Steam Locomotives Museum from Sibiu, Romania [February, 2012]
ENGLISH: On 23 August 1994, the official inauguration of the Steam Locomotives Museum from Sibiu took place. Nowadays, 38 exhibits built between 1885 - 1958 in Romania, USA, Poland, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Belgium, Germany and Hungary are available for visitors. The value of the exhibits and their member out of which: 23 on standard gauge, 10 on narrow gauge, 3 snow plows and 2 steam cranes situate the Steam Locomotive Museum from Sibiu among the first museums in Europe!
ROMÂNĂ: Muzeul Locomotivelor cu Abur din Sibiu
La 23 august 1994, în prezența conducerilor SNCFR și a Regionalei CFR Brașov, a autorităților locale și a unui numeros public, a fost inaugurat Muzeul Locomotivelor cu Abur din Sibiu.
Astăzi, în cadrul Depoului Sibiu sunt la dispoziția publicului vizitator 38 de exponate construite între anii 1885 - 1958 în România, SUA, Polonia, Suedia, Cehoslovacia, Austria, Belgia, Germania și Ungaria.
Valoarea exponatelor și numărul lor situează Muzeul Locomotivelor cu Abur din Sibiu în rândul primelor muzee din Europa.
THEN & NOW - Abandoned Steam Locomotive Trains 2019 - Steam Locomotives Museum Sibiu
Abandoned Steam Locomotive Trains
Steam Locomotives Museum Sibiu
Steam Steam Train in Action
Steam Locomotive Train in Action
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The Steam Locomotives Museum is a railway museum in Sibiu, Romania. It houses a collection of steam locomotives and engines.
Inaugurated in 1994, the museum comprises 23 standard gauge locomotives, 10 narrow gauge locomotives, 3 snowploughs and 2 steam cranes. 7 of these locomotives are active, and are used on a variety of special trains for enthusiasts and other groups.
The Locomotives Museum is located opposite the main railway station in Sibiu, comprising the former roundhouse and turntable across the railways lines. Part of the depot area is still used so care should always be taken. In addition, there is usually a narrow gauge steam locomotive based at the depot of the narrow gauge Agnita railway line .
The locomotives displayed were built between 1885 and 1959 in Romania and other countries, such as Germany and the United States (Baldwin Locomotive Works).
The footage was shoot with:
- Samsung Galaxy S9+ on DJI Osmo Mobile 2;
- DSLR Canon 750D;
- Gopro Hero 7 Black Edition.
Location - Sibiu, Romania
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(C) & (P) Snow Train Runnin'
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Sibiu Steam Locomotive Museum
The steam locomotive Museum in Sibiu, Romania in August, 2009
Winter 3-Day TOUR București - Brașov - Sibiu [February, 2012]
ENGLISH: The first time I had the courage in 2012 for a weekend railtrip through the Romanian railway stations was in the middle of February, when snow from Predeal slightly exceeded 1 meter, and in Sibiu ... 1 cm. But the mantle of historical flair of European Capital in 2007, Hermannstadt, was more important than the mantle of snow through Museum exhibits steam engines of locomotives and motorcars Depot exposed here.
But Brasov is not an inferior point of tourist attraction, especially if we consider the thousands of railway students that went out from schools in the field near the Depot Brasov, including my father. From here, under the Tâmpa hill, was founded the first private passenger transport company in Romania, Regiotrans, whose units you can watch in a few moments in this video.
For train enthusiasts, many diesel locomotives, 060-DA Sulzer engine or EGM GeneralMotors engine and generator accompanied by the Siemens Desiro railcars or by the attractive modernized ex-DB VT 614 Remarul February 16 is a proper environment for as many shots of cameras or frequently pushes of the red RECORD button of the camcorder.
Finally, it only remains for me to wish you pleasant viewing! I wish you all the best!
