KHABAROVSK Top 43 Tourist Places | Khabarovsk Tourism | RUSSIA
Khabarovsk (Things to do - Places to Visit) - KHABAROVSK Top Tourist Places
City in Russia
Khabarovsk is a city on the Amur River in southeastern Russia. On its waterfront is Muravyov-Amursky Park, with a towering bronze statue of a former governor. Khabarovsk Regional Museum houses an extensive collection of natural history items, including precious stones.
Near the park’s south, the rebuilt 19th-century Cathedral of the Assumption, with soaring white-and-blue towers, is on popular Komsomolskaya Square.
KHABAROVSK Top 43 Tourist Places | Khabarovsk Tourism
Things to do in KHABAROVSK - Places to Visit in Khabarovsk
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KHABAROVSK Top 43 Tourist Places - Khabarovsk, Russia
Best Attractions and Places to See in Khabarovsk , Russia
Khabarovsk Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Khabarovsk. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Khabarovsk as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
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List of Best Things to do in Khabarovsk
Khabarovsk Regional Museum
Komsomol Square
Lenin Square
Monument Muravyevu-Amurskomu
Muravev-Amyrskiy Street
Muravyov Amursky Park
North Park
Platinum Arena
Spaso-Transfiguration Cathedral
The Bridge Across the River Amur
【K】Russia Travel-Khabarovsk[러시아 여행-하바롭스크]동 시베리아 향토 박물관/Regional Lore Museum/Animal/Eastern Siberia
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
아무르전망대 가까운 곳에 동 시베리아의 역사와 자연에 대해 상세히 전시해 놓은 향토 박물관이 있다. 박물관 1층엔 동 시베리아에 살고 있는 동식물들이 주로 전시되어 있는데 대표적인 전시물은 철갑상어와 시베리아 호랑이다. 박물관 2층에는 동 시베리아 역사에 대해 자세히 서술해놨는데 하바로프스크의 탄생과 관련된 중요한 자료들이 전시되어 있어 나의 관심을 끌기에 충분했다. 1858년 러시아와 청나라는 양국의 국경을 나누기 위한 아이훈조약을 맺는데 두 나라의 경계를 아무르 강으로 결정하면서 강의 왼쪽은 러시아, 오른쪽은 청나라로 정했다. 이어 2년 후인 1860년, 러시아와 청나라는 베이징 평화조약을 추가로 체결해 국경선을 확정지었지만 러시아와 중국의 국경분쟁은 그 후에도 계속되어 1969년 3월 우수리 강 전바오섬에서의 무력 충돌로 정점에 다다랐다. 이 문서는 아이훈 조약의 사본인데 왼쪽은 청나라, 오른쪽은 러시아 측 협상대표가 서명한 것이다. 청나라와의 협상에서 넓은 땅은 차지했지만 문제는 사람을 어떻게 채우느냐 하는 것이었다. 그래서 초창기엔 죄수들의 유형지로 쓰였고 그 외의 거주민은 아무르 강 유역의 원주민이 전부였기 때문에 무라비예프 아무르스키는 하바로프의 이름을 딴 도시를 건설하기로 결정했다. 하바로프스크는 1930년대 급속히 인구가 불어났는데 그 이유는 스탈린의 강제 이주 정책 때문이었다. 1938년, 스탈린은 나치에 협력했다는 이유로 유태인, 우크라이나인, 벨로루시인들을 유라시아 대륙 서쪽에서 동쪽으로 보냈는데 지금의 60만 인구는 대부분 이들 강제 이민자들의 후손이다. 하바로프스크 시내를 돌아다니다 보면 재미있는 점을 발견할 수 있는데 레닌의 이름을 딴 곳은 많으나 스탈린과 관련된 곳은 하나도 없다는 사실이다. 그 만큼 이 도시 주민들은 스탈린에 대해 좋은 감정을 가지고 있지 않다. 이주민들이 대거 정착함에 따라 러시아 정교도 자연히 전파되었다. 서기 988년 블라디미르공작이 그리스 정교를 국교로 정한 이후 약1000년이 지나서 극동 러시아까지 자연스레 신앙의 영토도 넓어 진 것이다.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아04-02 동 시베리아 향토 박물관/Regional Lore Museum/Animals/Plants/Eastern Siberia/History
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,9월 September
【K】Russia Travel-Khabarovsk[러시아 여행-하바롭스크]아무르강변, 나나이족 마을/Nanai Village/Sikachi Alyan/Amur Riverside
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
나는 하바로프스크에서 북동쪽으로 약 1시간 30분을 달려서 아무르 강변의 나나이족 마을 시카치알렌에 도착했다. 아무르 강은 이 마을에 도착하면서 더욱 더 강폭이 커지는데 강변에는 나나이족의 역사를 한눈에 볼 수 있는 박물관이 있었다. 나나이족은 북방계 몽골로이드로서 아무르 강 유역에서 수렵과 물고기 잡이를 하던 유목민족인데 현재는 러시아에 6천명, 중국에 1천5백 명 정도 살고 있다. 나나이족의 교통수단으로는 개가 끄는 썰매가 사용되었는데 그것은 중국의 문헌에 사견부라고 적혀있다. 나나이족은 물고기를 잡아 그 껍질로 옷을 해 입을 정도로 지혜가 뛰어난 종족이었다. 현재 시카치알렌 마을은 완전히 관광지화하여 하바로프스크에서 당일치기로 왔다가는 관광 상품에 포함돼 있다. 나나이족은 안내원은 나에게 나나이 어린이들의 놀이문화에 대해 상세히 재연해보였다. 주로 어른들이 하는 행동은 어린이들에게 거울이 된다는 것을 실감했다.
[English: Google Translator]
