Estonian FILM MUSEUM | Tallinn
Tour through the very interesting and interactive film museum in Tallinn. The Estonian Film Museum was founded in the autumn of 2006, with the goal of documenting the history of Estonian film. The Film Museum has the following items in its collections: costumes used on screen, props, photographs related to the Estonian film history, screenplays, documents, souvenirs, publications and cinema equipment. The largest amount of material is related to the legendary film studio Tallinnfilm.
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As you walk on the red carpet leading you to the Film Museum in the Maarjamäe Castle Park, you will feel like a movie star. The film alley takes you to an exhibition that provides an overview of the history of Estonian films and the behind the scenes of the world's film industry.
The permanent exhibition 'Take ONE' shares the secrets of film making and gives the visitors an idea of what happens behind the camera.
In the magical illusion room, machines from the early years of film are available for exploring and testing how people used to make films. You can also try being a filmmaker at the exhibition.
The building has a 210-seat cinema and conference room, perfect for premieres and other events.
Мы посетили очень интересный и интерактивный музей кино в Таллине. Эстонский музей кино был основан осенью 2006 года для того, чтобы подчеркнуть ценность истории эстонского кино. В его фондах есть использовавшиеся в экранизациях костюмы и реквизит, касающиеся истории эстонского кино фотографии, рукописи, документы, памятные предметы, печатные издания и кинотехника. Большинство материалов касается легендарной киностудии «Таллинфильм».
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Summer Spliffs by Broke For Free
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Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
FAT MARGARET Tower | Estonian Maritime Museum | Tallinn | Estonia
Fat Margaret (Estonian: Paks Margareeta, also known in German as Dicke Margarethe) was built in the early 16th century (from 1511 to 1530) during the reconstruction of the medieval city gate system. The etymology of the tower's name derives from the fact that it was the largest part of the city's fortifications with walls measuring 25 metres in diameter, 20 metres in height and up to 5 metres thick. Apart from being a fortification against would-be invaders to the port of the town, it was also built to impress outside visitors arriving by sea.
Fat Margaret houses Estonian Maritime Museum. The Museum exhibits a remarkable collection of ship models from different eras. The viewing platform on the roof of the tower offers a view over the Old Town and the Bay of Tallinn. In the summer, the only rooftop café in the Tallinn Old Town is open there.
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[RUS] Постоянная экспозиция Морского музея Эстонии в башне Толстая Маргарита располагается в орудийной башне 16-го столетия. В стенах башни, некогда принадлежавшей к оборонительной системе Taллиннa, находится 4-этажная экспозиция и временные выставки, которые дают обзор морской истории Эстонии: судостроительства, портов, мореходства и маяков.
В летнем дворе расположена выставка старинных якорей, а с крыши башни Толстая Маргарита открывается прекрасный вид на порт и Старый город. Кроме того, в музейном фойе открыт небольшой кофейеный уголок и музейный магазин с сувенирами.
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Umbra Feat. SalBerkmin by FortyThr33
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#PaksMargareeta #FatMargaret #ТолстаяМаргарита
Telesaade: EAP 2017 - Eesti Rahva Muuseum / TV show: EAA 2017 - Estonian National Museum
Eesti Kultuurkapitali arhitektuuri sihtkapitali peapreemia ja Eesti Arhitektide Liidu Arhitekti Aastapreemia 2017:
Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane Architects
Dan Dorell, Lina Ghotmeh, Tsuyoshi Tane
Meeskond: Alexandros Mykoniatis, Cécile Combelle, Daisuke Sekine, David Agudo, Emma Bush, Emmanuelle Stalla-Bourdillon, Carlotta Fontana, Gaëtan Kohler, Helene Lennartsson, Mathias Klöpfel, Masayuki Ninomiya, Ricardo Guerra, Ross Perkin, Ryosuke Motohashi, Sarah Alexandra Castle, Sony Devabhakutuni, Valérie Mayer, Yasmin Sfar, Yuzu Fukunaga
Maastikuarhitektuur: Bas Smets (Bureau Bas Smets)
Eesti-poolne arhitektuuripartner: Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi (Hayashi-Grossschmidt Arhitektuur) Meeskond: Siim Endrikson, Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi, Eela Samblik, Sander Treijar, Liis Voksepp
Eesti-poolne sisearhitektuuripartner: Pille Lausmäe (Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuri Büroo) Meeskond: Kadi Karmann, Pille Lausmäe, Ville Lausmäe, Kerli Lepp, Kristina Roots
Eesti-poolne maastikuarhitektuuripartner: Karin Bachmann, Mirko Traks (KINO maastikuarhitektid) Meeskond: Karin Bachmann, Henn Runnel, Uku Mark Pärtel, Mirko Traks.
