From the ground up: Experiencing Romania through excavations at Halmyris in the Danube Delta
The concept of archaeological tourism, or tourism based on the experiencing of an ‘authentic’ past through the viewing of archaeological sites (Timothy and Boyd 2006), is a distinctly Western phenomenon derived from nationalist capitalism which encourages heritage consumption (Rowan and Baram 2004). There are obvious challenges in the display of heritage specifically for monetary profit, a practice which often silences alternative versions of the past (see e.g. Waitt 2000). This does not, however, negate the potential benefits for archaeological tourism, rather it gives us an opportunity for finding new ways of encouraging a more holistic cross-cultural interaction. This paper presents one potential good practice example— an ongoing project in Romania advocating for cultural awareness by encouraging a participatory version of archaeological tourism through field school attendance.
Since 2012 an international management team has run a not-for-profit archaeological field school at Halmyris, a Roman legionary fort in the Danube Delta. The costs for student volunteers are kept minimal and with an average of 25-30 participants each season we are able to independently finance the excavations and sustain the program. We do attract a number of undergraduates, MA students, and PhD students from archaeology and related disciplines; however, since 2014 we have had 10 volunteers who are decidedly atypical. Ranging from 54 years old to 77, and hailing from New Zealand, Australia, North America, France, and the UK we find our project decidedly enhanced by the presence of retired folk eager for new life experiences. They have chosen to help excavate a site which goes a step past comparatively passive tourism to what I term participatory archaeological tourism. By engaging directly with excavations at Halmyris this demographic is able to not only live alongside rural Danubian fishermen, but gain new skills and most importantly a newfound understanding of heritage displays and the social context of the past. I believe this is one model which may be of use for other developing projects looking to finance excavation and engage alternative audiences. In this paper I will examine both the challenges and the benefits for the project in welcoming this demographic of field volunteers, and reflect on the unique experience of Romania they are able to gain through participatory archaeological tourism.
Rowan, Y. and Baram, U. eds. 2004. Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past. Walnut Creek:
AltaMira Press.
Timothy, D.J. and Boyd, S.W., 2006. Heritage tourism in the 21st century: Valued traditions and new perspectives. Journal of
heritage tourism, 1(1), pp.1-16.
Waitt, G., 2000. Consuming heritage: Perceived historical authenticity. Annals of tourism research, 27(4), pp.835-862.
Author - Hanscam, Emily, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom (Presenting author)
Wrecks turn up diving for archeology in the Danube
Historic treasures, ripe for discovery, are lying within easy reach for divers at the bottom of long-undisturbed waterways.
Romanian scuba professionals Iulian Rusu and Pascale Roibu have revealed three shipwrecks at around ten metres' depth where the longest river of Central Europe, the Danube, flows into the Black Sea.
Just a few kilometres from the port of Sulina, the easternmost point of Romania,
on the trade route between the grain growing regions of Europe that fed the Ottoman Empire,…
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Tulcea - Comori Ascunse
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productie 2013
Unexpected experiences
The project is called eScape and can be seen as a concept that is all about combining art, archaeology, past and present. Creating and communicating art on sites with strong archaeological evidence in combination with the scientific archaeological excavations in Denmark.
Creating meaningful experiences for the general public should be the primary aim of cultural tourism. When securing quality in these meaningful experiences it is crucial to start cooperating with the specialists so that this side is also in cooperated in the project making.
Actually we choose to take the challenge one step further by creating a project that combines archaeology, art and tourism on equal terms.
The project is called eScape and can be seen as a concept that is all about combining art, archaeology, past and present.
Creating and communicating art on sites with strong archaeological evidence in combination with the scientific archaeological excavations.
The location and the landscape is the raison d’ tre of the project - and locals as well as tourists are given the opportunity to experience landscape storytelling combined with world history interpreted by modern art.
eScape brings out art and cultural heritage “on location”, away from the walls of the museum, creating a phenomenological space where nature, art and cultural heritage meet and communicate with one another, giving visitors unique and unexpected experiences.