I arrived in the village of nanais in about 1 hour 30 minutes by running the Amur River in Khabarovsk Allen northeast of Katsushika value. The Amur River is arriving in the town I grow more and more gangpok the river there was a museum where you can see at a glance the history of the Maasai Nana. Nanais is inde nomads who for hunting and fishing in the Amur River basin fish as bukbanggye monggolroyideu 6000 people currently live, about 1500 people in China to Russia. Yi means of transport is used were drawn sleigh dog Nana It's my opinion that is stated in the literature part of China. Nanais race was superior wisdom enough to hold the fish to wear clothes in the shell. Allen Chicago Chi town is now completely included in the tours come and go as gwangwangjihwa day in Khabarovsk. Nanais the receptionist showed me to reproduce in detail about cultural children's play nanayi. Primarily it realized that the act is that the children are adults mirror.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Я приехал в деревню нанайцев примерно 1 час 30 минут, выполнив Амур в Хабаровском Аллен северо-востоку от стоимости Кацусика.Амур прибывает в город, я все более и более gangpok река там был музей, где можно увидеть с первого взгляда историю Масаи Нана. Нанайцев является INDE кочевники, для охоты и рыбалки в бассейне реки Амур рыбы, как bukbanggye monggolroyideu 6000 человек в настоящее время проживают около 1500 человек в Китае в Россию. Yi транспортных средств используется были санях собаки Нана Это мое мнение, что говорится в литературной части Китая. Нанайцев гонка была выше мудрости достаточно, чтобы держать рыбу носить одежду в оболочке. Город Аллен Чикаго Чи теперь полностью включены в туры приходят и уходят, как gwangwangjihwa день в Хабаровске. Нанайцев приемной показал мне, чтобы воспроизвести в деталях о культурных детской nanayi. В первую очередь это поняли, что акт в том, что дети и взрослые зеркало.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아04-06 아무르강변, 나나이족 마을/Nanai Village/Sikachi Alyan/Amur Riverside/Museum
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,9월 September
【K】Russia Travel-Khabarovsk[러시아 여행-하바롭스크]붉은 군대 박물관/Military Museum/Mural
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
박물관 꼭대기에 있는 벽화는 4년 동안의 러시아 내전을 묘사한 벽화로 러시아에서 세 번째로 큰 벽화이다. 하바로프스크는 중국과 국경을 맞대고 있어 전쟁이 발발하면 항상 연해주의 핫산과 마찬가지로 강대국들의 영토쟁탈전이 벌어진다. 이 박물관에서 재미있는 사진을 하나 볼 수 있었는데 그것은 중국의 침공에 대비해 몽골군 장교와 러시아군 장교가 악수하는 사진이다. 몽골과 러시아는 칭기즈칸의 러시아 정벌 후 서로 간에 사이가 좋지 않았었기 때문이다. 적군박물관의 외부에는 소비에트 연방시절 전쟁에 동원되었던 각종 군용트럭과 탱크들이 영욕의 세월을 뒤로 한 채 덩그렇게 놓여 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Mural at the top of the museum is the third-largest mural in Russia with murals depicting the Civil War in Russia for four years. If you've got a war face to Khabarovsk and China border is always beoleojinda the territory of Primorsky scramble of big powers, like Hassan. One can see an interesting picture from a museum it was a photograph of the Mongolian army officer shaking hands with Russian military officers in preparation for the invasion of China. Mongolia and Russia after the Russian conquest of Genghis Khan had not recommended because between each other. The exterior of the museum were various enemy military trucks and tanks were mobilized to the Soviet era that Deng one war lie behind the years of youngyok.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Фреска в верхней части музея третий по величине в России росписи фресками, изображающими гражданской войны в России в течение четырех лет. Если у вас есть война, сталкиваются в Хабаровск и китайская граница всегда beoleojinda территорию Приморского свалке крупных держав, таких как Хасан. Можно увидеть интересную картину из музея он был фотография монгольской армии офицером рукопожатием с российскими военными в ходе подготовки к вторжению в Китай. Монголия и Россия после российского завоевания Чингисхана не рекомендуется, потому что друг с другом.Внешний вид музея были различные вражеские военные грузовики и танки были мобилизованы в советскую эпоху, что Дэн одна война ложь за годы youngyok.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아04-04 붉은 군대 박물관/Military Museum/Mural
