Estonian FILM MUSEUM | Tallinn
Tour through the very interesting and interactive film museum in Tallinn. The Estonian Film Museum was founded in the autumn of 2006, with the goal of documenting the history of Estonian film. The Film Museum has the following items in its collections: costumes used on screen, props, photographs related to the Estonian film history, screenplays, documents, souvenirs, publications and cinema equipment. The largest amount of material is related to the legendary film studio Tallinnfilm.
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As you walk on the red carpet leading you to the Film Museum in the Maarjamäe Castle Park, you will feel like a movie star. The film alley takes you to an exhibition that provides an overview of the history of Estonian films and the behind the scenes of the world's film industry.
The permanent exhibition 'Take ONE' shares the secrets of film making and gives the visitors an idea of what happens behind the camera.
In the magical illusion room, machines from the early years of film are available for exploring and testing how people used to make films. You can also try being a filmmaker at the exhibition.
The building has a 210-seat cinema and conference room, perfect for premieres and other events.
Мы посетили очень интересный и интерактивный музей кино в Таллине. Эстонский музей кино был основан осенью 2006 года для того, чтобы подчеркнуть ценность истории эстонского кино. В его фондах есть использовавшиеся в экранизациях костюмы и реквизит, касающиеся истории эстонского кино фотографии, рукописи, документы, памятные предметы, печатные издания и кинотехника. Большинство материалов касается легендарной киностудии «Таллинфильм».
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Summer Spliffs by Broke For Free
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Common Info about Estonia:
Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
In National Library of Estonia
In National Library of Estonia
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia
Sotsiaalteadused (ühiskonnateaduste saal) / Social sciences (Social Sciences Reading Room)
BANK of ESTONIA Museum | Estonian Money and Its History | Tallinn
The Eesti Pank Museum showcases Estonian money and its history as well as the central bank, its activities and its past. As the histories of Eesti Pank and Estonia are closely connected, the museum also gives an idea of the development of the country.
The museum is located on the first floor of the oldest building in the famous red-brick Eesti Pank complex. The building has retained its original appearance – it is more than a hundred years old inside and out. We are located on Estonia puiestee close to the Estonia Theatre and Solaris Centre. You’ll find the entrance by the towers and blue flags of the museum.
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В музее Банка Эстонии открыта уникальная экспозиция о финансах и деньгах, которые, как известно, интересуют всех. Музей находится в угловой башне здания красного кирпича, построенного в 1904 году для Эстонского дворянского кредитного общества (банка). Игры, интерактивные машины и видеофильмы в доступной форме рассказывают об увлекательной истории денег. Не нужно быть финансистом, чтобы оценить качество постоянной выставки. Здесь вы узнаете о роли денег не только в вашем кармане, но и в обществе вообще и эстонском в частности, о некоторых тайнах политики центрального банка, а при желании получите общее представление о работе финансовой системы страны.
В музее есть магазин сувениров и пункт обмена валюты — единственное место на планете, где эстонские кроны все еще можно обменять на евро. Здесь же могут обменять испорченную банкноту на действующую. Вход в музей - бесплатный.
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Islands by Pyrosion
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-SA 3.0
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#EestiPank #EuroCoins #BankOfEstonia
Common Info about Estonia:
Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia
Humanitaarteadused (kartograafia- ja geograafiasaal) / Art and humanities (Cartography and Geography Reading Room)
KUMU Art Museum of Estonia | Permanent Exhibition | Tallinn
KUMU Art Museum, which was opened in 2006, is the grand headquarters of the Art Museum of Estonia and has a number of purposes. Here, most of the collections of the Art Museum of Estonia are preserved, it accommodates the conservation-restoration department, a library opened to all visitors, Kumu Art Museum's permanent and variable exhibitions, the gallery for modern art, an auditorium, and an educational center.
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Kumu Art Museum's permanent exhibition introduces the Estonian art from the beginning of the 18th century until the year 1991. Variable exhibitions additionally include international and modern art.
[RUS] Художественный музей KUMU. Открытый в 2006 году Kumu – это величественное главное эдание Эстонского художественного музея, у которого есть много назначений. Здесь находится большая часть коллекции Эстонского художественного музея, отдел консервации-реставрации, библиотека, открытая для всех, а также художественный музей Kumu с постоянными экспозициями, сменяющимися выставками, галереей современного искусства, аудиторией и образовательным центром.
Основная выставка Kumu знакомит с эстонским искусством с начала XVIII века до 1991 года, сменяющиеся выставки включают в себя также международное и современное искусства.
[EST] KUMU Kunstimuuseum. 2006. aastal avatud Kumu on Eesti Kunstimuuseumi suurejooneline peahoone, millel on mitmeid ülesandeid. Siin asub suurem osa Eesti Kunstimuuseumi kogudest, konserveerimise-restaureerimise osakond, kõigile huvilistele avatud raamatukogu ning Kumu kunstimuuseum püsiväljapaneku ja vahetuvate näituste, kaasaegse kunsti galerii, auditooriumi ning hariduskeskusega.
Kumu püsiväljapanek tutvustab eesti kunsti 18. sajandi algusest kuni 1991. aastani, vahetuvad näitused hõlmavad lisaks ka rahvusvahelist ja kaasaegset kunsti.
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Backed Vibes Clean by Kevin MacLeod
#KUMU #EestiKunstimuuseum #art
PÄRNU Winter Holidays | Estonia
Winter day in Pärnu - fourth-largest city and summer capital of Estonia. Located in southwestern Estonia on the coast of Pärnu Bay. It is a popular summer holiday resort with many hotels, spas, restaurants, and large beaches. Since 1996 Pärnu has been known as Estonia's Summer Capital. Long, white sandy beaches, shallow waters and “the best Sun in Estonia” attract Estonians and visiting guests alike. Beautiful beach promenade is ideal for walking, cycling and roller skating with playgrounds, water fountains and play areas offering days full of fun and joy for children. Starting from 2015 the city of Pärnu hosts the annual Weekend Festival Baltic, the largest dance music festival in Scandinavia.
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Зимний день в городе Пярну. Это четвёртый по величине город в Эстонии и является летней столицей страны с 1996 года. Пярну раположен в юго-западной части Эстонии на берегу пярнуского залива. Это популярный курорт со многими отелями, спа центрами и большим пляжем. Длинные белые пляжи, спокойная вода и лучшее солнце в Эстонии привлекают много туристов в этот город. Красивейший променад идеален для пеших прогулок, велопоездок и катания на роликах. Множество игровых площадок и фонтанов обеспечат детей развлечениями на целый день. С 2015 года на пляже Пярну проходит крупнейший в Скандинавии фестиваль электронной музыки - Weekend Festival Baltic.
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Ocean by THBD
Lost In The Night (ft. Pipa Moran) by THBD
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
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#Pärnu #Estonia #Пярну
爱沙尼亚共和国(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti Vabariik),通称爱沙尼亚(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti,爱沙尼亚语发音: [ˈeːsti]),波罗的海国家之一,首都及全国最大城市为塔林。爱沙尼亚位于欧洲东北部,其国土由大陆部分和波罗的海的2222个岛屿组成,西向波罗的海,北向芬兰湾,東临楚德湖,南面和東面分別同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,总面积42,388平方公里,为温带大陆性湿润气候。该国主体民族爱沙尼亚人属于芬人诸民族。該國目前是北欧理事会、欧洲联盟、欧元区、申根区、北大西洋公约组织、以及经济合作与发展组织的成員國,為世界高收入經濟體之一。
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti Vabariik)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا (343 كم)، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي (338.6 كم).. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع (17462) ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة. تٌعتبر إستونيا ج
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia
Tšellist muusikasaalis / Cellist in Music Reading Room
National Parks in Estonia
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Karula National Park
Lahemaa National Park
Matsalu National Park
Soomaa National Park
Vilsandi National Park
Music: Death Match,Bird Creek; YouTube Audio Library
A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of wild nature for posterity and as a symbol of national pride.
An international organization, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and its World Commission on
Protected Areas, has defined National Park as its Category II type of protected areas.
While this type of national park had been proposed previously, the United States established the first public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people, Yellowstone National Park, in 1872. Although Yellowstone was not officially termed a national park in its establishing law, it was always termed such in practice and is widely held to be the first and oldest national park in the world. Some would say that the first official
national park to be designated as such at its creation was Mackinac Island, legislated in 1875. Australia's Royal
National Park, established in 1879, was the world's third official national park. In 1895 ownership of Mackinac Island was transferred to the State of Michigan as a state park and national park status was consequently lost. As a result Australia's Royal National Park is by some considerations the second oldest national park now in existence.
The largest national park in the world meeting the IUCN definition is the Northeast Greenland National Park, which was established in 1974. According to the IUCN, 6,555 national parks worldwide met its criteria in 2006. IUCN is still discussing the parameters of defining a national park.
National parks are almost always open to visitors. Most national parks provide outdoor recreation and camping opportunities as well as classes designed to educate the public on the importance of conservation and the natural wonders of the land in which the national park is located.
Helen, the librarian at the National Library of Estonia
Helen talks about the Estonian culture and nature.
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia
Traditsiooniline raamat harulduste kogu lugemissaalis / Traditional book in Rare Books Reading Room
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia
Infootsing teatmesaalis / Information retrieval in Reference Reading Room
e-Cabinet of Estonia
Estonian Government sessions are held in the Government Session Hall of Stenbock House.
In 2000, the Estonian Government discarded the old paper document based decision-making system and opted for an innovative digital system -- e-Cabinet. This tailor-made solution has been designed to prepare and conduct government meetings in an electronic form -- entirely without paper. Today, the session hall is free of any stationary electronic devices. This means ministers can access e-Cabinet simply from their own portable digital devices, be it a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
The National Library of Estonia
Devoted to the 90th anniversary of the National Library of Estonia.
The readers create the new value.
Pokemon GO. Lugia RAID. Near Fountain of National Library. Estonia. Tallinn 2017
Vocational education and training in Estonia
Vocational education and training (VET) in the Estonian education and training system
3 Things no one tells you About Estonia
In this video I highlight three major topics that everyone who intends to move to Estonia must keep in mind.
I would be keeping it 100% real in this video.
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nbathers by Scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Title: Sunbathers by Scandinavianz
Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic + Inspirational
License: Free music for YouTube videos giving the appropriate credit.
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National Library of Estonia | Wikipedia audio article
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National Library of Estonia
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The National Library of Estonia (in Estonian: Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu) is a national public institution in Estonia, which operates pursuant to the National Library of Estonia Act. It was established as the parliamentary library of Estonia on December 21, 1918.
According to the Act, the National Library of Estonia is the custodian of Estonian national memory and heritage, and acts as the repository centre of the Estonian literature and national bibliography, the main information provider for the Estonian parliament and many other constitutional institutions, a national centre of library and information sciences, a site for the continuing education of librarians, and also as a cultural centre.
Since September 16, 2008 the Director General of the National Library is Ms. Janne Andresoo.
Tallinksilja | Estonia-Finland Trip | VLOG86
About me:
I'm Alvin, a Filipino/Youtuber moved and migrated in Belgium and now a full-fledged Belgian citizen but my roots where i came from will never be forgotten. I'm very passionate in travelling, photography, discovering food, culture, beautiful places from different parts of the world & certified an animal lover.
I've always see life as a glass-half-full instead of half-empty.
Music used for this video:
Youtube Audio Library
Sea Space- Emily A. Sprague
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#Estonia #Finland #Tallinksilja
Estonia Tallin University Chamber Choir Folk Program
Estonia Tallin University Chamber Choir