WW2 Living Book from Slovenia - Franci Šali
Franci Šali was born in 1941 at Vavta vas near Novo mesto. He was a pre-term baby, born with only seven months as stress and difficult living conditions caused premature labour of his mother. Despite the fact that his early years were marked by war and
shortages, he has fond memories of his childhood. When he was barely a one-year old baby, his mother was sent to an internment camp where she endured for as longs as 9
months. He should have gone with her and he was indeed already with her at the station in a carriage. As it was obvious that such a small infant probably did not stand a chance to survive the internment, the family asked the priest to intervene on their behalf
so that he could stay at home. He was thus allowed to remain with his relatives and he waited for as long as 9 months for his mother to come back. He did not recognise her at first, but when he did, he did not want to let go of her and he was clinging on to her
tightly. His father, a partisan, was killed by the Italians in 1943 in a grisly fashion. He and his mother lived at her parents then, later they moved to her family where they lived until he started primary school in his hometown. Then he and his mother returned to their rebuilt home, which was burnt to the ground during the war. He attended junior high at Dolenjske Toplice and teacher’s college in Novo mesto. He pursued his studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana where he also graduated. He served in many positions
in Novo mesto and Ljubljana, among which he was also the director of the Dolenjska Museum in Novo mesto. He has also been active as an author of essays, debates,
collections of poetry as well as other different fiction and non-fiction. Besides that, he also makes sculptures in wood. During the war, he experienced horrors and atrocities that humans are capable of doing. Thus, he always emphasizes that love is the one
thing from which a new family and humankind can grow, thereby including all languages and cultures, accepting diversity and giving everyone a chance to draw on what one needs. Today Franci Šali lives where he was born, surrounded by his family.
Dolenjska drugačna doživetja / Dolenjska different experience
The simplicity of the countryside intertwined with urban pulse and vineyard cottages.
Pamper yourself in Spa & Wellness
Enjoy active experiences
Taste local cuisine and wine
Spend a break in a vineyard cottage
Unveil the history and heritage
Archaeological image of Dolenjska
This is a promotional video about the Archaeological Image of Dolenjska.
Short synopsis:
Slovenia is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe; where important trade and military routes have crossed long ago. In the Iron Age the so called Amber route crossed Slovenia, which merchants used to connect the Baltic coast and the Mediterranean. Trade routes to the north and west were already well travelled. The Roman Empire further strengthen roads to the east - Towards Greece, Scythia and Persia.
Today, Novo mesto the capital of Dolenjska and one of the most important economic and cultural centers in Slovenia. Thousands of years of history unfolds in the Archaeological image in the Dolenjski muse in Novo mesto. With the introduction of metal starts the rise of people in Dolenjska who opened the door to all the trade routes of the time .
In the 9th and 8 century BC they refined there metallurgical skills of ironmaking and there products included situla art, which spread from the west out over the entire Po River Valley of northern Italy up to Bologna and northern Apennines .
In the world of ornamentation dolenjske situlas entered the realistic figuraton of nature, and the social life of that time. In Dolenjska they have found so many situlae that they rightly called Novo mesto the City of situlae .
Production: Studio Vrtinec d.o.o.
Client: Dolenjski muzej
Year of Production: 2010
Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria in Novo mesto (ENG)
Celotni kolofon
“Rudolf IV. Habsburški v Novem mestu”
Režija in montaža:
Haidy Kancler
Boštjan Virc
Svetovalec za režijo in scenarij:
Žiga Virc
Rudolf IV. Habsburški:
Miha Rodman
Direktorja fotografije:
Rožle Bregar
Andrej Virc
Snemalec tona, obdelava slike in zvoka:
Jernej Rozenberger
Sanja Grcić
Vodja produkcije:
Anamarija Hrast
Biografski podatki Rudolfa IV. Habsburškega:
Majda Pungerčar, kustodinja zgodovinarka, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto
Slikovno gradivo, muzejske predmete in kopijo pečatnika in pečata hranita:
Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto
Dom Museum, Dunaj
Originalni pečat Rudolfa IV. Habsburškega hrani:
Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana
Izdelava kopije pečatnika:
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana
Vodenje izdelave kopije pečatnika in pečata Rudolfa IV. Habsburškega:
Lavra Fabjan, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, muzejska pedagoginja
Zahvaljujemo se:
Mestni občini Novo mesto, župan Gregor Macedoni
Oštarija Rudolfswerth
Rudolfov splav - Turistična agencija Kompas Novo mesto
Stolnica Sv. Štefana, Dunaj
Slovenske železnice
Produkcija Studio Virc d.o.o.
v sodelovanju z Dolenjskim muzejem Novo mesto
Za Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto odgovarja: Jasna Dokl Osolnik, direktorica
Producent Studio Virc d.o.o.:
Boštjan Virc
© 2015
Zidova objokovanja - črni / The Wailing Walls - black
Author: Janez Janša
Design and construction of wailing wall: Miro Rismondo
Lacrimatory design: Peter Šenk
Film editing: Darko Herič, Brian McKenna
Producers: Tina Dobnik
Public Relations: Urška Comino
Design and fabrication of spectacles: Boštjan Poljšak, Matjaž Izlakar
Credits design: Gašper Brezovar
Graphic design: Sandra Hrovat
Lacrimatory construction: Janez Šporar
Photo: Borut Peterlin & Damjan Švarc
Technical manager: Igor Remetta
Maska Ljubljana (Slovenia)
APT Novo mesto (Slovenia)
Huis en Festival a/d Werf, Utrecht, Nizozemska (The Netherladns)
Maribor 2012: European Capitla of Culutre (Slovenia)
Šentrupert in Dežela Kozolcev (Šentrupert and the Land of Hayracks)
Obiskali smo dolenjski biser naravne in kulturne dediščine, ki ga je celo televizija CNN uvrstila na seznam desetih razlogov, zakaj obiskati Slovenijo.