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,9월 September
Set-tv Khabarovsk Russia 27.04.2016 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Installation in the archaeological museum Khabarovsk, autumn 2018
Siberia is full of archeological sites. In this installation the museum tries to show, how human life looked like from the very beginning to the first housing. Read more about historical details in: Reisepostillen, vol.7: RUSSLAND - Notizen zu einer Reise im Herbst 2018 von Katharina Füllenbach. Als print (ISBN 798-3-7469-8383-7) und e-Book (ISBN 796-3-7469-8385-1) überall im Buchhandel oder auf
Novosibirsk, Russia ???? Travel Vlog 16 ???????? History & Culture
Novosibirsk: ???? UK Vlogger of the Year finalist 2019 and 2018 explores Novosibirsk, Russia and the bizarre painter Nicholas Roerich, the USSR museum, and Russian swear words. Join the Modern Grand Tour (travel vlogs for history-culture geeks ????) in Novosibirsk, Russia! ⬇️ More info below ⬇️
If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... give it a thumbs up! ????
If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... subscribe! ????
If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... share it with friends on social media! ????
If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite segment! ????
If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite swear word in your language! ????
---------------------------------More info---------------------------------
YouTube channel:
Series playlist:
Series info:
-----------------------------In this episode-----------------------------
Novosibirsk Intro = 0:48
Pizdets = 1:13 ????
City History = 2:32
Lenin Square = 3:25
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral = 4:08
USSR Museum (second economy) = 5:07 ????
Chapel of St Nicholas = 8:20 ????
Nicholas Roerich Museum = 8:45 ⛰️
Russian Swear Words = 10:14
Multicultural Russia = 11:12 ????????️????????️????????️????????️????????️
Racism in Russia = 11:36
Conclusion = 12:33
Next Episode = 13:00
--------------------------------The series--------------------------------
Ep1 ???????? ???????? Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges:
Ep2 ???? ???????? Amsterdam:
Ep3 ☠️ ???????? Berlin:
Ep4 ???? ???????? Hamburg:
Ep5 ???? ???????? Aarhus:
Ep6 ????♀️ ???????? Copenhagen:
Ep7 ???? ???????? Stockholm:
Ep8 ???? ???????? Helsinki:
Ep9 ????️ ???????? Saint Petersburg:
Ep10 ???? ???????? Moscow:
Ep11 ???? ???????? Vladimir and Suzdal:
Ep12 ???? ???????? Nizhny Novgorod: (most fun)
Ep13 ☠️ ???????? Perm:
Ep14 ???? ???????? Yekaterinburg:
Ep15 ???? ???????? Tobolsk and Tyumen:
Ep16 ???? ???????? Novosibirsk:
Ep17 ???? ???????? Irkutsk and Olkhon Island:
Ep18 ???? ???????? Ulan-Ude:
Ep19 ???? ???????? Trans-Siberian Train: (most practically useful)
Ep20 ???? ???????? Khabarovsk:
Ep21 ???? ???????? Vladivostok:
Ep22 ???? ???????? Seoul: (most educative)
Ep23 ???? ???????? Osaka:
Ep24 ???? ???????? Kyoto:
Ep25 ???? ???????? Tokyo: (most awesome city)
Ep26 ???? ???????? Melbourne:
Ep27 ???? ???????? Sydney: (most jokes)
Welcome keen traveller!