Režissöörid: Maria Kivirand, Robi Uppin
Toimetajad: Ave Lutter, Maria Kivirand
Operaator, droonioperaator: Robi Uppin
Montaaž: Maria Kivirand
Helirežissöör: Robi Uppin
Muusika: Robi Uppin
Graafika: Eerik Kändler
Tõlkija: Toomas Karik
Produtsent: Maria Kivirand
Kairi Rand, ESL
Ingrid Kormašov, EAL
Liivi Haamer, ESL
Teele Nigola, EMAL
Ingrid Mald, EAL
Minea Kaplintski, EMAL
Margit Mutso, EAL
Kaarel Tarand
Merli Didvig
Sisevete Saatkond
Restoran “Juur”
Aitäh toetajatele:
Peatoetaja: Eesti Kultuurkapital
Suurtoetajad: Fagrhult ja Geberit
Ülevaade kõigist objektidest ja autoritest
Annual Architecture Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Grand Prix and Estonian Association of Architects’ Award 2017:
Estonian National Museum.
Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane Architects
Dan Dorell, Lina Ghotmeh, Tsuyoshi Tane
Team: Alexandros Mykoniatis, Cécile Combelle, Daisuke Sekine, David Agudo, Emma Bush, Emmanuelle Stalla-Bourdillon, Carlotta Fontana, Gaëtan Kohler, Helene Lennartsson, Mathias Klöpfel, Masayuki Ninomiya, Ricardo Guerra, Ross Perkin, Ryosuke Motohashi, Sarah Alexandra Castle, Sony Devabhakutuni, Valérie Mayer, Yasmin Sfar, Yuzu Fukunaga
Landscape architecture: Bas Smets (Bureau Bas Smets)
Estonian architecture partner: Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi (Hayashi-Grossschmidt Arhitektuur) Team: Siim Endrikson, Hanno Grossschmidt, Tomomi Hayashi, Eela Samblik, Sander Treijar, Liis Voksepp
Estonian interior architecture partner: Pille Lausmäe (Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuri büroo) Team: Kadi Karmann, Pille Lausmäe, Ville Lausmäe, Kerli Lepp, Kristina Roots
Estonian landscape architecture partner: Karin Bachmann, Mirko Traks (KINO maastikuarhitektid) Team: Karin Bachmann, Henn Runnel, Uku Mark Pärtel, Mirko Traks
Directors: Maria Kivirand, Robi Uppin
Content editors: Maria Kivirand, Ave Häkli
Cinematographer and drone operator: Robi Uppin
Editor: Maria Kivirand
Sound design: Robi Uppin
Graphic design: Eerik Kändler
Translator: Toomas Karik
Producer: Maria Kivirand
Special thanks:
Kairi Rand, ESL
Ingrid Kormašov, EAL
Liivi Haamer, ESL
Teele Nigola, EMAL
Ingrid Mald, EAL
Minea Kaplinski, EMAL
Margit Mutso, EAL
Kaarel Tarand
Merli Didvig
Sisevete Saatkond
Restaurant “Juur”
Chief supporter: The Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Main supporters: Fagerhult and Geberit
Overview of all the projects and authors
'Wonderland' at Fotografiska Museum, Stockholm 2019.
For the first time ever, all 74 photographs in the Wonderland series have been exhibited together at Fotografiska museum, Stockholm, Sweden. The show will close on March 3rd, but will then go to tour Fotografiska's new museums opening in Tallinn (Estonia), London and New York.
