National Museum of Slavery Angola Luanda
The National Museum of Slavery (Portuguese: Museu Nacional da Escravatura) is located in Morro da Cruz, Luanda, Angola.
The museum was founded in 1977 by the National Institute of Cultural Patrimony, with the objective of depicting the history of slavery in Angola. The museum adjoins the Capela da Casa Grande, a 17th Century structure where slaves were baptised before being put on slave ships for transport to the Americas.
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The museum displays hundreds of items utilised in the slave trade, and is located in the former property of Álvaro de Carvalho Matoso, captain of the presidio of the Forte de Ambaca, Fortaleza da Muxima, and Forte de Massangano in Angola, and one of the largest slave-traders on the African coast in the first half of the 18th Century. Matoso died in 1798, and his family and heirs continued in the slave-trade until 1836, when a decree by Maria II of Portugal prohibited the export of slaves from the Portuguese Empire.
Luanda, Angola
Founded in 1575 as Sao Paulo de Loanda by 400 Portuguese soldiers and 100 families, Luanda now has a population of approximately four to five million.
Upheavals during the civil war caused large-scale migration to the city but Luanda was by no means untouched by the conflict. For 27 years, Luanda was the scene of sporadic bursts of violence leaving many of the buildings riddled with bullet holes.
Luanda is now returning to its former glory. Skyscrapers and cranes along the skyline testify to the city's renaissance. International construction companies are transforming the city.
The numerous housing projects for the rich and the poor are struggling to keep up with demand as more and more Angolans are lifting themselves out of poverty. Roads are resurfaced and power and telecommunications networks are expanding across the city.
Luanda is Angola's premier business center housing almost all of the government institutions, foreign embassies, banks and multinational company headquarters.
Just off Luanda's bay on the Atlantic Ocean is the Cape Island, commonly referred to simply as the Island. In fact a road connects the island to the mainland now but the 7km long thin stretch of land is home to many of Luanda's main attractions.
The island's beautiful sandy beaches are lined with bars, restaurants, nightclubs and hotels. For those seeking some culture, Luanda has several museums, including the National Museum of Slavery, National Museum of Anthropology and the National Museum of Natural History of Angola.
Beautiful churches built hundreds of years ago by the Portuguese survived Angola's conflicts. Galleries, theatres and concert halls showcase Angola's artistic talents. is the first comprehensive website offering users a multimedia editorial guide to Angola in the English language. It aims to be the primary source of objective and current information for visitors and investors. The website hopes to facilitate the realisation of Angola's fantastic potential by providing both snapshots and in-depth guides to the country's key industries and growth areas.
Angola Documentary | Angola travel guide | Angola tourist attractions 2016
The tourism industry in Angola is based on the country's natural beauty, including its rivers, waterfalls and scenic coastline.[1] Angola's tourism industry is relatively new, as much of the country was destroyed during the post-colonial civil war which ended in 2002. Unlike most countries in the region, which generally give US, EU, and many other citizens a visa on arrival or require no visa at all, Angola has complicated and onerous Soviet-style visa requirements (official letter of invitation, documents concerning purpose of travel, copy of travel itinerary, proof of funds, etc., all of which are sent back to Luanda for approval). This antiquated attitude to tourism places the country at a disadvantage in a competitive market for international tourism.