I hope you've come to join me on this Modern Grand Tour exploring history and culture.
- The first leg of the journey takes us through Europe ????????
- The second leg crosses Russia ???????? via the Trans-Siberian Railway ???? and Couchsurfing ????
- The third and final leg concludes in Asia ???? and Australia ????????
Here's the series playlist:
I promise you, by the end, we'll all be dancing like a room without a roof...
Your new travel partner, Garlen ????
#ThankYouMaxAndNovosibirsk #RussiaTravelVlog #ModernGrandTour
Novosibirsk history | Novosibirsk culture | Novosibirsk travel | Novosibirsk vlog | Novosibirsk Trans-Siberian | Novosibirsk Couchsurfing | Новосибирск | Новосибирск vlog
Khabarovsk of Russia
Khabarovsk trip
Totoro in Russia | Kremlin of Novgorod
Join Totoro the Traveller visiting Veliky Novgorod, one of the oldest cities of Russia. Look at the impregnable walls of Kremlin and take a peek what’s inside there!
Russia is the largest country in the world and it offers so much to see & explore. My Instagram followers know that I am history & architecture fan, and so trip to one of the oldest cities of the country (first mention dates back to 859 year!) sounded like a great idea.
I’m sure you have heard word “Kremlin”, but internationally it is used mostly to identify Moscow and russian government, as that’s where president’s office is located in Moscow. The thing is that this word means citadel, a fortified complex in Russian towns. Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod the Great) has its own kremlin, and that’s where I directed my paws to upon arrival (0:28).
Inside, I felt like I travelled in time: amazing architecture with the jewel - St Sophia Cathedral (dd. 1050) (0:50), towers, bells, all breathing history (especially when excursion passed by with a guide that was dressed in some medieval clothes and spoke very beautifully (1:21)). I was really impressed by monument “Millennium of the Russian Statehood” (1:41): it shows important people and events that made the most impact on Russian history. Spent quite a time watching all the tiny details of this masterpiece. I’ve recognized Peter the Great (2:00), remember the one who created St Petersburg and its amazing suburb Peterhof? If you don't check here:
Out of the Kremlin, I visited impressive Victory monument dedicated to victory of the Soviet Union over the fascist invaders (2:28) and had a look at Yaroslav's Courtyard (0:07), former market place that dates back to 12 century.
I was surprised to learn that Novgorod was one of the Hansa League cities back in time (as well as Stockholm, Tallinn, Bremen, Gdansk, Cologne, Bruges, London, Bergen and others), beautiful fountain was opened in 2009. Loved the design with mosaic emblems (0:09).
I wish I could spend more time in this city and fly the heart balloon (2:18) or take a river cruise (0:22).
Visit to cities like Novgorod is a throwback to old times, unique experience I’d wish everyone to have!
More information and pictures at Novgorod Official site:
Thank you for watching!
Totoro the Traveller
Music credits: Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Russia by the Numbers: Country Experiences Sharp Increase in Average Life Expectancy
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Russia by the Numbers
Did life expectancy increase?
Whether it's the story of Anastasia, many have heard about the tragic history of the Russian Royal Family, but few know how or where it actually happened. Yekaterinburg is a city in the middle of Russia and rarely visited by the average tourist. Strangely enough it actually has a lot to offer and I hope that after watching this video you will be more inclined to see it for yourself!
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*These Russian interviews will be out later in the month*
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Lots of love xx
St Petersburg, Russia ????️ Travel Vlog 9 ???????? History & Culture
St Petersburg: ???? UK Vlogger of the Year finalist 2019 and 2018 explores St Petersburg, Russia and the Fabergé eggs, the Russian Revolution, and Lenin and Stalin. Join the Modern Grand Tour (travel vlogs for history-culture geeks ????) in St Petersburg, Russia! ⬇️ More info below ⬇️
If you liked St Petersburg, Russia Travel Vlog... give it a thumbs up! ????