Author - Host-Madsen, Lene, Museum skanderborg, Skanderborg, Denmark (Presenting author)
Co-author(s) - Dissing, Nina Bangsbo, Municipality of Skanderborg, Skanderborg, Denmark
Co-author(s) - Purup, Marianne, Visit Skanderborg, Ry, Denmark
Triunghiul miraculos din Dobrogea
Mentiunile istorice si descoperirile arheologice au dovedit ca inca de la formarea si crestinarea poporului roman, au existat in Dobrogea schituri si manastiri,ridicate din evlavia credinciosilor si a monahilor sciti. Manastirea Celic Dere este mostenitoarea unei traditrii monahale , care s-a dezvoltat in jurul Episcopiei vechiului Tomis,inca din sec al patrulea.
Aflata in judetul Tulcea,la la 20 km de orasul de resedinta, si la 125 km de Constanta, Celic dere este prima din cele 3 manastiri, care formeaza un triunghi miraculos,care iradiaza lumina si credinta, in nordul Dobrogei: Celic Dere, Saon si Cocos.
Cuibarita intre frumoase dealuri impadurite,departe de lumea dezlantuita,intr-un peisaj bland si linistitor,manastirea Celic Dere se dezvaluie calatorului inca de la sosea.
Numele manastirii este de origine turca si vine de la paraul din apropiere. cdelic Dere inseamna in limba romana parau de otel.,denumit astfel deoarece pe fundul lui s-au descoperit arme din epoci indepartate.
Manastirea Celic Dere nu are nu are ziduri inalte de aparare si nici porti care sa se inchida cu lacate grele. Ea este mereu sub ocrotirea Maicii Domnului. in curtea mare si frumoasa a manastirii, stau insirate chiliile albe,inconjurate de arbori si tufe de trandafiri. Aici poposesc d
turisti in cautare de liniste, relaxare si regasire de sine.,pentru ca maicutele ofera si gazduire. O alee dreapta duce catre cele 30 de trepte,care urca la biserica ce domina toata manastirea.
In anul 1900 se pune temelia actulei biserici,dar lucrarile sunt intrerupte de doua ori,asa ca biserica este terminata in 1925. Insa inaintea acestyei biserici,alte trei asezaminte monahale se construiesc incepand din 1840,din lemn sau paianta,distruse in timp de incendii sau inundatii.
In anul 1945 manastirea de calugari de la Celic Dere s-a transformat in manastire de maici,calugarii de aici fiind stramutati la Saon,unde infinteaza o noua manastire.
In anii 1910 aici a functionat o scoala primara si ateliere de pictura si broderie si de tesut covoare. Cladirea a fost transformata in muzeu. .Astazi exista aici un atelier de covoare.
Cucuteni Museum Piatra Neamt - Neamt County Romania
- The museum for eneolitic art Cucuteni was inaugurated in the summer of 2005 and its the first museum for the Cucuteni art in Romania. This museum runs in the section B of the History and Archeology Museum from Piatra Neamt and it displays over 300 pieces from the Cucuteni and Pre-cucuteni cultures these objects are included in the category of thesaurus object for the national heritage. The Cucuteni culture is the last great culture with painted ceramics from Europe. The characteristic element of the Cucuteni Culture is the ceramics painted in three colors: white, red and black this is the proof of an extraordinary sense for the color
The Lower Danube - a thriving wildlife and nature haven
Daybreak on the Danube. Wildfowl can feed, swim and stretch their wings, in the early morning sun.
For much of its course from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, the Danube is constricted between concrete walls or uniform stone banks.
It flows through some 60 power stations and busy docks and 10 countries before it reaches the vast Danube Delta and flows into the Black Sea.
Yet for the last few hundred miles as it flows through Romania, much of the river is as nature designed it.
It is broad, lazy, broken up with shoals and islands where pelicans nest, its banks anchored by weeping willows that drip water even on sunny days.
The delta boasts one of the biggest pelican populations in Europe, which bird watchers can watch diving for fish in a feeding frenzy at dawn.
The pelican is the symbol of the Danube Delta. We have more than 3,500 pairs here. They come here for nesting on those floating mud islands, says Dr. Viorel Cuzic, a bird researcher at Delta Museum in Tulcea.
It's the ideal place for them to nest and raise their young as no one can bother them there, especially humans, who are the main disturbing factor for them he adds.
Many species exotic to much of Europe reside or migrate here including the glossy ibis, the European roller, herons, swans and storks.
The massive bird population also made them vulnerable. Romania reported its first cases of H5N1 or bird flu in October 2005 in the Danube Delta, during the migrating season.
