Top 13 Things To Do In Vlore, Albania
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Here are top 13 things to do in Vlore, Albania
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Muradie Mosque -
2. Zvernec Monastery -
3. Independence Monument -
4. Orikum -
5. Ethnographic Museum -
6. Museum of National Independence -
7. Vuno -
8. Fier -
9. Kanine Castle -
10. Kuzum Baba -
11. Llogara National Park -
12. Sazan Island -
13. Vlore’s Cuisine -
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【K】Albania Travel-Tirana[알바니아 여행-티라나]여행의 시작 스칸데르베그 광장/Skanderbeg/Square/National History Museum
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[한국어 정보]
한국의 경기도와 강원도를 합친 정도의 작은 나라, 알바니아. 인구 수도 우리나라의 17분의 1 수준이다. 수도 티라나는 알바니아의 정치•경제 교육의 중심지로 알바니아인의 3분의 1 정도가 이곳에 살고 있다. 가난한 나라이긴 하지만, 수도 티라나의 거리는 비교적 깨끗하게 단장되어 있다. 그중 스칸데르베그 광장(Skanderbeg Square)은 알바니아를 찾는 관광객들의 여행이 시작되는 곳. 광장엔, 15세기 중반 오스만제국의 침입을 막고 민족통합을 이뤘던 알바니아 제1의 민족 영웅, 스칸데르베그 장군의 동상이 세워져 있다. 19세기 말까지 끊임없는 외세의 침략과 지배하에 있었던 알바니아에 최근 변화의 바람이 불고 있다. 유럽 여행객들이 늘면서 수도 티라나는 새로운 변신을 꿈꾸고 있다. 알바니아 역사와 독립 투쟁사를 묘사한 모자이크가 건물 앞쪽을 뒤덮고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
A small country of approximately the sum of the Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province, South Korea, Albania. Water is one of the country's population level 17 minutes. Capital Tirana is about one-third of the Albanian political • center of economic education in Albania are living here. Poor countries, though, may have been refurbished relatively clean streets of Tirana. Among Skan der begeu square (Skanderbeg Square) is where the travel of tourists visiting Albania started. Square yen, which built the mid-15th century, the Ottoman Empire to prevent the intrusion of ethnic Albanian ethnic integration yirwotdeon first heroes, the statue of Skan der begeu general. Albania was under relentless invasion and domination of foreign powers until the late 19th century, is blowing in the wind of change in recent years. European travelers have always said Tirana is also dreaming of a new transformation. Depicting the history of Albania and independence tujaengsa mosaics are covering the front of the building.
[Albania : Google Translator]
Një vend i vogël prej rreth shumës së Krahinës Gyeonggi dhe Gangwon Provinca, Korea e Jugut, Shqipëri. Uji është një nga niveli i popullsisë 17 minutave të vendit. Capital Tirana është rreth një e treta e Shqipërisë politike • qendra e edukimit ekonomik në Shqipëri janë duke jetuar këtu. vendet e varfra, megjithatë, mund të ketë qenë rinovuar rrugët relativisht të pastër të Tiranës. Në mesin e sheshit skan Der begeu (Sheshi Skënderbej) është vendi ku filloi udhëtimi i turistëve që vizitojnë Shqipërinë. yen katrore, e cila ndërtuar në mesin e shekullit të 15, Perandoria Osmane për të parandaluar ndërhyrjen e yirwotdeon integrimi etnik heronjtë e parë shqiptare, statuja e Skan der begeu përgjithësi. Shqipëria ishte nën pushtimin pamëshirshëm dhe dominimit të fuqive të huaja deri në fund të shekullit të 19, është defekt në erë e ndryshimit në vitet e fundit. udhëtarët evropianë gjithmonë kam thënë Tirana po ëndërroja një transformim të ri. Që përshkruan historinë e Shqipërisë dhe mozaikë pavarësi tujaengsa duke mbuluar pjesën e përparme të ndërtesës.