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Angola | Angola Tourist Attractions & Traditions | অ্যাঙ্গোলায় চলছে 'সুটকেস পার্টির' রমরমা ব্যবসা
Angola | Angola Tourist Attractions, History, Culture, Women & Traditions | অ্যাঙ্গোলায় চলছে 'সুটকেস পার্টির' রমরমা ব্যবসা | অ্যাঙ্গোলা (পর্তুগিজ: Angola আঁগলা, কোঙ্গো: Ngola ঙ্গোলা) দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম আফ্রিকায় আটলান্টিক মহাসাগরের তীরে অবস্থিত একটি রাষ্ট্র। ১৯৭৫ সাল পর্যন্ত এটি পর্তুগালের অধীনে ছিল এবং পর্তুগিজ পশ্চিম আফ্রিকা নামেও এটি পরিচিত ছিল। ১৯৭৫ সালে পর্তুগিজদের বিরুদ্ধে অ্যাঙ্গোলানদের প্রায় ১৫ বছর যুদ্ধের পর দেশটি স্বাধীনতা লাভ করে। স্বাধীনতার পর পরই বিরোধী অ্যাঙ্গোলান দলগুলির মধ্যে গৃহযুদ্ধ শুরু হয়ে যায় এবং ২১ শতকের প্রথম কয়েক বছর পর্যন্ত অব্যাহত থাকে।
অ্যাঙ্গোলা নামটি ন্গোলা শব্দ থেকে এসেছে। উত্তর অ্যাঙ্গোলার ম্বুটু গোত্রের শাসকদের ন্গোলা নামে ডাকা হত। বর্তমান অ্যাঙ্গোলার রাজধানীও ব্রৃহত্তম শহর লুয়ান্ডা। অ্যাঙ্গোলার সরকারি ভাষা পর্তুগিজ, যদিও বেশির ভাগ পর্তুগিজ দেশটি ছেড়ে চলে গেছেন। পোর্তুগিজ ছাড়াও অধিকাংশ অ্যাঙ্গোলান সাধারণত বান্টু ভাষাগুলির যেকোন একটিতে কথা বলেন।
অ্যাঙ্গোলা আফ্রিকান দেশগুলির মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ধনী দেশে পরিণত হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে। দেশটিতে পেট্রোলিয়াম সম্পদ, জলবিদ্যুৎ নির্মাণের সুযোগ, উর্বর ক্ষেতখামার, হীরা ও অন্যান্য খনিজ সম্পদ --- এ সবই বিদ্যমান। কিন্তু স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধের সময় দেশটির ক্ষতিসাধন হয় এবং তারপর গৃহযুদ্ধের সময় পেট্রোডলারের অধিকাংশই অণুন্নয়নমূলক কাজে ব্যয় হয়। ২০০২ সালে একটি সন্ধিচুক্তি স্বাক্ষরিত হওয়ার পর গৃহযুদ্ধের অবসান ঘটে এবং এখন দেশটি শান্তি ও অর্থনৈতিক উন্নতির দিকে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে।
রাজধানী লুয়ান্ডা
সক্রিয়মানচিত্রেঅবস্থানচিহ্নিতকরুন৮°৫০′ দক্ষিণ ১৩°২০′ পূর্ব বৃহত্তম শহর রাজধানী রাষ্ট্রীয় ভাষাসমূহ পর্তুগিজ স্বীকৃত আঞ্চলিক ভাষাসমূহ কোঙ্গো, চোকুয়ে, দক্ষিণ ম্বুন্ডু, ম্বুন্ডু জাতীয়তাসূচক বিশেষণ অ্যাঙ্গোলীয়, অ্যাঙ্গোলান সরকার প্রজাতন্ত্র রাষ্ট্রপতি • রাষ্ট্রপতি জস্ এডোয়াদো ডোস সান্তোস্ • প্রধানমন্ত্রী পালোও কাসসোমা স্বাধীন পর্তুগাল থেকে • তারিখ নভেম্বর ১১ ১৯৭৫ আয়তন • মোট ১২,৪৬,৭০০ কিমি২ (22nd)
৪,৮১,৩৫৪ বর্গ মাইল • পানি (%) negligible জনসংখ্যা • 2014 আদমশুমারি 25,789,024[১] • ঘনত্ব 20.69/কিমি২ (199th)
৫৩.৫৭/বর্গ মাইল মোট দেশজ উৎপাদন
(ক্রয়ক্ষমতা সমতা) 2017 আনুমানিক • মোট $193.935 billion[২] (64th) • মাথা পিছু $6,881[২] (107th) মোট দেশজ উৎপাদন (নামমাত্র) 2017 আনুমানিক • মোট $122.365 billion[২] (61st) • মাথা পিছু $4,342[২] (91st) জিনি সহগ (2009) 42.7[৩]
মাধ্যম মানব উন্নয়ন সূচক (2015) 0.533[৪]
নিম্ন • 150th মুদ্রা কুয়াঞ্জা (AOA) সময় অঞ্চল WAT (ইউটিসি+১) • গ্রীষ্মকালীন (ডিএসটি) not observed (ইউটিসি+১) কলিং কোড ২৪৪
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Angola - Fortaleza de Sao Miguel in Luanda
The Sao Miguel Fortress is without a doubt the main attraction in Luanda as is attested by its UNESCO World Heritage status. The fortress is one of the largest fortresses in Africa and the world ever built by the Portuguese in 1576. For many years, it was a totally self-contained town with impenetrable high walls on all sides and guns sticking out in all directions. Luanda and the fortress served as a major originating point for the slave trade to Brazil and North America (the largest according to the Angolan sources). During the civil war, this was the headquarters of the military and nowadays it’s a military museum. Statues of Portuguese explorers and kings occupy a small place in the inner courtyard, but a much larger real estate is given to the Soviet weaponry that MPLA fought with - it’s nice to see GAZ and UAZ trucks and guns in their full USSR glory. The fortress occupies the highest point in the hilly city of Luanda and views are panoramic in all directions - inland and sea - including the slums right beneath it that are being slowly demolished.
