MysteryGames - Steampunk Submarine Escape Game Budapest
ExitPoint Games - One of the best entertainment in Budapest
Best escape rooms in Budapest!
For the wild west escape room experience book here:
Howdy, pardner. Yer movin’ up to the big time. Word is there’s a buffalo-sized pile o’ cash buildin’ for the biggest card game this side of the Mississippi. There’s a back way in for you and yer crew to snatch it up before the game, but it comes with a catch. You gotta get yerself arrested... then you gotta break out again.
Book your Neverland adventures now!
Email Contact:
Address: Hungary, 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 22-24
Phone number: +36 20 513 2497
The game is about entertaining fun where you can escape from reality. In an escape room the game relies on solving diverse tasks as a team so you can break out within 60 minutes. You will be given all the important information before the game begins.
The price of the room is 3500 HUF/person.
All rooms have a maximum of 7 participants.
Get to know our rooms:
Jailbreak, Insane Asylum, The Cage, the Cards, and the Cash, Wizard Trials, Deep Space
Neverland is the perfect example of why the image of the stubborn Hungarian will never change. Why? Because the escape rooms - Hungarian real-time adventure games - are currently one of Budapest's main tourist attractions, alongside the ruins.
You find the experience here unmatchable and will be rewarded with excitement and laughter.
In Budapest Neverland Bar & Escape Room you can find new generation escape rooms, VR escape room, bar, restaurant and VIP lounge.
Hungarian description:
A Neverland az élő példa, hogy vannak, akik soha nem hagyják kihunyni a világ köztudatából a „csavaros agyú magyar” imázs-értékeket. Miért? Mert a hungarikummá érett, flow élményen alapuló valós idejű kalandjátékok, vagyis a szabadulószobák jelenleg Budapest egyik fő turisztikai attrakciói a romkocsmák mellett. A józan paraszti ész-használat jutalma az izgalom, a nevetés, és egy semmihez sem hasonlítható élmény.
A nagy vadnyugati rablás:
Na mi a helyzet, cowboy? Érzed már, hogy egy bazi nagy dobás előtt álltok? Azt beszélik, hogy egy bivaly méretű készpénz köteg csak rátok vár a Vadnyugat legnagyobb kártyaversenyén. Itt van hát az alkalom, hogy te és a csapatod szépen lenyúljátok ezt a halom dohányt. Viszont van egy bukkanó. Előbb el kell intézned, hogy letartóztassanak… aztán ki kell onnan szabadulnotok.
Foglald le most:
Élményteli szórakozás, menekülés a valóságból. A játék lényege, hogy 60 percetek van a szabadulásra, melynek feltétele, hogy a változatos feladatokat, csapatként együttműködve oldjátok meg. A mögöttetek bezáruló ajtó, vagyis a játék kezdete előtt mindent elmondunk, amit feltétlenül tudnotok kell.
A szabadulás ára 3500 Ft/fő.
Mindegyik szobánkra vonatkozik a maximum 7 fős részvétel.
Ismerd meg pályáinkat!
Rácsok Mögött, Zárt Osztály, A Nagy Vadnyugati Rablás, Máguspróba, A világűr mélyén
A Neverland budapesti egysége nem csak új generációs szabaduló szobákkal rendelkezik, hanem egy VR menekülő szobával, bárral, étteremmel és egy privát klub szobával, ami tökéletes mindenféle céges csapatépítés, szülinapi bulik rendezésére.
Csapatépítés Neverlandnél
Immár bebizonyosodott, hogy a szabadulós játék egy szuper lehetőség a cégeknek, hogy munkatársaikat összekovácsolja. Az is beigazolódott, ha a közös munkahelyen dolgozók élményszintű programban részesülnek, és pld. a szabadulószobás játék közben együttműködnek, egy egészen új fogalom születik az 1 óra alatt, s ez a jó kommunikáción alapuló újszerű csapategység törvényszerűen kihat a hétköznapokra is.
Hogy miért? Mert a szabaduló játék közben a gátlások az ajtókon kívül maradnak, hisz rengeteg izgalmas kihívás és vicces szituáció adódik, amelyben csak önmagukat adhatják a résztvevők. A közös hangot is könnyebb lesz megtalálniuk zárt körülmények között. Az intenzív együttműködésnek és a kollektív gondolkodásnak közösségformáló ereje van, így a munkahelyre, motivált, bizalomra épülő, hatékonyabb csapat térhet vissza.