■클립명: 유럽108-알바니아02-01 여행의 시작 스칸데르베그 광장/Skanderbeg/Square/National History Museum
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이승한 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 8월 August
거리,street,avenue, route, downtown, shop, square,공원/광장,park, square,plaza, fountain, satue,동상,statue,sculpture, square,박물관,museum,institution, gallery, relic, history,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,유럽,Europe,동유럽,알바니아,Albania,Shqipëria,Republika e Shqipërisë,이승한,2016,8월 August,티라나 주,Tirana county,Qarku i Tiranës,
Muzeu i Pavarësisë drejt shembjes - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Ballkoni i godinës ku u formua qeveria e pare shqiptare, sot Muzeu Kombëtar i Pavarësisë, rrezikon te shembet për shkak te amortizimit. Ne prag te 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë, sipas drejtuesve, ky muze ka nevoje edhe për shume ndërhyrje te tjera, por fondi i premtuar nga Ministria, prej 3 milion lekesh, nuk është lëvruar ende. Këtu do të futen kryesisht punimet për fasadën, punime specifike të drurit, që mendohet për restaurimin e ballkonit, shkallëve të drurit. Ne kemi kërkuar që ato të kthehen ashtu siç ishin, origjinale, njëkohësisht janë edhe punimet elektrike, për ndriçimin e fasadës, e punimet hidraulike, apo punime specifike të tjera. Sa i përket muzeut historik, pranë Sheshit të Flamurit, fasada është restauruar, por brenda mungojnë dhe stendat. Ne mungese te tyre, objektet muzeale janë vendosur në arka të vjetra, madje deri ne kova, shprehet Agron Shehu, drejtor i Muzeut Kombëtar te Pavarësisë. Muzeu historik dhe arkeologjik në Vlorë ende nuk është gati për të kremtuar këtë 100-vjetor. Ne kemi paraqitur edhe projekte të tjera për këtë 100 vjetor, edhe për promovimin e vlerave dhe resurseve që ka Vlora. Këtu nevojiten edhe 6 milionë lekë të reja për arredimin e brendshëm që i duhet godinës, deklaron Skender Spahiu, drejtor i Muzeu Historik, Vlore. E ndërsa Vlora kërkon vëmendjen maksimale te qeverise për te qene kryeqendra e festimeve ne 100-vjetorin e pavarësisë, ne kryeqytet është e hapur gara për përzgjedhjen e monumentit te ri qe do te vendoset ne tirane. Nga 81 bocetet e paraqitura juria ndërkombëtare ka përzgjedhur fillimisht pese dhe pas sugjerimeve edhe te publikut do te caktohet fituesi.
Balcony of the building where they formed the first Albanian government, today the National Museum of Independence, the risk of collapse due to depreciation. On the eve of 100th anniversary of independence, according to managers, this museum has needed for many other interventions, but the fund promised by the Ministry, from 3 million lek, is not yet disbursed. This will be introduced mainly for façade work, specifically works of wood, thought to restore the balcony, wooden stairs. We asked them to return as they were, the original, both are electrical works for lighting the facade, the plumbing works, or other specific works. Regarding the historical museum, near the Flag Square, the façade has been restored, but the inside is lacking and the booth. In their absence, museum objects are placed in crates of old, even up in buckets, says Agron Shehu, director of the National Museum of Independence. Historical and Archaeological Museum in the South still is not ready to celebrate the 100th anniversary. We have also presented other projects for the annual 100, also to promote the values and resources that Vlora. Here you will also need some 6 million new domestic interior of the building should be, said Skender Spahiu, director of History Museum, Vlore. While Vlora government requires maximum attention to the capital of the festivities was the 100-anniversary of independence, the capital is open competitions to select the new monument that will be located in Tirana. Of the 81 listed bocetet international jury selected the five initially and after suggestions of the public also will be determined the winner.
Walk - Albania - Tirana - Center - part 2/6 - Boulevard 01 - August 2018
Skanderbeg Square to Mother Teresa Square. August 2018.
Along the way:
. Parku Rinia (Youth Park) including Eagle sculpture / Independence monument (Monumenti i Pavaresise),, Taiwan restaurant and pool / fountain (Tajvani) and I Love Tirana sculpture
. Lana bridge
. Frasheri brothers' sculptures near the 'Twin Towers'
. Pyramid (former 'Enver Hoxha' museum) - Piramida
. Prime Minister residence (Kryeministria)
. Rogner Hotel (Europapark)
. Bunker Park (don't know the name, former checkpoint, including small water pool and Qemal Stafa statue)
. Palace of Congress (Pallati i Kongreseve)
. President residence (Presidenca)
. Polytechnic University of Tirana (Universiteti)
. Art Academy (Akademia e arteve)
. Mother Teresa Square (Sheshi Nene Tereza)
. Archaeological Museum (Muzeu Arkeologjik)
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Smartphone - Samsung Galaxy Note 4
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Topi dekoron Ismail Qemalin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Pak para mbylljes se mandatit 5 vjeçar, Presidenti i Republikës Bamir Topi dekoron firmetaret e dokumentit te pavarësisë dhe e shpall Vlorën Nder i kombit.