To see lots of photos of the show interior, please visit the online gallery here -
Music - Thunderstorm (Pon VIII) by Kai Engel
KIEK in de KÖK | Artillery Tower | Fortifications Museum | Tallinn
Kiek in de Kök (Low German: Peep into the Kitchen) is an artillery tower in Tallinn, Estonia, built in 1475. It gained the name Kiek in de Kök from the ability of tower occupants to see into kitchens of nearby houses. The tower is 38 m high and has walls 4 m thick. Cannon balls dating back to 1577 are still embedded in its outer walls.
Nowadays, the tower houses a museum that introduces the genesis of Tallinn, its development, as well as the most important war events from the 13th to the 18th century. On the basement floor, there are temporary photography exhibitions; in the armoury, you can explore various weapons and have a go on a shooting simulator. The café on the sixth floor affords one-of-a-kind views of Toompea, the Lower Town and the harbour.
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[RUS] Кик-ин-де-Кёк (Kiek in de Kök, нижненемецкий язык Загляни в кухню) — артиллерийская башня, находящаяся в Таллине (Команданди теэ, д. 2) и построенная в 1475 году. Она имеет высоту 38 метров и стены толщиной 4 метра. Пушечные ядра, датированные 1577 годом, до сих пор вмонтированы во внешние стены.
Сейчас в башне находится музей, знакомящий с историей возникновения и развитием Таллинна и важнейшими военными действиями 13-18 веков. На подвальном этаже проводятся фото-выставки, в оружейной камере можно ознакомиться с всевозможным оружием и опробовать свои силы на стрелковом тренажере. Из кафе на 6 этаже открываются уникальные виды на Тоомпеа, нижний город и гавань.
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#KiekInDeKök #Tallinn #ArtilleryTower
Lights by Sappheiros
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爱沙尼亚共和国(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti Vabariik),通称爱沙尼亚(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti,爱沙尼亚语发音: [ˈeːsti]),波罗的海国家之一,首都及全国最大城市为塔林。爱沙尼亚位于欧洲东北部,其国土由大陆部分和波罗的海的2222个岛屿组成,西向波罗的海,北向芬兰湾,東临楚德湖,南面和東面分別同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,总面积42,388平方公里,为温带大陆性湿润气候。该国主体民族爱沙尼亚人属于芬人诸民族。該國目前是北欧理事会、欧洲联盟、欧元区、申根区、北大西洋公约组织、以及经济合作与发展组织的成員國,為世界高收入經濟體之一。
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti Vabariik)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا (343 كم)، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي (338.6 كم).. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع (17462) ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة. تٌعتبر إستونيا ج
TEASER | How to celebrate Midsummer the #EstonianWay with Canon Photography
We invited brothers Henry and Piers Nathan from Canon Photography over to Estonia to try out Midsummer the Estonian way. Check out their full journey:
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Canon Photography
Henry Nathan
Piers Nathan
Video and editing by CP Creatives
Discover more: #EstonianWay
My beautiful Tallinn view from Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn, Estonia 2015
Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011.
The most important places to visit in Tallinn: Kiek in de Kök, Estonian History Museum - Great Guild Hall, Oleviste Church (St. Olav's Church) and Tower, Estonian Maritime Museum, Bastion Tunnels, Holy Spirit Church Holy Spirit Church, Niguliste Museum (St. Nicholas' Church) and many more.
Mandy Barker | Sea of Artifacts | FOTOGRAFISKA Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinn’s opening winter exhibition, Mandy Barker’s “Sea of Artifacts” worries about the environment and brings attention to excessive plastic destroying nature around us.
British artist Mandy Barker’s photographs portray objects that she found when out collecting plastics in various locations around the world and then used to create her works. Works made from everything starting from doll arms and plastic bags through footballs and shoe laces to pieces of clothing and plastic flowers. “I see my role as an interpreter, to be aware of the facts about the harmful effects of marine plastics, to understand the facts and to present them in an accessible way, and through the research and my work, help to connect the science to a wider audience, and hopefully in some way change things for the better,” said Mandy Barker about the main goal of her exhibition “Sea of Artifacts”.