Ha bármilyen kérdésed / különleges kérésed van privát rendezvényeddel kapcsolatban, kérjük, írj nekünk.
© Copyright: PanIQ Escape Room Franchise (PanIQ Franchising Inc.) 2018
LOCKED ROOM BUDAPEST - The Best Escape Rooms in Budapest
Locked Room Budapest offers the best looking highest quality live adventure games in the city. You can find great selection of unique, spectacular and high quality adventures. Fully playable in English. Choose your games at Book online or call us now. +36304582905
One Of The Best Escape Rooms in Budapest
Neverland Escape Room in Budapest
Address: 1074. Budapest, Dohány u. 22-24
Google Maps:
A katedrális - Budapest legszebb szabadulószobája
Kalandozzatok Budapest legszebb szabadulószobájában, egy épülő katedrális szomszédságában korabeli díszletek között!
Időpont foglalás:
Dark forces are gathering around our town. Their new goal is to cancel the consruction of the new, beautiful cathedral. In the darkness of the eve they were able to steal the plans from the abbey...
You and your brothers have to get back the plans to avoid scandal. Discover Budapest's most beautiful exit game! Solve the mystery of the medieval building cathedral!
You have only 60 minutes to overcome all the obstacles and to escape from the room. To resolve all the challenges, you will need to work in team and think together. Use your intelligence and be smarter than the trap makers!
Escape Rooms - a new form of cerebral entertainment in Budapest
If you're an aspiring amateur detective or a would-be escape artists, look no further than Budapest.
A series of Escape Rooms have been set up in the Hungarian capital to test people's problem solving abilities.
It gives people a chance to escape everyday life, by putting them in unfamiliar situations.
Behind bars in an unknown cell - not the usual place many expect to find themselves in.
But groups of people in Hungary are choosing to spend time in locations like this, so they can work out how to escape.
Escape Rooms are gaining popularity among all ages in Budapest, a test of skill and problem solving against the clock.
You may find yourself trapped in a prison cell, a bank in the Wild West, or even a mental hospital.
The Trap Factory is a former aid raid shelter now has five escape rooms.
Here, a group enters the Prison Room and has 60 minutes to solve a series of clues and work out how to escape.
Mugshots of prisoners look down at the team as they set about their challenge.
We have some really unique rooms, like having to escape from jail, a crime has to be solved in Miss Marple's room and we have a room where the riddles have to be solved in the presence of a car. What awaits the players in the rooms are keys, locks and padlocks and tasks of logic, explains manager Fora Horvath.
Doors are unlocked to many unfamiliar places, like a 1930s London sitting room.
It's all about brain over brawn, but each room is equipped with a panic button in case visitors become overwhelmed.
We've had some players who said they were claustrophobic and did not think they could complete the challenges and were uncertain about going in or staying out. We always advise them to go inside and to try it out, Horvath says.
Many of the rooms are equipped with cameras so assistants can follow a team's progress and offer hints on walkie-talkies if they need help.
It was quite difficult and it all depended on teamwork. If you distribute the tasks and not everyone does the same thing, the chances of escaping are good, says one visitor to the Trap Factory, Balazs Gyongyosi.
Elsewhere, similar escape plans are being hatched.
At Sweet Escape, in a couple of cellars near downtown Budapest, the escape rooms are less intimidating, providing a more family-friendly day out.
The essence of the escape rooms is to remove people from their grey everyday life and put them in an environment where they can have experiences they can't get anywhere else, like looking for the recipe of never-ending chocolate, robbing a bank or searching for the lost diamond, says Dora Somogyi, from Sweet Escape.
Somogyi says that teamwork is paramount when it comes to escaping. Visitors have to work together to solve the puzzles, which in turn helps to develop logic skills and logical thinking.
Everyone was looking for something they could recognise and solve. It was easier for the children than for me because they were a bit more resourceful than I was, says Gyongyi Mihaly, who went to Sweet Escape with her family.
Success rates are surprisingly low for teams who decide not to ask for help, with less than 25 percent managing to find their way out of most rooms on their own.
