Islamic Art Museum, Cairo; Artifacts from the Islamic World
Islamic Art Museum, Cairo, Egypt - the place that displays different objects and artifacts from all over the Islamic world, which immediately grab the eye.
The Museum of Islamic Art that is found in central Cairo, Egypt, is considered one of the greatest places in the world and this goes back to the different hidden gems that are found inside the place. The rare collection found inside the museum include woodwork and plaster artifacts as well as ceramic, metal, glass, crystal, and textile objects from different periods and places from the Islamic world.
With the rare objects and artifacts that are found inside the Islamic Art Museum, it is important to mention that there are more than 100,000 objects inside there; some of them are displayed while the rest are kept in the storage rooms. There are different objects to be seen inside the halls, since there are about 25 halls, and thus this big place needs some time to manage seeing it all and coming across the different artifacts that are found inside.
The Islamic world is so huge and there are a lot of things that the world know nothing about and have never seen before. Inside the Islamic Art Museum, there are rare things to see, such as the collection of the rare manuscripts of the Qur'an, with some calligraphy written with silver ink on pages with elaborate borders.
There are two entrances for this museum, one is found on the north eastern side and the other is found on the south eastern side. This beautiful place faced some damages which were caused by a bomb attack in the same area and which needed some restorations since some of the artifacts were destroyed and that is the reason why it was closed and reopened its gates at the beginning of this year.
This is a highly recommended place for people to visit because it carries good information, is clean from the inside, and carries different things related to the Islamic world which are related to different eras and different countries around the world.
Both Egyptians and foreigners will enjoy their time in this museum because the artifacts and objects are displayed in a very presentable way and the written descriptions attached come in both languages; English and Arabic and it also written in the conversational manner and not that textbook kind of way, so both groups of people will spend a couple of hours inside the place but will come out with good information and satisfying experience.
It is considered one of the rare places to visit and which are also related to the Islamic history and world which you will never find anywhere else; a place that represents all this kind of treasure and let you even think about it for some time after leaving the place, and sometimes even after leaving the country and going back home.
To understand the meaning of the Islamic art in the world, the Islamic Art Museum is the place where you could spend a couple of hours viewing different Islamic related objects that you have never even thought they existed.
The building itself takes the Islamic look, so you will feel the atmosphere before even getting the chance to enter the place and view the different objects that are found inside there. The tour inside the place will get you introduced to the Islamic contributions and discoveries which the world is still benefiting from until this very moment.
The Islamic Art Museum location is in Port Said Street, Bab Al-Khalq square, which is considered the downtown of Cairo and which is close to other attractions that include the Egyptian Museum ( which you could go to by walking, Cairo Tower ( the Pharaonic Village ( and even a little bit close to the Giza Zoo (
This place opens its gates everyday from 9 AM to 5 PM, except Friday, it opens from 9 AM till 11 AM but then closes its gates and reopens again from 1 PM till 5 PM, due to the Friday prayers. The entrance fees of the place are not expensive, which is usually the case with different tourist attractions in Egypt, they are 40 Egyptian pounds for Egyptians and a little more for foreigners, about 80 Egyptian pounds. Visitors are allowed to take pictures inside but without using the flash and this is only after they pay extra ticket fees which are 10 Egyptian pounds for Non-Egyptians.
There are different places to visit in Cairo, Egypt in addition to the Museum of Islamic Art, such as visiting the Pyramids of Giza ( you could come across Mohamed Ali's Palace ( you could go to the Citadel of Salah Al Din ( and you could have a walk through the downtown area to get more introduced to the place (
Never miss the chance of visiting the Islamic Art Museum in Egypt!
Museum Of Islamic Art Cairo-ICOM Egypt visit
زيارة اللجنة الوطنية المصرية للمتاحف لمتحف الفن الإسلامي بالقاهرة 14/5/2016
ICOM Egypt visit to the Museum in 14/5/2016
الزجاج بمتحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهره The Museum of Islamic Art, in Cairo, Egypt
الزجاج بمتحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهره The Museum of Islamic Art, in Cairo, Egypt
The Museum of Islamic Art, in Cairo, Egypt, is considered one of the greatest in the world, with its exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster artefacts, as well as metal, ceramic, glass,
Searches related to متحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهرة الزجاج
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مواعيد متحف الفن الاسلامى بالقاهرة
مقتنيات متحف الفن الاسلامى بالقاهرة
عنوان متحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهرة
افتتاح متحف الفن الاسلامي
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo Egypt
Музей исламского искусства в Каире (Египет)
Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo brings traditional crafts to life
EGYPT || Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art opens at night to visitors
Early Capitals of Islamic Culture | Lustre-Pottery Technique (EN)
From 15.10.2014 to 17.1.2015
Museum for Islamic Civilization, Sharjah
Early Capitals of Islamic Culture. The Artistic Legacy of Umayyad Damascus and Abbasid Baghdad (650-950)
In October, the Museum für Islamische Kunst (Museum of Islamic Art) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (National Museums in Berlin) is presenting a ground-breaking exhibition on the early urban heritage of Islam in Sharjah, Capital of Islamic Culture 2014. The exhibition and its adjunct workshops are part of an ongoing cooperation between Berlin and Sharjah.
