Anomalia spot
Appuntamento anomalo_
Margherita Berlanda, Anna Sowa and Dorota Jasińska speaking about the project _like a sunny polish day
Talking in Anomalia, contemporary arts lab based in Baselga di Pine' Italy
Anna Sowa – born in 1987 in Limanowa, comes from Tymbark (Poland). In 2011 she graduated with distinction from major in eurhythmics at the Academy of Music in Łódź and composition at master studies in prof. Zygmunt Krauze’s composition class (2016). In years 2014 – 2015 she was an Erasmus + student at the Faculty Composition – composition & visualization in prof. Dietrich Hahne Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen (Germany).
She has participated in composition courses. For example in Radziejowice (Poland) with Professors: Simon Steen-Andersen, Philippe Manoury, Martijn Padding, Zygmunt Krauze, Alessandro Solbiati, Paul Patterson, Chen Yi, Johnnes Kreidler, Marc Andre or The Next Generation - International Course for Composers, Donauechingen Musiktage 2015 (Germany).
She has been presenting her pieces during Musica Moderna Sessions in Łódź on a regular basis for four years. She cooperates with Off Harnam Group and their joint project ”Roots” was presented among others at Harnam’s Anniversary Concert in Łódź and during the Festival Improvisation Contact– ”Fru” in 2012. In November 2012 she took part in the intercollegiate concert of composition students at the Academy of Music in Poznań. She was a co- organiser of The Controlled Festival in Radom held within the project ”Lutosławski – Promesa 2013” and “Kolberg – Promesa 2014” (Projects of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). In February 2013 she created the piece ”The quintet” deemed to be (recommended) for choreography at the National Competition of Movement Interpretations held during the Third Meetings with Eurhythmics for schools of 2nd degree (Radom). In March 2013 she created the music for the performance ”The Maids” based on
their joint project ”Roots” was presented among others at Harnam’s Anniversary Concert in Łódź and during the Festival Improvisation Contact– ”Fru” in 2012. In November 2012 she took part in the intercollegiate concert of composition students at the Academy of Music in Poznań. She was a co- organiser of The Controlled Festival in Radom held within the project ”Lutosławski – Promesa 2013” and “Kolberg – Promesa 2014” (Projects of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). In February 2013 she created the piece ”The quintet” deemed to be (recommended) for choreography at the National Competition of Movement Interpretations held during the Third Meetings with Eurhythmics for schools of 2nd degree (Radom). In March 2013 she created the music for the performance ”The Maids” based on Jean Genet’s drama prepared by Pro Dance Theatre during the festival Touch the Theatre in Łódź.
Her works have been performed: at festival Musica Privata – Łódź (Poland), National Eurhythmics Festival Exchange of ideas - Lusławice (Poland),
Neue Klange – Folkwang University of Arts Essen (Germany), The National Competition of Movement Interpretation (music for choreography) - Dobczyce (Poland), festival Touch the Theatre - music for the performance Perfosens by Off Harnam Dance Group - Łódź and Arkady Kubackiego (Royal Castle Warszawa), ChampdAction, Antwerp (Belgium), Künstlerstadt Kalbe, Kalbe (Germany) – sound installation “Dwelling” cooperation with visual artist Xiaole Zhang, Festival Nowowiejski na Nowo, Radom ( Poland )
Since 2016 lecturer piano improvisation at The Faculty of Composition, Theory of Music, Conducting, Eurhythmics and Music Education at The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
Centre of Polish Sculpture is placed in Orońsko, 20 kilometers from Radom. In the palace and park space, the art of music and sculpture connect to create an amazing atmosphere. Visitors can, like in a kaleidoscope, look at Polish modern art.
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
Showcase: Mersad Berber exhibit at Istanbul's Pera Museum
Painter Mersad Berber is one of the most significant artists from Bosnia-Herzegovina from the second half of the 20th century. His aesthetic wasn't just new for the Balkans, but for the world as well. An exhibition in Istanbul reflects his talent for combining icon-like portraits with newspaper.
