360 top view Nagaoka, Ojiya.MOV
360 top view Nagaoka, Ojiya
Sendai city center guide.
Sendai city center in Google Earth.
Sakura road at Nagaoka University of Technology 2012
JG☆☆☆4K HDR 鳥取 桜満開の鳥取城跡(史跡,城百選) Tottori,Tottori Castle(Historic Site,Castle100)
鳥取県鳥取市 鳥取城跡
Tottori castle,Tottori city,Tottori
View from Sendai Castle ruins
[ 4K UHD ] 絶景空撮:天空の城「岡城・岡城址」大分県竹田市 Oka Castle Ruins in the Sky ( Aerial Drone shot )
Oka-castle is a mountain japanese castle located at the top of the mountain at 325 m above sea level in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture, and now it is a castle ruin where Stone Foundation remains.
取材協力 Special Tyhanks
竹田市文化財課 竹田市教育委員会
ドローン空撮-再生リスト Aerial Drone footage showreel Playlist
AQUA Geo Graphic ドローン空撮サービス
AQUA Geo Graphic (English)
AQUA Geo Graphic (Japanese)
Morioka Castle Site Park ( Morioka City )
( National historic site )
Morioka Castle was a beautiful three-story castle which served as the residence of the Nambu lords. Its construction began in 1598, and by 1609, Morioka had developed as a castle town. However, the age of the samurai eventually came to a close, and the castle was demolished in 1874. The site became desolate after the demolition, but it was revived in 1906 as Iwate Park; in 2006, the park was given a new nickname Morioka Castle Site Park to commemorate its 100th anniversary. Though the castle no longer stands today, you can still see the beautiful stone walls throughout the park.
Nitobe Inazo, who wrote Bushido: The Soul of Japan ( 1900 ) , was born just across the river from the park; today, his monument stands in the park. There are many reasons to visit the park throughout the year: the Morioka Cherry Blossom Festival in the spring, the lush green foliage in the summer, the colorful foliage and music festival in the fall, and the illuminated stone walls in the winter.
[ 4K Ultra HD ] 天空の里・御岳山 Mt.Mitake-san in TOKYO (Hyperlapse Flowmotion)
撮影は、ドローン空撮(DJI Mavic pro)と陸上はPanasonic GH5をジンバルスタビライザーに乗せて行いました。
Mt. Otake is a mountain located in the western part of Tokyo.
There is the Musahi-Mitake shrine at the top of the mountain.
ドローン空撮-再生リスト Aerial Drone footage showreel Playlist
AQUA Geo Graphic (English)
AQUA Geo Graphic (Japanese)
AQUA Geo Graphic ドローン空撮サービス
A European village in Kobe, Japan
[ 4K UHD ]絶景空撮:山古志の棚田・棚池(新潟県長岡市)Rice & Pond terrace in Yamakoshi,Nagaoka ( Aerial Drone shot)
Yamakoshi (Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture) is popular for cultivation of Nishikigoi, and on the slope of the mountain, rice paddies of paddy fields and shelf ponds of Nishikigo culture are spread all over and show a beautiful scenery unique to this area.
取材協力 Special Thanks
・長岡市 山古志支所
・まいぷれ 長岡市
ドローン空撮-再生リスト Aerial Drone footage showreel Playlist
AQUA Geo Graphic ドローン空撮サービス
AQUA Geo Graphic (English)
AQUA Geo Graphic (Japanese)
2018 12 9
天空の紅葉深まりつつ 岡城跡(岡城址)ドローン映像4K 20191025 Aerial drone video in Okajou castle
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天空の紅葉深まりつつ 岡城跡(岡城址)ドローン映像4K 20191025 Aerial drone video in Okajou castle
Okajou castle that was colored by Autumn leaves ! Aerial drone video in Okajou castle 4K 20191025
Замок Окайо, который был окрашен осенними листьями! Видео с воздушного беспилотника в замке Окаджу 4K 20191025
天空の城で咲く美しい桜 岡城 ドローン映像4K 20190330 Beautiful cherry blossoms that bloomed. Aerial drone video
春を彩る高嶺桜 美しい天空の城 岡城 三日月岩 ドローン映像4K 20190331 Shooting cherry blossoms from the sky.
Crescent rock
桜に彩られた三日月岩 夕焼けに染まる岡城 ドローン映像4K 20181105 Crescent rock colored with autumn leaves
名峰祖母山、阿蘇山に囲まれている紅葉の岡城 Beautiful mountains surrounding Okajou castle, Mt.Sobo and Mt. Aso.
