Muzej Parenzana v Izoli
Muzej Parenzana v Izoli prikazuje zgodovino in posebnosti nekdanje ozkotirne železniške proge Parenzane, ki je v začetku prejšnjega stoletja povezovala Trst s Porečem in vključevala tudi Izolo.
Parenzana II - video - History
#46s - Croatia, Istria region - Parenzana hike/bike path with Motovun and Grožnjan (09/2012)
Parenzana is an ex railway turned hike/bike path. It used to go from Poreč (ex Parenzo, hence the name) to Trieste in Italy and is about 127 km long. Going through incredible scenery and often along ridges and hill edges, with many old viaducts and tunnels, Parenzana provides an incredible and unforgettable riding experience and a great adventure.
Furthermore, it connects two od the best-known and most popular medieval hilltop towns Istria is famous for - Motovun and Grožnjan which are both incredible in their own way.
Also, Parenzana runs by many local vineyards and olive farms, many of which let you taste and buy their produce. And you might just be lucky enough to find some truffles the region is known for.
But Parenzana isn't just an old railway. At each of the ex railway stops you will find a sign with a part of the history of that station and the nearby village/town as well as photo platforms and a table with benches to rest. The local tourist offices (like the one in Vižinada) also have maps and very nice booklets with a lot of additional information. And there's the Parenzana museum in the small village of Livade, near Motovun.
If you don't have the time to ride the entire length of Parenzana (you might even have trouble finding the starting point in Poreč), they say that the section between Vižinada and Grožnjan (via Motovun) is the best, the most impressive and the most exciting. So that's also the part I decided to ride. And with all the breaks for taking pictures, a detour to visit Motovun and a bit of getting lost in Livade, it took me nearly an entire day. A great day.
Of course, nothing is perfect and Parenzana does have (or did have) its problems. The worst two are 1) that there are entire sections with just an insane amount of rocks, making it very difficult and even dangerous to ride (or even walk) and 2) some of the waysigns are very confusing or hard to see when riding and you might find yourself wasting some time. At the time of filming this, in 2012, there was a third problem as well - no tunnels had lights. With most, this wasn't too much of a problem as they are short enough, but not all. The one going under Motovun is 222 metres long and at an angle and it was pitch black inside, impossible to see anything. Another had solar light installed, supposed to turn on automatically, but it didn't work.
Still, aside from the vast amounts of rocks, those were minor issues which didn't have too much impact on the thrill and the excitement of surely the best riding experience in Istria!
Filmed in September 2012.
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Vojaški muzej
Vojaški muzej
Repyartrium 2010 - 1,1 Kilometer Tunnel Exhibition - Parenzana
V mesecu juniju sem pripravil razstavo v 550 m dolgem tunelu bivše ozkotirne železnice Parenzana, katere proga je potekala iz Trsta v Italiji preko obalnega dela Slovenije do Poreča na Hrvaškem. 550 m dolg tunel Valeta se nahaja v Sloveniji in povezuje Strunjan in Portorož. Ozkotirna železniška proga je bila opuščena pred II.svetovno vojno, toda večina tunelov in objektov vzdolž proge je sedaj v uporabi za različne namene.
Informacije o meni:, Artreview, Facebook, WN
Bike trip from Italy to Slovenia - Episode 8, Trieste to Koper
In this episode, we show you why our first - bad - impression of Trieste was bad and the reason we fell in love with it afterwards. Then, we had to hurry up to cross the border because, 1 - it started to rain, and 2 - we had to be in Skocjan Cave the next day. However, the crossing didn't really go as we thought.
We had the crazy idea to go from Parma, Italy to Ljubljana, Slovenia, sister cities, by bike! But we also had the amazing idea to document everything.
Every Sunday a new episode, as follows:
#1 The bicycles - How we got our bikes and preparation for the trip
#2 Parma to Mantova - We got lost!
#3 Mantova to Ferrara - First night outside. Arriving with an incident
#4 Ferrara to Chioggia - The Delta Po
#5 Chioggia to Venice - The Little Venice
#6 Venice to Concordia - Lido and La Biennale di Venezia
#7 Concordia to Trieste
#8 Trieste to Koper - Crossing the border, at last
#9 Koper to Skocjan Cave
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Lepa bela Izola (08.12.2012)
Zasnežena Izola dne 08.12.2012
Repyartrium 2011 - International Tunnel Exhibition
Repyartrium 2011 -- Opening report
1.1 KILOMETER TUNNEL EXHIBITION in a 550m long ex Parenzana Railway tunnel, minutes from Portorož and Piran, Slovenia. This unusual international exhibition awarded all 25 participating artists with a GRAND PRIX. The moto of Grand Prix was For what we are missing. The opening of exhibition was held in the middle of the tunnel.Mayor of community Piran mr. Peter Bossman opened the exhibition. The next day, mayor mr. Peter Bossman was present in community hall Domenico Tintoreto, where artists were awarded with International GRAND PRIX awards. Exhibition was closed on Sunday 19. june 2011.
