97 Ethnographic Museum of Danube Fishing and Boat Construction- Tutrakan
Old fishermen recipes with Danube fish from Tutrakan, Bulgaria
В Тутракан е единственото в страната естествено обособило се по поречието рибарско селище. Архитектурен комплекс „Рибарска махала”, с присъщата си самобитност, чистота и възрожденски дух, е съхранена за поколенията в своя автентичен вид. С рибарските мрежи, с лодкарските работилници и рибарските къщи, тя напомня като жива легенда за този най-стар поминък на нашите прадеди.
Town of sunsets - Tutrakan on the Danube
A beautiful corner of the Danube, town of sunsets - Tutrakan
An ancient town founded by the Romans then known as Transmarisca.
At the end of the 7th century it became known as Tutrakan, today it has a beautiful fishing village, a secret town of sunsets and beauty.
I love this town, a hidden jewel, I have spent many a happy hour walking beside the Danube along the beaches and through the Parks, and many a happy time with friends in the local restaurants and visits to concerts and annual occasions
A unique fishing museum Museum of Danube fishing in Tutrakan traces the history of the river and its people, The fishing village of Tutrakan has been supporting its fishermen since time immemorial. The river and marshes are a perfect fishing for anglers and a fishing spot just waiting to be discovered.
here are photos of the river views and fishing village
Ship Bolero sailing on Danube near Tutrakan, Bulgaria
Пътнически кораб преминава по Дунав край Тутракан
Tutrakan Тутракан Bulgaria 14.4.2016
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Military Tomb Memorial Complex Tutrakan Bulgaria - Военно гробище Тутракан България
The Memorial Complex Military Cemetery 1916 (Military Graveyard) in Tutrakan Bulgaria is the largest military cemetery in Bulgaria from the time of the National Unification wars; it is dedicated to the Bulgarian soldiers who lost their lives in the wars for national unification.
Since the major battles were fought outside the contemporary Bulgarian borders, the Memorial is a sacral monument of national importance. About 8000 Bulgarian, Russian and German soldiers who died in the 1916 Battle for the Tutrakan Fortress were buried there.
Immediately after the epic battle of Tutrakan, the commandment of 4Preslav Infantry Division takes the decision to bury all dead soldiers in Fort N 6 of the Roumanian fortification line of the fortress. During two weeks people from Tutrakan and neighbouring villages carried the corpses of the dead Bulgarian, Roumanian, German and Turkish soldiers to the burial ground in bull-carts. The soldiers from the now Bulgarian regiment of Path of GloryTutrakan put Common gravewooden crosses with the names of the dead soldiers, while the unknown soldiers were buried in common graves. On September 6th, 1917 the first anniversary of the heroic epic was commemorated. On the same day a foundation was established to erect a monument to the liberators of the town who had sacrificed their lives, and the collection of donations began. The ensuing Roumanian occupation slowed down the project. In 1922 the Roumanians built a monument - which has been preserved till nowadays in the memorial complex - upon which it is written in four languages: Those who could die like heroes protecting their motherland, are worthy to be honoured and cherished
Мемориален комплекс „Военна гробница – 1916 г.” в Тутракан, България е най-голямото военно гробище в България от войните за национално обединение. Номер 53 от 100 национални туристически обекта.
През Междусъюзническата война Румъния напада България и Южна Добруджа е включена в пределите на Кралство Румъния. България отвоюва своите територии по време на Първата световна война през 1916 г. в Тутраканската битка. В сражението умират 8000 войници, от които 1764 български. В мемориала са положени костите на български, румънски и други войници, изградена е и църква.
През 1922 година се изгражда паметник – обелиск, запазен и до днес, на който на български, румънски, немски и арабски език са изписани думите „Чест и слава на тия, които са знаели да мрат геройски за тяхното отечество.“
I've used the GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd camera and
GoPro Wrist Strap Hand Mount 360°
Mounts and accessories for GoPro Hero camera
Το βίντεο τραβήχτηκε με action camera GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
Видеото е заснето с камера GoPro Hero 5 Black 4K ultra hd
Видео снятое на экшн камеры GoPro Hero5 Black 4K ultra hd
Video capturado con la cámara GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
Live Streaming
Тайнствените властелини на Дунав/The Mysterious Giants of the Danube
Документален филм на WWF България.
Филмът Тайнствените властелини на Дунав на режисьора Камен Коларов представя работата на WWF за опазването на критично застрашените есетрови риби. През 2015 година екипът на природозащитната организация пусна 50000 малки чиги в Дунав. Целта е да се върнат в природата рибки, получени от диви родители, и по този начин да се увеличи числеността на естествените популации.
Подкрепете опазването на есетрите на SpaseteDivataPriroda.bg/esetra
A documentary by WWF Bulgaria
The Mysterious Giants of the Danube by the director Kamen Kolarov presents WWF's work on the conservation of the critically endangered sturgeons. In 2015 the team of the organisation released in the Danube 50000 small sterlets. The aim was to restock the river with fish, hatched from eggs of wild parents in order to raise the number of the natural sturgeon population and make it more stable.
Support sturgeon conservation at: SpaseteDivataPriroda.bg/esetra
Рибарска махала
Посети гр. Тутракан - Рибарска махала
Marina, harbor, and fisherman island on Danube in Novi Sad
From my summer visit to Danube riverside, and small harbor there.