If you liked St Petersburg, Russia Travel Vlog... subscribe! ????
If you liked St Petersburg, Russia Travel Vlog... share it with friends on social media! ????
If you liked St Petersburg, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite segment! ????
If you liked St Petersburg, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite egg! ????
---------------------------------More info---------------------------------
YouTube channel:
Series playlist:
Series info:
-----------------------------In this episode-----------------------------
Saint Petersburg Intro = 0:48
Palace Square (and history of Russia) = 2:12
Neva River (Tsar Peter the Great founds St Petersburg)= 4:05
Peter and Paul Fortress = 5:16
Fabergé Museum = 6:03 ????
Smolny Institute (and April Theses) = 6:57 ????
Kazan Cathedral = 9:30
Saint Isaac's Cathedral = 9:56
Church on Spilled Blood = 11:44
Is this Stalin? = 12:57
How is Stalin Remembered? = 13:38
How is Lenin Remembered? = 14:15
Traditional Russian Food = 15:11
Hermitage Museum = 16:01 ????️
Saint Petersburg Metro = 19:35 ????
Urban Exploration = 20:21 ????
Moscow Station (and chat with local) = 25:13
Conclusion = 26:17
Next Episode = 26:51
--------------------------------The series--------------------------------
Ep1 ???????? ???????? Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges:
Ep2 ???? ???????? Amsterdam:
Ep3 ☠️ ???????? Berlin:
Ep4 ???? ???????? Hamburg:
Ep5 ???? ???????? Aarhus:
Ep6 ????♀️ ???????? Copenhagen:
Ep7 ???? ???????? Stockholm:
Ep8 ???? ???????? Helsinki:
Ep9 ????️ ???????? Saint Petersburg:
Ep10 ???? ???????? Moscow:
Ep11 ???? ???????? Vladimir and Suzdal:
Ep12 ???? ???????? Nizhny Novgorod: (most fun)
Ep13 ☠️ ???????? Perm:
Ep14 ???? ???????? Yekaterinburg:
Ep15 ???? ???????? Tobolsk and Tyumen:
Ep16 ???? ???????? Novosibirsk:
Ep17 ???? ???????? Irkutsk and Olkhon Island:
Ep18 ???? ???????? Ulan-Ude:
Ep19 ???? ???????? Trans-Siberian Train: (most practically useful)
Ep20 ???? ???????? Khabarovsk:
Ep21 ???? ???????? Vladivostok:
Ep22 ???? ???????? Seoul: (most educative)
Ep23 ???? ???????? Osaka:
Ep24 ???? ???????? Kyoto:
Ep25 ???? ???????? Tokyo: (most awesome city)
Ep26 ???? ???????? Melbourne:
Ep27 ???? ???????? Sydney: (most jokes)
Welcome keen traveller!
I hope you've come to join me on this Modern Grand Tour exploring history and culture.
- The first leg of the journey takes us through Europe ????????
- The second leg crosses Russia ???????? via the Trans-Siberian Railway ???? and Couchsurfing ????
- The third and final leg concludes in Asia ???? and Australia ????????
Here's the series playlist:
I promise you, by the end, we'll all be dancing like a room without a roof...
Your new travel partner, Garlen ????
#ThankYouKarinaAndStPetersburg #RussiaTravelVlog #ModernGrandTour
Saint Petersburg history | Saint Petersburg culture | Saint Petersburg travel | Saint Petersburg vlog | Saint Petersburg Couchsurfing | Saint Petersburg guide | Saint Petersburg travel guide | Russia history | Russia culture | Russia travel | Russia vlog | Russia Couchsurfing | History of Russia | Culture of Russia | History and culture of Russia | Санкт-Петербург
【K】Russia Travel-Buryatia[러시아 여행-부랴티아]시베리아 라마교 사원, 이볼긴스키/Ivolginsky Temple/Datsan/Siberia Lamaism
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
도심을 벋어나서 40여분을 달리자 시베리아 라마교의 총본산에 도착했다. 이볼긴스키 다싼 , 다싼은 우리말로 라마사원이다. 입구에 들어서자 마니차가 돌아간다. 마니차는 불교 경전을 넣어둔 법륜을 말하는데 마니차를 한번 돌리면 불경을 한 번 읽는 것과 같다고 한다. 그러나, 1번 돌리고 멈춰서는 안된다. 3번, 7번. 21번을 손으로 돌리며 ‘옴마니반메훔’을 읊조리면서 탑돌이를 하는 것이 원칙이란다. 러시아의 불교는 몽골이나 티벳에서 온 스님들에 의해서 전파 되었다. 1946년 설립된 이 사원은 시베리아에서 러시아 공산정권을 견뎌낸 유일한 사원이다. 사원 안에서는 북과 심벌즈의 연주와 더불어 예불이 한창이다. 웅장한 강단 뒤편에 달라이라마 사진이 보인다. 달라이라마는 79년과 92년 두 차례나 이곳을 방문 했다고 한다. 이 사원은 91년 시베리아에서 유일하게 불교대학교 설립했다. 불교철학, 불교회화, 티베트 약학학부 등이 있다. 한해에 150명여 명의 졸업생을 배출한다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
Standing beoteona the city an extra 40 going.Yup.Gonna arrived at the headquarters of the Siberian Lama. The bolgin ski dassan, dassan is the Lama Temple in Korean. Entering the entrance to the party manicha return. Manicha is like reading the Buddhist scriptures is once again turning the manicha say the Falun left in the Buddhist scriptures. However, it should not stop turning once. 3, 7. Turning the hand-finished toned 21 times the 'Om Mani half mehum' yiranda to the principle that the tapdolyi. Buddhism was propagated by the Russian monk who came from Mongolia or Tibet. The temple was founded in 1946 it is the only four won the Russian Communist regime survived in Siberia. Within four won the North and the chanting is in full swing with the cymbal playing. The Dalai Lama's photograph appears in a magnificent pulpit behind. The Dalai Lama is here that visited twice in '79 and '92. This temple is the only Buddhist University was founded in '91 Siberia. Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist paintings, Tibetan Faculty of Pharmacy, and the like. And that emissions myeongyeo 150 graduates a year.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아06-07 시베리아 라마교 사원, 이볼긴스키/Ivolginsky Temple/Ivolginskiy Datsan/Buryat/Siberia Lamaism
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 송기윤 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,송기윤,2008,9월 September
JTV전주방송과 함께하는 일본·러시아 문화탐방!
▶청주공항 출발 전세기 운항!◀
◈오사카, 나라, 교토 2박3일
[화요일 출발] 3월27일 / 4월3일 / 4월10일 / 4월17일 / 4월24일
☞1인: 789,000원
[목요일 출발] 3월29일 / 4월5일 / 4월12일 / 4월19일 / 4월26일
☞1인: 889,000원
◈오사카, 나라, 고베, 교토 3박4일
[토요일 출발] 3월24일 / 3월31일 / 4월7일 / 4월14일 / 4월21일 / 4월28일
☞1인: 1,089,000원
◈러시아 블라디보스톡&하바로프스크 3박4일
[매주 수요일 출발] 5월2일~
☞1인: 1,090,000원~
◈러시아 블라디보스톡&하바로프스크 4박5일
[매주 토요일 출발] 4월28일~
☞1인: 1,250,000원~
※ 자세한 일정은 홈페이지를 참고해주세요^^
※ 인터넷 간편예약가능!
카카오톡 @남북여행을 친구추가하시면 더욱 편리한 상담이 가능합니다^^
☞남북여행 홈페이지 바로가기 ☞
Yekaterinburg, Russia ???? Travel Vlog 14 ???????? History & Culture
Yekaterinburg: ???? UK Vlogger of the Year finalist 2019 and 2018 explores Yekaterinburg, Russia and the last Tsar of Russia, music icons, and politics. Join the Modern Grand Tour (travel vlogs for history-culture geeks ????) in Yekaterinburg, Russia! ⬇️ More info below ⬇️
If you liked Yekaterinburg, Russia Travel Vlog... give it a thumbs up! ????
If you liked Yekaterinburg, Russia Travel Vlog... subscribe! ????
If you liked Yekaterinburg, Russia Travel Vlog... share it with friends on social media! ????
If you liked Yekaterinburg, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite segment! ????
If you liked Yekaterinburg, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me what pop-icon statue does your city have? ????
---------------------------------More info---------------------------------
YouTube channel:
Series playlist:
Series info:
-----------------------------In this episode-----------------------------
Episode Intro = 0:48
Church on the Blood = 1:48
Ganina Yama = 2:51 ????