Still, the goal is for everyone to have a good time, so even those unable to solve all the puzzles can find some comfort in at least partial success.
It costs a team between 30 and 40 euros (US$38 and $51) for the one-hour activity.
Escape rooms are increasingly being used by companies for team-building exercises.
Some Hungarian escape room companies are now setting franchises across Europe, including Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Vienna and Bucharest.
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Locked Escape Game Budapest. The Bank Rob. Live Adventure. Live Room Escape Game. Rob the Bank. A Bankrablás szabadulós játék.
MIND HORROR - Room escape
Budapest legszebb szabadulószobái!
The AXEscape Room with CEE Mobile Technology
Can you escape? Kinetic Innovation developed the AXEscape Room to demonstrate the power of the CEE mobile scanning platform. During a two day demonstration at Unilever we had numerous participants successfully escape, generating several hundred scans.
Best Escape Rooms In Budapest
Best Escape Rooms In Budapest. Good Luck and have fun!
emergency exit, escape games
Have you ever been in a similar place? Then you come out with your friends, your colleagues, your children, or your parents, because we are waiting for the latest escape experiences, new ideas, new kinds of puzzles with enchanting visuals in Budapest's best escape room.
Never try an escape games?
Then you totally unknown, and literally captivating new adventure awaits us in the e-exit. Believe me, if you try is become more exaltation , this kind of entertainment, which we Hungarians are the best.
The e-exitgames two themed rooms are embarking on the adventure you want to experience with you. The sight and the excitement of the game rooms are sure to be impressed by all of you, because we have determined them to feel at all well, despite being locked
HintHunt Submarine Room
دلوقتي انت قائد غواصة , تقدر تنقذها وتخرج بأمان انت وفريقك ؟
في HintHunt لعبة الهروب الأولى في العالم حسب موقع TripAdvisor... انت محبوس جوا غواصة وقدامك 60 دقيقة عشان تنجز مهمة, معاكم أحدث وسائل التكنولوجيا و أجهزة السونار والتشفير وإطلاق التوربيد و مطلوب منك تختار مهمة من اتنين, تضرب غواصة عدو أو تنقذ طاقم الغواصة من الغرق! أنت قدها ؟!
جمع فريقك من 3 إلى 5 اشخاص و كلمونا على 01220408090 واحجز مكانك!
احنا موجودين في The District Mall شارع النصر , شيراتون , أمام نادي وادي دجلة شيراتون .
*كل الفيديو حقيقي من جوه غواصة HintHunt
Dive deep into our submarine room as we take you on an adrenaline packed trip.
You are your own lifesaver in this mission, do you have what it takes.You are in a Submarine and you have 60 mins to complete a certain mission using advanced equipment, should you choose to accept it ;)
You can choose your mission either to hit another enemy submarine or to save the submarine from sinking!
Gather your team from 3 to 5 people and call us on 01220408090 to reserve your place.
We are located at The District Mall, El Nasr Street, Sheraton. In front of Wadi Degla Sheraton club.
This footage was taken live from our Submarines
Steampunk bar in Budapest
Quick Tour through Construction on Midnight on the Bayou Escape Room
We needed to do something with our emergency door so we borrowed an idea from a popular 80’s movie. Great Scot! Can you guess which one it was? See our blog for more info.
SUBmerged- Our newest adventure!
A sneak peek inside Exodus Escape Room's brand new escape room experience!
In the middle of an important submarine voyage, the lights go out, a jolt knocks you off your feet, and your submarine crashes! Trapped inside a malfunctioning vessel, thousands of leagues below the surface, you must restore power to the sub before it's too late!
The Submarine - Teaser
Escaperoom The Submarine is terug en beter dan ooit.
Onze escaperooms zijn een avontuur waarin jij, als geheim agent, samen met een team van vrienden, collega's of kennissen de wereld van de ondergang moet redden. Stap in de schoenen van 'James Bond' als je inbreekt bij dit datacenter en spelenderwijs alle beveiligingssystemen omzeilt.
Music by Ross Bugden:
Cold War Park Budapest BTR Driving
Cold War Park Budapest your biggest adventure in Hungary! Drive a BTR Armored Personnel Carrier TODAY!!!
Have Fun Comrades!