Lotus Hotel & Spa Heviz Hungary
Lake Heviz Tour - Balaton Hungary
Come along for a Sunday morning float to one of the most spectacular lakes in the world - Lake Heviz in Hungary.
Heviz - Keszthely, Ungarn
Herbst - und Frühlingsfarben in Heviz.
Haviz, Lake Balaton, Hungary - Unravel Travel TV
Outside Budapest the capital of Hungary the second biggest tourist attraction is Lake Balaton. During the summer months thousands of holiday makers come here and base themselves in one of the pretty town or resorts along the lake. The lake stretches along for 80 kilometres and it can take between one and two hours drive from Budapest, depending what part of the lake you chose to visit.
Given the great whether many are tempted to cycle around the lake a bicycle track was recently completed allowing cyclists to bike 200 kilometres
Heviz is a town in the north western part of Lake Bolaton is ideal for anyone who wants to get fit and healthy on holiday with its array of hotels and thermal lake. Where ever you travel in Hungary you are never far from a thermal spring behind me is lake bas and its THE LARGEST THERMAL LAKE IN THE WORLD. People come to this lake every day to help cure conditions like arthritis sorrices or else for just pure relaxation. Its busiest day last year saw 8000 people dip their toes in its sulphuric waters
Festetics Palace is located in Kestely near Lake Balaton it was intended as a country house for members of the Festetics family. Its construction, started by Kristóf Festetics in 1745, lasted more than a century, and it has since trippled in size.
The Baroque-style palace now houses the Helikon Castle Museum, it also hosts concerts and events, and is surrounded by beautifully kept grounds. The palace is visited by 200,000 people every year the great book collection that remains in the castle is the only extensive aristocratic library that survives in Hungary. The Palace also boasts an impressive coach- house with coaches of all sizes, shapes and decorated in an array of styles.
Unravel Travel TV
Heviz Stadt
Geschichte von Heviz
Funde römischer Münzen aus dem See weisen darauf hin, dass man auch schon vor knapp 2.000 Jahren die heilende Wirkung des Wassers zu schätzen wusste.
Forschungen belegen, dass germanische und slawische Stämme zur Zeit der Völkerwanderungen ebenfalls das Gewässer nutzten.
Hévíz wird erstmals im Jahre 1328 als Locus vulgariter Hewyz dictus (im Volk Hewyz genannter Ort) urkundlich erwähnt.
Heviz Stadt
Die Kur in ihrer heutigen Form mit dem Badebetrieb besteht mittlerweile seit über 200 Jahren. 1795 ließ Graf Festetics den Ort zum Heilbad ausbauen, indem er Badehäuser und Kureinrichtungen errichten ließ. Das Thermalbad wurde in den Jahren 1964 bis 1968 erbaut. Zuletzt wurde es 2006 baulich erneuert.
Carnival in Heviz Hungary May 1, 2017 / Венгрия .Хевиз . Карнавал в Хевизе
Венгрия . Хевиз
Карнавал в городе Хевиз. Венгрия . 01 мая 2017 года.
Красочное костюмированное шествие . Очень веселое развлечение для местных жителей и туристов.
Озеро Хериз - Уникальный термальный курорт
#Венгрия #Кестхей #Хевиз
Egy-koron: a balatonedericsi Fekete-kastély
A tragédiák sorát vidám gyermekévek váltották a Fekete-kastélyban
【K】Hungary Travel-Heviz[헝가리 여행-헤비츠]세계최대 호수온천 헤비츠/Lake Spa/Hot spring
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
다음 날, 부다페트스에서 남쪽으로 3시간 정도 떨어진 헤비츠로 이동했다. 헤비츠는 유럽 최대 호수인, 발라톤 인근에 위치한 관광마을이다. 부다페스트에서 조금 먼 거리지만 많은 관광객들이 이곳을 찾는 이유가 있다. 바로, 온천 때문이다. 헤비츠 온천은 유럽에서 가장 큰 노천온천이자, 세계에서 두 번째로 큰 규모를 자랑한다. 청정 자연에 둘러싸인 호수 한가운데 위치한 온천이라니, 더욱 기대가 된다. 온천에 들어서자, 그야말로 그림 같은 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 잘 만들어진 깔끔한 세체니 온천과는 달리, 자연 그대로의 매력이 물씬 느껴졌다. 이번에는 나도 드넓은 호수에서 온천을 즐겨보기로 했다. 최대 수심은 39미터. 나처럼 수영을 못 하는 사람은 튜브가 필수다. 호수에 몸을 맡기고 있으니 상쾌한 숲 속 공기가 온 몸을 편안하게 감쌌다. 유럽 온천은 대부분 노천온천인데 이곳에는 실내 온천도 있다. 실내에서도 이미 많은 사람들이 온천을 즐기고 있었다. 그런데, 한 여성이 신기한 모습으로 온천을 즐기고 있었다. 이 곳 온천수는 류마티스와 신경통에 효과가 있다고 알려져 치료를 목적으로 찾는 이들이 많다고 한다. 일광욕을 즐기려는 이들이 호숫가에 자리를 잡고 있었다. 유난히 날씨가 맑고 깨끗했다.
