Мышкин. Мартыново. Золотое кольцо России. Myshkin. Martynovo. The Golden ring of Russia.
Очень интересный провинциальный городок Мышкин. И сюда едет много туристов посмотреть, и подивиться тому, какое разнообразие достопримечательностей можно увидеть на небольшом кусочке земли. Здесь и амбары, и мельницы, и старинные механизмы, и валенки и, наконец, Мышкины палаты. Город сам создал себе имя, и показывает достопримечательности и музеи о жизни российской провинции. С 1996 года Мышкин стал активно развиваться как туристический город.
#туризм # дворец #Мышкин #Мартыново #Россия #Волга #храм
Very interesting provincial town of Myshkin. And there come a lot of tourists to see and marvel at what a variety of sights can be seen on a small piece of land. Here, barns, and mills, and vintage machines, and boots and, finally, Myshkin chamber. The city itself has created a name for itself, and shows landmarks and museums about the life of Russian province. Since 1996, Myshkin has been actively developed as a tourist town.#tourism # Palace #Mishkin #Month #Russia #Volga
Alexei & Tatiana: From Russia With Love
This video is a slideshow of images of myself as two characters who appear in the third sequel to my Absolutely Smashing screenplay: Alexei Mishkin, a 1960's Russian KGB agent and assassin; and Tatiana Veranova, a ballerina/KGB spy and the only woman he's ever loved. In fact, she's the only human being he's
ever shown any tenderness to.
Katyusha by The Paul Mauriat Orchestra. No copyright infringement intended.
See other slideshows of myself as Alexei and Tatiana here:
See more slideshows of myself as various Absolutely Smashing characters here:
Visit my one-man showcase's official site:
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FiFqoverse trailer
FiFqoverse is game that I develop for about one week for CZ/SK YouTuber FiFqo.
I managed to publish it on Google Play and this is official trailer to the game.
Song used is:
Kotvitskaya&Vorsoba Usie chuzhyja ljudzi
Kotvitskaya&Vorsoba/NEW IMAGE ORKESTRA. Belarusian contemporary music , ethno, vocal, accordion.
“New Image Orkestra”
New name on the music map of Belarus, where for many years folklore traditions have been initiating both traditional folk performers and original acts that fuse eras and styles.
The sentient disposition of all participants of the act to influx deep-rooted traditions of Belarusian music into the modern context - with the goal to facilitate preservation of the old and its transfer to the new generations of listeners - became a reason to establish this new project in 2011.
Each member of the act possesses extensive musical experience. Alexey Vorsoba (accordion, samples) is an author and leader of “Port Mone” instrumental project ( with his colleagues he collaborated with Ukrainian band “Dakha-Brakha”. Irena Kotvickaya (vocals) teaches and studies folklore, she is an author and leader of “Ethno-NHS” and “Akana-NHS” ( projects; she participates in Belarusian-Swiss “Kazalpin” band and collaborates with “Apple Tea” and “Knyaz Myshkin” (Belarus) and “Diagilew Projeсt” (Germany) acts. Andrey Zhukov (sound producer) works with many leading Belarusian (and Europe-famous) bands like “Syabry”, “Lyapis Trubeckoj”, “Apple Tea”, “Drum Ecstasy”, “Troitsa”, “Kamerata”.
Each member brought to “New Image Orkestra” something very own, thus leading the idea to newly recognize ancient Belarusian folklore to a common denominator. This, in turn, drew the attention of critics and listeners. As Viktor Semashko, journalist and musician, stated at “In “New Image Orkestra” authentic and electronic sounds not just beautifully match. They interact like two oceans, two cosmoses or two sides of a ribbon that merge into one Mobius band. The new act mystically loopbacks very old with very modern, very natural with totally artificial, local with global, common with particular, spontaneous with rational”.
[BadComedian] - SOS Дед мороз (Русский плохой Санта)
#BadComedian обзор русского Плохого Санты, а именно фильма SOS, Дед Мороз или Все сбудется!”
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Карелия (Karjala) - Север (North)
Band: Карелия (Karjala)
Album: Буйные ветры (Stormy winds)
Genre: Folk Rock
Country: Russia
Year: 2016
Music and arrangements: Карелия
Chamber orchestra:
Nika Gavrilova - vocal, music, lyrics
Anton Verstovskiy - guitar, back-vocal, music
Yana Zavodovskaya - block flute, Western concert flute
Ilya Leontev - French horn, trumpet, back-vocal
Oleg Polevshchikov - bass, contrabass, back-vocal
Denis Nikhiforov - hang, percussion, drums, back-vocal
Anastasiya Chernyshova - cello
Nina Zhilkina - Western concert flute
Aleksey Myshkin - vocal, religious texts (Kali)
Folklore ensemble (Все танцуют): Aleksandra Belyankina, Ulyana Gureeva, Alina Mironova, Anastasiya Kozlova
Sound producer: Ernest Sheremet
1. Все танцуют
2. То ли быль
3. Кали (ft. Л. Мышкин, Одно Но)
4. Жаркое солнце
5. Север
6. Las-Vegas
7. And I walk alone
8. Pop-pop-pop
9. Mamas & Papas
10. I cant stop
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sakhnovsky Cherubic Hymn/Сахновский Херувимская
Festival choir conducted by N. A. Myshkin, on the 25th anniversary of the Summer School of Liturgical Music. Concert held at Holy Resurrection Serbian Cathedral in Chicago.
