17th century.
Palace of counts Villar de Felices or Casa of the Russian (C/ Victor Pradera s/n): building in neo-mudéjar style constructed in the 19th century by order of Baron de Benifalló.
Fish Market in Lo Pagán (Explanada of Lo Pagán): a traditional fish auction can be seen here.
The Salinas y Arenales natural park.
In the Mar Menor:
La Puntica
La Mota
In the Mediterranean Sea:
Beach El Mojón
Beach of La Torre Derribada Playa
Beach of Las Salinas
Beach Punta de Algas
Beach of La Barraca Quemada
( Murcia - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Murcia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Murcia - Spain
Join us for more
Places to see in ( San Pedro del Pinatar - Spain )
Places to see in ( San Pedro del Pinatar - Spain )
San Pedro del Pinatar is a small town and municipality in the autonomous community and province of Murcia, southeastern Spain. San Pedro del Pinatar is situated at the northern end of Murcia's Mediterranean coastline, the Costa Cálida, and borders with the province of Alicante. San Pedro del Pinatar has an area of almost 22 km².
San Pedro del Pinatar (Saint Peter of the Pinewoods) is about 49 km from the provincial capital, Murcia. The municipality is situated between the Mediterranean Sea coast and the Mar Menor (Little Sea), a coastal saltwater lagoon which is the largest in Europe. The Mar Menor coast belongs to other three municipalities: San Javier, Los Alcázares and Cartagena. The latter is not by the Mar Menor itself, but in the Mediterranean. San Pedro del Pinatar occupies a small peninsula with 14 km of coastline between the two seas. The terrain is a mostly low-lying littoral depression, with an average elevation of only 13 m above mean sea level.
Fishing and related processing industries have been a mainstay of the local municipal economy of San Pedro del Pinatar , with tourism and service–related industries playing an ever-increasing role. Salt ponds at San Pedro del Pinatar have been worked in the area since the time of the Roman Empire. A small port in the Mediterranean Sea exists at San Pedro del Pinatar , with activity based on the fishing and the transport of the salt; as well as a leisure port with a large number of berths. There is another marina in the Mar Menor next to the fish market and the fishermen's wharf.
San Pedro del Pinatar continues to be a very popular Spanish holiday destination and the population increases during the summer months as people from Madrid (and other Spaniards) with second homes descend on the area. Lots of free entertainment is provided by the council. with celebration such as :
Processions and parades at Easter
At the end of June, San Pedro Apostle.
On 16 July, romería of the Virgin of the Carmen.
Alot to see in ( San Pedro del Pinatar - Spain ) such as :
Ethnographic Archaeological museum (Calle Dr. Mirón de Castro: It contains paleontological fossils, objects, etc. It has an exclusive room for submarine archaeology and another one for the ethnographic type dedicated to the last centuries (from the 18th century).
Museum of the Sea (Calle Ingeniero Lorenzo Morales, 2.): marine and marine article collections.
Conservation and research center of the Humedales Las Salinas (Avda. de las salinas): it offers interesting exhibitions on the natural park and the work in the salt mines.
Casa del reloj or Villa of San Sebastian (Avda. Artero Guirao): an example of modernist architecture. The Spanish president, Emilio Castelar y Ripoll, died here in 1899. Since the end of the 20th century it has been reconstructed and turned into a restaurant.
Church of San Pedro Apostle (Plaza de la Constitucion): it is a temple that became a Franciscan hermitage in the 17th century.
Palace of counts Villar de Felices or Casa of the Russian (C/ Victor Pradera s/n): building in neo-mudéjar style constructed in the 19th century by order of Baron de Benifalló.
Fish Market in Lo Pagán (Explanada of Lo Pagán): a traditional fish auction can be seen here.
The Salinas y Arenales natural park.
Beaches In the Mar Menor:
La Puntica
La Mota
Beaches In the Mediterranean Sea:
Beach El Mojón
Beach of La Torre Derribada Playa
Beach of Las Salinas
Beach Punta de Algas
Beach of La Barraca Quemada
( San Pedro del Pinatar - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of San Pedro del Pinatar . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in San Pedro del Pinatar - Spain
Join us for more :
Pep tv ripollès
Se vendio en menos de una hora...esperemos que de más que el de Mou!!!
White in silence - Francesca Piñol
Nacida en Puigverd de Lleida en 1959. Actualmente vive y trabaja en Barcelona.
Profesora de Arte Textil en la Escola Massana de Barcelona desde 1999.
Está especializada en Tejidos digitales, y en Tintes Naturales.
Combina la enseñanza con la práctica artística.
Ha recibido la Carta de Maestro Artesano de la Generalitat de Catalunya en el año 2000. Miembre de la A-FAD, Associació d’Artistes del Foment de l’Art i el Disseny, desde 1991.
Francesca Piñol
Laboratori tèxtil
08026 Barcelona
Francesca Piñol, nascuda a Puigverd de Lleida, actualment viu i treballa a Barcelona.
Professora d’Art Tèxtil a l’Escola Massana a Barcelona, des de 1999.
Especialista en teixits digitals i en tints naturals.
Combina la docència amb la pràctica artística.
Títol de Mestre artesà “teixidora”, Centre d’Artesania de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 2000.
Membre de la A-FAD, Associació d’Artistes del Foment de l’Art i el Disseny, des de 1991.
Born in Puigverd de Lleida, currently lives and works in Barcelona.
