Fresh L goes Mystery House (Escape Game Flensburg)
Mystery House Rap im Escape Room Flensburg
Musik/Video: ©Christian Lempertz aka Fresh L
Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten und Mitwirkenden
Mystery House goes Bremen! Live-Escape-Gaming der Extraklasse!
Direkt Liken und von Anfang an dabei sein:
Spiele in Flensburg & Hamburg können auf gebucht werden!
Escape Room in Hamburg: 60 Minuten knackige Rätsel bei TwistedRooms
Die TwistedRooms in Hamburg sind geöffnet! Aber nur, wenn man als Gruppe die teils extrem kniffligen Rätsel löst und der Bedrohung entflieht.
These Houses Flensburg, Germany
This song speaks of the houses of the ancient ones -- the Anasazi of the Colorado Plateau. This video is from my first ever tour in Europe, and the first House Concert on that tour -- a Klappstuhlkonzerte in Flensburg, Germany hosted by Andrea Paluch. Thanks so much to Andrea and all who attended. We sure had a wonderful time!
©2009 C. Daniel Boling, Perfectly Stable Music / ASCAP
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
Their yawning doorways tempt me
To enter when I will
Spirits still abide inside
Each dwelling has its fill
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
I saw these houses long ago
When I was very young
Through the years I’ve come to know them
Rock and root and rung
Still I see their mystery
God grant I always will
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
Before the man from Portugal
Discovered this new world
These houses were already old
Centuries endured
Their children spread throughout the West
Every canyon filled
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
Many of these houses now
Lie buried in the sand
Though we’ve long ago learned how
And proven that we can
Should we dig their secrets up
To use them as we will?
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
I know that I don’t understand
So much that I perceive
There’s more to life meets the eye
More than I dare believe
When at last my time has passed
I’m more grist for the mill
These houses are not empty
These houses are not still
Lasst mich hier raus - Gefangen im Escape Room
Wer gerne Krimis schaut, Rätsel löst und knobelt, der kann sich jetzt schon mal freuen. Denn unser Reporter Marcel war für euch bei Mission Exit in Magdeburg auf der Suche nach sogenannten Escape Rooms.
Beitrag von Thomas Viet Dang & Marcel Reitter
Dner entkommt aus dem Escape Room in letzter Sekunde | #CokeTVMoment
In dieser CokeTV Folge werden Dner und Celine eingesperrt! Für ihren persönlichen #CokeTVMoment hat sich Celine nämlich nicht irgendwas gewünscht. Gemeinsam mit Dner wird sie in einen Escape Room eingeschlossen, um sich dann innerhalb von 60 Minuten mit Hilfe von versteckten Hinweisen und Schlüsseln aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien. Dner und Celine brauchen Teamwork, Schnelligkeit und logisches Denken, um die unterschiedlichen Rätsel zu lösen. Nur so haben die beiden eine realistische Chance, sich in der vorgegebenen Zeit zu befreien. Schaffen sie es nicht, bedeutet das GAME OVER! Doch bevor es ernst wird, erklärt uns der Escape Game Experte Chris die Regeln des Live Escape Games. Für Notfälle und kleine Tipps bleibt Experte Chris per Walkie Talkie erreichbar. Zu Beginn der Befreiungsmission müssen sich die beiden zunächst orientieren. Dner und Celine durchforsten das Zimmer nach versteckten Hinweisen und machen sich auf die Suche nach verschlüsselten Codes. Die sind unter Zeitdruck gar nicht so leicht zu finden. Nur mit vereinten Kräften und Scharfsinn können sich Dner und Celine kurz vor Ablauf der Zeit noch befreien. Das war ein echt spannender Tag! Welches Versteck findet ihr am schwierigsten? #DnerEntkommt
Ihr wollt selbst einmal das Escape Game im Quest Room Berlin spielen? Wir verlosen 1 x 5 Tickets für euch und eure Freunde. Schreibt uns einfach in die Kommentare, was euch in dieser Folge am besten gefallen hat und mit ein bisschen Glück dürft auch ihr bald spannende Rätsel im Wettlauf gegen die Zeit lösen. Wir drücken euch die Daumen!