紅葉に彩られた岡城の大手門を歩く Walking main gate of Okajou castle colored with autumn leaves
深まる美しい紅葉が彩る天空の石垣 岡城 ドローン映像4K 20181101 Okajou castle that was colored by Autumn leaves
天空の秋陽が射す紅葉 岡城 ドローン映像4K 20181025 Okajou castle that was colored by Autumn leaves
天空の紅葉深まりつつ 岡城 ドローン映像4K 20181024 Okajou castle that was colored by Autumn leaves
秋の色彩を深めつつ 天空の紅葉 岡城 祖母山の稜線 ドローン映像4K 20181018 Drone video in Oka castle
日本一の六連橋 明正井路1号橋 ドローン映像 4K The sixth consecutive bridge drone video in Japan
春を愛でる岡城 桜花繚乱 ドローン映像 4K 本丸 二の丸 付近 Drone video in Oka castle. Shooting cherry blossoms from the sky
花時を迎えた桜回廊 岡城 ドローン映像 4K 三の丸 籾倉跡 城代屋敷跡 付近 2018年3月 Drone video in Oka castle
そこにある桜雲と桜人 花見の岡城ドローン映像 4K 大手門から本丸方向へ 2018年3月 Drone video in Oka castle
彩る高嶺桜 岡城 本丸から大手門方向へドローン映像 4K 2018年3月 Drone video in Oka castle
春光が満ち渡る天空の城 岡城 ドローン空撮(4K) 2018年3月 Drone video in Oka castle
【日本有数】難攻不落の山城 由縁となる急峻な地形がわかるようにドローン撮影 岡城 2018年1月 Drone video in Oka castle
大手門 滝廉太郎が幼心に見た風景「荒城の月」をBGMに岡城散策 2018年3月
【比較】古大手門と大手門 滝廉太郎が幼心に見た風景「荒城の月」をBGMに岡城散策 2018年3月
家老屋敷 滝廉太郎が幼心に見た風景「荒城の月」をBGMに岡城散策 2018年3月 -Kōjō no Tsuki- The Moon over the Ruined Castle
西の丸 滝廉太郎が幼心に見た風景「荒城の月」をBGMに岡城散策 2018年3月 Rentaro TAKI -Kōjō no Tsuki- The Moon over the Ruined Castle
岡城城下町散策 雛まつり 2018年2月
竹田城下町 雛まつり ”Hinamatsuri” Taketa castle town Hina doll Festival 2017年2月18日~3月13日
桜が咲き始めた岡城 ドローン映像 4K 20190326 Okajou Castle that cherry blossoms have begun to bloom!
天空の城に咲き誇る美しい藤の花 新緑に包まれる岡城 ドローン映像4K 20190422 GWの穴場スポット
九州大分県竹田市 城めぐり 城好き
1 位 姫路城 兵庫県姫路市
2 位 二条城 京都府京都市
3 位 松山城 愛媛県松山市
4 位 松本城 長野県松本市
5 位 岡城阯 大分県竹田市 ←岡城がココに!!
6 位 )中城城跡 沖縄県北中城村
7 位 犬山城 愛知県犬山市
8 位 備中松山城 岡山県高粱市
9 位 松江城 島根県松江市
10 位 岩村城址 岐阜県恵那市
#castle #samurai
Sky view #PM2.5 @Niigata 02/26/2014
Nakagusuku Hotel Ruin 3/3 - Lower Area
The Nakagusuku Hotel Ruin in Okinawa, Japan, is a massive unfinished concrete building abandoned almost 40 years ago. Filmed in May of 2012, 720p, unedited - don't miss the other two walking tour videos; total length: more than 40 minutes! If you would like to know more about the Nakagusuku Hotel Ruin and see some stunning photos then please have a look at my blog Abandoned Kansai:
Koriyama Castle: Sakura Paradise!
Tsutsui Junkei, The Warrior Who Unified Yamato, Builds a Castle in Koriyama!
Kōriyama Castle was a Japanese castle in what is now the city of Yamato-Kōriyama, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The Sengoku daimyo Tsutsui Junkei started construction of the castle, and Toyotomi Hidenaga made it his residence. In the Edo period, it became the headquarters of the Kōriyama Domain. During this time it was held variously by members of the Mizuno, Okudaira Matsudaira, Honda, Fujii Matsudaira, and Yanagisawa clans.
Today, many walls and moats are preserved in a public park in the city. The Yanagisawa Shrine stands within the grounds.
Many influential warriors battled to gain power over this region. However, in the Edo period a succession of dominant lords were deployed to rule Koriyama realm.
It was Tsutsui Junkei who united the Yamato province by overcoming the rising local samurais, one after another. His achievement of Yamato unification, supported by Oda Nobunaga, took place in 1576, and his entrance into Koriyama Castle was accomplished in 1580. Koriyama was a bustling area where markets stood in rows, but Junkei's arrival brought even more prosperity to the town.
There is a famous episode about Junkei. After the Incident of Honnō-ji in 1582,(The Incident at Honnō-ji refers to the forced suicide on June 21, 1582 of Japanese daimyo Oda Nobunaga at the hands of his samurai general Akechi Mitsuhide. This occurred in Honnō-ji, a temple in Kyoto, ending Nobunaga's quest to consolidate centralized power in Japan under his authority.) Junkei was asked by his ally Akechi Mitsuhide, to send troops to Horagatoge pass for military assistance. However, impressed by the superior forces of the opponent, Junkei brooded over whether to accept Mitsuhide's demand, but finally he made up his mind to wait and see which side to take. This incident has been handed down through a Japanese sayingHoragatoge o kimekomu or to wait and see at Horagatoge, which is now used in a negative sense, to come down on the right side of the fence.
伊豆の国市 Izu , Japan
0:50 伊豆長岡駅 Izu-Nagaoka Station
4:26 韮山南小学校 Nirayama Minami elementary school
8:15 反射炉 Reverberatory furnace
18:11 江川邸 Egawa Residence
19:36 城池親水公園 Shiroike Water Park
24:52 韮山城跡 Nirayama Castle Ruins
30:42 蛭ヶ小島 Hiruga Kojima
#伊豆 #Izu #Japan
Ichibancho, Sendai, Japan
Street view
japan,Fukuoka,Ohori park,hanabi
International University of Japan Fukujisan-Ryutakuji 500 year old temple
This is a 500 year old Buddhist Temple... set in a little hill, the temple possesses so many treasures...! The statues, paintings, and scripts are in very high quality... The scenes here in this HD video shows hos teh place looks in Autumn...!