[English: Google Translator]
Then it was moved three hours away by H. VITZRO day, in the south of Buda's pet. Heavy Flats is located near the tourist village, Balaton, Europe's largest lake. Only a little far from popping Budapest There is a reason why many tourists find this place. Just because the hot springs. Heavy recreational spa boasts the second-largest in the largest open-air hot springs and the world in Europe. Disgrace in the middle of the lake surrounded by pristine natural hot springs, is even more expectations. Upon entering the spa, literally it unfolds this picturesque landscape. Unlike the three springs Cheney neat well-made, natural charm was felt mulssin. This time, I decided to enjoy the hot springs in de wide lake. Maximum depth is 39 meters. Like me, who can not swim is mandatory tube. So leave the body in the lake refreshing forest air is comfortably wrapped the whole body. European air bath spa is mostly inde There is also an indoor spa. There are many people in the room were enjoying the hot springs. However, a woman was enjoying the hot springs in the miraculous appearance. Where waters are known to be effective for rheumatism and neuralgia, and they find tons for the purpose of treatment. It could bask in the sun is situated at the lakeside. It was exceptionally clean and clear.
■클립명: 유럽112-헝가리03-14 세계최대 호수온천 헤비츠/Lake Spa/Hot spring
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전수영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 4월 April
마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,호수,lake,tarn, pond, karst,온천,spa,hot spring, volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,기타체험,체험,,experience,experience,유럽,Europe,동유럽,헝가리,Hungary,,,전수영,2016,4월 April,절러 주,Zala County,Zala megye,
What are the interesting places in Hungary
What are the interesting places in Hungary,
n Heviz
Heviz is one of the most known city of Hungary, located not far from Lake Balaton. It has a unique termal lake rich in minerals, its temperature varies among 24 – 38 C making it ideal for winter bathing as well.
In Hajduszoboszlo the biggest Spa complex can be found in Europe. There is an adventure bath, open bath, thermal bath, medical bath here. Otherwise Hajduszoboszlo is a smaller, enjoyable city, near the Hortobagy National Park area. Hajduszoboszlo is one of the top target for local tourists.
Admittedly it is one of the most beautiful places in Hungary. Lillafured is quite a small settlement, actually to small to be considered a town. It is near Miskolc, in the Northern part of Hungary.
Sopron is a middle sized city in the North West part of Hungary, not far from Lake Ferto (the Lake is situated in both Hungary and Austria) which is a World Heritage Site. It is a beautiful city packed with Museums, Cultural and Natural values.
Eger is a historical city with famous wine cellars in the Northern hills. Eger has a renown Stronghold where the small Hungarian army stopped the huge Turkish invaders back in the 16th century.
Pecs is a little bit mediterranean city anding places in Hungary,,,
Cadillac Museum . Hungary. Keszthely / Венгрия . Кестхей . Музей Кадиллака
Венгрия . Кестхей
Небольшая обзорная экскурсия по музею Кадиллака в Кестхее. Представлены очень интересные машины , которые выпускались в период от 1905 до 1983 гг.
Практически все экспонаты на ходу . Некоторые машины продаются.
Múzeum Pozsony városrol/szlovákul Múzeum mesrta Bratislavy keletkezett 1868 ban
Pozsonyi Városi Múzeum - alapította 1868-ban - a legrégebbi múzeum folyamatos működés Szlovákiában. Úgy alakult a kezdeményezésére a pozsonyi kertben Egyesület és főpolgármester H. Justin. 1923-ban a múzeum telt részeként tudományos intézetek Pozsony környékén irányítása alatt az önkormányzat. 1953 óta a Pozsonyi Városi Múzeum különálló intézmény, kivéve az évek 1959-1960, mikor volt része a Homeland Intézet Pozsonyban.
Tevékenységek múzeum célja, hogy dokumentálja és bemutatja a történelem a város gyűjtemények kiemelkedő művészeti vagy történelmi értékkel bizonyítják a történelem, a várost keresztül régészeti leletek, műemlékek gazdag kézműves tevékenység és az ipar, szőlőművelés, kulturális és társadalmi életben, valamint a néprajz, a történelem, a gyógyszerészet és numizmatikai. Focus bemutatására és egyes kitettségek, sokan közülük található egy építészeti szempontból értékes, történelmileg védett épületek. Pozsonyi Városi Múzeum várja a látogatókat 9 állandó kiállítások, melyek a központ elsősorban a történelmi központjában, a régi város, ezen kívül van egy nemzeti kulturális emlék Devin Castle és a Museum of Ancient Gerulata Rusovce.