Science and technology in Angola | Wikipedia audio article
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Security considerations and a severe shortage of skilled personnel have limited Angola’s development of its extensive mineral reserves and abundant fertile land. Angola’s research institutes include the Cotton Scientific Research Center in Catete, the Agronomic Research Institute in Huambo (founded in 1962), the Institute for Veterinary Research in Lubango (founded in 1965), the Angola Medical Research Institute in Luanda (Founded in 1955), and the Angolan Directorate of Geological and Mining Services in Luanda (founded in 1914). The University Agostinho Neto (founded in 1963) has faculties of sciences, agriculture, medicine, and engineering, and the National Center of Scientific Investigation.
In 1987–97, science and engineering students accounted for 24% of college and university enrolments. The National Museum of Natural History and the National Anthropology Museum are located in Luanda.
The National Museum of the Philippines Photos
Come and visit the museum the entrance is free, discover and witness artifacts of Pilipino origins and culture.
A Brief History of Angola - Made In Angola Film
The Eduardo dos Santos Foundation (FESA) officially presented a documentary film entitled Made in Angola on July 8th 2009.
Made In Angola showcases the remarkable recovery this virtually unknown African nation has made over the past several years.
Viewers will be mesmerized by Angola's breathtaking natural beauty as they encounter untouched beaches, virgin tropical rain-forests, vast deserts, endless savannah and magnificent waterfalls. Beyond the stunning natural beauty, viewers will also be intrigued by Angola's spectacular economic growth, its commitment to reconstruction and development and its rich cultural heritage.
The documentary, co-produced by Mundis Production and New Atlantis, was filmed in the provinces of Luanda, Kwanza Sul, Huila, Cabinda, Bengo, Huambo, Namibe, Zaire, Malanje and Lunda Norte.
National Bank of Angola | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:28 1 History
00:02:10 2 Financial fraud at BNA
00:03:34 3 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
The National Bank of Angola (Portuguese: Banco Nacional de Angola) is the central bank of Angola. It is state-owned and the Government of Angola is the sole shareholder. The bank is based in Luanda, was created in 1926, but traces its ancestry back to 1865. The National Bank of Angola is active in developing financial inclusion policy and is a member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion.
Fossils From Angola Bring Strange Yet Familiar Ocean into View
Some of you may be familiar with mythical sea monsters. For example, Scotland's infamous Loch Ness Monster Nessie, and Giganto, fictional beasts of comic book fame. But millions of years ago, there were real-life sea monsters that lived and thrived in what we now call the South Atlantic Ocean. Now a Smithsonian museum in Washington is giving visitors a chance to learn about these ancient marine reptiles. VOA's Julie Taboh has more.
Originally published at -
Travel to Angola / Documentary &Facts About Angola In urdu / Hindi - Hina Tv
Travel to Angola / Documentary &Facts About Angola In urdu / Hindi - Hina Tv
Angolan Art and Culture Exhibition: Powell-Cotton Museum (2012)
The pictures in this video slideshow was taking by Chikukuango Cuxima-Zwa during the exhibition at the Powell-Cotton Museum in London/Kent.
Spencer Museum + Greenland National Museum collaboration
Two graduate students from the University of Greenland, accompanied by Curator and Archaeologist Hans Harmsen of the Greenland National Museum & Archives, visited the Spencer Museum in April 2019 to research the Museum's collection of objects from Greenland collected in 1895 by Lewis Lindsay Dyche. The students photographed a group of objects made by Greenland Inuit people to create a series of three-dimensional images for these objects that will be available online. This research is part of a project that began in 2016 to digitally reunite Greenlandic objects held in museums around the world. Other than the Smithsonian, the Spencer Museum is the only North American institution the project has collaborated with.
Njinga, Rainha de Angola - EN - Africiné
EN / FR / PT - In the 17th century, a warrior queen fights for the independence of Angola to free her people from Portuguese colonization and slavery. Starring Lesliana Pereira, Silvio Nascimento, Jaime Joaquim
A film by Sergio Graciano, 2013, Angola, fiction, 1hr49 minutes, Color, Biopic / Historical, Portuguese with English subtitles.
FR: À la mort de son père, le roi Kilwani, en Angola, sa fille décide de se battre contre l'occupant portugais. Un film de Sergio Graciano, 2013, Angola, fiction, 1h49 minutes, Couleur, Biopic / Historique, avec Lesliana Pereira, Silvio Nascimento, Jaime Joaquim
PT - Rainha dos reinos do Ndongo (ou Ngola) e de Matamba, Njinga (1583-1663) foi uma guerreira africana que durante quatro décadas tudo fez para poupar o seu povo ao destino cruel da escravatura, generalizada pelos europeus no séc. XVI. Un filme de Sérgio Graciano, 2013, Angola, com Lesliana Pereira, Sílvio Nascimento, Rui Paulo, Joaquim Nicolau, José Fidalgo...
