Museum Mpu Tantular - Surabaya - East Java
he Museum collection amount to about 15000 items, The collections come from prehistory epoch, Hindu-Buddha, Islam epoch, Colonial and Modern.
Mpu Tantular Museum is continuation from Stedelijk Historich. Surabaya Museum that built by Von Faber, a Germany collector and permanent in Surabaya. He built the museum since 1922 and can be realized in 1933, and has just been opened on 25 Junes 1937.
Name of Stedelijk Historich Surabaya Museum in 1972 altered become East Java Museum by 1 Novembers 1974 by the name of Museum Negeri Propinsi Jawa Timur Mpu Tantular. Giving of the name as respect to big master Majapahit, book author Arjunawijaya and Sutasoma that in its book consist of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy as Indonesian nation password.
This Museum was located in Raadhius Ketabang then move to Tegalsari Street a widow house Han Tjiong King of width five times from initially wide. From tegalsari move again to Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya (now Trimurti Senior High School).
Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya.
Because its development, hence the room is also felt unsatisfying adequate, it is try to get adequate and broader room for museum. The business is executed blessing obtained by it a new building in Simpang Street that is now conceived of Pemuda Street Surabaya, and financed by public.
Jelajah Museum Mpu Tantular
Hari Ahad kemarin tanggal 10 Februari 2019, setelah kopdar dengan komunitas drone Mata Langit di Balai Kota. Saya dan istri jalan jalan ke Museum Mpu Tantular yang berada di deket Flyover Buduran Sidoarjo. Apa saja yang ada didalamnya simak di video saya ya.
Video : Go Pro Hero 7 Black, Dji Spark, Sony A6000, Yi Dash Cam
Edit : Wondershare Filmora
Museum Mpu Tantular - Surabaya - East Java
The Museum collection amount to about 15000 items, The collections come from prehistory epoch, Hindu-Buddha, Islam epoch, Colonial and Modern. Mpu Tantular Museum is continuation from Stedelijk Historich. Surabaya Museum that built by Von Faber, a Germany collector and permanent in Surabaya. He built the museum since 1922 and can be realized in 1933, and has just been opened on 25 Junes 1937. Name of Stedelijk Historich Surabaya Museum in 1972 altered become East Java Museum by 1 Novembers 1974 by the name of Museum Negeri Propinsi Jawa Timur Mpu Tantular. Giving of the name as respect to big master Majapahit, book author Arjunawijaya and Sutasoma that in its book consist of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy as Indonesian nation password. This Museum was located in Raadhius Ketabang then move to Tegalsari Street a widow house Han Tjiong King of width five times from initially wide. From tegalsari move again to Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya (now Trimurti Senior High School). Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya. Because its development, hence the room is also felt unsatisfying adequate, it is try to get adequate and broader room for museum. The business is executed blessing obtained by it a new building in Simpang Street that is now conceived of Pemuda Street Surabaya, and financed by public.
Exploration to Mpu Tantular Museum of Java Surabaya Indonesia part 1
Kali ini SAQO CHANNEL berkunjung ke Museum Mpu Tantular yang berada di Kota Sidoarjo, mencoba mencari cari kisah² misteri yang berkembang dimasyarakat tentang Museum Mpu Tantular.Konon katanya barang barang koleksi sering bergerak-gerak sendiri. Yuk kita tonton sampai habis keseruannya..????????????.
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Exploration to Mpu Tantular Museum of Java Culture Surabaya Indonesia part 2
Museum Mpu Tantular
Museum Mpu Tantular merupakan museum yang dikelola oleh Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dan merupakan kelanjutan dari didirikannya lembaga kebudayaan kebudayaan Stedelijk Historisch Museum Soerabaia oleh seorang warga Surabaya yang berkebangsaan Jerman, bernama Von Vaber pada tahun 1933. Museum ini baru diresmikan pada tanggal 25 Juli 1937.
Museum Mpu Tantular awalnya terletak di Jalan Pemuda no. 3 Surabaya, dan setiap ruangan di dalam museum terbagi dalam beberapa segmen seperti, ruang koleksi, perpustakaan, kantor dan auditorium. Dalam masa kepemimpinan Von Vaber, beliau banyak mengadakan hubungan internasional menyangkut pembangunan dan perluasan museum, sayangnya Von Vaber lebih dulu meninggal pada 30 September 1955 sebelum menyelesaikan banyak hal.
Sepeninggal Von Vaber, museum tersebut tidak terawat, koleksi-koleksinya banyak yang rusak dan hilang. Kemudian museum dikelola oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Umum. Pada tahun 1964, museum ini memperoleh pendanaan dari Yayasan Bapak Prof Dr. M. Soetopo. Setelah dibentuknya Direktorat Permuseuman di lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, perhatian Pemerintah terhadap museum yang dikelola Yayasan Pendidikan Umum menjadi lebih serius.
Museum Pendidikan Umum dibuka secara umum tanggal 23 Mei 1972 dan diresmikan dengan nama Museum Jawa Timur. Selanjutnya timbul inisiatif untuk menyerahkan Lembaga Kebudayaan ini kepada Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Jawa Timur.