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Abonniert jetzt und verpasst keinen der einzigartigen #CokeTVMoment mit Dner und tollen Gästen:
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Habt ihr auch Lust bekommen mal ein Escape Game zu spielen?
Versus Nature - Rap Song (Crossover / Rapcore Song from Flensburg, Germany)
from Hund Tape
The Nazi Hunter: Capturing the Architect of the Holocaust
A thrilling true-crime story of how secret agent Zvi Aharoni hunted down one of the highest-ranking Nazi war criminals on the run in Argentina in 1960. Read more:
The Driver Is Red was directed by Randall Christopher ( It is part of The Atlantic Selects, an online showcase of short documentaries from independent creators, curated by The Atlantic.
Subscribe to The Atlantic on YouTube:
4. Flensburger Automeile
4. Flensburger Automeile 2014
Die Flensburger Förde | WDR Reisen
Hoch im Norden Deutschlands, direkt an der dänischen Grenze, liegt die Flensburger Förde - eine Urlaubsregion mit maritimem Flair und skandinavischer Gemütlichkeit. Das Besondere ist ihre spannende Geschichte: Mal waren die Gebiete an der Ostsee dänisch, mal deutsch.
High in the north of Germany, right on the Danish border, lies the Flensburg Fjord - a holiday region with a maritime flair and Scandinavian cosiness. The special feature is their exciting history: sometimes the areas on the Baltic Sea were Danish, sometimes German.
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Gefangen auf der Albatros: Live-Escape-Game am Strand
Skrupellose Seeräuber haben sie überfallen und eingesperrt. Ihren Kapitän haben sie auch noch entführt. Nun sitzen fünf Mädels aus Lübeck im Frachtraum der Albatros fest. Ohne Navigation treibt der Dampfer auf ein Riff zu... Nur wenn sie alle Rätsel richtig lösen, können sie das Schiff vor dem Untergang retten. Und die Uhr tickt. Es bleiben gerade mal 60 Minuten Zeit... Game Masterin Nina Kohrs hat bei dem Live-Escape-Game auf der Albatros den Überblick und gibt Denkanstöße, falls die Rätsel-Crew auf dem Schlauch steht.
Doctor GoA at Tiefensymphonie 4 in Flensburg 2011.AVI
The mysterious disappearance of a Nazi general…
Listen to Intrigue: The Ratline -
A story of love, denial and a curious death. Philippe Sands investigates the disappearance of a senior Nazi, Otto Wächter, who spent three years escaping capture after WWII.
This is a story that journeys right to the heart of the Ratline, the underground network that helped Nazis escape to South America, revealing shadowy forces at work and consequences that stretch across generations.
Presented by Phillipe Sands
Animation by Black Matter
Modifly - Rootsteps in a Garden (Spookhouse Dub)
Jump House Berlin mit MrTrashpack, Max Oberüber und Typisch Kassii | VLOG
Super Jump Crew: MrTrashpack, Max Oberüber und die bezaubernde Typisch Kassii.
Das größte Kompliment für mich ist: Meinen Vlog mit Jemandem zu teilen und mir nen Daumen hoch zu geben. LG Michael
►Letztes Video:
►Mystery Box:
INSTAGRAM: @MusicalMichi
✖Video von MAX OBERÜBER / Oberüber Vlogs:
✖Video von MrTRASHPACK / EinfachPhil:
JUMP HOUSE Berlin/Hamburg
Laszlo - One Step Away
Death Of Himmler (1945)
Unused / unissued material.
Luneburg, Germany.
Shots of Heinrich Himmler lying dead on the floor with a blanket over the lower part of his body. He is wearing his usual round glasses. Soldiers and cameramen are crowded into the room to record the occasion.
Allied soldiers and officers talk around the bonnet of a car outside the Second Army HQ.
C/U of two small phials in the palm of a hand (presumably similar to the one used by Himmler in his successful suicide attempt).
Soldiers and officers stand talking outside a building. Inside, a British soldier stands guard over dead body of Himmler (soldier looks a little wary). More shots of dead Himmler. One shot taken directly overhead with strong lights so it looks like he is asleep. Another where he seems to be propped up in bed - it looks like he is smiling!
