Malindi in TukTuk dal Nakumatt a Maimoon Medical Centre
Malindi in TukTuk dal Nakumatt a Maimoon Medical Centre
Mtu Mmoja Ajeruhiwa Katika Mkasa Wa Moto Ulioathiri Duka La Nakumatt, Malindi
Eneo la Malindi ambako, wakaazi wa hapa wameingiliana kwa ukaribu na watalii
Katika makala haya, twaagazia eneo la Malindi ambako, wakaazi wa hapa wameingiliana kwa ukaribu na watalii wenye asili ya Kitaliano, si kimavazi, si kimienendo, si kwa lishe na hata maongezi.
Mercy Milanoi anatupa taarifa ya mji huu ambao kwa wengi umetajika kama “Italiano ndogo
New Jerusalem Church, Malindi
Our Tuskys Malindi branch is NOW OPEN. Karibu and enjoy shopping for all your needs at affordable prices.
Safari Malindi in Kenya
Si può fare un Safari con un bambino piccolo?
Safari Malindi in Kenya
Un Safari in uno dei parchi naturali del Kenia è uno dei modi più belli per scoprire la flora e la fauna di questo meraviglioso paese. Cecilia e Mustafa, nostri amici, propongono un safari di più giorni nel parco di Tsavo Est, poco lontano da Malindi.
Questo safari può durare una sola giornata o anche diversi giorni e prevede il pernottamento direttamente dentro il parco nazionale, nei Lodge o negli accampamenti tendati.
Il parco viene attraversato a bordo di jeep o pulmini con il tettuccio apribile ed è una meravigliosa occasione per osservare molte specie di animali nel loro ambiente naturale.
Dormire nella savana poi, sotto un cielo stellato, è un'esperienza che vi resterà nel cuore per sempre.
Cecilia cell. +39 3458361541
Mustafa cell. +254 722836757 (anche WhatsApp)
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Lalama za wazee wa kaya huko Malindi
Hali ya wasiwasi imewakumba wazee wa Kaya za mijikenda huko Malindi baada ya bwenyenye mmoja kuvamia kituo Chao na kuwatimua Kwa misingi kuwa ardhi wanamoIishi ni Mali yake. Kwa sasa wazee hao wakiongozwa na katibu wa wazee wa Kaya ukanda wa pwani karisa mwarandu, wanaitaka serikali kuingilia Kati na kuwapa makao mbadala ikizingatiwa kuwa kituo hicho kinahifadhi wazee waliofurushwa makwao Kwa madai ya kuwa wachawi
Secondo la polizia di Malindi Silvia Romana è viva
La volontaria italiana che è ancora nelle mani dei rapitori sarebbe viva secondo fonti di polizia a Malindi…
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NTSA nab ten drivers driving under the influence of alcohol along Malindi-Lamu road
NTSA nab ten drivers driving under the influence of alcohol along Malindi-Lamu road
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KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond.
Why Malindi town Muslims are up in arms
Cases of rampant land acquisition through illegal means have increased in the present day Kenya. Land is an important asset for development and one of the factors of production. But why would some individuals be so greedy to the extent of forcefully acquiring land without following the due procedures of ownership?
These acts demonstrate high levels of impunity by corrupt powerful individuals and leaders who do not mind the common mwananchi even though they were elected to protect the citizens' interests.
Majority of Kenyans have decried and condemned alleged grabbing of their land by 'powerful land cartels' in the recent past. From the Lang'ata Primary School playground seizure for 'private development' to alleged snatching of Oljorai ranch in Nakuru to Waitiki land in the coast, it is clear that the land problem is now endemic.
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KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond.
Malindi Chaos
Malindi Chaos
KTN LEO: Uvamizi wa Pepo Malindi
Mwalimu mkuu wa shule moja ya msingi mjini Malindi alijipata matatani baada ya kushambuliwa na wazazi waliodai kuwa anatumia majini kuwashambulia watoto wao. Wazazi hao wa shule ya msingi ya Takaye wanadai kuwa mwalimu huyo alisababisha wasichana 6 kupagawa na pepo na hivi basi kumgeukia yeye na kumuadhibu. Japo walimshambulia kwa mawe na vifaa vingine, aliweza kukimbilia chumba cha waalimu alikojifungia lakini wazazi hawakufa moyo. Walivunja mlango na kuendelea kumuadhibu. Ilimbidi chifu na wazee wa eneo hilo pamoja na maafisa wa polisi kuingilia kati ili kumuokoa. Polisi walifyatua risasi hewani mara kadhaa na kutumia vitoa machozi kuwatawanya wazazi na wakaazi waliokuwa na ghadhabu.
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Poor Business In Malindi Over Easter Season
Traders in Malindi are an unhappy lot. Business is poor, they say and expectations for improvement with the Easter season have been dashed. They claim that the levies charged by the municipal council are not improving matters. They are now calling for a drastic reduction from 450 shillings daily to only 20 shillings.
Tuk Tuk Driving in Malindi Juni 2013
Malindi Child Protection Centre
The Malindi Child Protection Centre offers counselling and referral for various services, including medical care and legal support. Its staff includes four social workers, a child counselor and a legal officer. The district children's officer and a police officer from the Police Gender and Children's Desk are also located at the CPC, supporting integration of services. These individuals work as a team to respond to child rights violations experienced by children.
Police demolish 4 rental buildings, school in Malindi
Property worth millions of shillings was destroyed at a residential estate in Malindi town after police demolished four rental buildings and a school at Ngalla estate area in the wee hours of Monday morning.
You will not believe what Naitwa Sheldon did on a tuktuk in Malindi????????????
Raha jipe mwenyewe
Malindi kenya. Launch of Banzi..Tuktuk of the sea.
Nakumatt forcefully evicted from Nanyuki mall over rent arrears
Retail chain Nakumatt has yet again been forcefully evicted out of its branch at Nanyuki mall over non payment of rent as the troubled retailer’s woes escalate.
In October 2017, the troubled retail store faced 19 eviction suits, owing landlords over ksh 596 million in rent arrears.