Producer: Museum für Islamische Kunst / Stefan Matlik
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo - Egypt
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Cairo, Egypt - Travel to Egypt and discover what you could see there with us!
There are different things to do in Egypt and different Cairo attractions to head to and one of them is the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo which is considered the latest addition to the Egyptian treasure and which have succeeded in attracting the eyes of the tourists so far.
We have to mention that it is the latest addition to the Egyptian treasure because it opened in February 2017 with a lot of things to be seen inside. A collection of 50,000 Egyptian artifacts will be displayed there but will divided according to the section it is related to, which will present the Egyptian civilization from the prehistoric times until these days.
The new Egyptian museum has taken some collections from other museums in the country, such as the Grand Egyptian Museum, the Coptic Museum, the Museum of Islamic Art, the Manial Palace and Museum in Cairo, as well as the Royal Jewelry Museum in Alexandria.
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is found in the ancient city of Fustat, which is now part of Cairo. Although the place is still partially opened and there are still a lot of things under construction, it seems to be one successful place to go and visit while being in Egypt and definitely a place for school children to learn something through out their years of school by taking them to trips there.
One of the good rooms or exhibition galleries that is now open is the one showing different types of crafts, such as pottery, textiles, carpentry, and jewelry; It is really exciting and interesting to go through this room.
The place from the outside is also magnificent since the buildings are breathtaking and at the same time it has a good view on the small lake found there.
The Egyptian museum of civilization working hours are from 10 Am till 10 PM, giving people the chance to visit it anytime during the day. The entrance fee ticket for this museum is 10 Egyptian pounds for Egyptians and a little bit more for the foreigners, which is considered fair enough.
There are different activities offered in this museum of civilization which are related to the educational level, the cultural, as well as some other training activities. The place is not just about the museum, but there are other facilities to be found as well, such as stores, laboratories, library, conference room, cinema, theater, and an educational center.
Showing the world and telling every visitor about the Egyptian civilization history was one of the main goals of this museum and it's main mission.
This great Egyptian museum is divided into different parts from the inside. At the moment, there is the temporary exhibitions gallery, but there will also be the Cairo Capital Museum, the Core Exhibition Museum, the Thematic Galleries, the Royal Mummies Gallery, and the Archaeological Treasure.
We totally recommend this museum for those who are searching for different things to do in Egypt and different new places to go to. Since the place is still partially opened, we prefer that you put it back in the list, maybe they will open other parts as well.
This is definitely a place to go to in order to know more about ancient Egypt and the Egyptian civilization and collect as much memories from your trip to Egypt as possible. The one thing we would advice you with is to never spend a lot of time at this place because it is still not fully opened and you will not get the chance to see a lot of things there; just have a look and go on with your trip, because it is also not that close to the other beautiful destinations and attractions which you will need to see in the city before leaving.
Egypt history is wide and huge and there are different things in Cairo that could reveal this history along with the Egyptian civilization and culture. These things come in the form of places like museums, citadels, mosques, etc. that could take you through a tour and get you introduced to the ancient Egyptian kings and queens.
Egypt tourist attractions are numerous and every single one of them will give you some good information about Egypt that will let you go back home satisfied with your trip to Egypt and the things you have managed to know about it.
After getting done with your tour through the National Museum of Egypt, you could also visit The Islamic Art Museum ( Go to Mohamed Ali's Palace ( and also visit The Pyramids of Giza (
Egypt is not just about Cairo, but you could plan to visit other cities as well, such as Alexandria ( or Fayoum (
متحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهره الخزف والفخار Museum of Islamic Art Cairo
يضم أنواع الخزف والفخار في مصر منذ العصر الأموي، ونتائج حفائر الفسطاط، والخزف ذو البريق المعدني الذي اشتهر في العصر الفاطمي والمملوكي في مصر، والخزف الإيراني، والخزف والفخار العثماني المنسوب إلى رودس وكوتاهية، وخزف إيران طراز سلطان آباد والبورسلين الصيني.