Hundreds of thousands of birds migrate every years from there and the area was virtually closed off during the bird flu scare.
According to the US State Department, the biosphere region of the Danube Delta provides crucial habitat for endangered species, vital nesting grounds for over 300 species of migratory birds and spawning grounds that support a vital herring fishery.
The Danube delta, it is a blessed territory both thanked to the people that live there and to the beautiful things that happen there. This is why we have an administration of the biosphere reservation and special laws that rule the area. The Danube delta and the programs related to humans and the biosphere are very much appreciated by the UNESCO, says Lucretia Balutza, Expert with the UNESCO Romanian commission.
Mihai Baciu is a bird specialist and wildlife photographer.
He says that says the Danube delta is unique: It is such a beautiful place. It attracts you with its birds, its nature, with everything it's here. It s a place that deserves to be shown to others. It's so rich in thousands of life forms like birds and animals. Places like this one, so beautiful, are so rare on earth it's really worth being here.
Sturgeon have been around for 250 million years, making them among the world's oldest surviving fish species. They can live for up to a century and take a long time to reach maturity.
Archaeologists have found wooden sturgeon traps in the ruins of Roman fortresses behind the willow trees on the Danube's banks, along with sturgeon bones dated to the 3rd century.
In the 1970s and '80s Romania built giant dams across the Iron Gates gorge, cutting off half the sturgeons' spawning grounds.
Fishermen, unrestrained after the collapse of order in eastern Europe in 1989, caught them in huge numbers as they began their migration, trapping them before they could reproduce.
Pollution from agricultural run-off and expanding cities put them under further pressure, although the construction of water treatment plants in the last decade has lessened the flow of filth.
Now environmentalists say plans the further deepen shipping channels in the Danube could eliminate the last shallows where the sturgeon deposit their eggs, which would doom the fish to vanish in its last stronghold in Europe.
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Laconian Lion in the (closed) Kytherian Archaeological Museum
This Laconian lion has an interesting past.
It is thought to have originally stood in the ancient capital of Kythera at Paliocastro, then was taken to the kastro in Hora by the Venetians, was stolen by the Germans in WWII and taken to Germany...
Then was refound in a store room in Germany by Prof George Cassimatis and brought back to Athens - then eventually repatriated back to Kythera some time later.
Unfortunately it's not on public display because the Kytherian Archaeological Museum has been closed for nearly 5 years.
Germany archaeology, pt 6
This is part of the interview I did with Mike Stadther about his dig in Germany.
Virtual reconstruction of the city of Sopianae by Ádám Németh
Sopianae in the IV. century
client: Directorate of Baranya County Museums
leading archaeologist: Olivér Gábor
reconstruction: Ádám Németh
building models: Ádám Németh
object models: Ádám Németh, Péter Király, Béla Kotroczó, Ákos Halász, Attila Mucska, Rudolf Béres, Csaba Borbély, Endre Számel
music: Kevin MacLeod
Contact me: info atsign
Made with Unreal Engine 4
An interview with the curator, and usage of the application:
Conociendo Europa/Rumania
varias fotos de monumentos religiosos y culturales de Rumania castillos iglesias paisejes rutas informacion guia several pictures of religious and cultural monuments in Romania castles churches routes paisejes information guide mai multe imagini de monumente religioase şi culturale din România castele biserici de folosire de informaţii rutele paisejes 在罗马尼亚的城堡教堂的路线paisejes信息引导宗教和文化古迹的几张照片 plusieurs photos de monuments religieux et culturels en Roumanie châteaux Guide églises itinéraires informations paisejes
ULMETUM Fortress, Pantelimon, Constanta, Romania
Ulmetum is the name of the ancient Roman settlement outside the village of Panteleimonul de Sus, Constanta county, as shown by an inscription which reminded about its residents: civi romani et Bessi consistenses in vico Ulmetum (Bess and Roman citizens hearty from Ulmetum village). From another large inscription we learn that Ulmetum was a village part of the Capidava territory.
According to the historical sources, the Ulmetum ancient fortress was built around the 3rd century AC, in the late Roman period and lasted until the 6th century, the Roman-Byzantine era. It is a small to medium city, which gradually became a fortified settlement and which in the 5th century was attacked and almost destroyed by three Hun waves.