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It is estimated that more than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year. From clothes to bags to furniture and toys, heavier plastic sinks, lighter floats on the surface. Some of the garbage drifts on the surface pushed by the currents, and accumulate – the most significant concentration of trash is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, covering a stretch of water fifteen times the size of Estonia.
Barker is a unique photographer and activist, thanks to her artistry and collaboration with not only marine biologists on expeditions, but also the general public and various environmental organizations. They are striving to draw attention to this natural disaster affecting us all: countless future generations will be affected by all the plastic waste polluting our oceans. Even the world’s oceanic trenches have become homes to plastic waste, with the plastic bags found in the deepest of them, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 11,034 meters providing just one example. A place where scientists also found that every amphipod captured had at least one plastic fiber in its stomach.
Barker’s photos hold a significant impact on us. The initial reaction is to the absolute beauty of the images until the realization hits us of what we are actually looking at: A plastic Armageddon. ”In regards to scientists now believing it can be as much as 20 times more plastic in the sea then we have known before, goes to show that shocking discoveries are continually being made, and that we really do not know enough about the problem - much more research needs to be done, especially into the effects of marine plastic can affect human health,” explained Barker why her goal is to help increase awareness of the existing problem.
Mandy Barker was born in 1964 and raised in Hull, a city on the River Humber. In 2018, Barker received the National Geographic Society Grant for Research and Exploration for her unwavering efforts, which has allowed her to take part in two unique expeditions in 2019. One to Lord Howe Island to study the declining Shearwater sea bird colony due to plastic ingestion, and also to the remote and uninhabited Henderson Island which is also named as the most plastic polluted island on the planet. In 2017 her first book, Beyond Drifting, was included in the Smithsonian’s list of the best photography books of 2017. Her latest book, Altered Ocean, is a comprehensive collection of photos showing the catastrophic consequences of the plastics polluting our oceans and was published in April 2019.
[RUS] Мэнди Баркер - Море артефактов
Сначала Мэнди Баркер, активная сторонница защиты окружающей среды, фотографировала пластиковые отходы на пляжах, но работы никого не впечатлили. Тогда она начала создавать прекрасные произведения искусства из собранного пластика и запечатлевать всю их красоту в фотографиях. Выставка «Море артефактов» демонстрирует, как пластик самыми разными способами разрушает нашу природу со всей ее флорой и фауной: например, животные могут по ошибке съесть пластик, приняв его за еду.
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Daylight by Jay Someday
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#Fotografiska #MandyBarker #Estonia
James Nachtwey | Memoria | FOTOGRAFISKA Tallinn
James Nachtwey’s exhibition “Memoria” is opened in Fotografiska Tallinn. It is a recollection of Nachtwey’s decades long life work - reportages from epicenters of crises and places torn by wars.
As a photographer, he is gifted with the ability to capture striking compositions, acting as an observer of the world in which we live often endangering his own life, but always with the greatest respect for the most vulnerable – the civilian casualties. Nachtwey is an extraordinary observer and an acute witness, who has devoted his career to documenting some of the most crucial issues of contemporary history. His exhibition “Memoria” is a retrospective recollection of his most remarkable works.
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James Nachtwey was influenced to become a photographer by images of the Vietnam War and the American Civil Rights Movement. He began his career as a newspaper photographer in 1976 and became a freelance in 1980. Since then, he has worked worldwide, committed to documenting wars and critical social issues.
Nachtwey has been a contract photographer with TIME Magazine since 1984. He was a member of Magnum between 1986 and 2000 and was one of the founders of the photo agency VII, where he was a member from 2001 to 2008 when he became independent. Nachtwey's images focus on the impact of injustice and violence, yet they evoke a sense of compassion and sympathy. Within large-scale historical events of global impact, he documents intimate moments of humanity. His photographs can appear to have formal completeness, but they are spontaneous, intuitive, and often composed in a fraction of a second.
“For me, photography is not a way to impose on reality what I think I already know. It’s an exploration – one pair of eyes, one mind, one heart, moving through the real world in real time, trying to tell the stories of what happens to people, one-by-one, at the sharp end of history; stories that society needs in order to function properly; to assess contemporary events, to make well informed decisions, to continually learn about ourselves, “ told James Nachtwey about his life work. “Eventually, the scope of my work expanded beyond war, to include many other circumstances; where there were social injustices crying out to be corrected, humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters requiring immediate action, health issues in need of greater attention,” continued Nachtwey.
Nachtwey has received numerous awards from the journalism profession, as well as for his contributions to art and to humanitarian causes. In 2001 he was a recipient of the Common Wealth Award. In 2003 he received the Dan David Prize, and in 2007 the TED Prize as well as the Heinz Award for Arts and Humanities. In 2012 he received the Dresden Prize for promoting international peace. In 2016, Nachtwey was a recipient of the Princess of Asturias Award. In 2017, he was inducted into the International Photography Hall of Fame. In 2019 he was honored by the Academy of Achievement.
In 2001, “War Photographer”, a feature length documentary film, directed by Christian Frei, about the life and work of James Nachtwey was nominated for an Academy Award. His books include Deeds of War and Inferno.
Nachtwey’s photographs are included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the National Gallery in Washington DC, the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, the Pompidou Center and the Getty Museum among other venues. He has had numerous solo exhibitions worldwide.
[RUS] Джеймс Нахтвей - Memoria
Джеймс Нахтвей, один из самых авторитетных фотожурналистов в мире и человек, определивший визуальный язык военного репортажа своей эпохи, демонстрирует ретроспективную выставку Memoria в галерее Fotografiska. Среди фотографий, расположенных в повествовательной последовательности, зрители найдут многие известные работы мастера.
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Daylight by Jay Someday
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#Fotografiska #JamesNachtwey #Estonia
Saade: EAP 2018 - Filmimuuseum / TV show: EAA 2018 - Film Museum
Eesti Kultuurkapitali arhitektuuri sihtkapitali peapreemia:
Eesti Ajaloomuuseumi Filmimuuseumi arhitektuur, sisearhitektuur ja välialad.
Autorid: Anto Savi, Margus Soonets, Jürgen Lepper (BOA Arhitektid).
Välialad: Kersti Lootus, Lidia Zarudnaya, Ivi Vartsen, Siim Lootus, Kalle Pruuden, Margus Triibmann (Lootusprojekt).
Sisearhitektuur: Kariina-Kristiina Kaufmann, Kadi Karmann, Peeter Klaas, Ville Lausmäe (VL Sisearhitektuur).
Tellija: Eesti Ajaloomuuseum.
Ehitaja: Oma Ehitaja.
Saate tervikversioon:
Režissöörid: Maria Uppin, Robi Uppin
Režissööri assistent: Ivan Pavljutskov
Toimetajad: Maria Uppin, Gerli Nõmm
Operaator, droonioperaator, värvimääraja: Robi Uppin
Helirežissöör: Robi Uppin
Montaaž: Maria Uppin, Ivan Pavljutskov
Graafika: Eerik Kändler
Tõlkija: Toomas Karik
Originaalmuusika: Robi Uppin
Muusika: Envanto Market
Produtsent: Maria Uppin
Kairi Rand, ESL
Kristiina Raid, ESL
Ingrid Kormašov, EAL
Ingrid Mald, EAL
Teele Nigola, EMAL
Minea Kaplinski, EMAL
Laura Männamaa, EMAL
Reet Soans, EMAL
Kristi Grišakov
Erge Jõgela
Ene Maaten
Ado Tuuga
Tarmo Kolk
Kaarel Einpalu
Katrin Lopuhhin
Maria Mang, Eesti Filmimuuseum
Vastseliina piiskopilinnuse personal
Peatoetaja: The Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Suurtoetajad: Fagerhult and Geberit
Ülevaade kõigist nomineeritud objektidest ja autoritest
Black Plastic Media Productions 2018
Annual Architecture Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Grand Prix:
Film Museum. The new buildings and outdoor area at Maarjamäe History Complex of the Estonian History Museum.
