KOSZALIN by car part 2
KOSZALIN by car part 2. From Krańcowa Street to Paderewskiego Street. Koszalin; (German: Köslin; Latin: Cussalin) is the largest city of Middle Pomerania in north-western Poland. It is located 12 km south of the Baltic Sea coast. Koszalin is also a county-status city and capital of Koszalin County of West Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999. Previously, it was a capital of Koszalin Voivodeship (1950--1998).
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KOSZALIN by car. Władysława IV Street, Monte Cassino Avenue, Franciszkańska Street.
Koszalin (German: Köslin; Latin: Cussalin) is the largest city of Middle Pomerania in north-western Poland. It is located 12 km south of the Baltic Sea coast. Koszalin is also a county-status city and capital of Koszalin County of West Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999. Previously, it was a capital of Koszalin Voivodeship (1950--1998).
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Full Journey From Bilimora to Waghai in Narrow Gauge Train
Lxd2 slog at Zbiersk 2004
I thought I'd upload this clip separately as, although it's in the longer video that covers several days' activity, I think it's worth drawing particular attention to.
It shows a Lxd2 with a train of three sg wagons loaded with stone and mounted on transporters, heading from the sg interchange at Opatowek to the unloading point at Zelazkow, and here tackling the gradient past the village of Debe on 29 September 2004.
At the start of the clip the train is on modest gradients south of the road crossing. A brief toot can be heard as it approaches the road, which is crossed at about 1:35. The train then descends to the river bridge, the location of which can be determined by the guard rails inside the running rails, after which the line starts to climb steeply; the cloud of smoke at about 2:26 shows where the driver fully opens up the engine. The train climbs past the school and crosses the agricultural track beside which I was standing a eventually disappears in the distance, still climbing - I don't think the gradient ends until the level crossing with the Kalisz - Turek road shortly before Biernatki Wask. station.
Historical Military Vehicle Meeting Darlowo 2013, Zlot Historycznych Pojazdów Wojskowych w Darłówku,
Międzynarodowy Zlot Historycznych Pojazdów Wojskowych w Darłówku, 6 lipca 2013r. Galeria zdjęć dostępna pod adresem:
KOSZALIN Sienkiewicza róg Franciszkańskiej
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Katzer Simple Productions
Darlowo, Polska, Poland / Дарлово, Польша
20.10. 2013
Darlowo, Polska, Poland / Дарлово, Польша.
The Steeple Grange Light Railway
The Steeple Grange Light Railway in Derbyshire!
Filmed and Edited by Charlie Knill
DW102 Trzebiatów - Kołobrzeg x3
Przejazd drogą DW102 Trzebiatów - Kołobrzeg
Bałkany 2016 Seria Albania Mokra Góra Macedonia Bośnia i Hercegowina VARIUSTUR
Moje skromne ujęcia z wyprawy po Bałkanach można zobaczyć między innymi: piękne góry i kaniony Bałkan, Starą kolej w Mokrej Górze, Viminacium w Serbii oraz stolicę Macedonii skopie i wiele innych ujęć. Dziękuje za oglądanie
Video 2012-3-187 ZIELONA GÓRA-BYTOM ODRZAŃSKI part 7 August 15-th 2012 (102 km)
Kolejna wycieczka rowerowa z Arkiem do Bytomia Odrzańskiego,trasa licząca 102 km
15 sierpnia 2012 w 9-ciu odcinkach.
Oto opis trasy w skrócie:
Część pierwsza:Zielona Góra-Zatonie - wyjazd z Zielonej Góry 9:00 nową ścieżką rowerową w okolicy Jędrzychowa w kierunku południowym na Zatonie,widok wsi Zatonie,mijamy gospodarstwa wiejskie,po drodze spotkanie z boćkiem.W znacznej części dźwięk oryginalny.Pogoda fantastyczna,wspaniała na dłuższą wyprawę rowerem!
