Museu Municipal de Arqueologia
Museu Municipal de Arqueologia.
Museu arqueológico de silves
Poço muçulmano
Museu Municipal de Faro - Faro - Algarve - Portugal
Para saber mais / For more information:
Visita de Estudo a Silves 2019 (7.º B) Castro Marim
Agrupamento de Escolas de Castro Marim
Visita de Estudo ao Museu Municipal de Arqueologia de Silves
Castelo de Silves
7.º ano Turma B (História)
Luís Honrado Arquilino
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#Armacao de Pera Beach #Castelo de Silves #Cruz de Portuga #Museu Municipal de Arqueologia de Silves #Quinta do Francês #Sé de Silves
Museu de Arte Sacra e Arqueologia Porto Portugal
No complexo da Igreja de São Lourenço, ou Igreja dos Grilos, onde há o seminário, temos também um museu de arte e objetos sacros e arqueologia. Quando lá estávamos havia uma equipe de pesquisadores fotografando e estudando algumas peças arqueológicas.
Porto, Julho 2016
Archaeology Museum, Silves, Algarve, Portugal, Europe
Opened in 1990, the Municipal Archaeology Museum of Silves was built around the admirable Well-Tank Almohad of XII-XIII centuries discovered after archeological excavations elapsed in the 80 century. XX and now classified as a National Monument - which became the centerpiece of the collection and the exhibition discourse. Scenographically is also part of the city wall the same period, thus working not only as a museum where collections are exposed very significant, but also as a jewel of Islamic heritage in Portugal. The Museum's collection, mostly derived from excavations elapsed in the city and county, brings together a collection of objects from the Paleolithic, the oldest, through the Neolithic, Chalcolithic by, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Roman Period and stand out, not only the quantity but also the quality and exception, the pieces of the Medieval Period, especially the Muslim Period Umayyad, Califal, Taifa, Almohad and Almoravid, from the eighth century to the thirteenth century in its most of the Almohad period, XII-XIII centuries - which are evidence of the wealth and importance of the city in that historical period. The collection contains also an important set of objects of the modern period - the centuries XV, XVI and XVII which demonstrates the influence of trade routes and the importance of trade and contacts with other city regions.
Divided into eight themes, the collection can be visited chronologically from the Paleolithic to the seventeenth century.
Castelo de Silves, Silves, Portugal
Casa da Cultura Islâmica e Mediterrânica -Silves
Museu regional de Cucujães-Oliveira de Azeméis
Museu do Açúcar
O Museu está inserido na área onde outrora existia a casa manuelina de João Esmeraldo, comerciante flamengo que se instalou na Madeira no final do século XV para produzir e negociar açúcar.
A Cidade do Açúcar tem em exposição o espólio encontrado em diversas escavações arqueológicas realizadas na cidade do Funchal, particularmente achados arqueológicos descobertos nas antigas casas de João Esmeraldo.
O espólio ajuda a compreender o quotidiano da cidade entre o final do século XV e meados do século XVII, sendo composto por fragmentos de cerâmica portuguesa dos séculos XV, XVI e XVI, “Aranhões”, anforetas, cachimbos, bilhas, escudelas, selos de chumbo e moedas.
A coleção inclui também algumas obras de arte, de enquadramento da época.
Filme sobre o Museu Municipal Prof. Álvaro Viana de Lemos
Filme de 2013
Laboratório da Memória - Do sonho à concretização do Museu de Loulé
Laboratório da Memória - Do sonho à concretização do Museu de Loulé
Produção: JMVideo
Coordenação: Loulé Film Office 2015
Vídeo Promocional Silves
Silves Sul nomination
O Paço dos Condes de Barcelos ou Paço dos Duques de Bragança, situado em Barcelos, Distrito de Braga, é um palácio de estilo gótico estando actualmente em ruínas.
Foi construído na primeira metade do século XV por ordem de D. Afonso, oitavo conde de Barcelos e primeiro duque de Bragança.
Deste Paço, que era um castelo apalaçado, restam pouco mais do que algumas paredes e uma chaminé tubular. A decadência deste Paço, iniciou-se em finais do século XVIII.
Com quatro chaminés de grande altura, este edifício era a construção mais rica de Barcelos na época em que foi construído. De notar que nas ruínas actuais já não é visível a torre que se situava entre a ponte e as chaminés. Terá sido bastante danificada aquando do Terramoto de 1755 e caído definitivamente em 1801. Em 1872, em face do estado ruinoso do edifício, o município de Barcelos, mandou demolir o que restava. Essa demolição não chegou a concretizar-se na totalidade, devido a diversos protestos, mas o que restou já não consegue dar-nos ideia da sua grandeza inicial. (cerca de 32 metros por 16 metros).
Actualmente este Paço alberga o Museu Arqueológico de Barcelos, que aí foi instalado no início do século XX.
Este Paço foi classificado como Monumento Nacional pelo decreto 16-06-1910, DG 136, de 23-06-1910.
2013 09 24 Vigília em SIlves RTP
Pais e alunos em vigília pela formação de duas turmas do curso de multimédia, Silves.
Silves, Faro District, Algarve, Portugal, Europe
Silves is a municipality in the Portuguese Algarve of southern Portugal. The population in 2011 was 37,126, in an area of 680.06 km². The urbanized area includes approximately 11,000 inhabitants. Silves is the former capital of the Algarve and is of great historical importance. The region of Silves has been inhabited since the Palaeolithic, as attested by archaeological remains, including several menhirs. The river Arade, which was navigable in historical times, linked the hinterland to the open ocean and allowed the transport of produce and commerce. The town of Silves (Cilpes) was possibly founded during the times of Roman domination, when the region was part of the Lusitania province.
After 713, when the Moors invaded Iberia, Silves became part of the Umayyad Emirate of Córdoba under the Arabic name of Shilb (شلب). In the 10th century it was one of the most important towns of western Al-Andalus. Silves became an independent taifa in 1027 under the rule of Ibn Mozaine and his son, who was dethroned in 1051 by al-Mu'tadid, the governor of Seville. al-Mu'tamid ibn 'Abbad, the son of al-Mu'tadid and a famous poet, ruled the taifa of Silves until 1091. After the Almoravid conquest the town became Almohad in 1156. In 1189 King Sancho I of Portugal conquered the town with the aid of Northern European crusaders, but lost it again to the Almohads. Periodic raiding expeditions were sent from Al-Andalus to ravage the Iberian Christian kingdoms, bringing back booty and slaves. The governor of Córdoba attacked Silves in 1191, and took 3,000 Christian slaves. Again under Muslim rule, the city would then prosper to the point of being called the Baghdad of the West. The town was finally taken from the last Muslim king Ibn Afan by Paio Peres Correia, Grand-Master of the Order of Santiago in 1242, after the Alentejo and most of the coast had already fallen in 1238. The great mosque was changed into Silves Cathedral (Sé Catedral). Silves declined in importance thereafter and was eclipsed in the region by Faro during the colonial period. In 1491, the town was given to queen Leonora by King João. Parts of the Almohad town wall, constructed from poured concrete, have been preserved, as well as the Almedina-gate (Porta de Loulé). Other sights include the Santa Misericórdia Church with a fine door in Manueline style (the main body of the church was built in 1727-28); a museum for cork and the production of bottle corks in a defunct factory which is now also a centre for cultural events called Fábrica do Inglês (The Englishman's Factory); and the municipal museum (Museu Municipal de Arqueologia) with findings from the palaeolithic onwards. The town is situated on a hill above the Arade River. Silves Castle (Castelo dos Mouros, Moorish Castle) is located on the top of the hill. It occupies ca. 12,000m². Archaeological excavations have shown that the oldest buildings date back to the 8th century, the stratigraphy is almost 6m deep and contains Iron Age remains as well. The walls are made of red sandstone (grés de Silves) with a pisé-core and have been heavily restored in the 1940s. Protruding towers of albarra-type protect the Northern slope. After the Christian conquest, the castle served as the seat of the alcaide-mor (provincial governor) till the middle of the 16th century, afterwards the towers were used as a prison. The municipality is crossed by the Arade River, which was navigable in historical times and was key to the prosperity of the city of Silves. The waters of the river form the dams of Arade and Funcho. The landscape of the municipality is generally hilly. To the south the municipality borders the Atlantic Ocean. Silves is built on top of one of the largest underground aquifers in the south of Portugal, The Querença-Silves Aquifer , and has many orange groves, a fruit introduced by the Moors.