Abandoned Soviet military air base near Heviz Balaton Airport in Hungary
Driving towards Lake Balaton, we found this abandoned Soviet / Russian military airbase. According to Wikipedia, the airbase was in function from the (19)forties until the nineties. The barracks housed all the Russian personnel, who lived here in the middle of Hungary in isolation from the surrounding locals. Planes of type MIG-21, MIG-23 and MIG-29 were stationed here.
afrika muzeum Balatonederics
Węgry Balatonederics - wakacje sierpień 2008r
Klímastratégiát készít Keszthely
Klímastratégiát dolgoz ki és a klímatudatosságot erősítő programokat szervez a jövőben Keszthely önkormányzata. A projekt a Pannon Egyetem Georgikon Karának és több más szakértőnek a bevonásával valósul meg. A programról sajtótájékoztató keretében számolt be pénteken Nagy Bálint, Keszthely polgármestere és Sáringer-Kenyeres Marcell természetvédelmi mérnök, az Emberi Erőforrások Bizottságának külsős tagja.
Inside an abandoned Soviet base in Hungary
A Soviet military base in Hungary - abandoned since 1990 - could have once housed up to 160 nuclear warheads, according to a blogger and military historian.
A tour through this creepy, derelict facility reveals some secrets of the Soviet regime.
Welcome to Little Moscow.
This is the local name for a former Soviet military base in central Hungary.
Missing windows, smashed panes, rust and decay... Hardly surprising since the site has been derelict for nearly quarter of a century.
Here the Red Army might have once kept a stockpile of nuclear weapons and the facility includes housing and recreational units for up to 300 soldiers and their families.
Lying in a wooded area near the village of Nagyvazsony, 150 kilometres (93 miles) southwest of the capital city of Budapest, it was one of four such storage facilities in Hungary, according to Gyula Hajner, a military enthusiast and video blogger who specialises in ghost towns and abandoned structures.
We are standing on the grounds of the Soviet base known as Little Moscow. Behind me is the last building made of prefabricated panels. It began to be built at the end of the 1960s, after a test by the Soviet army which revealed the problem that the nuclear warheads did not arrive on time. So the Soviet leadership decided that this type of special storage facility would be built in every member country of the Warsaw Pact to avoid the nuclear warheads not arriving on time, says Hajner.
Abandoned by the Soviets in March 1990, a few months after the fall of the Berlin Wall and just weeks before Hungary first post-communist elections, the base looks like a set for a post-Apocalyptic film.
The barracks are similar to the prefabricated apartment blocks found across Eastern Europe and still house outdated kitchen appliances and wrecked furniture.
Many of the military installations are rusted and mouldy, but a large painting of a red flag covered with the faces of communist icons Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin inside a facility used for assembly and repair of the nuclear arms provides a dash of colour.
We are on the north side of the base, standing outside the only assembly and repair facility. It has several small rooms used for teaching and a large hall where the bombs or bomb-like devices were taken apart to study how they worked, explains Hajner.
Though no official records are available, Hajner has spent years gathering information about Little Moscow from local and Russian sources.
The former base covering 36 hectares (89 acres) was protected by three lines of fences and barbed wire and numerous checkpoints and gates.
According to Hajner, warheads were kept in a pair of bunkers about 100 meters apart, built at diverging angles so that if one was attacked the other could still function. They were protected by two doors weighing 6.5 metric tons.
There were two nuclear storage facilities on the base, set about 100 meters from each other at diverging angles, so that if one was attacked the other could keep functioning. Each facility had four storage areas, each capable of fitting 15 to 18 or even 20 warheads, so the total capacity was of around 150 to 160 (warheads) though this does not mean that there were actually that many. I have no information about this. It could have been 30 or 130, says Hajner.
The abandoned site is an eerie testament to Hungary's recent history, however, it is closed to the public.
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Hungary_Венгрия.Путешествие и отдых.