The Museum of Islamic Art, in Cairo, Egypt, is considered one of the greatest in the world, with its exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster artefacts
to متحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهره الخزف
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مقتنيات متحف الفن الاسلامى بالقاهرة
معلومات عن متحف الفن الاسلامي بالقاهره
متحف الخزف الإسلامي
افتتاح المتحف الاسلامي بالقاهرة
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Museum of islamic art in cairo by: passant elmashad
some shots from the museum ..
Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
The Museum of Islamic Art is considered one of the greatest in the world with its exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster, as well as metal, ceramic, glass, crystal, and textile objects of all periods, from all over the Islamic world. It houses more than 102,000 objects. The Museum carries out archaeological excavations in the Fustat Area and has organized a number of National and International Exhibitions. It has been closed for renovations since 2003, but is set to re-open on September 1st, 2010.
متحف الفن الإسلامي بالقاهرة يعد أكبر متحف إسلامي بالعالم حيث يضم مجموعات متنوعة من الفنون الإسلامية من الهند والصين وإيران مرورا بفنون الجزيرة العربية والشام ومصر وشمال أفريقيا والأندلس.
بدأت فكرة إنشاء دار تجمع التحف الإسلامية سنة 1869، في عهد الخديوى توفيق حيث جمعت في الإيوان الشرقي من جامع الحاكم وصدر مرسوم سنة1881 بتشكيل لجنة حفظ الآثار العربية، ولما ضاق هذا الإيوان بالتحف بني لها مكان في صحن هذا الجامع حتى بني المتحف الحالي بميدان أحمد ماهر بشارع بورسعيد (الخليج المصري قديمًا) وكان يعرف جزءه الشرقي بدار الآثار العربية وجزءه الغربي باسم دار الكتب السلطانية.
افتتح المتحف لأول مرة في 9 شوال 1320هـ/28 ديسمبر 1903 م في ميدان باب الخلق أحد أشهر ميادين القاهرة الإسلامية، وبجوار أهم نماذج العمارة الإسلامية في عصورها المختلفة الدالة على ما وصلت إليه الحضارة الإسلامية من ازدهار كجامع ابن طولون، ومسجد محمد علي بالقلعة، وقلعة صلاح الدين.
وقد سُمي بهذا الاسم منذ عام 1952 م، وذلك لأنه يحتوي على تحف وقطع فنية صنعت في عدد من البلاد الإسلامية، مثل إيران وتركيا والأندلس والجزيرة العربية... إلخ، وكان قبل ذلك يسمى بدار الآثار العربية.
Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo- #دوت مصر
Reopen of the Museum of Islamic Art Cairo
Museum of Islamic Art Cairo-Miniature of the Emperor Akbar and Abou al-Fadl
برنامج عصور مضيئة مع الدكتور أحمد الشوكي وحلقة بعنوان تصويرة الإمبراطور أكبر ووزيره أبو الفضل
Episode Miniature of the Emperor Akbar and his vizier Abou al-Fadl from the program Illuminated periods on the Egyptian Radio. by Dr.Ahmad al-Shoky
Nubian Museum Tour (Aswan): Things To Do In Egypt
Nubia Museum tour. A thing to do in Aswan Egypt is to see photos and video of historical exhibits of Nubian people culture.
The Nubian Museum is an archaeological museum located in Aswan, Upper Egypt. It was built to a design by architect Mahmoud El-Hakim for an estimated construction cost of LE 75 million. A lot of black history of Egypt in the Nubian Museum.
If you’re looking for things to do in Aswan, Egypt Africa, the Nubia Museum is a must. So much history in the beautiful Aswan museum.
Want more things to do in Egypt? Watch more Egypt videos:
The Nubian Museum is a luxury, a showcase of the history, art and culture of Nubia. Established in 1997 in cooperation with Unesco, the Nubia museum is a reminder of what was lost beneath Lake Nasser. Exhibits are beautifully displayed in huge halls, where clearly written explanations take you from 4500 BC through to the present day.
The exhibits start with prehistoric artefacts and objects from the Kingdom of Kush and Meroe. Coptic and Islamic art displays lead to a description of the massive Unesco project to move Nubia’s most important historic monuments away from the rising waters of Lake Nasser, following the building of the Aswan High Dam.