ROMÂNĂ: Periplu FeRoviaR de iarnă între București, Brașov și Sibiu [Februarie, 2012]
Prima oară când mi-am făcut curaj în 2012 pentru un periplu de un week-end prin stațiile și pe Căile Ferate Române a fost în mijlocul lui februarie, când zăpada de la Predeal depășea lejer 1 metru, iar în Sibiu... 1 centimetru. Însă mantaua cu iz istoric din Capitala Europeană din 2007, Hermannstadt, era mult mai însemnată decât mantaua de nea datorită exponatelor Muzeului de Locomotive cu Aburi din Depoul de Locomotive și Automotoare de aici.
Dar nici Brașovul nu este mai prejos, mai ales dacă ne gândim la miile de feroviari care au ieșit de pe băncile școlilor de profil de pe lângă Depoul Brașov, printre care și tatăl meu. Tot de aici de sub Tâmpa a luat ființă prima companie de transport privat de călători din România, Regiotrans, ale cărei automotoare le puteți urmări în câteva momente din videoclip.
Așadar, invitat de prietenii mei pasionați de trenuri, Vasy din Brașov și Andrei din Sibiu, am făcut drum de la București până la Sibiu și cale întoarsă înapoi în capitală în decursul a 48 de ore trăite dens, cu trenuri frumoase, dar care s-au lăsat așteptate atât la Dârste, cât și la Sibiu sau în incredibil de bine luminată pe timp de noapte gară a Brașovului.
De asemenea, traseul Brașov - Sibiu, parte a Magistralei 200, pregătește călătorilor câteva stații cu o arhitectură aparte: Perșani sau Brădet, în timp ce decorul natural al râului Olt și al Țării Făgărașului închide în mintea privitorului relieful calm, dar ferm, al Podișului Transilvaniei. La fel, pentru pasionații de trenuri, numeroasele locomotive diesel, 060-DA cu motor Sulzer sau 060-EGM cu motor și generator GeneralMotors, acompaniate de automotoare Siemens Desiro sau cele ex-DB VT 614 modernizate atractiv de Remarul 16 Februarie reprezintă un mediu propice pentru cât mai multe declanșări ale aparatelor de fotografiat sau ale butoanelor roșii de RECORD ale camerelor video.
În fine, nu-mi rămâne decât să vă doresc vizionare plăcută la o prezentare video redusă la extrem și care vizează principalele momente ale călătoriei, în curând urmând să apară și edițiile desfășurate ale reportajului. Toate cele bune vă doresc!
0:00 Intro
0:10 R 3007, București Basarab - Brașov (right consist)
0:16 R 5010, Mărășești - București Basarab
0:21 Romanian Snow Plow WPZ & 060-DA
0:33 IR 1643, București - Salva, in Chitila
0:49 R 3007 in Brașov
0:58 Brașov
1:01 Maneuvres in Brașov Rail Station
1:22 IR Pannonia 375 from Budapest
1:45 R 14727, Brașov - Zărnești, in Brasov
1:55 R 14727 in Bartolomeu
2:26 Bartolomeu
2:40 R 14700, Zărnești - Brașov
3:08 R 2101, Brașov - Sibiu
3:23 IR 1624, Sibiu - Brașov
3:28 Brădet on M200 line
3:45 Perșani
3:53 Șercaia
4:00 Făgăraș
4:06 IR 1528, Sibiu - București Nord
4:23 Ucea
4:40 R 2512, Sibiu - Făgăraș, in Porumbacu
4:56 R 2071, Piatra Olt - Râmnicu Vâlcea - Podu Olt
5:00 Passing Railway Bridge over Olt River
5:16 Arrival of R 2071 from Piatra Olt in Podu Olt
5:33 Podu Olt
5:52 Cibin River
5:58 Tălmaciu
6:08 Șelimbăr
6:16 Sibiu Locomotive & Railcar Depot
6:30 Sibiu
6:39 Sibiu Rail Station
6:56 Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum
8:10 IR 1347, Budapest - București
8:30 IR 1763, Brașov - Iași
8:37 IR 1621, București - Timișoara
8:47 3 x 060-EA CFR Marfă
9:05 R 3006, Brașov - București
9:11 GFR Coal Freight Train în Dârste
9:26 Climbing Brașov - Predeal 2,7%-2,8% slope
9:34 High snow in Predeal
9:40 IR 1746, Satu Mare - București
9:46 R 3003, București - Brașov
Narrow gauge in Romania Agnita-Sibiu
Agnita Sibiu
Steam in Romania, 2015 - Comandau Part 1
Comandau was a narrow gauge forestry railway closed several years ago when the main sawmill closed. The section out of Comandau into the forest has been restored. Budapest built 0-8-0T was specially transported to the line to head our train. The steam locomotives in Comandau shed are not serviceable. October 2015
Steam in Romania 2015 - Moldovita
Moldovita was a forestry system running through attractive countryside. The lines were abandoned several years ago but with the aid of local railway enthusiasts, in particular Georg Hocevar, the first eleven kilometres have been preserved and trains can now use this section again. Reghin 0-8-0T built in 1984 was in use. September 2015.
Muzeul locomotivelor cu abur - Reşiţa (Steam locomotive museum - Resita).mpg
Coloana sonoră: Vangelis - Deliverance
Feeric Fashion Days at Sibiu depot - 2015
EN: The National Company of Rail Transport for Passengers CFR Călători S.A. and I proudly presents a fashion show in a totally unconventional space - The Steam Locomotives Museum from Sibiu CFR depot. Sibiu July 2015.
RO: Societatea Națională de Transport Feroviar de Călători CFR Călători S.A. și cu mine avem plăcerea să vă prezentăm o prezentare de modă la muzeul locomotivelor cu aburi din Sibiu.
Foto: Andrei Vidrighin. Sibiu iulie 2015.
Cfr Museum In Bucharest
The CFR Museum is presently located on Calea Griviţei no. 193 B, in the vicinity of The North Train Station and it was founded around the year 1924, when someone had the idea of founding a museum dedicated to the locomotives and their history. Therefore old locomotives and cars, which were to be sent to scrap metal in order to be melted, were saved from destruction. Initially the whole equipment was stationed on the tracks from the Giuleşti's Stadium Park and after, at the 70th anniversary since the opening of the Bucharest Filaret-Giurgiu railroad, on the 10th of June 1939, the CFR Museum is inaugurated inside the stadium's arenas.
Only in the year 1953 a building was laid out, on Calea Griviţei, in which the Technical Museum of the Rail Roads. The opening of this museum was made only in 1969, when the anniversary of 100 years from the opening of the Bucharest Filaret-Giurgiu line was celebrated.
The CFR Museum is structured in three exposition halls. The main hall exhibits a collection of models, carefully made, of the steam locomotives, among which, the renowned Pacific locomotive. These are exposed inside an interesting diorama which delights both adults and children. The diorama is actually a miniature history of the evolution of the locomotives and cars throughout time. In the middle there is an old epochal train, formed of a locomotive and two goods cars. Here also there are exposed unique plaques which once belonged to some old steam locomotives like Maffei, Hanomag, Reşiţa and many others.
In the hall placed in the middle of the Museum of the Romanian Rail Roads, we can find the models of the passengers and goods cars, a station of Siemens-Halsche watches, old tools and instruments used to fix the rail road, the flag of the Cluj Engine Attendant's Syndicate Society, dating back to the year 1927, a hand car but also an interesting rapeseed oil lamp, used by the train escort. The connection between the two halls is made through a corridor with original gas lamps.
The last hall has the most valuable historical objects. Among the scores of exponents we find the desk of the engineer Anghel Saligny together with his personal effects, a Huges rapid inker (having an unique model, with piano keys), medals, uniforms, watches, a line atonement by the Romanian government file from 1862 and many other documents which represent a real proof of the history of the rail road in Romania.
The museum's collections are completed with photographs of the train stations and of the equipment, powerfully illustrating an entire beginning epoch of the railway transportation in our country.
For the ones visiting this place filled with history, adults or children, it will be delightful to see the interesting exponents, but especially to admire the diorama from the CFR Museum.