Венгрия,Путешествие и отдых,Hungary, wine, wine region, Tokaj-Hegyalja, Budapest, parliament, buda castle, bridge, Terror, opera, balaton lake, fishermen bastion, church, synagogue, national gallery, national museum, Heviz lake, Ervin Szabo, national theatre, Farted, stadium, eger castle, Szeged, Vigado
【K】Hungary Travel-Sumeg[헝가리 여행-쉬메그]쉬메그 성에서 펼처진 마상무예 공연/Equestrian Martial Arts/Performance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
성 아래, 많은 사람들이 어디론가 가는 모습이 보였다. 나도 그들을 따라 가 봤다. 중세 시대의 마상 무예 공연장. 공연장이 사람들로 가득 했다. 헝가리 국기를 든 기사가 공연 시작을 알린다. 이어서 말을 탄 중세 시대의 미녀가 등장했다. 처음에는 주로 말의 장끼를 보여주는 쇼가 이어졌다. 이번엔 앙증맞은 조랑말의 묘기까지 참 사랑스럽다. 드디어 기대했던 중세 시대의 용맹한 기사가 등장했다. 마상무예는 유럽 중세 시대에 가장 인기 있는 스포츠였다고 한다. 갑옷을 입은 기사들이 칼을 던지거나 활을 쏘는 쇼가 관객들의 시선을 사로잡는다. 이번엔 기사들의 일대일 결투다. 공연이라는 사실을 알지만, 지켜보는 내내 긴장감을 놓칠 수 없었다. 역시 실감나는 결투에 관객들의 박수가 터져 나온다. 나도 지금 이 순간만큼은 중세 시대로 돌아간 듯, 푹 빠져 들어 숨 죽여 지켜보았다. 드디어 승자가 가려지고 긴 전투가 끝이 났다.
[English: Google Translator]
Had the appearance to go castle down, somewhere a lot of people. I saw that follow them. Horseback archery venue in the Middle Ages. Hall was full of people. The story somehow the Hungarian flag announces the beginning of the performance. Then on horseback Medieval the beauty of the era have appeared at first, mainly led to the show, showing the jangkki the end of this time adorable adorable true love until the feats of the right pony. One brave knights of the Middle ages was finally expectations have emerged. horseback archery is the European Middle ages the most popular sport and was a that. knights in armor that captivates the eyes of the show threw a knife or shoot a bow audience, this time one-to-one duel of the story. I know the fact that the performances could not miss the tension throughout the watch. I also realize that emerges applause from the audience exploded in a duel. at the moment as much as I seemed to return to the Middle ages, watched kill example unleashed breath. the winner was finally eclipsed the battle is long over.
[Hungary: Google Translator]
Külső megjelenése menni vár le, valahol egy csomó ember. Láttam, hogy kövesse őket. Lovasíjászat helyszín a középkorban. Terem tele volt emberekkel. A történet valahogy a magyar zászlót bejelenti az elején a teljesítményt. Aztán lóháton középkori szépségét a kor jelentek meg először, főként vezetett a show, amely bemutatja a jangkki végén ezúttal imádnivaló aranyos igaz szerelem, amíg a hőstettek a jobb póni. Egy bátor lovagok a középkorban végül várakozások alakultak ki. lovasíjászat az európai középkor legnépszerűbb sport-és volt, hogy. páncélos lovagok, hogy magával ragadja a szemet a show dobott egy késsel, vagy lő egy íj közönség, ezúttal egy-egy párbaj a történet. Tudom, hogy az a tény, hogy az előadások nem tudta kihagyni a feszültséget az egész órát. Azt is észre, hogy kiderül taps a közönség robbant egy párbajban. abban a pillanatban, mint én tűnt, hogy visszatérjen a középkorban figyelte ölni például elszabadult levegőt. A győztes végül elhomályosította a harc is csak rövid ideig.
■클립명: 유럽112-헝가리03-19 쉬메그 성에서 펼처진 마상무예 공연/Equestrian Martial Arts/Performance
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전수영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 4월 April
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,궁전,palace,royal, castle, king, queen,공연,축제,,performance,쇼, 연극, 거리, 콘서트, 레이저, 조명, show, gig, concert, perform, play, busking, light, laser,동물,animal,wildlife,유럽,Europe,동유럽,헝가리,Hungary,,,전수영,2016,4월 April,베스프렘 주,Veszprem County,Veszprém megye,
Bodens Fästning (museum and abandoned military facility)
This is two out of five, large museum/abandoned military facilities in Boden. These places is really huge and I don't think I captured the magnitude of if all on the video, just so you know.
Szentendre, Hungary.
Szentendre, Hungary.
Keszthely: Festetics-kastély | Tavaszi séta a kastélyparkban | Gaba_VR
Keszthely egyik legfőbb látványossága a több mint 200 éves Festetics-kastély. A 42 hektáros park már tavasszal is barátságosan fogadott bennünket: nézz körül velünk 360 fokban, és további virtuális utazásokért iratkozz fel a csatornámra:
Nyugat-magyarországi utazásunkat Keszthelyen kezdjük, meglátogatva a város legismertebb nevezetességét, a Festetics-kastélyt.
A hatalmas természetvédelmi területen sétálgatva a több mint száz helyiségből álló épület mellett növénykülönlegességeket, sőt, egy különálló pálmaházat, és mellette egy madárparkot is találunk.
Tavaszi virtuális kirándulásaink első állomásán most itt vezetlek körbe, egy kis ízelítőt adva a tavaszi kastélypark hangulatából.
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Sri Lanka és a Maldív-szigetek 360 fokban:
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