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Meeting with the Youth in Murcia 2018 - Spain 4K Travel Channel
Perfect weather attracted young and old again this year to the XI Encuentro de Sardinillas con los jóvenes, the XI meeting of the sardine with the youth, on the grounds of the former artillery barracks in Murcia. The courtyard of the former artillery is the perfect setting for the event. The former artillery barracks was built from 1921 to 1926. In the 80s, the site was handed over to the city of Murcia, which converted it into a multipurpose complex.
In addition to the Artillery Barracks Cultural Center, it houses the Municipal Library, the Museum and Aquarium of the University of Murcia, the Centers of Contemporary Art, and the Conservatory of Music.
This charity event takes place annually as part of the Entierro de la Sardina, the Burial of the Sardine.
The Sardineros want to bring joy to the orphans of the region and show them that they especially think about them. For the children, there are inflatable castles, and of course, they also get presents.
But the highlight is the sardine which is very cordially welcomed by the children. They are proud to take part in the parade lead by the sardine.
As every year, international groups are present at this event. This year the Orkiestra Grandioso from Radom in Poland and the St. Joseph's Pipe Band Glasdrumman, County Down from Ireland entertain the audience. We will see the groups more often during the next days of the Entierro de la Sardina.
Of course, many Sardineros and important representatives of the city of Murcia are present. At the end of the event, the music groups receive an award.
please read more:
Perfektes Wetter lockte auch in diesem Jahr Jung und Alt zum XI Encuentro de Sardinillas con los jóvenes, dem XI Treffen der Sardine mit der Jugend, in das Gelände der ehemaligen Artillerie Kaserne in Murcia.
Der Hof der ehemaligen Artillerieschule bildet den perfekte Rahmen für die Veranstaltung. Die ehemalige Artilleriekaserne wurde von 1921 bis 1926 erbaut. In den 80er Jahren wurde das Gelände der Stadt Murcia übergeben, die es zu einem Mehrzweckkomplex umbaute.
Neben dem Artillerie-Kasernen-Kulturzentrum sind hier die Stadtbibliothek, das Museum und das Aquarium der Universität Murcia, die Zentren für zeitgenössische Kunst und das Musikkonservatorium untergebracht.
Diese Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung findet jährlich in Rahmen des Entierro de la Sardina statt. Die Sardineiros möchten den Heimkindern der Region eine Freude bereiten und ihnen zeigen, das an sie besonders gedacht wird.
Für die Kinder sind Hüpfburgen aufgebaut und natürlich gibt es auch Geschenke.
Highlight ist jedoch die Sardine, die von den Kindern überschwänglich begrüßt wird. Stolz nehmen sie an der Parade mit einer Sardine an der Spitze teil.
Wie jedes Jahr treten auch internationale Gruppen auf. Dieses Jahr unterhalten das Orkiestra Grandioso aus Radom in Polen und die St. Joseph's Pipe Band Glasdrumman, County Down aus Irland die Zuschauer. Wir werden die Gruppen während der nächsten Tage des Entierro de la Sardina noch öfter sehen.
Natürlich sind zahlreiche Sardineros und wichtige Vertreter der Stadt Murcia anwesend. Zum Abschluss wird den Musikgruppen noch eine Auszeichnung überreicht.
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Nie taki Radom straszny | Radom is not so black | Librarian on the road #6
Radom! Kąt polskiego trójkąta bermudzkiego, miasto chytrej baby, czarna dziura, a może... miasto o bogatej historii, z kilkoma interesującymi zabytkami i ciekawymi muzeami? Librarian on the road zaprasza do Radomia!
Radom wikipedia:
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Grodzisko Piotrówka:
Jacek Malczewski:
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Lewis i Taggart o nieukończonej rekonstrukcji
Lewis & Taggart
Nieukończona rekonstrukcja Zamku Ujazdowskiego
27 maja -- 2 września 2012
Koordynacja: Ika Sienkiewicz-Nowacka
W pewien sposób nigdy nie dokończona rekonstrukcja Zamku Ujazdowskiego rozpoczęła się wraz z jego pojawieniem się w warszawskim pejzażu, czyli już w XII wieku. Przez ostatnie 800 lat Zamek pełnił różne funkcje: począwszy od warownej fortecy, przez letnią rezydencję, dworek myśliwski, szpital, wojskowy barak, szkołę, na centrum sztuki współczesnej skończywszy. Żeby dostosować Zamek do wymogów kolejnych właścicieli, coraz to nowych ról, które przyszło mu pełnić oraz w wyniku historycznych dramatów, których bywał świadkiem, Zamek był rozbudowywany, niszczony, palony, bombardowany, opuszczany, zdobywany, odnawiany, ulepszany. Wszystkie te działania na architekturze składają się na trwającą do dziś niedokończoną rekonstrukcję.
Dla Chloe Lewis i Andrew Taggarta, niedokończona rekonstrukcja Zamku Ujazdowskiego rozpoczęła się wkrótce po ich przyjeździe do Warszawy wiosną tego roku. Podczas pobytu na rezydencji artystycznej w ramach programu A-I-R Laboratory, ich uwagę przykuła kolekcja kilku tysięcy pocztówek z widokiem Zamku Ujazdowskiego z lat 80. Zbiór widokówek posłużył artystom do zbudowania własnej, wciąż rozwijającej się kolekcji, na którą składają się realizacje rzeźbiarskie, asamblaże oraz kolaże. Pocztówki zostały pocięte, poskładane w grupy, przekształcone. Artyści zdecydowali się zestawić je z obiektami znalezionymi wokół Zamku, tworząc poetycką wizję topograficzną -- osobistą wariację na temat historii warszawskiej architektury.
Od 27 maja, 150 obiektów wyselekcjonowanych z kolekcji, zaprezentowane zostanie w Muzeum Zamku i Szpitala Wojskowego na Ujazdowie w budynku Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej. Prace Lewis i Taggarta zestawione zostaną z historyczną narracją dyktowaną przez eksponaty z archiwum Zamku. W zamyśle artystów, Niedokończona rekonstrukcja Zamku Ujazdowskiego ma być materializacją procesu przemiany i dziejącej się obok nas historii.
Interwencji w przestrzeni Muzeum Zamku i Szpitala Wojskowego na Ujazdowie towarzyszyć będzie publikacja.
Andrew Taggart i Chloe Lewis pochodzą z Kanady. Obecnie działają w Bergen (Norwegia), gdzie otrzymali wspólny dyplom magistra sztuk pięknych (MFA) w 2010 roku. Ich twórczość, powstająca z uwzględnieniem i zrozumieniem kontekstu oraz okoliczności pracy, przeważnie manifestuje się w formie instalacji rzeźbiarskich, publikacji książkowych i projektów site-specific. Prace Taggarta i Lewis, niedawno prezentowane były w Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej Kuntsi (Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Finlandia), w Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Rogaland (Rogaland kunstsenters, Norwegia) oraz w Fabryce Sztuki i Designu (FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Dania).
Interwencja zrealizowana w ramach rezydencji Lewis&Taggart w A-I-R Laboratory CSW:
Partnerzy: Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa, A-I-R Laboratory CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Instytut Kultury Polskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Muzeum Zamku i Szpitala Wojskowego na Ujazdowie
Vickers, Sons, & Maxim 2.95 Mountain Gun
A lost video from the back catalog...
Museum for Polish Jews
The Museum of History of Polish Jews is a new museum under construction on the site of the Warsaw ghetto.
The cornerstone was laid in 2007 and the museum is scheduled to open in 2012.
The museum will feature multimedia exhibits on vibrant Jewish community that flourished in Poland for a thousand years.
The building, a modern structure in glass and limestone, was designed by Finnish architects Rainer Mahlamäki and Ilmari Lahdelma ...
Source : AFP.
#32: Was macht eigentlich... Katarzyna Kozyra
Kuratorin Isabelle Malz traf die polnische Künstlerin Katarzyna Kozyra um mit ihr über ihre aktuellen Projekte zu sprechen.
NICE ZREMB Swing Door Elevator in Lift's Video Games at Masonville Outlet
Interactive Exhibition BRAIN 2014
My project with student Technical School in Radom, Poland
POLAND - WikiVidi Documentary
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a sovereign country in Central Europe. It is a unitary state divided into 16 administrative subdivisions, covering an area of 312679 km2 with a mostly temperate climate. With a population of over 38.5 million people, Poland is the sixth most populous member state of the European Union. Poland's capital and largest city is Warsaw. Other cities include Kraków, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk and Szczecin. The establishment of a Polish state can be traced back to 966, when Mieszko I, ruler of a territory roughly coextensive with that of present-day Poland, converted to Christianity. The Kingdom of Poland was founded in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a longstanding political association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by signing the Union of Lublin. This union formed the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the largest and most populous countries of 16th and 17th century Europe with a uniquely liberal political system which declared Europe's fir...
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:03:54: Etymology
00:04:29: Prehistory and protohistory
00:06:03: Piast dynasty
00:10:19: Jagiellon dynasty
00:13:41: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
00:18:20: Partitions
00:21:28: Era of insurrections
00:26:58: Reconstruction
00:30:40: World War II
00:38:45: Post-war communism
00:41:58: Present-day
00:45:42: Geography
00:47:24: Geology
00:50:40: Waters
00:55:58: Land use
00:57:39: Biodiversity
00:59:21: Climate
01:01:04: Politics
01:03:31: Law
01:07:31: Foreign relations
01:10:20: Administrative divisions
01:11:15: Military
01:15:26: Law enforcement and emergency services
01:16:56: Economy
01:21:14: Corporations
01:22:48: Tourism
01:24:55: Energy
01:26:43: Transport
01:30:42: Science and technology
01:32:44: Communications
01:34:24: Demographics
01:38:07: Languages
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01:44:47: Health
01:46:45: Education
01:49:26: Culture
01:50:25: Famous people
01:51:39: Society
01:54:06: Music
01:58:10: Art
02:00:44: Architecture
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Magnificent Engraved Bergmann Pistols
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch!
If you enjoy Forgotten Weapons, check out its sister channel, InRangeTV!
Today we are taking a brief side trip in Bergmann development to look at a couple of magnificent engraved Bergmann pistols - specifically, a pair of model 1896 No.3s, a Bergmann Mars 1903, and a model 1910. One of these (the 1910) was done by an outside engraver, and the others are examples of Bergmann factory engraving work. The Bergmann style is one of very fine banknote style scrollwork with gold accents - I think it is beautiful, and really highlights the skill of the engraver.
The 1910 is an interesting piece both for its style and for the gold Arabic phrase on the side of the slide, which is an excerpt from the Hadith and translates to Verily, strength lies in shooting. A pretty apt martial exhortation for a pistol! Examples of several of contemporary examples with the same engraving pattern do exist in museum collections to this day, which hopefully I will be able to examine in the future.
The best of these guns, of course, is the immaculate 1896 in its presentation case. Like a true time capsule, it shows the full quality one would have received from Bergmann in the late 1890s.
Jaroslaw Kozlowski - Continuum XXVIII
Master at work !
Kozlowski's 27-th drawing performace. This time at the Profile Foundation, Warsaw, 20.01.2009.
Jaroslaw Kozlowski says: I repeat the same actions, but they set free a new energy in me each time, new emotions, new rage, and each time it's truly something new, for the first time. Continuum demands physical effort. My physical condition has changed over the years and, no matter how I try to draw the same way each way, it comes out different each time because the chalk breaks more often or less frequently, the surface of the board is different, and so on. On every occasion, it's a different time, a different space, a different audience, and a different interaction between us. And so, for me, every new execution of the performance is a new experience (...) nothing can be repeated.
Former Drawing Performances 2008-1978
Continuum XXVII, KUMU Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn
Continuum XXVI, Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Budapest
Continuum XXV, Barak Sztuki, Poznań
Continuum XXIV, Generali Foundation, Wien
Continuum XXIII, Galeria Oko/Ucho, Poznań
Continuum XXII, Emerson Galerie, Berlin
Continuum XXI, Forum des Cordeliers, Toulouse
Continuum XX, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien
Continuum XIX, Centro de Experimentaçao e Informaçao de Arte, Belo Horizonte
Continuum XVII, Dům Umění města Brna, Brno
Continuum XVIII, Národní galerie, Praha
Continuum XVI, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski / Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warszawa
Continuum XV, Muzeum Narodowe / National Muzeum, Poznań
Continuum XIV, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam
Continuum XI, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Poznań
Continuum XII, Galeria BWA, Wrocław
Continuum XIII, Museet for Samtidskunst, Oslo
Continuum X, Statens Kunstakademi, Oslo
Continuum VIII, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych, Poznań
Continuum IX, HCAK, Haga
Continuum VII, The Museum of Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
Continuum V, Byam Shaw School of Art, London
Continuum VI, The University of New South Wales, Sydney
Continuum IV, Archipel Galerie, Apeldoorn
Continuum III, Royal Le Page Building, Edmonton
Continuum II, Concordia University, Montreal
Continuum I, Galeria BWA, Zielona Góra
Tu i teraz (within Sztuka lat 70-tych), BWA, Lublin
Demonstration (within Presentation), Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg Rysunek z komentarzem (within Rysunki i komentarze), Muzeum Regionalne, Radom Indywidualne mitologie (within Indywidualne mitologie), Galeria Akumulatory 2, Poznań
Mona Lisa w czwartym wymiarze (within Czwarty wymiar), Osieki
Leda z łabędziem (within Nowa sztuka i nowe wartości), Jankowice
Ułan i dziewczyna (within relARTacje), Dłusko
A day in Oronsko - Polish Sculpture Center
Hey! Today I'm takin you for an art trip to Oronsko!
Sorry not all the sculptures I showed you are described properly, but I tried my best.
If you wanna know more about this place here's their page:
I used music by Podington Bear, title Sunset Stroll in the Woods, it's availble for free for non-comercial use at
More about me and my art:
Rasha Salti on Rebel Yell: A New Generation of Turkish Women Filmmakers. Toronto, August 2013.
Rasha Salti is a writer, curator, and film programmer based in Beirut (Lebanon) but working internationally. She joined the team of international programmers for the Toronto International Film Festival in 2011. She curated projects for the Museum of Modern Art, New York. In 2011 she co-curated the 10th Sharjah Biennial (with Suzanne Cotter and Haig Aivazian).
During this part 2 of the conversation she talks about her upcoming program Rebel Yell: A New Generation of Turkish Women Filmmakers that will be presented at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto from August 22nd through the 29th.
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Stanisław August Poniatowski | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Stanisław August Poniatowski
00:02:11 1 Life
00:02:19 1.1 Youth
00:05:01 1.2 Political career
00:08:35 1.3 Kingship
00:08:44 1.3.1 Years of hope
00:11:55 1.3.2 The Bar Confederation and First Partition of Poland
00:16:28 1.3.3 The Great Sejm and the Constitution of 3 May 1791
00:20:39 1.3.4 War in Defence of the Constitution and fall of the Commonwealth
00:23:23 1.4 Final years
00:25:56 2 Legacy
00:26:05 2.1 Patron of culture
00:30:31 2.2 Conflicting assessments
00:33:28 2.3 Remembrance
00:35:03 3 Family
00:37:23 3.1 Issue
00:37:31 3.2 Ancestors
00:37:40 4 Titles, Honours and Arms
00:38:12 4.1 Domestic
00:38:32 4.2 Foreign
00:38:51 4.3 Arms
00:38:59 5 Gallery
00:39:08 6 See also
00:39:33 7 Notes
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Stanisław II Augustus (also Stanisław August Poniatowski; born Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski; 17 January 1732 – 12 February 1798), who reigned as King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1764 to 1795, was the last monarch of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. He remains a controversial figure in Polish history. Recognized as a great patron of the arts and sciences and an initiator and firm supporter of progressive reforms, he is also remembered as the King of the Commonwealth whose election was marred by Russian intervention. He is criticized primarily for his failure to stand against the partitions, and thus to prevent the destruction of the Polish state.
Having arrived at the Russian imperial court in Saint Petersburg in 1755, he became romantically involved with the future empress Catherine the Great (1762–1796). With her connivance, in 1764 he was elected King of Poland. Contrary to expectations, he attempted to reform and strengthen the ailing Commonwealth. His efforts met with external opposition from Prussia, Russia and Austria, all committed to keeping the Commonwealth weak. From within he was opposed by conservative interests, which saw reforms as threatening their traditional liberties and privileges.
The defining crisis of his early reign was the War of the Bar Confederation (1768–1772) that led to the First Partition of Poland (1772). The later part of his reign saw reforms wrought by the Great Sejm (1788–1792) and the Constitution of 3 May 1791. These reforms were overthrown by the 1792 Targowica Confederation and by the War in Defence of the Constitution, leading directly to the Second Partition of Poland (1793), the Kościuszko Uprising (1794) and the final and Third Partition of Poland (1795), marking the end of the Commonwealth. Stripped of all meaningful power, Poniatowski abdicated in November 1795 and spent the last years of his life a virtual captive in Saint Petersburg.
French invasion of Russia | World history | Khan Academy
Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia. Created by Sal Khan.
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World history on Khan Academy: Called the Great War (before World War II came about), World War I was the bloody wake-up call that humanity was entering into a new stage of civilization. Really the defining conflict that took Europe from 19th Century Imperial states that saw heroism in war into a modern shape. Unfortunately, it had to go through World War II as well (that some would argue was due to imbalances created by World War I).
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History of the Jews in Poland | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
History of the Jews in Poland
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The history of the Jews in Poland dates back over 1,000 years. For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was a principal center of Jewish culture, thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy. This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire. During World War II there was a nearly complete genocidal destruction of the Polish Jewish community by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, during the 1939–1945 German occupation of Poland and the ensuing Holocaust. Since the fall of communism in Poland, there has been a Jewish revival, featuring an annual Jewish Culture Festival, new study programs at Polish secondary schools and universities, the work of synagogues such as the Nożyk Synagogue, and Warsaw's Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
From the founding of the Kingdom of Poland in 1025 through to the early years of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth created in 1569, Poland was the most tolerant country in Europe. Known as paradisus iudaeorum (Latin for Paradise of the Jews), it became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time. According to some sources, about three-quarters of the world's Jews lived in Poland by the middle of the 16th century. With the weakening of the Commonwealth and growing religious strife (due to the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation), Poland's traditional tolerance began to wane from the 17th century onward. After the Partitions of Poland in 1795 and the destruction of Poland as a sovereign state, Polish Jews were subject to the laws of the partitioning powers, the increasingly antisemitic Russian Empire, as well as Austria-Hungary and Kingdom of Prussia (later a part of the German Empire). Still, as Poland regained independence in the aftermath of World War I, it was the center of the European Jewish world with one of the world's largest Jewish communities of over 3 million. Antisemitism was a growing problem throughout Europe in those years, from both the political establishment and the general population.At the start of World War II, Poland was partitioned between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (see Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact). One-fifth of the Polish population perished during World War II, half of them were 3,000,000 Polish Jews murdered in The Holocaust, constituting 90% of Polish Jewry. Although the Holocaust occurred largely in German-occupied Poland, there was little collaboration with the Nazis by its citizens. Collaboration by individual Poles has been described as smaller than in other occupied countries. Statistics of the Israeli War Crimes Commission indicate that less than 0.1% of Poles collaborated with the Nazis. Examples of Polish attitudes to German atrocities varied widely, from actively risking death in order to save Jewish lives, and passive refusal to inform on them; to indifference, blackmail, and in extreme cases, participation in pogroms such as the Jedwabne pogrom. Grouped by nationality, Poles represent the largest number of people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.
In the post-war period, many of the approximately 200,000 Jewish survivors registered at Central Committee of Polish Jews or CKŻP (of whom 136,000 arrived from the Soviet Union) left the People's Republic of Poland for the nascent State of Israel and North or South America. Their departure was hastened by the destruction of Jewish institutions, post-war violence and the hostility of the Communist Party to both religion and private enterprise, but also because in 1946–1947 Poland was the only Eastern Bloc country to allow free Jewish aliyah to Israel, without visas or exit permits. Britain demanded Poland to halt the exodus, but their pressure was largely unsuccessful. Most o ...
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