Source of the text :
Manevra in Depoul Sibiu / Shunter activity in Sibiu Locomotive Depot
Marti intr-o Vineri ca mi se pare ca era de fapt Joi spre Duminica :)) . Nu e nimic de citit in descriere doar vizionati cum se muta o locomotiva pe placa turnanta in depoul Sibiu ,cu data anonima , la o rezolutie de 1080 ,filmat cu nikon D3100 prin 18-55mm . Multumesc celor care m-au ajutat si multumesc pretenilor din Toata Romania care-mi vizioneaza filmele !
Muzeul locomotivelor cu aburi Sibiu HD
Muzeul de locomotive cu aburi Sibiu a fost inaugurat în 1994 şi prezintă 35 de locomotive cu aburi, 2 macarale cu aburi şi 2 pluguri cu aburi fabricate între anii 1885 - 1958
Adresa: Str. Dorobanţilor 22; Tel.: 0269 431685
Coloana sonora: Compact - Trenul Pierdut
38 - Hungary, Romania 1979 (Ivor Harding)
Ivor Harding 1943-2016
Ivor spent most of his young and adult life filming railway locomotives using cine film and slides to record his amazing adventures.
He travelled to many countries from the late 1950's witnessing and recording the ebbing days of steam railways in the most amazing locations in the world.
His dedication in chasing his dream has left us with some very rare and wonderful images from mainline to mountain quarries.
He amassed some 19,000+ slides and 90 hours of colour cine sound film recording during his travels.
He asked to have his collection of railway images shared with as large an audience as possible.
He left behind a fabulous legacy of this wonderful subject and of a truly amazing person.
© Transport Treasury
For further images, please visit:
Dampflock Steam Locomotive in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dampflock Steam Locomotive in Cluj-Napoca Railway Station in Romania filmed with GoPro Hero 4.
A Romanian Abroad.
Sibiu, medieval city in Transylvania | Places to visit
Why Sibiu? There are more than a dozen reasons in its favor.
Despite retaining that medieval touch, Sibiu is a vibrantly colored – both pastels and bold colors combine for a typical Transylvanian city.
It is one of the major cultural centers in Romania and was designated in 2007 as the European Capital of Culture, so once you come here you have plenty of cultural sites to visit.
There is the Gong Theatre, the Brukenthal National Museum, ASTRA National Museum Complex, the Steam Locomotives Museum, and several interesting parks including the Sub Arini Park, the Lira Park, Strand Park, and the Corneliu Coposu Park.
Do not miss a walk in the two town squares (Large and Small), and most importantly, ladies, test the faith of your beloved while standing beneath the Liars’ Bridge – without a doubt one of the most popular monuments in Sibiu.
The city is also known for the great tourism in the region, because alongside culture it also showcases numerous festivals and it’s even great for trekking, making it a complete experience for those that want to visit Romania and enjoy it in all of its glory.
Discover some of the most important medieval cities of Transylvania on a 3-day tour: Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara and more!
Cab Ride in a Romanian-built steam locomotive
EN: Dear viewers and subscribers,
I proudly offer you a cab ride in the Romanian-built Prairie 2-6-2 131.060(Reşiţa, 610,1942). The locomotive was purchased from Romania in 2000 and now it regularly works charter trains in Germany.
RO: De ani buni, locomotiva 131.060(Reşiţa, 610/1942) trăieşte a doua viaţă în Germania, fiind cumpărată de o asociaţie privată de istorie feroviară. Am plăcerea să vă ofer o filmare în cabina bunicuţei născută în România şi adoptată de Germania.
©2017 Cornel Sibianul -
50.065 si 142.044
Two steam engines belonging to C.F.R (Romanian National Railway) are brought here to be better pictured.......Arad railway exhibition at the accomplishments of 150 years from the arrival of the first train in Arad station.
Finding Romania Episode 2 - Romanian Railway Museum
This second episode kicks off with a visit to a museum. But this is no ordinary museum; it recognizes our railway history. See how our first trains looked like, the equipment used and a special interview with Mr. Mircea Dorobantu from CFR (Romaian Railways)
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Steam in Roumania
This clip is from Ton Pruissen's brilliant DVD Steam in Roumania August 1969 showing lots of steam scenes seen by very few westerners, especially large and beautifully clean steam locomotives working hard. For more details go to: