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Visita al Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Visita al Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Alumnes de Cicle Superior
Escola Josep Montserrat de Mataró.
Març 2012
Museu d'història de la immigració de Catalunya
Viatgem a la postguerra a bord de El Sevillano.
20è aniversari del Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Els dies 27 i 28 de febrer de 2016 el Museu d'Història de Catalunya celebrava el seu 20è aniversari en una doble jornada de portes obertes plenes d'activitats per a tots els públics que va aplegar més 5000 persones. Més info:
Places to see in ( Barcelona - Spain ) Museo d'Historia de Catalunya
Places to see in ( Barcelona - Spain ) Museo d'Historia de Catalunya
The Museum of History of Catalonia (in Catalan : Museu d'Història de Catalunya ), also known by its initials as MHC , was created in 1996 by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia . One of the fundamental reasons for the creation of the museum is to tell its visitors the history of Catalonia through a collection of objects and related documents, historical recreations and settings of audiovisual and computer equipment, which bring us in a playful way the history of this Autonomous Community. In this way it is intended to stimulate at the same time that it informs the interest about the evolution of the Catalan culture.
The museum is interested in the preservation and exhibition of the material that illustrates the history of Catalonia giving a special support to the people and institutions that aim at historical research. At the same time it deals with the management of monuments owned by the Generalitat of Catalonia, with the aim of improving the conditions of maintenance, visits and cultural dissemination.
The MHC is located in the Palace of the Sea , building that previously had been used like the General Stores of Commerce. It is the only building of the Old Port of Barcelona built in 1881 that is still preserved.
The permanent exhibition is distributed in 7 stages. In these stages we are allowed to relive historic moments like grinding wheat as did the Iberians , get one armor of knight medieval, see a landing of a staircase modernist through a hole, move on tram for Barcelona in the 20s or go to the movies to see the No-Do .
The first stage, titled The Roots , runs from the lower Paleolithic until the end of the fifth century , the time of the Fall of the Roman Empire of the West leading to the creation of the Visigoth Kingdom of Toledo .
The second, The birth of a nation , has its origin in the year 711 , the year of the conquest of Hispania visigoda by the Muslims; arriving until the conquest of Catalonia Nova in century XII .
Our sea , the third stage, part of the conquest of Mallorca and Valencia by Jaime I , which took place in the thirteenth century , followed by a strong period of expansion; is separated ends with the dynastic union with the Kingdom of Castile , through the marriage of Fernando II and Isabel I in 1479 .
The fourth stage, In the periphery of the Empire , we are located in a Catalonia that maintains its own state and initiates economic growth despite being included in the Spanish Empire , European and world power of the time. This period is characterized by the numerous conflicts that ended in 1716 with the Decrees of Nueva Planta , where the first Spanish Bourbon king was imposed, and the constitutions and institutions of Catalonia were abolished.
Vapor and nation is a stage that transports us to the process of industrialization of Catalonia. On the other hand it shows how the Spanish liberal state deepens in the political centralization. The stage ends with the end of the nineteenth century , moment of recovery of the Catalan language and culture.
The electric years give way to the characterization of the Catalan industry of the twentieth century , marked by the expansion of the electricity grid and the consumption of petroleum products. It ends with the imposition of the Franco dictatorship after the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 .
Defeat and Recovery takes place from that dictatorship, placing us within the framework of the Francoist repression until the death of Francisco Franco in 1975 , transmitting as his death will lead us to the beginning of a stage of liberties .
( Barcelona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Barcelona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Barcelona - Spain
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Nits d'estiu al Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Cultura, una copa a la fresca i unes vistes privilegiades des de la terrassa del Museu d'Història de Catalunya, això i més és el que ofereixen les nits d'estiu al museu. Cada any, una proposta artística diferent combinada amb una visita exclusiva a les exposicions del museu. Una ocasió excepcional per gaudir la nit i la cultura amb els cinc sentits. Més informació al web
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona. Making-of
La seu de Barcelona del MAC ha modernitzat el 70% dels seus continguts i de les seves instal·lacions per estar al dia, per ser més accessibles, més didàctics i donar millor servei als ciutadans. Per aconseguir-ho, el Museu ha treballat amb els millors especialistes de cada període, tot incorporant-hi peces rellevants de l'arqueologia catalana i comptant amb l'experiència i el coneixement de dissenyadors i industrials que ens han ajudat a donar forma a tot plegat.
La sede de Barcelona del MAC ha modernizado el 70% de sus contenidos y de sus instalaciones para estar al día, para ser más accesibles, más didácticos y dar un mejor servicio a la ciudadanía. Para conseguirlo, el Museo ha trabajado con los mejores especialistas de cada periodo, incorporando piezas relevantes de la arqueología catalana y contando con la experiencia y el conocimiento de diseñadores e industriales que nos han ayudado a darle forma.
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Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya Barcelona Spain
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Un racó de la memòria que us convida a conèixer la nostra història més antiga i a gaudir de les millors peces arqueològiques trobades a Catalunya i al seu entorn.
Un rincón de la memoria que os invita a conocer nuestra historia más antigua y a disfrutar de las mejores piezas arqueológicas halladas en Cataluña y alrededores.
A place of memory that invites you to discover our earliest history and enjoy the best archaeological pieces found in Catalonia and its environment.
Visita al Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Vídeo que recull un seguit d'activitats realitzades per l'alumnat de 1r d'ESO de l'institut Tordària en el projecte gamificat Temps de dòlmens i menhirs i Temps de togues.
Retrats funeraris de I dC. Museu d'història de la Ciutat Barcelona
Retrats funeraris de I dC. Museu d'història de la Ciutat Barcelona
Barcelona City History Museum
The Barcelona City History Museum (Catalan: Museu d'Història de Barcelona, Spanish: Museo de Historia de Barcelona, acronym MUHBA) is a city museum that conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the historical heritage of the city of Barcelona, from its origins in Roman times until the present day.
Places to see in ( Barcelona - Spain ) Museu d'Historia de Barcelona MUHBA
Places to see in ( Barcelona - Spain ) Museu d'Historia de Barcelona MUHBA
The Barcelona City History Museum is a city museum that conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the historical heritage of the city of Barcelona, from its origins in Roman times until the present day; it is funded by the Barcelona municipality.
The museum's headquarters are located on Plaça del Rei, in the Barcelona Gothic Quarter (Barri Gòtic). It also manages several historic sites all around the city, most of them archaeological sites displaying remains of the ancient Roman city, called Barcino in Latin. Some others date to medieval times, including the Jewish quarter and the medieval royal palace called the Palau Reial Major. The rest are contemporary, among them old industrial buildings and sites related to Antoni Gaudí and the Spanish Civil War. The museum was inaugurated on 14 April 1943; its principal promoter and first director was the historian Agustí Duran i Sanpere.
Since the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition there are recorded some attempts and projects in order to create a museum about the History of Barcelona. In 1929 during the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition the municipality organized a temporary exhibition about Barcelona's past, present and future that constitutes the forerunner of the Barcelona City History Museum.
In 1931, Casa Padellàs (Padellas's house), a late gothic palace (15th-16th centuries) was moved stone by stone from its original location on Mercaders street to Plaça del Rei, in order to preserve it and to avoid its demolition because of the opening of Via Laietana, an avenue created to connect the new Barcelona Eixample with the port, crossing the old city.
While rebuilding Casa Padellàs on its new location, some remains of the ancient city of Barcino (Latin name of Barcelona) were found. Immediately, an archaeological research was undertaken in the surrounding area, emerging a whole quarter of the Roman city. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) stopped all, though the importance of the findings determined that there was the most fitting location for the historical museum planned since the 19th century, that then would largely become an archaeological museum.
The Barcelona City History Museum (MUHBA) has several heritage sites spread all around the city. Most of them are archaeological sites displaying remains of the ancient Roman city, called Barcino. Others refer to medieval times and the rest cover the contemporary city, including old industrial buildings and sites related to Gaudí and the Spanish Civil War.
( Barcelona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Barcelona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Barcelona - Spain
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Los Monumentos de Catalunya en tus manos
A través de esta aplicación móvil de los Monumentos de Cataluña gestionados por el Museo de Historia de Cataluña, podréis hacer un recorrido por los monumentos con toda la información necesaria para planificar i disfrutar de la visita: cómo llegar, horarios, tarifas, descargas, actividades e imágenes. Descárgatela en:
Museu d'història de Catalunya
Benvinguts al MAC Barcelona
El Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya mostra permanentment els vestigis arqueològics que il·lustren l'evolució de Catalunya i el seu entorn durant la prehistòria i la història antiga.
La seu de Barcelona està ubicada a l'antic Palau d'Arts Gràfiques, construït a la muntanya de Montjuïc amb motiu de l'Exposició Universal del 1929. Les seves col·leccions, ordenades a partir de criteris cronològics i geogràfics, proposen un viatge a les arrels de Catalunya, des dels primers homes fins a l'època medieval, oferint alhora una visió de diverses cultures de la resta de la península Ibèrica i de la Mediterrània.
Una visita al museu d'Història de Catalunya
Este vídeo se ha realizado con el creador de presentaciones de diapositivas de YouTube (