Note: Himmler committed suicide on 23 May 1945.
FILM ID:1994.15
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Plenary 7 A Great Transformation? Global Perspectives on Contemporary Capitalisms
Beverly Silver (Baltimore, USA)
Forces of Labor Revisited
Moderator: Karin Fischer
Transformation (Science Park 1, MT 127)
Cletus Ikechukwu Anah (Owerri, Nigeria)
Capitalist Crises and Pathways toward Transformation in Africa: The Role of International Financial Institutions
Frédéric Moulène (Strasbourg, France)
Is a New Great Transformation Possible? The Power of Language and Ideology in the Global Economy
Christian Karner (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Austria between “Social Protection” and “Emancipation”: Negotiating Global Flows, Marketization and Nostalgia
Moderator: Birgit Sauer
Crisis & Welfare (Science Park 1, MT 128)
Markus Griesser (Vienna, Austria)
Uneven Waves of Commodification, Decommodification and Recommodification
Roland Atzmüller (Linz, Austria)
Great and not so Great Transformations in Welfare Policies: Welfare Reconfigurations between Social Investment and Activation
Zoltán Pogátsa (Sopron, Hungary)
Welfare States and the Systematic Crisis of Capitalism
Moderator: Bernhard Schütz
Fictitious Commodities II (Science Park 1, MT 130)
Sabine Frerichs (Vienna, Austria)
Polanyi’s Property: Law of the Land, Law of the Market?
Kai Mosebach (Ludwigshafen, Germany)
Making Sense of Health Care Commercialization and Liberal Utopias of Market-driven Health Care
Takato Kasai (Kyoto, Japan)
“Socialistic” Design for the Future based on Karl Polanyi’s Theory: The Evolution of Bentham’s and Owen’s Ideas on Poor Relief
Moderator: Julia Eder
Alternatives (Science Park 1, MT 132)
Aslihan Aykac (Izmir, Turkey)
Solidarity Economies: The Countermovement Rising
Klara Helene Stumpf & Bernd Sommer (Flensburg, Germany)
The Economy for the Common Good: A Social Movement Altering the Relationship between Economy, Society and State?
Leonhard Dobusch (Innsbruck, Austria)
Share Economy between Commons and Commodification
Moderator: Jakob Kapeller
Marketization of Knowledge and Science (Science Park 1, MT 226)
Brigitte Aulenbacher, Kristina Binner (Linz, Austria), Birgit Riegraf & Lena Weber (Paderborn, Germany)
The Entrepreneurial University in the Welfare State from a Polanyian, Feminist and Neo-institutionalist Perspective
Elisabeth Abergel (Montreal, Canada) & Claire Lagier (Munich, Germany)
Fictitious Commodities: Marketization of Knowledge and Science
Petra Biberhofer (Vienna, Austria)
The Economization of Education
Moderator: Karin Fischer
The Dolphin Swim Club in Denmark - Nyborg the 11th of June 2016
A joyous meet-up in Denmark with Selfi & Delfi the ambassador dolphins of the Baltic. On the 11th of June 2016 the team of the Dolphin Swim Club went on a little adventure to meet up with the 'ambassador' bottlenose dolphins who have been traveling in the Baltic Sea. On the day we started the VR project in September 2015 they appeared in front of our oceanfront 'headquarters' (our fancy name for the beach hut) in Sweden. So we may say that we had their blessing! By magic we are dolphin approved...The nowadays famous Selfi & Delfi spent a few months in the Kalmarsund, and of course we went swimming with them, as much we could! Later in winter, they moved South by the German coast, and enchanted the people living there. We payed them a visit while they were in and around the charming town of Flensburg. Now they are making their way up the Stora Belt in Denmark. Perhaps back to the North Sea?, these are wild dolphins and do as they please. Due to the lower salt (and severe pollution) in the Baltic they do have some skin problems, so it may heal their skin. Otherwise they look fine. How do I know? Well, we found them! Under a very long and large bridge by Nyborg, with a lot of fat fish under. We even found our friends Clifford and Ann-Sofi who we met in the water in Sweden. A very happy reunion indeed.
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