Camera: Sašo Fajon
Music: Studio SF
Scenario: StudioSF
Production: Studio SF, Piran 2011
Diego de Castro, veliki Pirančan
Diego de Castro, piranski pisatelj, zgodovinar in statistik (1907 - 2003)
Avtorica: Branka Preden, novinarka
Greencranes (TEN-T program) - Luka Koper - 10 minutes
Sečovlje solana
Sečovlje solana
Porečanka 2013
Prepoznate obraze kopra?
V koprskem pokrajinskem muzeju je prisotne včeraj navdušila in skozi časovno premico mesta popeljala fotografska razstava z naslovom Obrazi Kopra, fotografa Zdenka Bombeka. Razstava bo v muzeju na ogled do osmega junija.
PAZIBUŽO 2015: Kratek video
Europe Direct Koper - Capodistria in PiNA sta ob Evropskem tednu mobilnosti v soboto, 19. septembra 2015, organizirali rekreativni kolesarski dogodek PAZIBUŽO, namenjen ugotavljanju stanja in varnosti kolesarskih poti v slovenski Istri.
Ob zaključku prve izvedbe dogodka PAZIBUŽO (september 2014) je skupina udeleženk in udeležencev prišla do skupnega zaključka, da je kolesarska povezava med Koprom in Piranom vse prej kot urejena in varna, z izjemo nekaterih odsekov Parenzane.
Največje težave so predstavljale pomankljive označbe o poteku kolesarske poti, zlasti v križiščih znotraj naselij, večkrat slepo zaključene kolesarske steze in neprimerno vzdrževane poti (popis stanja 2014 in predlogi izboljšav so zbrani v dokumentu Mladi v obalnih občinah: Analiza stanja (2014), stran 84-96 -
Na kolesarskem izletu od Kopra do Pirana smo zato ponovno skušali ugotoviti, ali je omenjeno relacijo MOŽNO VARNO PREKOLESARITI brez kršenja cestnoprometnih predpisov in koliko pomankljivosti se je v zadnjem letu uspelo odpraviti.
Z dogodkom smo želeli prispevati k PRIMERNEJŠI UREDITVI KOLESARSKIH POTI v slovenski Istri, ki bi zagotavljala večjo varnost in zadovoljstvo kolesarjev in drugih uporabnikov teh površin, ter opozoriti na pomen okolju prijazne in trajnostne mobilnosti.
Brezplačen dogodek je potekal pod vodstvom Neže Flajs, turnokolesarske vodnice Obalnega planinskega društva Koper.
Foto galerija:
Kolesarjenje po Krasu
Od Mirna proti Opatjemu Selu...
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Saltern worker in Sečovlje Saltpans
There are a million ways to feel Slovenia. Everywhere you go, you will always find something that speaks to your heart. What will be your way of feeling Slovenia?
Slovenia is a land of water and spas. Slovenia is a land of healthy water. Its thermal and mineral springs are a source of health and well-being. Choose which thermal spa you wish to visit in the green surroundings of the Pannonian Plain, the Karst Region, the Alps, or the Mediterranean. Healing treatment. Preventive treatment. Wellness. Selfness. You.
#ifeelslovenia #myway
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Skala TV info - aktualno Odprtje obnovljene lokalne ceste Viadukt Zbelovo - Zbelovska gora
Odprtje obnovljene lokalne ceste »Viadukt Zbelovo-Zbelovska gora«
Praznovanja v okviru letošnjih Konjiških dni se je pričelo 10. junija 2016 z uradnim odprtjem obnovljene lokalne ceste v dolini Zbelovske gore ob železnici.
Lokalna cesta viadukt Zbelovo-Zbelovska gora v dolžini slabih 2500 m je prenesla ogromno obremenitev zaradi rekonstrukcije železniške proge Dolga gora-Poljčane, ki se je izvajala leta 2015. Obnova ceste v letu 2016 pa je bila obveza izvajalca rekonstrukcije železniške proge.
Lokalna cesta sicer prometno ni med obremenjenimi, je pa med tistimi, ki imajo večji poudarek povezovalnega značaja med regionalnima cestama v občino Poljčane in občino Šentjur. Kljub temu so bila modernizacijska dela na cesti za naselje Zbelovska gora in krajevno skupnost Zbelovo velika pridobitev.
Dogodek so popestrili otroci Vrtca Zbelovo, folklorna skupina Poljčane in domačinka Nika Kohne.
Upamo in verjamemo, da smo z deli na cesti dali dodano vrednost k izboljšanju prometnih poti v občini in nenazadnje tudi prometni varnosti.
ŠK »Ohranjanje kulturne dediščine — Kako so včasih živeli?«, dobitnik priznanja ACS 2015
Študijski krožek »Ohranjanje kulturne dediščine — Kako so včasih živeli?« z Jesenic že dvanajst let in s skoraj dvesto udeleženci raziskuje svoje okolje pod okriljem ljudske univerze, knjižnice in muzeja. Javni zavodi s sodelovanjem omogočajo prebivalstvu kvalitetnejše programe, ki vplivajo na osebnostno rast in razvoj skupnosti.
Frcho promo video portorož VIP holidays
One of the best comercials I ever made!