Japan trip 2013 - Day10 - Hiking the Nakasendo trail
Yesterday I slept at a nice minshuku in Magome along the Nakasendo. Today I walked over to the next town, Tsumago. These post towns are great, but the real beauty is in the path between them! Amazing landscapes, views, waterfalls and shrines along the way. It's hard to imagine the japanese carved this path trough the mountains hundreds of years ago, and we can still walk it!
And after a little sightseeing in Tsumago I took a train to Matsumoto, to spend a few nights there.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Ena, Japan
Ena Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Ena. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Ena for You. Discover Ena as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Ena.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Ena.
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List of Best Things to do in Ena, Japan
Iwamura Castle
Naegi Castle Ruins
Michi-no-Eki Obachanichi Yamaoka
Iwamura Historical Town
Ena Valley
Iwamura SAKE Brewery
Nakasendo Hiroshige Art Museum
Chicory Village
Former Kimura Residence
Akechi Tetsudo
奈良井宿/妻籠宿/馬籠宿(観光) Sightseeing in Narai-juku,Tsumago-juku and Magome-juku (Japan)
Camera:CANON iVIS HF M43
0:00 亀山駅 Kameyama Station
---------------奈良井宿 Narai-juku Post Town---------------
1:39 奈良井駅 Narai Station
8:13 鎮神社 Shizume Shrine
9:20 上問屋史料館 Kamidonya Museum
11:35 きむら 五平餅 Gohei Mochi(Rice Cake)
13:10 木曽の大橋 Kiso Ohashi (Big Bridge)
14:32 南木曽駅 Nagiso Station
---------------妻籠宿 Tsumago-juku Post Town---------------
14:47 妻籠宿 Tsumago-Juku Post Town
16:23 吉村屋 Yoshimura-ya (Soba Restaurant)
22:32 わちのや Wachinoya (Oyaki Grilled Buns)
---------------馬篭宿 Magome-juku Post Town---------------
24:45 馬籠宿 Magome-Juku Post Town
32:33 中津川駅 Nakatsugawa Station
34:16 名古屋駅 Nagoya Station
35:12 きしめん Kishimen Noodles(Nagoya Style Udon)
関ヶ原~犬山~岐阜 Sekigahara~Inuyama~Gifu (Japan)
Camera:CANON iVIS HF M43
0:00 奈良駅 Nara Station
-----------岐阜 Gifu-----------
~関ヶ原 Sekigahara~
0:58 関ヶ原駅 Sekigahara Station
1:45 東首塚 East burial mound
2:17 徳川家康最後の陣地 Tokugawa Ieyasu's Final Base Camp
3:04 決戦地 Battle Site Memorial
4:21 石田三成陣地 Ishida Mitsunari's Encampment
7:30 関ヶ原駅 Sekigahara Station
7:37 大垣駅 Ogaki Station
7:45 岐阜駅 Gifu Station
7:53 新鵜沼駅 Shin-unuma Station
-----------愛知 Aichi-----------
8:22 犬山駅 Inuyama Station
~犬山城下町 Inuyama Castle town~
9:53 昭和横丁 Showa Yokocho(Food mall)
11:07 どんでん館 Donden-kan(Inuyama festival floats display hall)
15:49 旧磯部家住宅 Former Isobe Residence Restoration
19:37 壽俵屋(じゅひょうや)犬山井上邸/醤油おこげ串 Soy sauce onigiri & Narazuke Pickles & Moriguchi Pickles
20:51 犬山市文化史料館 Inuyama Artifacts Museum
21:39 からくり展示館 Karakuri Exhibition Room
23:57 針綱神社 Haritsuna Shrine
24:39 三光稲荷神社 Sanko-inari Shrine
27:17 国宝 犬山城 National Treasure Inuyama Castle
31:52 さくら茶屋 田楽 Dengaku(Bean curd baked and Coated with Miso.)
-----------岐阜 Gifu-----------
32:34 岐阜駅 Gifu Station
33:04 織田信長公 Oda Nobunaga Statue
33:44 岐阜大仏 Gifu Great Buddha
~金華山 Mt.Kinka~
36:56 金華山ロープウェー Mt. Kinka Ropeway
39:08 金華山リス村 Mt. Kinka Squirrel Village
41:11 展望台 Observation Deck
42:10 岐阜城 Gifu Castle
46:15 岐阜城資料館 Gifu Castle Museum
47:05 柳ヶ瀬 Yanagase(Shopping district)
48:22 丸デブ 中華そば Chinese noodles
48:49 金公園 Kogane Park
49:12 京都駅 Kyoto Station
49:20 奈良駅 Nara Station
La Brea Museum + Tar Pits
sept '19 in la
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555 - Youtube Audio Library
spruce tree - Youtube Audio Library
Moultrie's Madness - Youtube Audio Library
My Sad Old Heart - The 126ers (Youtube Audio Library)
Fresh Healthy Perspectives - Youtube Audio Library
The Premier - Youtube Audio Library
Lagos 2050 - Youtube Audio Library
Confusing Disco - Youtube Audio Library
Nara, Miyajima, Hiroshima & Hakodate (Japan Vlog: Days 7-12)
Thanks so much for watching! These past couple days have been short day trips out of Kyoto (Nara and Miyajima) and then traveling to Hiroshima and Hakodate.
Many of the things we did were kind of touristy take pictures and then move on kind of visits. One thing I've noticed while on this trip is that the historical signage isn't very good. Ginkakuji (the gold-leaf temple) for example was apparently burned down and rebuilt and has an interesting story as to why it's covered in gold-leaf, but none of that history is mentioned.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Boulevard and Museum was very moving, educational and heartbreaking and was an exception to the signage bit. Everything was translated and extensive. There were a lot of first hand experiences of people there, photographs (taken by people you just know experienced the long term effects of radiation) of victims, first responders and scientists. One thing that I recall as interested was that the preservation of the A Bomb Dome was slightly contentious. Some did not want to have reminders of the city's devastation. Ultimately the city council voted unanimously to preserve it for the sake of the global community.
Shout-out to CherchePrime for recommending CoCo's Curry!
Hakodate is an active fishing port and famous for a pretty wide variety of food, one of which is squid. The Morning Market had these large tanks with squid where you could pay to catch a squid and the chef would cut it up for you immediately. It was cool but kinda sad watching people catch squid, knowing the unlucky winner would be eaten immediately after. Lots more coming about Hakodate! Our guide was super informative and Hakodate had a surprisingly interesting history that I wasn't aware of.
Song: Shura no Hana by Meiko Kaji
(also yes, I know the lyrics are tonally not appropriate but I really like this song and I was getting bored of YouTube's music library)
Drive Through a Mountain Road in Nagano
Join me and my friend on a drive from Ono to Matsumoto city!
You will also get info about a delicious bakery and a casual but also delicious French restaurant in the area :-)
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GIFU : entre Onsen, histoire et nature
On retourne découvrir ma région préférée au Japon : la préfecture de Gifu. Au programme, des Onsen, une route historique et de superbes randonnées !
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