Petroglyphs Open-Air Museum, Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan
Petroglif Müzesi | Cholpon-Ata | Kırgızistan
Orta Asya turu kapsamında Kırgızistan Cholpon-Ata şehri yakınlarında bir Petroglif Müzesi ziyaret ettim. Petroglif Müzesi 4000 yıllık tarihi ve harika kaya resimleri ile büyülüyor. Issık Göl kıyısındaki Cholpon-Ata Kırgızistan coğrafyasından toplanan birçok Kaya Resmi Petroglif ile turist çekmeye devam ediyor. Taş üzerine yapılan oyma resimlere Kırgızistan’da Issık Göl, Narın ve Talas illerinin dağlık ilçelerinde sıkça rastlanılıyor. Issy-Kul State Historical and Cultural Museum and Reserve olarak geçen bu bölge Issyk-Kul Tarih ve Kültür Müzesi, Cholpon-Ata’nın merkezinde bulunuyor. Kaya resimleri üzerinde keçi, yaban keçisi, dağ keçisi, domuz, köpek, av köpeği, avcı, geyik, çoban ve at gibi hayvan ve insan motifleri ve o döneme ait araçlar resmedilmiş.
İyi seyirler! 'da Gezi Yazısı kaleme alıyorum. Siteyi takip etmeyi ve yazılarımı okumayı unutmayın!
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Bu video GoPro Hero 5 Black Edition ile 1080p 60fps ayarında çekilmiştir.
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Merhaba, ben Anıl Erdemir.
Haziran 2017'de yolda olmak güzel diyerek yola çıkan, az para ve çok otostopla seyahat eden bir gencim. Bu kanalda otostop, kamp ve ekonomik tavsiyelerle birlikte genel olarak gezdiğim yerleri anlatıyor, başımdan geçenleri aktarmaya çalışıyorum.
İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler!
Cholpon-Ata. Petroglyphs. Kyrgyzstan. Чолпон-Ата. Петроглифы. Кыргызстан.
Cholpon-Ata. Petroglyphs. Kyrgyzstan. Чолпон-Ата. Петроглифы. Кыргызстан.
Cholpon-Ata - Kyrgyzstan 4K Travel Channel
Two and a half hours after our departure from Jyrgalan we reach the 180 km remote Cholpon-Ata. We start our discovery tour with a visit to the multifunctional open-air museum Ruh Ordo. Each of the five chapels on the site symbolizes a religion: Islam, Catholic, Christian Orthodox, Buddhism, and Judaism. These are supposed to stand for peace and remind that all religions have one God.
The complex is dedicated to the world-famous Kyrgyz writer Chinghiz Aitmatov. Besides his novel characters, a lot of nicely designed sculptures adorn the lawns between various halls. They represent real as well as mythical persons. In addition, many objects of Kyrgyz culture are on display. Aitmatov lifelong advocated a peace-loving nature-loving culture. You can see his work in one of the halls.
On the shore is a footbridge with four platforms, symbolizing four seasons and the four directions of a compass.
But there is also a hall that is beyond our understanding. It has a large empty pool inside. In the evening the area is beautifully illuminated. It is also a venue for concerts and events. The well maintained open-air museum Ruh Ordo conveys artistic charm.
After our tour, we drive one bathing beach near and start a sightseeing flight with the drone at the western shore of the bay.
Beside the center with the open air museum Ruh Ordo we can recognize the stadium of the World Nomad Games.
Marvelous beaches and dune landscapes wind along the shore of the Issyk-Kul. The beautiful color shades of the water near the shore appear almost like a painting. Everywhere is vibrant life and some beach visitors let themselves be pulled into the air by motor boats with parachutes.
Another highlight in Cholpon-Ata are the numerous fields of petroglyphs that stretch between the village and the mountains.
please read more:
Zweieinhalb Stunden nach unserer Abfahrt aus Jyrgalan erreichen wir das 180km entfernte Cholpon-Ata. Wir beginnen unsere Entdeckungtour mit einem Besuch des multifunktionalen Freilichtmuseums Ruh Ordo.
Auf dem Gelände wurden fünf Kapellen errichtet, von denen jede eine Religion symbolisiert: Islam, Katholisch, Christlich Orthodox, Buddhismus und
Judentum. Diese sollen für den Frieden stehen und andeuten, dass alle Religionen nur einen gemeinsamen Gott haben.
Die Anlage steht im Zeichen des weltbekannten kirgisischen Schriftstellers Tschingis Aitmatow. Neben seinen Romanfiguren schmücken eine Unzahl schön gestalteter Skulpturen von echten und von mythischen Personen die Rasenflächen zwischen diversen Hallen. Daneben werden eine Unzahl Gegenstände der kirgisischen Kultur gezeigt. Aitmatow ist lebenslang für eine friedensliebende naturverbundene Kultur eingetreten. Eine der Hallen ist seinem Werk gewidmet.
Am Ufer wurde ein Steg mit 4 Plattformen gebaut, die die 4 Jahreszeiten und die 4 Richtungen eines Kompass symbolisieren.