Authors: Anto Savi, Margus Soonets, Jürgen Lepper (BOA architects).
Outdoor area: Kersti Lootus, Lidia Zarudnaya, Ivi Vartsen, Siim Lootus, Kalle Pruuden, Margus Triibmann (Lootusprojekt).
Interior architecture: Kariina-Kristiina Kaufmann, Kadi Karmann, Peeter Klaas, Ville Lausmäe (VL Sisearhitektuur).
Client: Estonian History Museum.
Builder: Oma Ehitaja.
Full version of the TV show:
Directors: Maria Uppin, Robi Uppin
Directors assistant: Ivan Pavljutskov
Content editors: Maria Uppin, Gerli Nõmm
Cinematographer, drone operator, color grading: Robi Uppin
Sound designer: Robi Uppin
Editors: Maria Uppin, Ivan Pavljutskov
Graphic design: Eerik Kändler
Translator: Toomas Karik
Music: Robi Uppin, Envanto Market
Producer: Maria Uppin
Special thanks:
Kairi Rand, ESL
Kristiina Raid, ESL
Ingrid Kormašov, EAL
Ingrid Mald, EAL
Teele Nigola, EMAL
Minea Kaplinski, EMAL
Laura Männamaa, EMAL
Reet Soans, EMAL
Kristi Grišakov
Erge Jõgela
Ene Maaten
Ado Tuuga
Tarmo Kolk
Kaarel Einpalu
Katrin Lopuhhin
Maria Mang, Estonian Film Museum
Vastseliina Episcopal Castle Pilgrim's House, staff
Chief supporter: The Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Main supporters: Fagerhult and Geberit
Overview of all the nominated projects and authors
Black Plastic Media Productions 2018
Sunset - Estonia 2015 - Photography (Blog in Englisch!)
Music: Kevin MacLeod
Ossuary 5 - Rest
Genre: Unclassifiable Collection: Dark World
Time: 3:56 50 BPM (Largo - Very Slow)
Instruments: Synths
Estonian Open Air Museum sunset
Open Air Museum is located in Tallinn, Estonia.
Music was made using an app Soundcamp, and the Piano option in the app. Music was played by me. The music is also my very first song I've ever made, so it's most likely not perfect.
Tallinn Museum in Old Town
Midsummer Day (Jaanipäev) 2015 at the Open Air Museum Tallinn
Tallinn apartment rentals
St John's Eve (Jaaniõhtu, also Jaanilaupäev) and St John's Day (Jaanipäev) are the most important days in the Estonian calendar, apart from Christmas. The short summer seasons with long days and brief nights hold special significance for the people of Estonia. Jaanipäev is celebrated on the night between June 23 and 24, a few days after the summer solstice, when night seems to be non-existent.
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First Impressions of Tallinn - Estonia HD Travel Channel
After a quick check-in at the hotel in the center, we make our way to gain the first impressions of Tallinn. First, we climb the Cathedral Hill, in Estonian: Toompea. Here is the upper town of Tallinn. The Toompea is a landmark of Tallinn and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Historic Center of Tallinn.
The white facade of the Palace of Justice, which stretches majestically into the sky, immediately catches our eye.
This time, we go past the cathedral, because we plan a separate visit. Instead, we admire the façade of the orthodox Alexander Nevsky Cathedral with its black onion towers.
Past the city wall and the former canon tower (Kiek In De Kök), which is now part of the Tallinn City Museum, we reach the Vabaduse valjak, the Freedom Square. The huge cross at the edge of the square is the War of Independence Victory Column. The square in its present form reopened in 2009, after the independence of the Soviet Union. On the other edge of the square stands the St. John's Church.
A few meters further, we find the St. Nicholas' Church (Niguliste kirik), another landmark of Tallinn. Westphalian merchants founded the church between 1230 and 1275. Today, it is a branch of the Art Museum and also serves as a concert hall.
