Escape Rooms (Mystery Rooms Escape Brasov)
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube!!!! @Mystery Rooms Escape Brasov
Inainte dar si dupa sesiunea de evadare, gasim timp sa ne cunoastem clientii sa povestim si va putem spune ca intalnim oameni minunati!
#OSI #mysteryrooms #friendstime #familytime #escaperoomBV #teambuildingBV
Mystery Rooms Escape Bucuresti
La Mystery Rooms Escape ai parte de distractie ca la carte!
Mystery Rooms Escape Bucuresti iti ofera o experienta speciala, reala si inedita de evadare! Vino cu prietenii sau colegii, intra in aventura si vei fi chiar tu eroul in poveste.
Incearca sa rezolvi misterele presarate la tot pasul, descopera enigme, afla secretele si fiecare moment in care vei depasi inca o provocare va fi o amintire de nepretuit. Vei povesti si pretui aventura ta mult timp si vei dori sa revii pentru noi provocari.
Traiesti emotii puternice, timpul zboara, te simti cu adevarat ca un erou din poveste. Mystery Rooms Escape Bucuresti este o experienta cu un farmec aparte, o adevarata evadare din cotidian, ce trebuie incercata si apoi repetata!
Tu de unde vei evada la Mystery Rooms Escape?
Mystery Rooms Escape Brasov - PartyTime
Evadare reusita, petrecere reusita si multa, multa distractie la Mystery Rooms Escape Brasov!
Cum arata cand incerci prima oara un ESCAPE ROOM
Vezi ce s-a intamplat prima oara cand am ajuns intr-un escape room si nu stiam de unde sa incepem.
Escape Room :
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Sunt Marius si va prezint vloguri, diferite informatii in dezvoltare personala si nu numai. Practic sunt un creator de content. Ce se intampla cu adevarat, nici eu nu stiu. Apasa Subscribe! Doamne Ajuta! :D
Mystery Rooms Escape te invita la distractie
Esti curios ce se intampla la Mystery Rooms Escape? Intri in poveste si te pui pe treaba: descoperi misterele, afli secrete si codurile ascunse, dezlegi enigmele presarate la tot pasul si ai parte de distractie ca la carte impreuna cu prietenii!
Nu-i deloc usor, este provocator!
Hai sa vezi si-o sa ne crezi :)
Mystery Rooms Escape |
Mystery Rooms Escape
Acesta a fost clipul,fratilor, ne vedem data viitoare!
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Ne vedem data viitoare!♥
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ATENTIE !!!! Acesta activitate creează buna dispozitie si poate da dependență.
Este un remediu 100% natural de descretirea fruntilor marca #mysteryrooms . Activitatile se pot desfasura doar sub atenta supraveghere a echipei tale. Nu răspundem pentru eventualele crize de râs. Daca apar reactii adverse....... vedem noi :):):) !!!
Real Escape Room Bucuresti - The most exciting escape room games in Bucharest
Real Escape Room - the most exciting escape room games from Asia now in Bucharest, Romania. Come and play the next level in real life room escape games. We are
Escape Room Bucharest
Str.11 Iunie , nr 50. Telefon: +40746312055
Escape Arena - Cel mai tare Escape Room Bucuresti
La Escape Arena joci cele mai tari camere de Escape Room! Accepta provocarea! Vino la cel mai nou Escape Room Bucuresti si traieste o aventura ca in filme!
Vino sa joci „Ultima aventura a lui Indiana Jones”! Nu o sa fie usor, veti avea de trecut peste multe probe si de ocolit toate capcanele din templul antic! Acesta a plecat in cautarea unuia dintre cele mai ravnite artefacte, Sfântului Graal, dar a dispărut de ceva timp fara ca nimeni sa stie dacă mai traieste sau nu. In cele din urmă, dupa cautari indelungate, zile pierdute descifrand notitele din biroul lui si urmand harta din jurnal, ati ajuns la templul antic de la Escape Arena unde se pare ca Indiana Jones a fost vazut intrand ultima oara.
Rezervari la 0787 677 137
MASTER ESCAPE - No.1 Escape Room in Moldova
Master Escape is one of the most exciting Escape Rooms in Iasi, Romania.
We managed to combine mind twisting puzzles, games and hidden clues so that you get a complete experience.
Also we have numerous rooms and game difficulties to choose from.
Don`t forget to follow us on social media to get the latest updates regarding contests and giveaways.
deschidere escape room arad 21 07
If you are in Dracula's castle, it is worth paying the extra ticket to experience the torture museum!
Cum a fost la Escape Room Exit din Odesa? ⏳ ???? ????
SECRET CATACOMBS & The Black Church | Brasov, Romania's Dark Side
There is a dark side to Romania's beautiful mountain city, Brasov. One of its most recognizable landmarks, The Black Church, is haunted by scary legends that detail the death of a young boy, symbolized by a statue leaning over the church's roof. The city also contains a tunnel-like system of catacombs spanning underneath its floor. Rumors that soldiers were trapped and died inside these tunnels during the war exist, though they remain cloaked in mystery. Read more:
In this episode of Amy's Crypt I retell the dark legends assocaited with the Black Church of Brasov. I also embark on a journey to locate and uncover the secret catacombs of Brasov.
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Backwards Souls Sound by Mike Koenig is licensed under a Creative Commons License
The Halloween Dawn by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
#Romania #Catacombs #AmysCrypt
Escape del Castillo de Bran
We are ICEteam
Un scurt clip despre echipa ICETeam, o echipa de origine brasoveana, specializata in competitiile de coasta si raliu.
Sa concuram cu masini cu propulsie si in special BMW-uri este pasiunea noastra si o facem in felul propriu...un pic mai mult de-a latu'! Tineti aproape pentru mai multa actiune!
A short about ICETeam which is a romanian based racing team, specialised in hillclimb and rally competitions.
Racing RWD cars and especially BMWs is our passion and we do it in our own way...a little bit more sideways than usual. Enjoy and follow us for more!
The Witches Pond | Most Haunted Places | Bucharest, Romania
The Witches Pond is a mysterious little pond outside of Bucharest, with a reputation for witches, witchcraft, and said to be the place in which Vlad Tepes (the real-life Dracula) was beheaded. Read more about the Witches Pond:
Geo-coordinates for the path that leads to the Witch's Pond:
Subscribe to Amy's Crypt for more spooky overnight paranormal investigations:
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Bonus footage, behind the scenes, early access and more:
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Get your own ghost hunting equipment (affiliate link):
Backwards Souls Sound by Mike Koenig:
Incoming Suspense Sound by recorded by Maximilien, available on:
Link to license:
You're free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Ice Demon by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Train Enigma - reportaj TV lansare tren 2017
Am lansat ruta noua de la Astra Trans Carpatic cu o experienta unica de la Quest Mission - epic escape rooms - TRAIN ENIGMA - cel mai mare real life game din Romania ce se desfasoara intr-un tren in miscare.
O sa fiti actori, detectivi, spioni etc si o sa va bucurati de mister, distractie, personaje reale, descoperiri, decizii de echipa care duc la un joc unic si un drum spre mare in care sa va bucurati de succes rezolvand Enigma! Plus multa distractie!!