Część druga-trasa Zatonie-Niedoradz jedziemy szosą w obszarze leśnym,następnie mijamy wiadukt obwodnicy drogowej i stację kolejową w Niedoradzu,nagły defekt mojego roweru(przebita dętka,co się od czasu do czasu zdarza) i wyjeżdżamy z Niedoradza szosą w kierunku Otynia.
Część trzecia - trasa Niedoradz-Otyń -Nowa Sól:krótki odpoczynek za Niedoradzem,przejeżdżamy przez miejscowość Otyń z zawaloną wieżą kościoła ,filmujemy rynek w Otyniu z ratuszem,następnie dojeżdżamy do Nowej Soli i krótka wizyta na CPN-ie w Nowej Soli,w końcu przejazd przez centrum miasta.
Część czwarta:filmujemy przystań w Nowej Soli z widokami rzeki Odry-piękna nadbrzeżna promenada,udajemy się potem do Parku Krasnala w Nowej Soli gdzie znajduje się największy krasnal na świecie,na końcu odpoczynek w parku miejskim ze przepięknym stawem z kaczuszkami.
Część piąta:trasa Nowa Sól-Bytom Odrzański podążamy główną drogą na Głogów aż do krzyżówki dojeżdżamy do Bytomia Odrzańskiego filmujemy panoramę miasta od strony wjazdu.Docieramy do starego rynku z ratuszem.
Część szósta:Bytom Odrzański-Stary Rynek z Ratuszem i pomnikiem KOTA-LEGENDY,wizyta u Rodziny, nowy deptak nad Odrą w miejscu gdzie znajdował się kiedyś most.
*****Część siódma:trasa-Bytom Odrzański-Kożuchów przy wyjeździe z Bytomia Odrzańskiego trafiamy na zamknięty przejazd kolejowy,następnie mijamy krzyżówkę z główną drogą na Legnicę,po drodze wspaniała panorama Nowej Soli,wreszcie dojazd do Kożuchowa,piękną szosą prowadzącą w dół zakończony interesującą tablicą informacyjną--dzieło sztuki,brawa dla miasta Kożuchów!
Część ósma-Kożuchów-Mirocin Dolny(Miasto Kożuchów,zamek,relaks przy dawnym poligonie,przejazd przez Mirocin)
Część dziewiąta-Książ Śląski-Zielona Góra (przejazd przez Barcikowice,Kiełpin,Ochlę)
Warunki jazdy wyśmienite,pogoda wspaniała,wyjazd o 9-tej rano,powrót o 22-giej,dystans 102 km!
Zapraszam do wspólnego zwiedzania tych okolic,pozdrawiam!Amnas2011
Enjoy my next bike trip with Arek,route102 km to Bytom Odrzański on the 15-th of August 2011.This tour of 9 parts,excellent route,pleasant
We're setting off at about 9:00 am,first riding along the comfortable bike trail in Jędrzychów,next through village called Zatonie.On the way we met a stark on the meadow catching frogs,then nice forest scenery!
First riding along the main road from Bytom Odrzański towards Kożuchów,stopped at the railway line,next riding through some villages,beautiful countryside,great views of Nowa Sól from a hill,then the road leads down straight to Kożuchów ,the town which will be showed in the next part!
Hope u will enjoy!Warm greetings!Amnas2011
Zwiedzając piękną kolej wąskotorową JHMD (prześwit toru 760 mm), natrafiamy między innymi też na tabor z Polski.
A visit to the Czech narrow gauge line (on 760 mm gauge) at Jindřichův, where among others also rolling stock from Poland may be seen.
Ein Besuch bei der tschechischen Schmalspurbahn (auf 760 mm Spurweite) in Jindřichův, wo unter anderem auch Rollmaterial aus Polen im Einsatz zu sehen ist.
Tym razem z następnymi tematami: WĄSKI TOR DLA SZERSZEGO GRONA. Festyn w Białośliwiu w dniach 20-26.6.2011 z dziesiątką lokomotyw. UNIJNE PRZEPISY DLA EUROPEJSKIEGO TRANSPORTU. „Biała Księga z ambitnymi planami dla transportu kolejowego. RĘCE WOŃ OD PANNY MARPLE !! Szokujące plany wytwórni filmowej Disney. JEDEN ZYSKUJE, DRUGI CIERPI. „Tabor Szynowy Opole w obliczu chińsko-PKPowskiej konkurencji. TABOR TAK, INFRASTRUKTURA NIE. Niemiecki przemysł kolejowy sprzedał więcej taboru, mniej wyposażenia infrastruktury. MIAŁ BRAĆ, MOŻE DOSTANIE. Ciąg dalszy afery łapówkowej przy Warszawskim metrze. PROŚCIE, A BĘDZIE WAM DANE. Internetowy rozkład jazdy PKP w nowych szatach. POCIĄGIEM „EC SZOMBIERKI DO EC SZOMBIERKI. Nowa atrakcja na Bytomskiej wąskotorówce. WROCŁAW GL. Relacjonujemy o pracach budowlanych, o przeszłości i przyszłości tej perły architektury kolejowej.
This edition of KOLEJWIZJA, the Polish internet heritage rail TV, with a bunch of actual news, among others on narrow gauge special trains at Białośliwie between 20 and 26.6.2011 and at Bytom each last Sunday of a month. We report on possible job losses because of Chinese rail industry entering Polish market, on German rail industry's 2010 positive summary, on corruption accuse in connection with Alstom and Warsaw metro, on PKP's internet train time-table relaunch, on European Union's transportation policy Road Map. We inform on Disney studio's shocking plans to produce a new version of 4:50 from Paddington without any steam locomotives, but with a far too young Miss Marple... Main topic is Wrocław main station -- history, present reconstruction work, future.
KOLEJWIZJA, das Internet-TV des polnischen Eisenbahn-Museums-Dachverbands PFK, diesmal mit den Themen: Schmalspur-Sonderfahrten in Białośliwie vom 20 bis 26.6.2011 und in Bytom jeden letzten Sonntag eines Monats. Eintritt der chinesischen Bahnindustrie in Polens Markt gefährdet Arbeitsplätze, Deutschlands Bahnindustrie mit positivem 2010-Ergebnis, Korruptions-Anschuldigungen in Verbindung mit Alstom und Warschaus Metro, PKP führt neue Version des Internet-Zugfahrplans ein, Europakommission mit „Weißbuch zur Transportpolitik bis 2050, Protest gegen Disney's Pläne, den Krimi „16:50 ab Paddington neu zu verfilmen, jedoch ohne Dampfloks und mit viel zu junger Miss Marple... Hauptthema ist der Hauptbahnhof in Wrocław/Breslau -- Entstehung, heutige Modernisierungsarbeiten und Zukunft.
WKP Białośliwie - Polska rodzina WLS i GLS - Prezentacja
Forum Wyrzyskiej Kolejki Powiatowej Białośliwie
Inside of the Irish truck
Showing you interior of big Irish truck from driver point of view during smooth driving on almost empty nice Irish road.
FRKF Sporthotel - Poland - Puck
???? The best hotel deals:
FRKF Sporthotel is situated in Puck, just 50 metres from Puck Bay. It offers free Wi-Fi in public areas and rooms with a telephone.
The rooms here have a private bathroom with a bathtub or a shower cabin. All feature a radio.
FRKF Sporthotel is located 400 metres from central Puck, just 200 metres from the local yacht marina. Puck Railway Station is 500 metres from the property. In the morning, guests can enjoy a varied breakfast.
During their stay at FRKF Sporthotel, guests can use the hotel gym available at an additional fee. Nordic walking sticks and bicycles can be rented free of charge. Lipowa 3, 84-100 Puck, Poland
Around Pila
twitter : @ceepackaging
I do not travel into Piła, but instead take the ring road around the town.
Piła has a long history. Following the German colonist movement of the 13th century colonizers came to this densely wooded area of the Kingdom of Poland. Many of these early German-speaking settlers may well have reached the Krajna, the borderland between the rivers Notec, Drage and Gwda.
The area remained under Brandenburg's control until 1368 when the land of the Krajna became Polish. General immigration of German settlers diminished when Poland under Casimir IV Jagiellon (Kazimierz, 1447--92) defeated the Teutonic Order in 1466.
The area around the settlement of Piła, situated in the southern Pomeranian Lake District, was one of dense pine forests and lakes. Legend has it that two ancient routes once crossed here, namely an ancient Heerstrasse (military highway) from central German lands, leading across the River Oder, running parallel to the River Notec, the river that became later known by its German name Netze. That route led into an area of the Vistula, further east, claimed by some to have been the old amber route of the Romans. This ancient military highway is said to have intersected a road from the south of Poland that led to the Baltic Sea. Speculation exists that a narrow ford through the River Gwda or Küddow — as early German settlers called the river that was a tributary of the Notec — may have led the road to the east, prompting a primitive settlement on its banks.
With the signing of the definitive treaty to divide Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia in 1772, the First Partition of Poland was accomplished. Piła became part of the Kingdom of Prussia and was officially renamed Schneidemühl. In 1793 it was recaptured for a short period by a Polish army led by Colonel Wyganowski.
Following Prussia's disastrous defeat at the hands of Napoleon at the battle of Jena, and after signing the Peace of Tilsit of 7 July 1807, Prussia lost nearly fifty percent of its recently acquired territory. Schneidemühl's new Polish-Prussian border ran very close to town and together with the largest part of Posen, Schneidemühl became part of Bonaparte's Grand Duchy of Warsaw. This semi-independent state was created out of parts of Prussia's Polish territories, headed by King Friedrich August of Saxony.
In 1815 the Congress of Vienna gave Schneidemühl to Prussia again. After the Prussian administrative reforms of 1916-18, the town belonged to Kolmar county inside the Province of Posen.
The city saw a significant influx of German settlers. In 1851 the city was connected to Berlin and Bromberg by the Prussian Eastern Railway.
By the end of the 19th century the city had become one of the most important railway centers of the region and one of the biggest towns in the Province of Posen. It was turned into a Prussian military garrison town.
During the first World War Schneidemuhl had a prisoner of war camp, initially taking mainly Russian prisoners but later including prisoners from most allied nations including Australia.
After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, Schneidemühl was not included in the Polish Second Republic after World War I. The new Polish-German border ran five kilometers south of the city. On 21 July 1922 Schneidemühl became the centre for regional administration of the new province Grenzmark Posen-Westpreussen, comprising those three disconnected parts of the former Province of Posen and the western most parts of the Province of West Prussia, which were not ceded to Poland. There was an influx of the inhabitants of the areas annexed by Poland who opted not to become Poles and the town's population swelled temporarily to 37,518.
The city experienced a short period of growth followed by a period of decline in the early 1930s. High unemployment and the ineffectiveness of local administration led to rising support for the NSDAP. The administrative arrangement lasted only eleven years when the province, also known as Gau Kurmark, joined the province of Brandenburg as a governmental district. The city also served as headquarters to the 77th SS-Standarte of the Allgemeine-SS.
During World War II the city became part of the Pommernstellung line of fortifications. In 1945 the town was declared a Festung by Adolf Hitler. It was captured by the joint Polish and Red Army forces after two weeks of heavy fighting. 75% of the city was destroyed and almost 90% of the historic city centre was in ruins.
In 1945, the city again became part of Poland and the German population was expelled while Polish expelees from the east and refugees from areas of Central Poland were resettled in the city. The historical city centre was only partially restored.
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