Es gibt aber auch eine Halle die sich unserem Verständnis entzieht. In ihr ist ein großer leerer Pool. Abends ist das Gelände schön illuminiert. Es wird aber auch als Konzert und Veranstaltungsgelände genutzt. Die gesamte Anlage vermittelt künstlerischen Charme und ist sehr gepflegt.
Nach unserem Rundgang fahren wir zum westlichen Ufer der Bucht nahe eines Badestrandes und starten mit der Drohne einen Rundflug.
Neben dem Zentrum mit dem Freilichtmuseum Ruh Ordo können wir auch das Stadion der World Nomad Games sehr gut erkennen.
Herrliche Badestrände und Dünenlandschaften schlängeln sich am Ufer des Yssyköl entlang. Herrlich, fast schon gemalt erscheinen die Farbschattierungen des Wasser in Ufernähe. Überall herrscht reges leben und manche Strandbesucher lassen sich von Motorbooten mit Fallschirmen in die Luft ziehen.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
#VisitKyrgyzstan #DiscoverKyrgyzstan
[Kyrgyzstan] Museum of Petroglyphs | Петроглифы |촐폰아타 암각화단지에서 본 풍경 @ Cholpon-Ata, Issyk kul | 이식쿨
촐폰아타 암각화단지의 촬영한 또 다른 모습
Kyrgyzstan settembre 20013 Museum of Petroglyphs Lake Issyk-Kul
Kyrgyzstan settembre Museum of Petroglyphs Lake Issyk-Kul
Kyrgyzstan, Cholpon Ata Prehistoric site
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Old petroglyphs, highest peaks of this part of Tian-Shan. The petroglyphs are located up from the old airport in Cholpon-Ata. A taxi from the center to the petroglyphs should cost 200 som, including one hour waiting time.
Cholpon-Ata and Issy-Kul, travelling there, the beach, petroglyphs and museum
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Petroglyphs in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan
One of the main sights in Cholpon-Ata is the open-air museum of petroglyphs, located just outside the city center. The 42 hectares of the museum are dotted with stone circles, tombs, balbals, and a variety of petroglyphs.
Open Air Museum
In the midst of open air museum of petroglyphs in Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan. I hiked an hour and a half from the guesthouse to this museum.
Cholpon-Ata Town On The Issyk-Kul Lake. Our Summer Dream With Overnight Beach Waves. Summer 2014.
You choose the place to rest. A place where you can enjoy an overnight beach waves. Kyrgyzstan invites you spring summer 2014 our summer dream on Issyk-kul lake resort Cholpon-Ata. Spring summer 2014 you can enjoy the overnight beach waves, our summer dream on Issyk-Kul Lake in Cholpon-Ata. Cholpon -Ata is a lovely town in the center, on the north side of Issyk-Kul Lake . Spring summer 2014, held in Kyrgyzstan is detonation overnight beach waves.
Lake Issyk Kul is the most beautiful lake in Kyrgyzstan. It ranks second among mountain lakes worldwide. It location at 1,600 meters above sea level. It really is very great a length of 180 km and a width of 60 km. It also has the second deepest point in the world. Its depth is 700 meters. Around the mountain lake you can see the Tien Shan in its crystal clear sparkling water. Water in the lake is salty. That's why people visit to lake, Jatoba rest there in the summer. On Issyk Kul Lake there are a lot of resorts and wild beaches.
The Kyrgyz Republic is truly a paradise for tourists; people who want to take a break from the problems of life. A huge number of landlocked mountainous country is the essence of Kyrgyzstan and gives the country its character. Kyrgyzstan is known not only because of the mountains and Issyk Kul, but also nomads, horses, felt carpets and milk products.
There is a lot of virgin nature and in general people are careful with it with many efforts being
undertaken to protecting the environment. As a result, you will enjoy our nature that is as untouched as many centuries ago.
Kyrgyzstan has always glad to new guests and people. We are ready to share our hospitality. You will never forget a trip to the fabulous eastern country. Welcome to Kyrgyzstan.
Материял взят из канала Азаттык!
Большое спасибо за предоставленый материял!.
Петроглифы урочища Чолпон-Атарасположены между северной, западной и северо-западной окраинами города Чолпон-Ата и южным подножием хребта Кунгей Ала-Тоо, распространяясь зачастую и по склонам отрогов этого хребта. На площади длиной с востока на запад 4 километра и шириной 0,6-2 км лежат десятки тысяч камней (валунов), вынесенных селевыми потоками из горных ущелий хребта Кунгей Ала-Тоо.
Камни составляют как сплошные массивы скоплений значительных размеров, так и небольшие скопления. Поверхность валунов под воздействием солнечных лучей за многие тысячелетия покрылась «пустынным загаром» – патиной блестяще-черного и коричневого цветов с различными оттенками. Загарные камни служили своего рода «полотном» для древних художников. Рисунки выбивались орудиями из металла или твердых пород камня на загарной поверхности валунов. Размеры камней от 0,5 х 0,8 до 3х6 метров. Скол неглубокий 0,2-1 см.