Ulmetum ancient settlement has the shape of a right triangle with a curved hypotenuse. On the corners the fortress is equipped with three round towers. It has two doors flanked by two towers with semicircular front side (U shaped). On the south-east side (hypotenuse), are four rectangular towers to which are added another two towers of the same shape o the other two sides of the city. Ulmetum defensive wall has a thickness of 2.60 meters, the foundation wall being 20-60 centimeters wider than the elevation. The outer wall was coated with reused stone blocks, their size reaching 2.70 meters. On them were preserved traces of stone stairs which allowed climbing the wall, the steps having a height of 28 cm and 40 cm and width up to 1meter.
In the enclosure, built in a first stage on the end of the 4th, in the time of Theodosius the Great (379-395), there were some tombs dated to the second half of the 4th century, some arrangements with several rooms that look like military barracks and a basilica situated in the south of the fortification.
After a break of housing is, at the time of Justinian Emperor, there has been a recovery of the city, mentioned by ancient sources.
Din Histria am plecat trist, urmărit de salutul prietenos al popândăilor, berzelor, fazanilor, pupezelor, şoimilor şi broaştelor. La Histria nu vor mai reveni urmaşii întemeietorilor oraşului aşa cum se întâmplă prin fostele sate ale saşilor din Transilvania, unde, de câţiva ani, foştii locuitori vin, împreună cu copiii şi nepoţii, să îngrijească bisericile şi mormintele înaintaşilor lor, iar dacă te nimereşti pe acolo, te invită, cu bucurie, să le treci pragul. Nu ştiu dacă la Histria va veni vreodată un prinţ pentru a-şi cumpăra o casă din cetate şi să meargă la pescuit pe lacurile şi canalele Deltei. Nu ştiu dacă în următorii 200 de ani Histria va mai exista. Cu aceste gânduri călătoresc spre Ulmetum. Cetatea Ulmetum se află în centrul Dobrogei. Ca să ajungi acolo trebuie să fii foarte atent la hartă, GPS şi la indicaţiile sătenilor, deoarece nu sunt indicatoare rutiere. Drumul devine un drum românesc normal. Cauza? Probabil că drumul a fost distrus în urma împăduririi zonei cu uriaşele mori de vânt ce produc „energie vie şi ecologică. Mergând cu mare grijă şi încet prin acea pădure, m-am simţit nu un Don Quijote plecat să lupte cu morile de vânt, ci un minuscul Sancho Panza mult prea uluit de mărimea adversarului şi a armelor sale. Cetatea Ulmetum e un sit arheologic părăsit. Terenul fostei cetăţi este imaş pentru păscutul animalelor. Privind cu atenţie terenul vălurit al fostei cetăţi, poţi să-ţi inchipui unde erau drumurile, fundaţiile diferitelor edificii, porţile de acces, turnurile de apărare, etc. Amplasarea cetăţii era favorizată de configuraţia terenului care, în prezent, o ajută să nu fie cucerită de uluitoarea armată a Eolianului. Cetatea Ulmetm a suferit cel mai mult, ca şi la Arubium, ca şi la Hărlău, ca şi la Cetatea Cătălina din Cotnari, de pe urma locuitorilor contemporani mie, care au strâns piatra din zidurile fortificaţiei în folosul propriu. După ce am făcut câteva fotografii unei case din apropiere, am plecat spre Capidava.
3D Reconstruction of the Argamum- Late Roman basilica. Part 2 of 3
- bazilica paleocrestina centrala cu trei nave(bazilica 2) - doua faze constructive - anexele sale(sec. V-VI p. Chr.),
edificii adiacente si strazi din proximitatea ei(sec. IV-VII p. Chr.)
- tronsonul de incinta romano-bizantina cu bastion de pe latura de est si edificii adiacente.(sec. VI p. Chr.)
Argamum (Jurilovca village, Tulcea County, Romania)
Argamum is a Graeco-Roman settlement which is on a promontory projecting into the Razelm Lake, between Danube delta and Black Sea.
The Argamum Complex is situated on Razelm - Sinoe, 20 km SW of St George's channel, 40 km north of Histria and 7 km from the village Jurilovca (Jud Tulcea). The access to the archaeological site can be done through Jurilovca where you will arrive at a country road.
Founded by Greek colonists from Asia Minor, the citadel, was by mid century. VII a. C., a placed above the Black Sea coast.
Today it is situated on the shores of the Razelm Golovita complex. The traces of the Greek city are overlaid with the ones from the late Roman era.
The first settlement of our territory mentioned in ancient writings (end of the VI a. C. century) is the city prior Histria.
Traces of habitation have been demonstrated by excavation since the Bronze Age. Currently Argamum spreads over about 2.5 ha,
being released the trails of the Roman era buildings.
Orgame/Argamum is one of the most important archaeological sites along the Black Sea coast. The pattern of habitation for the area lasts,
with small periods of interruption, almost two millennia. The archaeological discoveries fully illustrate this interval, starting about the 13th century
and divided into the following periods: Bronze Age (13th century B.C); Early Iron Age (10th -- 8th centuries B.C.); Archaic and Classical
(7th -- 4th centuries B.C.); Hellenistic (3rd -- 2nd centuries B.C.); Early Roman (2nd -- 4th centuries A.D.) and Late Roman (4th -- 7th centuries A.D.).
Shumen, is the tenth largest city in Bulgaria and the administrative and economic capital of Shumen Province.
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Ring valls - Archaeological localities in the Czech-German borderland (english)
Ring wall is a round island surrounded by water and walls, Locations, History, Hypotheses, Project of preservation, Utilisation for tourism of spa guests, Psychotronics and UFO Club
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania Video 2020
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania Video 2020
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Is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west. The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin (Greek Pontos Euxeinos) by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC. The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constanta
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
Its historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
Open-air restaurants, nightclubs and cabarets offer a wide variety of entertainment. Regional attractions include traditional villages, vineyards, ancient monuments and the Danube Delta, the best preserved delta in Europe.
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CONSTANTA ROMANIA Constanta 2020-2019 Constanta City Tour Mamaia Romania Beach Video Travel 2020
CONSTANTA ROMANIA Constanta 2020-2019 Constanta City Tour Mamaia Romania Beach Video Travel 2019 Constanta Romania Constanta
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania. It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west. The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin (Greek Pontos Euxeinos) by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC. The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
Its historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
Open-air restaurants, nightclubs and cabarets offer a wide variety of entertainment. Regional attractions include traditional villages, vineyards, ancient monuments and the Danube Delta, the best preserved delta in Europe.
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Complexul Arheologic Callatis, Mangalia, Romania
Marturiile literare antice despre Callatis si teritoriul sau,si mai ales la data fondarii cetatii sunt putine si destul de expeditive Pseudo-Skymnos relateaza ca « Cetatea Callatis a aparut ca o colonie a heracleotilor la porunca unui oracol ;acestia au intemeiat-o cind Amyntas se instapineaza peste Macedonia ».Daca este vorba de Amyntas I (540-498 i.d.Hr),data intemeierii ar fi sfirsitul secolului VI i.d.Hr.
Colonia a fost fondata pe locul unei asezari getice cunoscuta sub numele de Acervetis sau Cerbatis,pe un teren fertil aflat in vecinatatea marii si a unui lac cu apa dulce,actualul Lac Mangalia.
In secolul IV i.d.Hr. cetatea inregistreaza o mare dezvoltare economica,social-politica,relevata atit de izvoarele scrise cit si de descoperirile arheologice.Orasul dispune de un teritoriu rural pe care-l exploateaza,atelierele sale produc din plin si se bucura de un regim democratic dupa modelul cetatilor-state din sudul egeean,in special al Megarei.Ridica acum puternicele ziduri care o apara dinspre uscat,se amenajeaza instalatii portuare,se construiesc temple,edificii publice si civile,se ridica monumente.
Dupa o perioada de dezvoltare independenta,Callatis impreuna cu celelalte cetati pontice va trebui sa accepte autoritatea statului macedonean care se intinsese in intreaga Peninsula Balcanica pina la gurile Dunarii.Situatia de dependenta se inrautatetste in timpul domniei lui Lysimach,regele macedonean al Traciei,astfel ca in anul 313 i.d.Hr. are loc o rascoala a coloniilor de pe coasta Traciei si a celor din Dobrogea,in fruntea lor situindu-se Callatis.
Cetatea si aliatele sale pontice se vor afla sub dominatie macedoneana pina in anul 281 moartea lui Lysimach.