Among the museum highlights are 6000-year-old painted pottery bowls and an impressive quartzite statue of a 25th-dynasty priest of Amun in Thebes with distinct Kushite (Upper Nubian) features. The stunning horse armor found in tombs from the Ballana period (5th to 7th centuries BC) shows the sophistication of artisanship during this brief ascendancy. A fascinating display traces the development of irrigation along the Nile, from the earliest attempts to control the flow of the river, right up to the building of the old Aswan Dam. A model of a Nubian house, complete with old furniture and mannequins wearing traditional silver jewelry, attempts to portray the folk culture of modern Nubia.
#egypt #aswan #museum #nubia #nubian #thingstodo #travelvideo #blackculture
Fayoum City & Oasis - City of Waterfalls Southwest of Cairo
Fayoum, Egypt - Located on the southwest of Cairo, this city is famously known for being the place that hosts the beautiful waterfalls and which are the main attraction for the tourists.
Are you looking for a place to visit in Egypt other than Cairo and Alexandria? Then Fayoum should be the third destination on the list. Cairo is the place where most of the history and its treasures are found then comes Alexandria ( and mixing between the rich history and the beautiful nature, Fayoum is the third city in Cairo that is home to one of the oasis found in Egypt.
Fayoum city in in the middle of Egypt, just 100 kilometers away southwest of Cairo, not far for a day trip. Due to it's strategic location, Fayoum is one of the oldest cities in Egypt. Driving one hour and a half to reach Fayoum will get you to witness several attractions and historical places along with seeing the natural waterfalls.
There are several tourist attractions that one could come to visit in Fayoum ,such as Wadi El-Hetan (valley of whales) which was a sea rich with a variety of marine life millions of years ago but which now contains fossils and skeletons of extinct whales.
Lake Qaroun is another destination spotted in Fayoum, this lake is considered one of the most important ancient natural lakes where there are different activities to be done, and there is also Qasr Qaroun (Qaroun palace) which one should visit there as well.
In addition to Qaroun lake, there is also the Magic lake which is our recommended destination for those who want to calm down after hiking and at the same time enjoy the beautiful scene of the stars at night.
Adding to these previous destinations, we should mention that Tunis Village is another beautiful place that should be visited. Tunis village is the place for those who are willing to have some time away from the hustle and bustle of the city by watching the birds by Qaroun lake and enjoying the singing of the birds. Tunis village has also been famously known for pottery making and even for teaching people how to make pottery.
The famous Wadi Al-Rayan waterfalls which are the main reason lots of people head to Fayoum in the first place are among the list of things to do in Fayoum. Those waterfalls are believed to be the largest in Egypt and the ones which you could take a dip in.
When one first think about visiting Fayoum, at first it might seem a waste of time because people think that it is all about the waterfalls and the Qaroun lake and they will be back or else will sit in the hotel doing nothing, but there are different places to visit and different activities to do, such as sand boarding, hiking, camping, fishing, watching the birds, enjoying the calmness of the place, and visiting those historical places found there.
History is beneficial and that is the reason why visiting Maidum pyramid in Fayoum is a must, this pyramid which is believed to be the first attempt of building one and which was built by the father of Khufu. Qasr El-Sagha temple is the one which was never completed and which dates back to the Middle Kingdom.
Lakes, waterfalls, villages, hotels, activities; there are actually different things to do and witness in Fayoum which will make you live two or three days that you are going to remember till the end of your time.
A recommended place for those visiting Egypt and have the time to go somewhere else other than Cairo. The nature there will help all those who want to be involved with different activities, watch this nature in front of their eyes, and at the same time get the chance to see some good historical things and places.
The weather in Fayoum is perfect during winter and spring, which is considered the recommended time for those who want to go bird watching or sand boarding because it is very hot in summer. For those want to visit the lakes and the waterfalls, all year long is considered acceptable.
The breathtaking view of those three different lakes which are found on different heights yet they are connected to one another through waterfalls is the most beautiful thing about the trip and even though the waterfalls will be always making sounds, and for some is considered noise, but it is still the noise of nature and that is pretty much needed.
Speaking of Egypt in general, there are a lot of places to go to, Cairo will always come on top of them but there is also Alexandria, which is considered the second biggest city after Cairo, there is also Luxor and Aswan, and one could visit places for enjoying the beauty of the sea and beach such as the North Coast on the Mediterranean ( or Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada on the Red Sea.
If you are in Cairo, you could check some places such as El Moez street in old Egypt ( or visiting Mohamed Ali Palace ( and you will always feel satisfied with the scenes.
Sultan Baybars and his era
Museum of Islamic Art & kazakhstan
Museum of islamic art, cairo Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria visit
Mohamed Ali Palace, Cairo, Egypt - Known as Manial Palace
Mohamed Ali Palace, Cairo, Egypt - It was previously known as Mohamed Ali Palace as an attribution to him, but now it is famously known as Manial Palace and Museum which is found in Al Saraya street, El Manial district of southern Cairo, Egypt.
Mohamed Ali Tewfik was the owner of this palace and that is the reason why it was once referred to and known as Mohamed Ali Palace, until later on when it was transformed into a historic house museum that carries different antiquities related to the settings and lifestyle of the late 19th and early 20th century Egyptian royal prince and heir apparent.
For those who enjoy visiting the real palaces where the old princes and kings used to live, this is one destination we recommend when it comes to visit Egypt. Mohamed Ali Palace, or Manial Palace as it is known, is a compound that is divided into five different buildings, these buildings have a lot of rooms and are also surrounded by Persian and English gardens as well as a small branch of the Nile. This palace carries the extensive art, silver, clothing, and furniture that used to belong to the middle ages.
The design of the whole place is different and it seems that there was a lot of effort exerted in the bringing it to life. It was built in the European Art Nouveau and Rococo style that is mixed with some Islamic architecture. The interior design of the place takes the breath away and makes one think about how people used to live in such a place since there is a lot of ceramic tile work done.
After all those years of the construction of the palace, it is still in a very good shape and the furniture placed inside is also different but yet in very good forms. This is not considered a so much visited place yet it deserves much more attention from the public, just in the same way they tend to visit and get impressed by Muhammad Ali Mosque that is located inside the citadel (
Every single room found in every single building will take you through a different experience and will leave you always astonished with the different tiles that are used to give the room a different look and at the same time tend to give it a different feeling and atmosphere.
This is considered a very good place to visit when it comes to the attractions near the middle of the city, since it is not much far away from the downtown area ( and at the same time it is worth it for all the different things that you will manage to come across and see.
To get the chance to enter all the rooms inside and make a good tour through the whole place, you have to be ready for spending about three or four hours in total.
For those who have made their minds about visiting Mohamed Ali Palace, they should know that it opens everyday except Tuesday from 9 AM and closes at 4 PM, and better to avoid it on Friday during Friday prayer time because you will most probably find nobody there to help you if you want guidance.
Mohamed Ali Palace entrance fee for the Egyptians is 20 Egyptian pounds, which means that it would be for about 40 Egyptian pounds for foreigners, and those who want to take pictures, they will need to pay extra 50 Egyptian pounds for the tour inside; not expensive for a magnificent place like this one.
We know, there are a lot of things which might be considered much more important to some people when it comes to Cairo attractions, such as visiting the Egyptian Museum ( going to the Pyramids ( or even visiting the citadel ( but they have to dig deep because they will most probably find new gems hidden in every corner related to this country.
Interested in getting to see more of the places and attractions related to this person who was the main reason behind starting modern Egypt? You could visit Muhammad Ali Mosque during the same day if you have enough time and if the other destination will still be open, in order to see how his buildings which were inspired by the Islamic world look like.
There are lots of other places to visit in Cairo, Egypt, that will tell you more about the history of Egypt, such as Cairo citadel, the Egyptian Museum, going to the Islamic Art Museum ( visiting the Pyramids, giving the new grand National Museum for Egyptian Civilization a try ( and even getting the chance to walk through the old streets of Cairo which will take you to El Moez street and all the different old mosques that are found there ( Khan El Khalili ( and will even take you through Al Azhar area.
Mohamed Ali, or Manial, Palace should be definitely on your list of things to visit in Egypt and feel astonished with how those people used to live.
Treasures of the Nile - Cairo, Egypt
Ruth and I traveled around Egypt for six weeks. Arriving in Cairo at midnight, customs scanned my passport, then escorted us into a room by ourselves and made us wait about 30 minutes. We thought they were going to deny us entry, but they finally let us go without explanation.. The Taxi driver told us that the Egyptian hotels charged foreigners double, so when we found a hotel we had to bargain and finally got the local rate. We spent several days in Cairo visiting the museums, camel market, the famed Khan el-Khalii market , ancient pottery factories, alabaster production villages, and it seemed we walked the whole city. Needless to say we loved every minute in Cairo.
Music by Alexander Blu
Museum of islamic art in cairo
islamic pix