Сюжеты и образы рисунков разнообразны, но в основном преобладают изображения животных: козлов, архаров, оленей, быков, лошадей, собак, волков и др. Встречаются сцены нападения хищников на животных, сцены пешей и конной охоты, всадников на лошадях и верблюдов, многочисленные изображения людей. На камнях редко выбит один, а большей частью два-три и более двадцати рисунков. Не редкость, когда встречаются два-три слоя рисунков различных эпох, перекрывающих друг друга (палимсесты).
Многие рисунки высокохудожественны, реалистичны и отличаются тщательностью проработки фигур животных и людей.
В целом петроглифы Чолпон-Ата датируются в пределах II тысячелетия до нашей эры – VIII в. нашей эры. Однако большая часть относится к периоду VII-III в.в. до н.э. По общему мнению исследователей – это время расцвета скифо-сакского звериного стиля, который получил особо широкое отражение в наскальном изобразительном искусстве. Насколько распространенным это искусство было в среде ранних кочевников (саков) можно судить на примере Иссык-Кульской котловины, где ни одно из скоплений камней не оставлено без внимания древних художников. В каждом из них встречается то или иное количество рисунков.
К числу особенностей петроглифов Чолпон-Ата, как и всей Иссык-Кульской котловины, следует отнести то, что на месте их нахождения или вблизи расположены древние захоронения. Материалы из раскопок этих захоронений могут помочь в уточнении датировок наскальных изображений и определении их этно-культурной принадлежности.
Петроглифы Чолпон-Ата представляют собой грандиозный храм под открытым небом, где совершались культовые обряды, связанные с духовным миром и жизнью кочевого населения Иссык-Куля.
#Ыссыккуль #Petroglyphs #Kyrgyzstan #Cholponata #YssykKyl #museum
Kyrgyzstan Travel Vlog 1 - Part 1 - Bokonbaevo, Yurt Camp Sunrises, Horse Treks, and Crazy Storms!!
I'm super pumped to share the first video in a series of Kyrgyzstan Vlogs and photo/video content!! It was super fun putting this vid together and I am excited to keep going.
At this point I have about an hours worth of edited Vlog content slowly getting organized into viewable episodes.
The Vlog 1 has been split into two parts with Part 2 to follow on this channel shortly.
Shout out to Discover Kyrgyzstan for making this experience possible.
Discover Kyrgyzstan -
LET'S CONNECT!!! I'm trying to grow an email list and would love to have you on it. Send me an email to GREGORSNELL@GMAIL.COM and I'll get back to you. Let's connect.
FILMED with the following gear (which I always travel with, which is insane).
Panasonic GH5 -
Lumix 12-60 -
Lumix 7-14 -
Zhiyun-tech Crane V2 Gimbal - (I am actually using the V1.2 but the updated V2 linked here is better especially weight capacity wise)
DJI Phantom 4 -
Rode Video Mic Go -
Cabin Zero Military Pack -
Canon 5D Mark III -
Canon 16-35 f2.8 - (this is the link to version 3 of the lens. I currently shoot with version 2, but if I were to upgrade I'd buy this one).
Canon 24-70 f2.8 -
Canon 70-200 f2.8 -
Lee Filters Foundation Kit -
Lee Filters 82mm Ring - (used for 16-35 and 24-70)
Lee Filters 77mm Ring - (used for 70-200)
Lee Filters 0.6ND Soft Grad -
Lee Filters 6 Stop ND Little Stopper -
Calumet Carbon Fiber TRAVEL Tripod - (actually fits perfectly into most daypacks and easily on the side of any pack, and it's super light which is awesome!! Love this tripod. Also this last one is not an affiliate link).
And for more on my work!!
Greg Snell
Speelwark Padd 5
Klein Nordende
Greg Snell
25 Aberdeen St.
Oshawa, Ontario
L1G 2E5
[Kyrgyzstan] Approaching Petroglyph Site | Петроглифы | 촐폰아타 암각화 단지 @ Cholpon-Ata, Issyk kul | 이식쿨
촐폰아타의 암각화 단지로 다가가며 촬영한 모습
To the ancient rock inscriptions
PETROGLYPHS - Ancient Rock Drawings from Kyrgyzstan
An opportunity to inspect some of the examples of rock drawings from the Lake Issyk-Kol area of Kyrgyzstan. These drawings date from 1500 BC to the 10th century AD
[Kyrgyzstan] Petroglyph Site | Петроглифы | 촐폰아타 암각화 단지 @ Cholpon-Ata, Issyk kul | 이식쿨
촐폰아타의 암각화단지내에서 촬영한 모습
The ancient rock inscriptions
Date: 01.24.13. 0350P
Found an ancient city under water. 2,500 years. Finds discoveries travel.
Divers of the SKAT club at the Tomsk State University (TSU) returned from the Issyk-Kul lake, where they participated in the archaeological expedition of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. This year they discovered a previously unknown Scythian city, which existed about 2-2,5 thousand years ago.
Karakol. Kyrgyzstan roads in winter! My beautiful Kyrgyzstan!
From Karakol to Tyup!