Callatisul se va alia cu Histria in jurul anului 260 i.d.Hr.,pentru a smulge orasului Byzantion controlul asupra portului Tomis.
Cucerind rind pe rind regiuni intinse din Peninsula balcanica si Orient,Imperiul Roman ajunsese in apropierea Dunarii.Pentru a se opune,lumea pontica sub conducerea lui Mithridates al VI-lea Eupator a organizat o vasta uniune la care a aderat si Callatis.
In anii 71-72 i.d.Hr. in cursul celui de-al doilea razboi dintre romani si aliatii pontici,orasele grecesti au fost cucerite de catre romani.O inscriptie descoperita la Mangalia cuprinde textul tratatului (foedus) incheiat cu acesta ocazie intre Roma si Callatis.
Fara a fi fortata,cetatea Callatis a acceptat protectia romana si impreuna cu celelalte colonii grecesti va face parte din imperiu.
Abandonarea orasului in primele decenii ale secolului VII d.Hr. s-a datorat in mare masura atacurilor avaro-slave din acesta perioada si caderii frontierei de la Dunare in urma rascoalei centurionului Phocas in anul 602 d.Hr.
Vestigii arheologice
In ceea ce priveste vestigiile arheologice,ceea ce cunoastem si a fost descoperit in urma sapaturilor,este zidul construit in vremea romana tirzie.Historia Augusta,cronica oficiala a Imperiului Roman,aminteste ca imparatul Gallenius 9253-268) a trimis doi arhitecti din Bizant,pe Cleodamos si Athenaios,sa refaca fortificatiile oraselor de pe coasta dobrogeana a Marii Negre.
In coltul de nord-est al cetatii se afla basilica.Ansamblul acesteia se compune din trei parti : basilica propriu-zisa,atrium-ul si palatul.Acesta dateaza din secolul al V-lea d.Hr..
Basilica propriu-zisa,servind ca lacas de cult crestin,orientata neobisnuit nord-sud,prezinta importante asemanari atit ca plan cit si ca tehnica constructiva cu edificii de acelasi tip din Siria,deosebindu-se in schimb de celelalte basilici din Dobrogea.Este se pare opera unui arhitect sirian si servea,probabil,drept sediu al episcopiei orasului.
In anii 1993-1994,Muzeul de Arheologie Callatis Mangalia a initia in zona fostului Hotel Scala-acum President ample cercetari arheologice cu caracter de salvare ocazionate de lucrarile de reparatie ale hotelului.Pe o suprafata de 1000 mp au fost descoperite aspecte de urbanism de epoca romano-bizantina,ale unui cartier sudic al Callatisului
Sapatura arheologica efectuata in 1993 intr-unul din cei mai importanti tumuli cunoscut sub denumirea « movila Documaci »,a descoperit un complex funerar de mari dimensiuni.Complexul funerar este format dintr-un mormint de mari dimensiuni orientat est-vest si o constructie de forma rectangulara a carei functionalitate nu a putut fi stabilita inca.
Cu exceptia unui zgrafitto pastrat incomplet si care poate fi considerat o chrisma,in rest nu exista alte semne crestine intr-o perioada cind in necropola romano-bizantina intilnim nu numai semnul crucii dar si invocatii cu caracter crestin.
Cetatea Fagaras, Fagaras Fortress in May 2006 - Romania
Ladislaw Kan started to build it in 1310 on the former place of a 12th century wooden fortress strengthened by earthen walled fortifications. Tartars had burned down the former fortress in 1241. The fort was enlarged and rebuilt in the 15th-17th centuries in the Transylvanian Renaissance style.
Fagaras fortress is one of the most well preserved medieval castles in Romania. The castle has 80 rooms, and is surrounded by a deep and wide moat. The citadel was ranked among the strongest in Transylvania, standing up to Turkish and Tartar invasions. Access is made through a bridge over the defense moat. At the center of the citadel stands the castle. It has three levels (basement, ground floor, and first floor) and five towers (the Red Tower, the Black Tower, the Prison's Tower, Tomori Tower and the Motley Tower). Inside is the Museum of Fagaras Country; comprised of an archaeology section, which render the evolution of the Fagaras borough; history section, which display Roman artifacts and a collection of medieval weapons, and ethnographic section, which focus on artistic and folk crafts in the area