Dežela kozolcev je prvi muzej s kozolci na prostem. Zbranih je 19 sušilnih naprav, od tega je 17 kozolcev, dva sta toplarja. Muzej prikazuje razvoj lesene stavbne dediščine pri nas. Vsi kozolci so bili v izjemno slabem stanju. V skladu s konservatorskimi načeli so jih prestavili na zdajšnje območje in jih prenovili. Muzej se razprostira na 2,5 hektarja urejenih površin in ima en kilometer sprehajalnih poti.
Za več informacij glede delovnega časa, lokacije in lokacije preverite uradno stran muzeja:
We visited a natural and cultural gem in the Dolenjska region of Slovenia that even CNN has mentioned as one of ten reasons why to visit Slovenia.
Land of Hayracks is the first open air museum dedicated to hayracks. On the exhibition there are 19 freestanding vertical drying rack all together from which there are 17 single straight-line hayracks (kozolec) and two double straight-line hayrack (toplar). The museum exhibits the development of wooden housing heritage in Slovenia. All the hayracks were in very bad condition. They moved them to the current location and hayracks were restored under conservation works. Museum is located on 2.5 hectares area and there is one kilometre long path around the hayracks.
For more information about the admission prices, hours and the location check the official website of the museum:
Go Explore Otočec Castle in Slovenia
Otočec Castle is situated on a small island in the middle of the Krka River, about 7km from my hometown Novo mesto.
A small, but beautiful medieval castle in a fairytale setting has been turned into a luxury hotel, attracting domestic and international visitors alike. This is a great place to relax and recharge your batteries.
Slovénie - Vallée de la Krka - août 2017
Découverte de la vallée de la rivière Krka, de Ljubljana à la frontière Croate.
Early Iron Age
This is a short video about the Early Iron Age.
A brief synopsis:
Slovenia is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe; where important trade and military routes have crossed long ago. In the Iron Age the so called Amber route crossed Slovenia, which merchants used to connect the Baltic coast and the Mediterranean. Trade routes to the north and west were already well travelled. The Roman Empire further strengthen roads to the east - Towards Greece, Scythia and Persia.
Today, Novo mesto the capital of Dolenjska and one of the most important economic and cultural centers in Slovenia. Thousands of years of history unfolds in the Archaeological image in the Dolenjski muse in Novo mesto. With the introduction of metal starts the rise of people in Dolenjska who opened the door to all the trade routes of the time .
In the 9th and 8 century BC they refined there metallurgical skills of ironmaking and there products included situla art, which spread from the west out over the entire Po River Valley of northern Italy up to Bologna and northern Apennines .
In the world of ornamentation dolenjske situlas entered the realistic figuraton of nature, and the social life of that time. In Dolenjska they have found so many situlae that they rightly called Novo mesto the City of situlae .
Production: Studio Vrtinec d.o.o.
Year of production: 2011
Slovenia country farm
Slovenia country farm
JOŽE ANDROJA JUP - zbiratelj in eksperimentator / collector, experimenter
Rojen leta 1931, Šentjernej na Dolenjskem.
Med slovenskimi pionirji pri izdelavi strojev kot je varilni aparat.
Kupuje stroje in naprave ter njihove dele, jih popravlja in sestavlja nove.
Pri njem se dobi dele strojev, ki jih drugje ni več mogoče najti.
JOŽE ANDROJA - JUP, collector and experimenter
Born in 1931, in Šentjernej in the Dolenjska region.
He is among those who pioneered construction of machines such as the welding machine in Slovenia. He buys machines, devices, and their parts, fixes them and constructs new ones.
He is also the go-to person for machine parts that cannot be found anywhere else.
Pravi ključi - Tereza Kesovija, 28. februar 2019
Z Božičkom na vlak
NOVO MESTO - Praznični dnevi so odlična priložnost, da otrokom na različne načine pričaramo nove izkušnje. Ena teh je bila za mnoge mlade nadebudneže tudi vožnja z božičnim vlakom od Novega mesta do Metlike in nazaj.
Canoe Trip down the Kolpa River, baking Pogača and more! | Daily Travel Vlog 157, Bela krajina HD
Watch our Slovenia Playlist: Today was our seventh day at Big Berry Camp - a glamping (luxury camping) spot in Slovenia! Today we visited a Partisan hospital Museum, took a canoe trip down the Kulpa river & more! For more information, check out Click 'SHOW MORE' below for more information.
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SNAPCHAT: travelweasels
Music credits:
Street Salvation - JR Tundra
Predstavili traso 3. osi
ČRNOMELJ - Projektiranje obeh belokranjskih krakov drugega odseka tretje razvojne osi od razcepa Maline do Kanižarice pri Črnomlju in na drugi strani mejnega prehoda Metlika je v polnem zamahu, pravijo na Direkciji RS za ceste. Pripravljene smernice so včeraj predstavili v Črnomlju.
METLIKA - V sklopu poletne muzejske noči, ko slovenski muzeji široko odpirajo svoja vrata, v Belokranjskem muzeju v Metliki tradicionalno odpirajo osrednjo letno razstavo. Tokrat so jo posvetili soseskim zidanicam.
Železniški muzej v Sevnici
SEVNICA - Dnevi Slovenskih železnic so namenjeni promociji tega, danes nekoliko odrinjenega prevoznega sredstva. Še posebej mladim, ki bodo v Sevnici lahko spoznavali njen razvoj v muzeju na železniški postaji.
Pivka 2 del vojaške opreme