Class in Russia = 4:16
Beatles Monument = 5:34 ????
Michael Jackson Monument = 6:18
Keyboard Monument = 6:41 ⌨
Dendropark = 7:10
Yekaterinburg State Circus = 7:24
Gorbachev vs Yeltsin = 7:53
Yeltsin's Drinking = 8:13 ????
Medvedev vs Putin = 8:27
Attitude to Political Change = 9:08
Russian State Newspaper = 9:41 ????
Conclusion = 12:21
Next Episode = 12:40
--------------------------------The series--------------------------------
Ep1 ???????? ???????? Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges:
Ep2 ???? ???????? Amsterdam:
Ep3 ☠️ ???????? Berlin:
Ep4 ???? ???????? Hamburg:
Ep5 ???? ???????? Aarhus:
Ep6 ????♀️ ???????? Copenhagen:
Ep7 ???? ???????? Stockholm:
Ep8 ???? ???????? Helsinki:
Ep9 ????️ ???????? Saint Petersburg:
Ep10 ???? ???????? Moscow:
Ep11 ???? ???????? Vladimir and Suzdal:
Ep12 ???? ???????? Nizhny Novgorod: (most fun)
Ep13 ☠️ ???????? Perm:
Ep14 ???? ???????? Yekaterinburg:
Ep15 ???? ???????? Tobolsk and Tyumen:
Ep16 ???? ???????? Novosibirsk:
Ep17 ???? ???????? Irkutsk and Olkhon Island:
Ep18 ???? ???????? Ulan-Ude:
Ep19 ???? ???????? Trans-Siberian Train: (most practically useful)
Ep20 ???? ???????? Khabarovsk:
Ep21 ???? ???????? Vladivostok:
Ep22 ???? ???????? Seoul: (most educative)
Ep23 ???? ???????? Osaka:
Ep24 ???? ???????? Kyoto:
Ep25 ???? ???????? Tokyo: (most awesome city)
Ep26 ???? ???????? Melbourne:
Ep27 ???? ???????? Sydney: (most jokes)
Welcome keen traveller!
I hope you've come to join me on this Modern Grand Tour exploring history and culture.
- The first leg of the journey takes us through Europe ????????
- The second leg crosses Russia ???????? via the Trans-Siberian Railway ???? and Couchsurfing ????
- The third and final leg concludes in Asia ???? and Australia ????????
Here's the series playlist:
I promise you, by the end, we'll all be dancing like a room without a roof...
Your new travel partner, Garlen ????
#ThankYouEvgeniyAndYekaterinburg #RussiaTravelVlog #ModernGrandTour
Yekaterinburg history | Yekaterinburg culture | Yekaterinburg travel | Yekaterinburg vlog | Yekaterinburg Trans-Siberian | Yekaterinburg Couchsurfing | Russia history | Russia culture | Russia travel | Russia vlog | Russia Trans-Siberian | Russia Couchsurfing | Yekaterinburg guide | Yekaterinburg guide | Yekaterinburg travel guide | Екатеринбург | Екатеринбург vlog | vlog Екатеринбург
Short history of the beginning of russian radio and tv broadcasting , Exhibit. in Cita, autumn 2018
Just a short impression how radio and tv broadcasting changed in Russia not only by technical developments but also because of political changes.
Read more in: Reisepostillen, vol.7: RUSSLAND - Notizen zu einer Reise im Herbst 2018 by Katharina Füllenbach
Trans-Siberian Journey │Part 5│Khabarovsk, Vladivostok
Welcome to the last episode of our Trans-Siberian Journey series, featuring a city tour of Khabarovsk, fantastic views from Amur Cliff as well as Vladivostok's highlights - railway station and Submarine.
Did you enjoy the ride? Leave us a comment!
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GULAG times of Russian Far East
The permanent #exhibition in the Khabarovsk Regional #Museum tells about the times of the 1930s - 1950s of the last century, when in our region there were a lot of prisons and camps in the #Gulag system built by J. #Stalin #history #Khabarovsk
Battle between white and red military, Diorama in the city museum of Khabarovsk
In russian museums you often find diaramas showing a historic situation half painted, half installed. This is a nice example for this kind of presentation. Read more about russian history in: Reisepostillen, vol.7: RUSSLAND - Notizen zu einer Reise im Herbst 2018 by Katharina Füllenbach