We now turn to the modern part of Tallinn. In the search for a laundry, we pass the opera house and reach the quarter with the glass façades of the skyscrapers. IT companies, hotels and banks have settled here. A round unlabeled cylinder (Nordea Maja) turns out to be the headquarters of Oracle in Tallinn.
Upon arrival, machines in the launderette are occupied for the day and we have to come back the next day. So we go back to the old town.
please read more:
Nachdem wir unser Hotel im Stadtzentrum bezogen haben, machen wir uns sofort auf den Weg, um erste Impressionen von Tallinn einzufangen.
Zuerst erklimmen wir den Domberg, in estnisch Toompea. Hier liegt die Oberstadt von Tallinn. Der Toompea gilt als Wahrzeichen von Tallinn und gehört als Teil der Altstadt von Tallinn zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.
Sofort fällt uns die weiße Fassade des Justizpalastes ins Auge, die sich majestätisch in den Himmel streckt.
Den Dom lassen wir rechts liegen. Ein weiterer Besuch ist angedacht, um die Umgebung besser zu erkunden. Statt dessen bewundern wir die Fassade der orthodoxen Alexander Newski Kathedrale mit ihren schwarzen Zwiebeltürmen.
Vorbei an der Stadtmauer und dem ehemaligen Kanonenturm (Kiek In De Kök) der heute Teil des Tallinner Stadtmuseums ist, erreichen wir den Vabaduse valjak, den Freiheitsplatz. Das riesige Kreuz am Rande des Platzes ist das Denkmal für den Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Der Platz wurde in seiner heutigen Form 2009 nach der Erreichung der Unabhängigkeit von der Sowjetunion wiedereröffnet. Am anderen Ende des Platzes steht die Johanniskirche.
Einige Meter weiter finden wir die Nikolaikirche ( Niguliste kirik), eines der Wahrzeichen von Tallinn. Sie wurde zwischen 1230 und 1275 von westfälischen Kaufleuten gegründet. Auch sie ist heute Teil des Kunstmuseums und dient auch als Konzertsaal
Wir wenden uns nun dem modernen Teil Tallinns zu. Auf der Suche nach einer Wäscherei passieren wir das Opernhaus und erreichen das Viertel mit den Glasfassaden der Hochhäuser. IT-Firmen, Hotels und Banken haben sich hier angesiedelt. Ein runder unbeschrifteter Zylinder (Nordea Maja) entpuppt sich als Hauptsitz der Fa. Oracle in Tallinn.
Wir finden auch den Waschsalon, müssen aber am nächsten Tag wiederkommen, da für diesen Tag keine Geräte mehr frei sind. Wir machen uns also wieder auf den Weg in die Altstadt.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
One more good reason to take a trip to Tallinn when You´re visiting Helsinki: Fotografiska Tallinn.
I visited the new museum on a rainy(I didn´t worry about it), but varm day, and enjoyed the exhibitions (Jimmy Nelson, Anja Niemi, Pentti Sammallahti and Anna-Stina Treumund).
Music: Jeriho Band on stage aboard Viking Xprs - Don´t Worry, Be Happy (Valerie during the opening slide)
Frederic Chopin - Raindrop Prelude
Mid-Summer celebration @ Tallinn
Mid-Summer celebration @ Tallinn, Estonia. I think the location is the open air museum, close to Tallinn.
Tallinn, Estonia住宿典雅古老男爵大宅—THE VON STACKELBERG
2014-10-17 von Stackelberg Hotel地址:Toompuiestee 23, 10137 Tallinn, 愛沙尼亞
背景音樂:Estonia Music and Images Estonia presentation
Filipino-Estonia Family/Fathersday in FinlandVLog#1
Filipino-Estonia Family/Fathersday in FinlandVLog#1
me and my kids made a DIYFathersDay gift details about it and our Fathersday Ganap ❣️
that we surprise Daddy in the morning and we went to the church and Dinner outside.
Song: LAKEY INSPIRED - Chill Day (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: