Hermann Narva castle
Hermann Castle (also Hermannsfeste, Herman Castle, Narva Castle, and Narva fortress) is a castle in Narva, eastern Estonia. It was founded in 1256 by the Danes and the first stone castle was built in the beginning of the 14th century. The German Livonian Teutonic knights order purchased the castle on 29 August 1346, and for most of its history the castle was German Teutonic.
Germann castle Narva Estonia
Путешествие в Нарву
Поход в казематы Виктория, променад Наровы, замок Герман, Усть-Нарва.
#Нарва #narva
Knights Tournament at Narva Castle. 3d Medieval Festival 2018. 360 panorama 4k video
Video 360 degree.
Narva Castle from June 30 to July 1, where the medieval days will be resurrected at the Narva Medieval Festival in cooperation with the Teutonic Order from St. Petersburg.
In the courtyard of Narva Castle, scenes from the year 1346, when the sales agreement of the castle was signed by the King of Denmark and the German Order, will be re-enacted.
Tetha V.
Рыцарский турнир в Нарвском Замке 2018. 360 панорамное видео.
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Видео 360 градусов. 360 degree video.
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360 VIDEO Сферическое, панорамное видео. Видео с обзором в 360 градусов. Это видео которое можно двигать, крутить, вертеть, поворачивать в разные стороны при помощи компьютерной мыши. Смотреть данное видео нужно в браузере Google Chrome, Opera Так же подобное видео можно смотреть на смартфонах Android и ios в приложении YouTube.
knights tournament narva castle 360 video 4k
Video 360 degree.
Narva Castle from June 30 to July 1, where the medieval days will be resurrected at the Narva Medieval Festival in cooperation with the Teutonic Order from St. Petersburg.
Рыцарский турнир в Нарвском Замке 2018. 360 панорамное видео.
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Видео 360 градусов. 360 degree video.
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360 VIDEO Сферическое, панорамное видео. Видео с обзором в 360 градусов.
Vastseliina Castle, Estonia
4.8.2016 We visited this beautiful Vastseliina Castle, Estonia.
The history of the Vastseliina Episcopal Castle dates back to the 14th century and it was a strong border fortress between Russia and Europe until the end of the 17th century. The castle was demolished during the Great Northern War in 1702 by Russians. In the Middle Ages, the Episcopal Castle was among the destinations for Catholic pilgrims.
What is harder than stone? What more soft than water? Nevertheless hard though the rock be, it is hollowed by the wave. - Ovid
• Track Info:
Title: Dream Catcher
Artist: Vexento
Music by Vexento
Tukuma vārds ceļotājiem visbiežāk asociējas ar tās apkārtnē esošajām pilīm un muižām. Trīs no tām ir Durbes pils, Šlokenbbekas muiža un Jaunpils pils. Durbes pils ir viena no interesantākajām klasicisma pilīm Kurzemē. Šobrīd atjaunotajās pils zālēs apskatāms lauku muižas 19.gadsimta interjers un dažādas kultūrvēstures izstādes par muižu tēmām. Nocietinātā Šlokenbekas muiža vēstures rakstos pirmoreiz minēta pēc 1484. gada, kad sākusies tās celtniecība, lai aizsargātu netālu esošo Tukumu no ienaidnieku uzbrukumiem. No senākās muižas apbūves saglabājušās cietokšņa mūra sienas un tajās esošās šaujamlūkas, kā arī apskatāms Latvijas Ceļu muzejs. Jaunpils pils sākotnēji bijusi bruņinieku muiža, kas uzcelta kā ūdens pils 1301.gadā, bet vēlāk bijusi lielākā privātmuiža Tukuma apkārtnē. Šodien Jaunpils pils aicina iepazīt pili viduslaiku stilā kopā ar mūku brāli Teodoru un citiem pils iemītniekiem.
The name Tukums travellers most often associate with its many castles and manors nearby. The three of them are - Durbe, Šlokenbeka and Jaunpils. Durbe Manor House is one of the best examples of the Classical style in Latvia. The halls of manor offer expositions of the interior of countryside manors of the 19th century and various expositions about manors history in Tukums Region and Latvia. The fortified Šlokenbeka Manor was first mentioned in historical sources after year 1474, when its construction was initiated, in order to protect the nearby Tukums from attacks by invaders. Nowadays from the former manor house construction you can see the fortress wall and the portholes in the masonry walls, and also visit the Latvia's Highways Museum. The Jaunpils Castle was initially a knight manor, which as built as a water-castle in year 1301 and was the biggest private manor in the Tukums region. Nowadays, the Jaunpils Castle invites the visitors to get acquainted with the castle in a medieval style along with the monk, Brother Theodore and with other residents of the castle.
Director: Dainis Klava
Camera: Valdis Celmins
Music: Egons Kronbergs
Graphic: Uldis Janpavlis
Producer: Uldis Cekulis
Kuressaare Teutonic Castle
Kuressaare Teutonic Castle probably built in 14th century on castle established in 11th century is one of a full preserved fortified castles in Europe. It's a place to visit and see how rules of the time lived.
Narva päev 2018
Narva päev 2018
День города Нарва 2018
Самое яркое событие июня в Нарве – Дни города.
Музыка- TRAFFIC - Tulgu tuuled
#TRAFFIC #Narvapäev2018
Narva kindlus. Нарва 2017, рыцарски турнир, битва на мечах
Narva kindlus 2017. крепость Нарвы 2017
The Battle of Narva (1700) Empire: Total War Cinematic | The Great Northern War |
I guess I could do more TW cinematics with my new computer lol
Mount & Blade: Rebels attacking Tallinn (Reval)
Taking Tallinn back from goddamn Swedes :) Not much resistance sadly because Swedish main warlords are fighting Poland :)
Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword is the second sequel to Mount&Blade, released by TaleWorlds Entertainment on the 4th of May 2011 in both North America and Europe. With Fire & Sword is based on the historical fiction novel With Fire and Sword by Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz and set in the 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Бастионы города Нарва. Гонор
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KEILA Waterfall | Schloss Fall Manor | Estonia
Keila Waterfall (Estonian: Keila juga) is a waterfall in Northern Estonia on Keila River. It is the third most powerful waterfall in Estonia after Narva and Jägala. It is 6 meters high and 60–70 meters wide.
Knight's Manor Schloss Fall, that emerged already in the 16th century next to Keila River and one of Estonia's most beautiful waterfall, has seen different times throughout history: it has been grand and glorious, but also forgotten... The castle's history is a fascinating and lively snapshot of Estonian history, linking it to the mighty empires, shiny rulers and big personalities. According to the legend, it was here in 1833 that the future imperial Russian national anthem was first performed during a visit of the Russian Emperor Nikolai I.
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[RUS] Водопад Кейла - водопад в Северной Эстонии на одноимённой реке Кейла. Это третий самый мощный водопад в Эстонии после Нарвы и Ягала. Он достигает 6 метров в высоту и 60-70 метров в ширину.
Рыцарский замок Schloss Fall, который появился рядом с рекой и водопадом уже в 16 веке, на протяжении всей истории видел разные времена: он был великим и славным, но также был предан забвению... История замка увлекательная и олицитворяет собой яркий снимок истории всей Эстонии, связывая его с могущественными империями, блестящими правителями и крупными личностями. Согласно легенде, именно здесь в 1833 году будущий национальный гимн Российской Империи впервые был исполнен во время визита императора Николая I.
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Tropical Love by Del
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
#KeilaJoa #Keila #Кейла
爱沙尼亚共和国(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti Vabariik),通称爱沙尼亚(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti,爱沙尼亚语发音: [ˈeːsti]),波罗的海国家之一,首都及全国最大城市为塔林。爱沙尼亚位于欧洲东北部,其国土由大陆部分和波罗的海的2222个岛屿组成,西向波罗的海,北向芬兰湾,東临楚德湖,南面和東面分別同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,总面积42,388平方公里,为温带大陆性湿润气候。该国主体民族爱沙尼亚人属于芬人诸民族。該國目前是北欧理事会、欧洲联盟、欧元区、申根区、北大西洋公约组织、以及经济合作与发展组织的成員國,為世界高收入經濟體之一。
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti Vabariik)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا (343 كم)، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي (338.6 كم).. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع (17462) ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة. تٌعتبر إستونيا ج
ILUTULESTIK na Petrovskaja Narva 2018
01 01 2018 ILUTULESTIK na Petrovskaja Narva
Нарвский замок
В субботу, 8 августа, в Нарвском замке и его окрестностях все желающие смогут погрузиться в обстановку времён Северной войны, в частности, стать свидетелями нескольких битв за Нарву, которые разыграют участники военно-исторических клубов.
Panemunes (Vytenu) Castle
Panemune Castle
The initial hillfort of the Teutonic Knights in Panemunė (erected 1343) was replaced by a present castle built in 1604-1610. It was built by Hungarian nobleman Eperjesh who bought the surrounding lands from Lithuanian local inhabitants. It is a typical 17th century feudal castle with a defensive tackle, living quarters and farm buildings. The castle stands in a park on a high hill and is girdled by five cascading ponds. It was reconstructed around 1759 by Giełgud family.
The Panemunė castle was left to decay in the 19th century. Its valuable library was brought out, the former marvelous park of classicism style became feral. In 1925 Lithuanian government acquired the castle into a national possession. In 1935 the Panemunė castle and its surroundings where taken under responsibility of Lithuanian Culture department.
Nowadays Panemunė castle has 2 corpuses remained -- the western including 2 towers and the southern. Panemunė castle belongs to Vilnius Art Academy which takes care about restoration of the castle and fitting it to science, education and tourism purposes. During the summer season the Vilnius Art Academy arranges there expositions of art works.
В Ивангороде подвели итоги международного детского конкурса «Мы – соседи!»
28 октября Ивангородский историко-культурный и художественный музей гостеприимно распахнул свои двери для подведения итогов международного детского конкурса «Мы – соседи!».
Организаторами данного мероприятия выступили Комитет культуры Ленинградской области, МБУ ДО «Ивангородская детская школа искусств», а также МБУ ДО Костамукшского округа «Детская художественная школа им. Л.Ланкинена».
Конкурс был учрежден в 1999 году и проходит 1 раз в два года, поочередно в г.Ивангород и в г.Костомукша. В этом году местом проведения стал Ивангород.
Подробнее: ivangorod.press
Show ring moments with GSDs, Narva
27.1.2018 Narva, Latvia - NARVA WINTER CUP 2018
Judge: Galyah Litova, BGR
Great weekend in Narva. Here is the full uncut show ring GSD show ring moments, full of joy and happiness.
Wert Hof Anabella: EXC, CQ, JUN CAC, BOB JUNIOR, BOB
Heleros Elektra: EXC, CQ, VET CAC, BOB VETERAN
Assauwehof Kessy: EXC, CQ, JUN CAC, BOB JUNIOR, BOB
Congratulations to all new champions - After this weekend
Heleros Elektra - Estonian Veteran Champion
Assauwehof Kessy - Estonian Junior Champion
Palju õnne Elektra ja Kessy :)
Happiness is only real when shared. - Jon Krakauer
[NCS]Jim Yosef-Firefly[10 mins]
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Diagrian vs Merlon
Friendly fight with Merlon.
Medieval festival in Parnu (Estonia)