Professor of Textile Art at the Massana Art and Design School in Barcelona, since 1999.
Specialist in Digital Textiles and Natural Dyes.
Combines teaching , with her own artistic practice.
Title of Master Craftswoman by the Craft Centre of the Government of Catalonia in 2000.
Member of the A- FAD , Association of Artists of Foment d’ Art i Diseny since 1991 .
Formació / Education / Formación
2010, DEA (Diploma d’Estudis Avançats). Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
2008-10, Programa de Doctorat: La realitat Assetjada: Posicionaments creatius. Facultat de Belles Arts, UB.
2001-04, Master de Arte terapia, Aplicaciones psicoterapéuticas de la práctica artística Departament de Dibuix. Facultat de Belles Arts, UB.
1994, Curs de postgrau: Estudis Africans. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona.
1988, Curso de postgrau: Curso Superior de Diseño Textil. Escola Superior d’Enginyers de Terrassa, Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona.
1995, Llicenciatura en Geografia i Història, Antropologia Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, UB.
1994, Certificat d’Aptitut Pedagògica, UB.
Obra seleccionada / Selected Exhibitions / Trabajo seleccionado
2018 “Genealogis. Mutables-Mudables”, Museu Gliptoteca Enric onjo, Vilassar de Mar., Barcelona.
“Genealogies. Identitas tèxtils. CDMT, Terrassa.
2017 “Relarts”. Artesania Catalunya, Barcelona. Museu dels Sants, Olot. Museu etnogràfic, Ripoll.
“Artesania i Sostenibilitat”, Artesania Catalunya, Barcelona.
2016 Parc de Wesserling – Écomusée Textile, Husseren-Wesserling, França.
2015 “Tallers Oberts Ciutat Vella”, Piera, Barcelona.
2014, «Teixit, noves propostes,» Escola Municipal d’Art de Girona.
2014 «Cabos sueltos», Guimaraes (Portugal).
2012 “Contextile”, Guimaraes (Portugal).
2011 “El costurero de Aracné”, Granada.
2007 “ Nearing Connection”, El Cairo (Egypt)
2003 ”L’Europa a taula”, Museu del Vi de Vilafranca del Penedés.
2002 “Masterpieces”, Torino,( Italy).
2001 “II International Women Festival”, Aleppo (Siria).
2001 “Face to”, Rauma (Finlandia).
1999 “Dones dissenyadores”, ESDI.
1998 “Ones”, exposición itinerante organizada por la AAIPFAD.
1996 “Diàleg en taronja”, Museu Tèxtil i d’Indumentària de Barcelona.
1995 “8th International Triennal of Tapestry”, Lods (Polonia).
1993 “II Simpósio de Tapeçaria Contemporanea”, Museo de Loures (Portugal).
1991 “Space and light”, Gammeldock, Copenhague (Dinamarca).
1986 “Artespagna 2”, Padova (Italia).
Exposicions / Exhibitions / Exposiciones
Since 1982 is exhibing her work in: Girona, Barcelona, Lloret de Mar, Padova (Italy), Sant Agustí –Eivissa-, Kobenhavn, Farum (Denmark), Esparraguera, Terrassa, Granada, Loures (Portugal), Málaga, Sitges, Lodz (Poland), El Vendrell, Palma de Mallorca, Menorca, Olot, Sabadell, Salou, Sant Cugat, Aleppo (Syria), Rauma (Finland), Barbastro (Huesca), Torino (Italy), Cairo (Egypt), Guimaraes (Portugal).
Obra / Current exhibitions of work / Obra en
Since 2012 Espaço IMERGE in Porto, and Sampedro in Guimaraes (Portugal)
Since 2010 La Panera in Lleida, CDMT in Terrassa, Museo del Traje in Madrid, Biblioteca Archidona in Málaga, Centro Artesania y Diseño in Lugo, Centro de documentación de Poesía Visual de Peñarroya in Córdoba, Artium en Vitoria (Spain)
Since 2001 Fundación “Ramon J. Sender” in Barbastro (Spain)
Since 1999 Museu Ca l’Agustí, Pla de la Calma, Montseny (Spain)
Since 1997 Museu Tèxtil i d’Indumentària in Barcelona (Spain)
Since 1995 Museu Tèxtil in Lodz (Poland)
Since 1986 Centro Cívic d’Abano Terme in Padova (Italy)
Premis i Residències / Residences and Grants / Premios y Residencias
2015 Residency at the Artic Circle Program, Longyearbyen, Norway.
2014 Residency Textile Art by TC1, Kolding, Denmark.
2012 Residency Felowship IN FACTORY of CONTEXTILE 2012, Guimaraes, Portugal
2002 Awarded Grant by Expohogar, Fira de Barcelona
entrevista tv ripollès
Entrevista a televisio del ripoll'es 8 /5 /2017
L'estudiant de Vic - Cançoner del Ripollès
Transcripció a àudio de la cançó L'estudiant de Vic, extreta del Cançoner del Ripollès.
[Televisió del Ripollès] Entrevista a Som Energia Ripollès al Magazín
Més informació:
Entrevista del Magazín, de Televisió del Ripollès a Francesc Picanyol, del grup local del Ripollès de Som Energia, que ens explica que preten aquesta cooperativa que aposta per les energies renovables.
[Wikipedia] Palmira Jaquetti i Isant
Palmira Jaquetti i Isant (1895-1963) was a Spanish folklorist, poet, businesswoman, composer, musicologist, ethnologist and writer.