Narva, beautiful town in Estonia, life, buildings, green, history, monuments, women
Narva, beautiful town in Estonia, life, buildings, green, history, monuments, women
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Narva College FINAL
A precedent study about Narva College, Narva Estonia.
East Estonia: Tartu, Lake Peipsi & Narva - the highlights
Susa & Masa introduce the highlights of East Estonia near Russian border, which is less visited by tourists.
Kersti Kaljulaid # University of Tartu Narva College # 28.10.16.
RAW: Estonia Narva Tedx Int’l Conference
Kids and adults of Narva, third largest city of Estonia, who are interested in modern technology gathered together at TEDx international conferencing in Narva college of Tartu University on October 10, 2015.
Narva College russian minority and culture theme
Narva College russian minority and culture theme
BE FREE 2020, Нежная, Estonia, Narva.
Juku-Kalle Raid juhatamas sisse Nekrasovi filmi Russian Lessons esitlust Narva kolledžis
TÜ Narva kolledžis linastub Andrei Nekrasovi dokumentaalfilm Russian Lessons 16.06.2010. Sissejuhatuse filmile teeb ajakirja KesKus peatoimetaja Juku-Kalle Raid.
Filmitud KuKu Klubi köögis, mis on omamoodi stiilne, kuna KuKu näol on tegemist loovinimeste kokkusaamiskohaga Tallinnas.
Station Narva Festival 2018
We're arriving at Station Narva in two weeks! Those still without a ticket can either go for the two-day (Sept. 21-22) festival pass (€39) or the one-day ticket (€25).
Station Narva 2018 music programme at Kreenholm and Art Club Ro-Ro:
Friday, Sept. 21: Tricky (UK), Actress (UK), Jenny Wilson (SE), Una Bomba 50+ (EE), Zahir (EE), Grechka (RU), View (FI), Beebilõust (EE), RSAC / Red Samara Automobile Club (RU), Shortparis (RU), Propazha (EE), PVC16 (EE)
Saturday, Sept. 22: Echo and the Bunnymen (UK), Gazelle Twin (UK), 12EEK Monkey (EE), Mart Avi (EE), Joensuu1685 (FI), Fever Dream (IS), Sõpruse Puiestee (EE), Электрофорез / Electroforez (RU), Indrek Spungin (EE), Там и Тут (EE), Eksponatika Clan (EE), Guesthouse (EE), PTF1987 (EE)
In addition to the music programme at Kreenholm and Ro-Ro, there's plenty more happening around town. For those arriving early, there is the screening of the movie Лето at Narva College of University of Tartu on Thursday, Sept 20; on Friday, the college hosts Station Narva Business Day. Friday also sees the opening of an exhibition by Mar Canet and Varvara Gulyayeva at Narva Art Residency, which will also host BAZAR Arutelude päev discussions from Friday to Saturday. On Saturday, we offer a range of free concerts, taking place at various venues across town. In the final stretch of the festival, on Sunday midday, everyone is welcome to the festivities of Narva being declared the Autumn Capital at the River Promenade, a collective long table lunch, the Language CAFÈ and Comedy Estonia's trilingual stand-up show. Detailed schedule at shortly, stay tuned!
See you in Narva!
Video: Aigar Vals
Drone footage: Tõnu Tunnel, Ivo Panasiuk
#ev100 #gogroup #teliaeesti #theNordics #narvaisnext
【K】Estonia Travel-Tartu[에스토니아 여행-타르투]타르투 대학, 중세 학생감옥/University of Tartu/Student Prison
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
탈린이 에스토니아 정치, 경제의 중심지라면 타르투는 문화와 사상의 중심지다. 그리고 그 한가운데에는 타르투 대학교가 있다. 1632년 스웨덴 국왕 구스타프 2세가 설립한 타르투 대학교는 에스토니아 학문의 중심지이자 북유럽 전체에서 손꼽히는 명문 대학이다. 중세의 대학답게 건물 맨 위층에는 대학 감옥이 자리하고 있다. 당시 대학 학생은 타르투 시민이 아니라 대학의 시민으로 따로 분리되어 있었기 때문에 잘못을 저지른 학생은 대학의 법에 따라 따로 처벌되었던 것이다. 실제로 처벌에 대한 기준이 세세하고 명확하게 규정되어 있었다고 한다. “예를 들어 대학 내에서 흡연을 했을 경우 이틀, 도서관에 책을 제때 반납하지 않을 경우에도 역시 이틀, 여자를 희롱했을 경우 4일에서 5일, 심한 욕설을 하거나 싸움을 했을 경우 3주 동안 대학 감옥에 갇히게 됩니다.” 감옥 내에는 당시 학생들이 그려놓은 낙서가 그대로 남아있다. 나중에는 대학 감옥에 한번 갔다 오지 않으면 남자가 아니라 하여 일부러 잘못을 저지르고 들어오는 학생들도 많았다 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
The politics of Tallinn in Estonia, if the economic center of Tartu is a center of culture and ideas. And in the middle there is the University of Tartu. 1632 Swedish king Gustav II who founded the University of Tartu is one of the best universities in the capital and the whole of Estonia, the Nordic disciplines. Like a medieval university building top floor has housed the University jail. Time college student because the student committed a mistake in isolation rather than as a citizen of the University of Tartu citizens would otherwise have been punished according to the laws of the university. The fact that there was a basis for the penalties are clearly defined and ever. For example, if you have been smoking in my college days, even if you do not timely return the books to the library two days also, if you molest the girls 4 to 5, in the case of severe abuse or university have to fight three weeks jail is trapped in. At the time the students put graffiti painted remains intact within the prison. Incoming students are later were also committing a mistake deliberately by man does not come to the university went to prison again.
[Estonian: Google Translator]
Poliitikas Tallinna Eestis, kui majanduslik keskus Tartu on kultuuri ja ideid. Ja keskel on Tartu Ülikooli. 1632 Rootsi kuningas Gustav II kes asutas Tartu ülikool on üks parimaid ülikoole kapitali ja kogu Eestis, Põhjamaade erialadel. Nagu keskaegse ülikooli hoone ülemisel korrusel on majutatud Ülikooli vangi. Aeg tudeng, sest õpilane pühendunud viga pigem eraldi kui kodanikuna Tartu Ülikooli kodanike muidu oleks karistatud vastavalt seadustele ülikoolis. Asjaolu, et seal oli aluseks karistused on selgelt määratletud ning kunagi. Näiteks, kui teil on olnud suitsetamise minu kolledži päeva, isegi kui sa ei ole õigeaegne tagasi raamatuid raamatukogu kahel päeval, kui te tülitama tüdrukud 4-5, kui tegemist on raske kuritarvitamise või ülikoolis on võidelda kolm nädalat vanglas on lõksus. Ajal õpilased panna graffiti värvitud jääb puutumata vanglas. Saabuva õpilased on hiljem ka toime viga tahtlikult inimese poolt ei tule ülikooli läks vangi uuesti.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아01-14 타르투 대학, 중세 학생감옥/University of Tartu/Student Prison
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박현민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,유럽,에스토니아,Estonia,Eesti Vabariik,Eesti,박현민,2008,6월 June,타르투 주,Tartu County,Tartu Maakond,Tartu
narva 27
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
RAW: How teachers welcome their students in Estonia?
Almost 150,000 school students in Estonia started their new semester in September.
The Vanalinna State school of Narva is a unique school of language immersion program. The students speaking Estonian as a native language also study Russian since their first grade.
Teachers welcomed about 500 students in all grades with traditional dancing, and celebrated the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the school.
School education system in Estonia
What are the good aspects of school education in Europe?
BACK IN WINTER ? - Julia's Dutch Ways #8
In this vlog Julia & Kiiri were close to the Russian border, in the town Narva. Here they presented at the Narva Eesti Gümnaasium. Unfortunately, the weather was not as expected during the spring. Take a look what they did in Narva !
Interested in my experiences being abroad or studying in the Netherlands ? Feel free to send me an email:
Estelle, American Boy (EZRA REMIX)
My name is Julia and I will be working for Dream Foundation till June 2017. I am a third-year student, studying International Communication at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands. In these vlogs I will tell you more about my background as being a Dutchie, my experiences and the work I do for Dream Foundation. Subscribe to find out more about me !
Picking Up Girls In ESTONIA!!
Wanna learn how to make 6 figures from your laptop?
Yo brothers, I am currently exploring the beautiful country Estonia and decided to film this episode here in Talinn, Estonia. I basically just use the T8 system to pick up beautiful Estonia girls.
Hope this video gives you the motivation/determination to get out there and approach that one girl you're attracted to or even just to make you ask your crush out because life's too short not to take action.
Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this video and if you did, be sure to share it with your friends and family.
Click for crazy videos here:
My social media:
Snapchat - adriangruszka
My name is Adrian and I go by as Adrian Gee here on YouTube. I'm a life coach helping guys to become the best version of themselves possible. That's the reason I wake up every morning.
On this channel you will find: Social Experiments, Dating Advice, Street Interviews, Picking Up Girls, Business Advice & Epic Crazy Videos.
Eero Loonurm - International Students in Estonia 2018/2019. Facts and Figures
International Students in Estonia 2018/2019. Facts and Figures - Eero Loonurm, Head of International Marketing, Archimedes Foundation
Narvakatega presidendist. Radaris 16. jaanuaril 2018
President Kersti Kaljulaid kolib järgmisel sügisel oma kantselei kuuks ajaks Narva. «Radar» käis uurimas, mida külla tulevalt presidendilt oodatakse ning kui paljud sealsed elanikud riigipead üldse teavad.
Narvas ja Riigikülas tähistati 100 aasta möödumist vabadussõja algusest
Narvas ja Narva lähistel Riigikülas tähistati suurejooneliselt 100 aasta möödumist vabadussõja algusest. Riigikülas andis president Kersti Kaljulaid pidulikul tseremoonial kõne kaitseliitlaste, kaitseväelaste, liitlasvägede ja sadade kooliõpilaste ees. Narva kolledžis mälestati vabadussõja aastapäeva kõnekoosolekuga, raekoja platsil jagati sõdurisuppi ja Kaitseliidu Narva maleva ees said linnaelanikud tutvuda kaitseväe tehnikaga.
Work for students in Europe.easy job in Europe
Work for students in Europe.
#Students job#
Estonia tartu.
Tartu university students work.
Estonia Tallinn job.
Work in Estonia.
Job in Estonia.
#Wolt curious#
Wolt. Work for students.
This Channel contains on European tour.Europe has many countries just like:
1. Florence, Italy
2. Vienna, Austria
3. Edinburgh, Scotland
4. Prague, Czech Republic
5. Moscow, Russia
6. Bruges, Belgium
7. Verona, Italy
8. Annecy, France
9. Budapest, Hungary
10. Barcelona, Spain
11. Amsterdam, Netherlands
12. Paris, France
13. Mykonos, Greece
14. Valletta, Malta
15. Copenhagen, Denmark
16. Stockholm, Sweden
17. Tallinn, Estonia
18. Alesund, Norway
19. St Petersburg, Russia
20. Zurich, Switzerland
21. Lisbon, Portugal
22. Strasbourg, France
23. Ghent, Belgium
24. Rome, Italy
25. Dubrovnik, Croatia
26. Warsaw, Poland
27. Reykjavik, Iceland
28. Venice, Italy
29. Antwerp, Belgium
29. Antwerp, Belgium
But Our videos mostly contains on Estonia.
The history of Estonia forms a part of the history of Europe. Humans settled in the region of Estonia near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before German crusaders invaded in the early 13th century, proto -Estonians of ancient Estonia worshiped spirits of nature.Starting with the Northern Crusades in the Middle Ages, Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars[1] over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a gateway between East and West.
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Õppetöö TÜ Narva kolledžis