Dalam proses penegerian, Yayasan Pendidikan Umum bekerja sama dengan perwakilan Kantor Pembinaan Permuseuman Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Dan pada tanggal 1 November 1974 museum ini resmi berstatus Museum Negeri. Selanjutnya museum Jawa Timur diresmikan dengan nama Museum Negeri Jawa Timur Mpu Tantular. Karena bertambahnya koleksi, Museum dipindahkan ke tempat yang lebih luas yaitu di Buduran, Sidoarjo.
Koleksi Keris Museum Mpu Tantular - Mahakarya Keris Nusantara
Keris adalah salah satu karya Adiluhung bangsa Indonesia yang sejak tanggal 25 November 2005 telah diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai salah satu warisan budaya dunia yang disebut The Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Sebagai karya yang Adiluhung, keris memiliki tata nilai yang sekaligus membentuk identitas dan karakter bangsa Indonesia. Keris sebagai warisan budaya asli bangsa Indonesia di dalamnya terdapat aspek sejarah, aspek fungsional, aspek tradisi, aspek filosofis, aspek simbolis serta aspek seni dan aspek teknologi. Dengan segala aspek yang dimilikinya, Keris menjadi salah satu pedoman untuk berperilaku secara individual mapun secara sosial yang berperan membentuk mentalitas bangsa Indonesia yang berkarakter budaya.
Salam Museum
Exploration to Mpu Tantular Gold Museum of Java Ancient Surabaya Indonesia
Jalan-jalan ke Museum Sejarah di Surabaya
Banyak tempat-tempat di Surabaya yang menceritakan tentang sejarah-sejarah pada masa lalu. Salah satunya adalah museum, lebih tepatnya museum-museum yang bercerita tentang peninggalan para pahlawan yang hingga kini peninggalan dan ilmunya masih bisa dinikmati.
Beberapa museum itu diantaranya Museum WR. Supratman, museum ini berada di Jl. Mangga No.21, Tambaksari. Museum ini buka setiap hari selasa – minggu pukul 09.00-17.00.
Selanjutnya Museum Dr. Soetomo yang berada di Jl. Bubutan No.85-87, Bubutan. Museum ini buka setiap Senin-Jum’at pukul 08.00-16.00 serta Sabtu dan Minggu pukul 07.00-15.00.
Yang terakhir Museum H.O.S Tjokroaminoto yang berada di Jl. Peneleh Gg. VII No.29 - 31, Peneleh, Genteng. Rumah HOS Tjokroaminoto ini disebut rumah bersejarah dalam perjuangan bangsa. Di rumah tersebut banyak tokoh bangsa yang belajar dan tinggal hingga menjadi pemimpin seperti Soekarno, Darsono, Alimin, Semaun, dan Kertosuwiryo
Reporter dan Editor:
- Rangga Sigit Cahyono (SMK Ipiems Surabaya)
- Rizky Ferdiansyah (SMK Ipiems Surabaya)
- Galaxio Putra Hardana Waluyo (SMK Ipiems Surabaya)
Facebook Fan Page:
Mpu Tantular Museum - Surabaya - East Java
Mpu Tantular Museum is continuation from Stedelijk Historich. Surabaya Museum that built by Von Faber, a Germany collector and permanent in Surabaya. He built the museum since 1922 and can be realized in 1933, and has just been opened on 25 Junes 1937. Name of Stedelijk Historich Surabaya Museum in 1972 altered become East Java Museum by 1 Novembers 1974 by the name of Museum Negeri Propinsi Jawa Timur Mpu Tantular. Giving of the name as respect to big master Majapahit, book author Arjunawijaya and Sutasoma that in its book consist of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy as Indonesian nation password. This Museum was located in Raadhius Ketabang then move to Tegalsari Street a widow house Han Tjiong King of width five times from initially wide. From tegalsari move again to Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya (now Trimurti Senior High School). Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya. Because its development, hence the room is also felt unsatisfying adequate, it is try to get adequate and broader room for museum. The business is executed blessing obtained by it a new building in Simpang Street that is now conceived of Pemuda Street Surabaya, and financed by public. Von Faber passed away on 30 Septembers 1955. After Von Faber had die, museum not maintained, a lot of collection had damaged or loosed. Then museum is placed under the Center of General Education Organization for the culture that taking care of continuity of museum life. Here in after arise initiative to deliver this museum to Local Government of East Java Province. Opening is done on 1 November 1974. Hereinafter, this 'Museum Negeri Jawa Timur' called 'Mpu Tantular' with location initially in Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya. Because its addition collection hence at mid of September - October 1975, the museum is carried over Taman Mayangkara Street 6 Surabaya, which declared on 12 Augusts 1977. Until 2005, the Museum collection amount to about 15000 that classified to become 10 collection types that is Geology, Biology, Ethnography, Archaeology, History, Numismatic and Heraldic, Philology, Ceramics, Fine arts and Technology. The collections come from prehistory epoch, Hindu-Buddha, Islam epoch, Colonial and Modern. Pay a visit Tuesday to Thursday 08.00 - 15.00 Friday 07.00 - 14.00 Saturday 08.00 - 12.30 Sunday 08.00 - 13.30 On Monday, the Museum closed, but the office still open National Red Letter Day, the museum has closed
Expedisi koleksi museum total mpu Tantular (Sidoarjo) Full Muvie
Expedisi koleksi museum total mpu Tantular (Sidoarjo) Full Muvie
Expedisi koleksi museum mpu Tantular (Sidoarjo)
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Mpu Tantular Museum Surabaya - East Java
Mpu Tantular Museum is continuation from Stedelijk Historich. Surabaya Museum that built by Von Faber, a Germany collector and permanent in Surabaya. He built the museum since 1922 and can be realized in 1933, and has just been opened on 25 Junes 1937.
Name of Stedelijk Historich Surabaya Museum in 1972 altered become East Java Museum by 1 Novembers 1974 by the name of Museum Negeri Propinsi Jawa Timur Mpu Tantular. Giving of the name as respect to big master Majapahit, book author Arjunawijaya and Sutasoma that in its book consist of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy as Indonesian nation password.
This Museum was located in Raadhius Ketabang then move to Tegalsari Street a widow house Han Tjiong King of width five times from initially wide. From tegalsari move again to Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya (now Trimurti Senior High School).
Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya.
Because its development, hence the room is also felt unsatisfying adequate, it is try to get adequate and broader room for museum. The business is executed blessing obtained by it a new building in Simpang Street that is now conceived of Pemuda Street Surabaya, and financed by public.
Von Faber passed away on 30 Septembers 1955. After Von Faber had die, museum not maintained, a lot of collection had damaged or loosed. Then museum is placed under the Center of General Education Organization for the culture that taking care of continuity of museum life.
Here in after arise initiative to deliver this museum to Local Government of East Java Province. Opening is done on 1 November 1974. Hereinafter, this 'Museum Negeri Jawa Timur' called 'Mpu Tantular' with location initially in Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya. Because its addition collection hence at mid of September - October 1975, the museum is carried over Taman Mayangkara Street 6 Surabaya, which declared on 12 Augusts 1977.
Until 2005, the Museum collection amount to about 15000 that classified to become 10 collection types that is Geology, Biology, Ethnography, Archaeology, History, Numismatic and Heraldic, Philology, Ceramics, Fine arts and Technology. The collections come from prehistory epoch, Hindu-Buddha, Islam epoch, Colonial and Modern.
Pay a visit
Tuesday to Thursday 08.00 - 15.00
Friday 07.00 - 14.00
Saturday 08.00 - 12.30
Sunday 08.00 - 13.30
On Monday, the Museum closed, but the office still open
National Red Letter Day, the museum has closed
Museum MPU TANTULAR Sidoarjo || koleksi A-Z yang tak banyak diketahui umum #5
Museum Mpu Tantular Sidoarjo
Memiliki berbagai macam koleksi dari zaman prasejarah, masa Hindu Budha dan kolonial & kemerdekaan.
Terletak di Jl Raya buduran Sidoarjo
Buka Tutup 08: 00-15: 00
Senin sampai Minggu
Facebook: irdaanggoro
Jangan lupa likes and subscribe nya ya gaes????
????Happy Watching ????
????Thank You????
Museum Mpu Tantular Sidoarjo (Wisata Edukasi)
tur jelajah museum Mpu Tantular Sidoarjo....ayo belajar sejarah
Museum 10 Nopember Surabaya - Mendengar langsung Pidato Bung TOMO
Halo Bolo!
Vlog saya kali ini saya jalan jalan ke Museum 10 Nopember Surabaya
Museum perjuangan 10 Nopember didirikan sebagai bentuk kenangan atas keberanian arek-arek Suroboyo pada pertempuran heroik tanggal 10 Nopember 1945.
Museum yang diresmikan pada tahun 2000 dan berlokasi di dalam kompleks Tugu Pahlawan.
Di Museum ini, beberapa benda peninggalan Bung Tomo serta rekaman asli pidato Bung Tomo yang berapi-api.
Dengan harga Tiket 5000 Rupiah kita sudah dapat Pengalaman mengenal Sejarah.
Kamera : Canon EOS M3
Jangan Lupa Follow Instagram @hhalann
Museum Mpu Tantular Provinsi Jawa Timur
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MeVlog #Museum Mpu Tantular - Hari Jadi Sidoarjo Ke 159
Selamat hari jadi Sidoarjo ke 159
Semoga kota Sidoarjo ku ini menjadi kota yang indah
Museum Mpu Tantular
Kalian warga sidoarjo jika ingin mengetahui jaman dahulu jangan lupa berkunjung ke museum mpu tantular ya.
Disana banyak banget koleksi jaman dahulu sebelum kita lahir di zaman ini
Dengan harga tiket masuk 4000 perorang dan harga parkir 2000
Kalian semua sudah dapat menikmati prasejarah dan prasastinya
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Museum Mpu Tantular, Surabaya.mp4
Gambaran singkat tentang Museum Mpu Tantular Surabaya