ДТП Лисицына/Мышкинский. 22.02.18.
Сны (комедия, реж. Карен Шахназаров, 1993 г.)
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Реставрация фильма выполнена командой профессионалов Группы компьютерной графики Мосфильма. Узнать подробности:
Художественный фильм Сны.
Между Россией дореволюционной и Россией постсоветской устанавливается таинственная связь. Молодая графиня и посудомойка из общепитовской столовой видят один и тот же кошмарный сон: им снится невероятная, абсурдная страна, в которой зритель, конечно узнает свою родину. Кажется, что избавиться от этого бреда невозможно. Но герои фильма находят неожиданное простое решение...
Режиссер Шахназаров Карен, Бородянский Александр
Автор сценария Шахназаров Карен, Бородянский Александр
Композитор Кролл Анатолий
Оператор Брожовский Борис
Художник-постановщик Свинцицкий Леонид
В ролях: Басилашвили Олег, Мордвинова Амалия, Джигарханян Армен, Идес Арнольд, Жарков Алексей,
Ростоцкий Андрей, Вертоградов Андрей Аркадьевич,
Носик Валерий, Меркурьев Петр
- Приз «Зеленое яблоко -- золотой листок» за лучшую работу художника (Л. Свинцицкому) (1994)
Irena Kotvitskaya& Knyaz Mishkin live 2013 polessian songs Ni zhar zagorja
Irena Kotvitskaya& Knyaz Mishkin live 2013 polessian songs Ni zhar zagorja. Belarusian folklore
Ірэна Катвіцкая & Князь Мышкін. Канцерт Палескія песні, веснавы карагод Ні жар загоряя. Музей З.Азгура, 17.10.2013. Minsk, Belarus.беларускі фальклор
James Bezan denounces Thanksgiving dinner for former KGB agent
Trailer Der Idiot
Theater Atelier Stuttgart. 2016
Male Group of the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir - Canticle of Simeon by Nikolai Karetnikov
Chesnokov The Angel Cried/Чесноков Ангел Вопияше
Festival choir conducted by N. A. Myshkin, on the 25th anniversary of the Summer School of Liturgical Music. Concert held at Holy Resurrection Serbian Cathedral in Chicago.
Карелия (Karjala) - Mamas & Papas
Band: Карелия (Karjala)
Album: Буйные ветры (Stormy winds)
Genre: Folk Rock
Country: Russia
Year: 2016
Music and arrangements: Карелия
Chamber orchestra:
Nika Gavrilova - vocal, music, lyrics
Anton Verstovskiy - guitar, back-vocal, music
Yana Zavodovskaya - block flute, Western concert flute
Ilya Leontev - French horn, trumpet, back-vocal
Oleg Polevshchikov - bass, contrabass, back-vocal
Denis Nikhiforov - hang, percussion, drums, back-vocal
Anastasiya Chernyshova - cello
Nina Zhilkina - Western concert flute
Aleksey Myshkin - vocal, religious texts (Kali)
Folklore ensemble (Все танцуют): Aleksandra Belyankina, Ulyana Gureeva, Alina Mironova, Anastasiya Kozlova
Sound producer: Ernest Sheremet
1. Все танцуют
2. То ли быль
3. Кали (ft. Л. Мышкин, Одно Но)
4. Жаркое солнце
5. Север
6. Las-Vegas
7. And I walk alone
8. Pop-pop-pop
9. Mamas & Papas
10. I cant stop
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balakirev The Prophets Proclaimed/Балакирев Свыше Пророцы
Festival choir conducted by N. A. Myshkin, on the 25th anniversary of the Summer School of Liturgical Music. Concert held at Holy Resurrection Serbian Cathedral in Chicago.
Александров. Золотое кольцо России. Aleksandrov. The Golden ring of Russia.
В 1970 году Александров включён в список 115 исторических городов, имеющих ценные градостроительные ансамбли и комплексы, памятники истории и культуры, охраняемые государством. Летом 1970 года здесь снимался художественный фильм «Руслан и Людмила».
Судьба Александровской Слободы тесно связана с судьбой правящих российских династий. В 1564 году при Иване Грозном в Слободе стала вершиться история государства Российского. Отсюда царь руководил объединением русских земель, здесь на Государевом дворе принимал послов из Австрии, Англии, Дании, Речи Посполитой, Швеции, заключал важнейшие международные договоры. При Иване Грозном Слобода превратилась в
крупнейший центр культуры. Сюда стекались все новинки, исполненные руками русских и иноземных мастеров, работала своя типография, созданная печатником Андроником Невежей, была даже «консерватория», куда со всей страны собирали лучших музыкантов и певцов.
Сегодня на территории Александровского Кремля расположен историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник Александровская слобода, а также возрожденный Свято-Успенский женский монастырь. На территории сохранились: Троицкий собор с двумя уникальными дверями, которые вывез Иван Грозный из Твери и Великого Новгорода шатровая Покровская церковь. Распятская церковь-колокольня (1560-е годы) и Марфины палаты (XVII век), Успенская церковь (XVI—XVII века). Комплекс окружён мощными крепостными стенами с четырьмя угловыми башнями и надвратной церковью Фёдора Стратилата.
В 2013 году Александровской слободе исполнилось 500 лет со дня основания. #слобода #история #царь #Александров # архитектура #Россия #монастырь #праволавие #храм
In 1970, Aleksandrov included in the list of 115 historical cities, having valuable town-planning ensembles and complexes, monuments of history and culture protected by the state. In the summer of 1970 there were filmed the feature film Ruslan and Lyudmila.
The fate of the Alexander Settlement is closely connected with the fate of the Russian ruling dynasties. In 1564 Ivan the terrible in the Settlement began to make history of the Russian state. Hence the king led the unification of the Russian lands, here in the Prince's court received ambassadors from Austria, England, Denmark, the Commonwealth, Sweden, has signed major international treaties. When Ivan the terrible Sloboda became the largest cultural center. Hither flocked all the new items, executed by Russian and foreign masters, worked their own printing press, created by the printer Andronik Ignorant, there was even a Conservatory where from across the country gathered the best musicians and singers.
Today on the territory of Alexandrov Kremlin is the historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve Alexandrovskaya Sloboda and restored Holy Dormition convent. Remained on the territory: the Trinity Cathedral with two unique doors that brought Ivan of Tver and Novgorod the Great tent-roofed Church of the intercession. Crucifixion Church-belfry (1560 years) and Martiny chamber (XVII century), assumption Church (XVI—XVII century). The complex is surrounded by fortress walls with four corner towers and a gatehouse Church of Theodore Stratelates.
#settlement #history #king #Alexandrov # architecture #Russia #monastery #Orthodox
Dear Lennon RE The Lonely Hearts Red Orchestra - From Lt Col Bilgewater
Dear Vladimir Lennon,
How are things in Russia? I would like to thank you for your continued support against Bonaparte, fight against equality and universal suffrage, and brutal oppression of the people – long live the Czar! Thank goodness your peasants will never rise as they have done, in France.
Let me cut up my quaver and get straight to the point. Would it be possible for you and your red orchestra to visit my battalion as part of a morale boosting tour for the the regiment. It would be absolutely fabulous to see you, Paul, Ringo, and... Mishkin, playing some music and generally floating about.
I know that you are no doubt very busy supporting the collapse and retreat of ill equipped Russian infantry regiments, but it would be jolly helpful here if you could entertain the troops, and perhaps Ringo could beat his drum as we slowly advance on the enemy and you could sing about drinking mushroom soup or glorious battlefields for ever.
Also, you'd have to bring your own food as things are pretty bad here. Hold on – destroy that infantry unit.
Unfortunately I will have to cut this letter short, as my position is about to be over run with Chasseurs, however I'm sure such things won't occur one you and your band are here to invigorate the never ending bloodshed.
By the way, Mr. Lennon, by calling yourself a Walrus, are you showing solidarity with the Prussian military tradition, and you should probably know that without a good band to listen to most of the entertainment here is of a juice of fruit nature, so don't bring your wife if you know what I mean.
If you're not available perhaps you could ask your sister musical act, Wings, if they'd come along, as they're just as good, if not better.
Yours, about to kill innumerablous young men,
Lieutenant Colonel Anonymous Bilgewater.
Irena Kotvitskaya - Siljazen'ka/Сілязенька
Сілязенька/ Siljazen'ka is ballad about Love.
This ancient art of singing only in a voice
without musical instruments and in the forgotten old languages.
ancient folklore of Belarus
video miсhael_bondar
support and friendship ООО ПраймВеда
location ГрайКафэ
Irena Kotvitskaya - folk singer, composer, pianist, teacher, ethnomusicologist
The co-organizer of the International Festival Belarusian Style. Laureate of international competitions, participant of folk and jazz festivals in Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Sweden.
Projects: duo AGATA, WARSOBA, Akana-NHS, Kazalpin (Belarus-Switzerland).
Sphere of creative activity: music of oral tradition of Belarus, live singing tradition and archaic ritual voice. Creation of own composer style on the basis of world trends trends.
The musical concept is to preserve the deep layer of the Belarusian culture and integrate it into the sphere of contemporary world music (Clear Ethnic, World music, Ethno jazz, Modern, Art folk).
#worldmusic #authentic folklore
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal (Guitar Cover)
A second take!