The movie Profile on Africiné, the World Leader (African & Diaspora Cinemas):
1. MEMORIAL,LUANDA 8°49'26.17S 13°13'9.57E
2. DILOLO LAKE 11°30'50.86S 22° 2'30.48E
3. FORT,LUANDA 8°48'26.22S 13°13'22.04E
4. FORT,KICOMBO 11°19'13.01S 13°49'11.78E
5. CIF,LUANDA 8°49'3.12S 13°13'44.36E
6. RUACANA FALLS 17°24'15.46S 14°12'50.81E
7. PORT OF LUANDA 8°48'7.36S 13°14'34.49E
8. LULO DIAMOND MINE 8°57'11.45S 20°28'27.29E
9. MINISTRY OF FINANCE,LUANDA 8°48'53.33S 13°13'53.92E
10. NAMIBE DESERT 16°20'33.78S 12° 3'2.65E
11. FORT,S. PEDRO DA BARRA 8°46'23.92S 13°17'10.79E
12. CATOCA DIAMOND MINE,SAURIMO 9°24'17.41S 20°18'23.75E
13. PALACE OF FERRO,LUANDA 8°48'43.86S 13°14'8.61E
14. KALANDULA FALLS,MALANJE 9° 4'29.48S 16° 0'9.11E
15. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 8°49'22.52S 13°13'28.44E
16. FORTALEZA OF CAMBAMBE 9°44'32.17S 14°29'13.47E
17. SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA OF CALULO 9°59'56.59S 14°53'26.39E
18. TALLEST TOWER IN ANGOLA 8°48'48.39 13°13'50.02E
19. FORTRESS OF MUXIMA 9°31'24.02S 13°57'31.64E
20. NATIONAL STADIUM 8°58'11.97S 13°17'1.51E
400th Anniversary of Slavery, Angola pt. 1
This year marks the 400th anniversary since the first enslaved Africans set foot in what is now the United States. VOA’s Mayra de Lassalette and Betty Ayoub traveled to Angola to learn more about one of the origins of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and its lingering impact on the region.
The Puke Ariki Museum in Taranaki - New Zealand's Biggest Gap Year – Backpacker Guide New Zealand
Day 44: Today we are doing a bit of a culture crawl in New Plymouth by visiting the Puke Ariki Museum in Taranaki then checking out a Gallery at Jetcharm event.
Yesterday - Day 43 -
Tomorrow – Day 45 –
About this video:
Today’s activity on New Zealand’s Biggest Gap Year is the Puke Ariki Museum in Taranaki! The Puke Ariki Museum is in the centre of New Plymouth and the perfect rainy day activity in Taranaki.
The Puke Ariki Museum is full of exhibitions from Maori history to natural history and beyond. We spend way too much time in the kid’s exhibition playing on slides and playing on the interactive displays...
After spending a huge amount of time in the free Puke Ariki Museum in Taranki, we head back to our accommodation at the Ducks & Drakes Backpackers where we hear there is a gallery event happening at a barber shop in New Plymouth tonight called the Gallery at Jetcharm. It’s a small pop-up gallery that runs monthly events where a theme is chosen and people can submit their work to be on display on the gallery and put up for sale. It’s a great way for us to meet some creative locals in New Plymouth, Taranaki.
So what do you think of the Puke Ariki Museum in Taranaki? And how about the Gallery at Jetcharm? Let us know in the comments below!
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New Zealand Biggest Gap Year
365 Days: 365 Activities
Join Robin and Laura from the online travel guide BackpackerGuide.NZ as they embark of the 365-day journey around New Zealand doing 365 activities. It’s New Zealand’s Biggest Gap Year! Equipped with a campervan and a sense of adventure, the pair goes backpacking in New Zealand finding the best activities to show you, as well as the hidden gems. Start making your New Zealand bucket list and join the adventure!
Read more about the Puke Ariki Museum and Gallery at Jetcharm on New Zealand’s biggest guide for backpackers:
African Queen - Nzinga Of Angola, South Africa (circa 1581-1663)
One of the great women rulers of Africa, Queen Anna Nzinga (circa 1581-1663) of Angola fought against the slave trade and European influence in the seventeenth century. Known for being an astute diplomat and visionary military leader, she resisted Portuguese invasion and slave raids for 30 years. A skilled negotiator, she allied herself with the Dutch and pitted them against the Portuguese in an effort to wrest free of Portuguese domination. She fought for a free Angola until her death at age 82, after which weak rulers left the country open for the Portuguese to regain control.
Sudan ethnography museum
Sudan ethnography museum, by usama ghazali.