Kreu i shtetit qe herët ne mëngjes i është drejtuar qytetit te Vlorës për te nderuar ne ketë 1 shekull pavarësi, firmetaret e dokumentit te pavarësisë dhe ne mënyre te veçante Ismail Qemalin. Pikërisht nga muzeu i Vlorës, aty ku u ngrit flamuri i pavarësisë, presidenti Topi çmoi kontributin e te gjithë firmëtareve ne veçanti rolin e Ismail Qemalit i cili u dekorua me urdhrin e Flamurit Kombëtar pas vdekjes. Sipas kreut te shtetit themeluesi i pavarësisë duhet te jete shembull për klasën e sotme politike. Ne emër te vlonjateve, titulli Nder i kombit për qytetin e Vlorës është marre nga kryebashkiaku Shpetim Gjika. Kreu i bashkise vlerësoi vendimin e presidentit Topi për vlerësimin e qytetit te Vlorës dhe banoreve te saj. Presidenti Topi i shoqëruar nga deputete dhe drejtues te pushtetit vendor vizitoi ambientet e muzeut simbol te pavarësisë. Me pas kreu i shtetit ka vijuara dekorimet për njerëz te shquar te qytetit te Vlorës.
Shortly before closing the 5-year mandate, President of the Republic Bamir Topi decorates the signatories to the document declares independence and Vlora Among the nation.
Head of state that is early in the morning to run the city of Vlora honored to be a century of independence, the signatories to the document of independence and in particular Qemali Ismail. Just from the museum of Vlora, where the flag of independence arose, President Topi praised the contribution of all signatories, in particular the role of Kamal Ismail who was decorated with the Order of National Flag after death. According to the head of state founder of independence should be an example for today's political class. On behalf of the citizens of Vlora, the title Honor of the nation for the city of Vlora is received by the Mayor Salvation Gjika. The head of the municipality of President Topi praised the decision to assess the city of Vlora and its residents. President Topi accompanied by MPs and local leaders visited the premises of the Museum symbol of independence. Then the head of state has attended decoration for distinguished people of the city of Vlora.
Unveiling of Skanderbeg bust in London - 28.11.2012
Topi dekoron Ismail Qemalin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Pak para mbylljes se mandatit 5 vjeçar, Presidenti i Republikës Bamir Topi dekoron firmetaret e dokumentit te pavarësisë dhe e shpall Vlorën Nder i kombit.
Kreu i shtetit qe herët ne mëngjes i është drejtuar qytetit te Vlorës për te nderuar ne ketë 1 shekull pavarësi, firmetaret e dokumentit te pavarësisë dhe ne mënyre te veçante Ismail Qemalin. Pikërisht nga muzeu i Vlorës, aty ku u ngrit flamuri i pavarësisë, presidenti Topi çmoi kontributin e te gjithë firmëtareve ne veçanti rolin e Ismail Qemalit i cili u dekorua me urdhrin e Flamurit Kombëtar pas vdekjes. Sipas kreut te shtetit themeluesi i pavarësisë duhet te jete shembull për klasën e sotme politike. Ne emër te vlonjateve, titulli Nder i kombit për qytetin e Vlorës është marre nga kryebashkiaku Shpetim Gjika. Kreu i bashkise vlerësoi vendimin e presidentit Topi për vlerësimin e qytetit te Vlorës dhe banoreve te saj. Presidenti Topi i shoqëruar nga deputete dhe drejtues te pushtetit vendor vizitoi ambientet e muzeut simbol te pavarësisë. Me pas kreu i shtetit ka vijuara dekorimet për njerëz te shquar te qytetit te Vlorës.
Shortly before closing the 5-year mandate, President of the Republic Bamir Topi decorates the signatories to the document declares independence and Vlora Among the nation.
Head of state that is early in the morning to run the city of Vlora honored to be a century of independence, the signatories to the document of independence and in particular Qemali Ismail. Just from the museum of Vlora, where the flag of independence arose, President Topi praised the contribution of all signatories, in particular the role of Kamal Ismail who was decorated with the Order of National Flag after death. According to the head of state founder of independence should be an example for today's political class. On behalf of the citizens of Vlora, the title Honor of the nation for the city of Vlora is received by the Mayor Salvation Gjika. The head of the municipality of President Topi praised the decision to assess the city of Vlora and its residents. President Topi accompanied by MPs and local leaders visited the premises of the Museum symbol of independence. Then the head of state has attended decoration for distinguished people of the city of Vlora.
The Rise of the Swedish Empire Explained (briefly)
In this video, we will be looking at what caused the quick rise of the Swedish Empire against what would have been seen as pretty long odds.
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Soon after its independence, Sweden was able to gradually consolidate and centralize unlike its neighbors. How were they able to do this? Two answers: First, Sweden had never been a feudal state. At the turn of the 16th century, the free-holding Swedish peasants amounted to 62% of the population and owned around 52% of the arable land. The nobility held only 22% of this land, while the rest was largely split between Merchants, clergy, and other classes. Swedish peasants, compared to continental serfs were relativity well-off, as well as motivated, and able to fight for their rights and violently resisted any attempt to enserf them or encroach on their rights – this also included representation in the riskdag, the Swedish estates parliament. This was further helped by the Danes who, due to the actions known as the Stockholm bloodbath, not only ended a century long civil between the nobility, but largely forced support towards Gustav Vasa.
Sweden was also able to benefit from the weakening of it's immediate neighbors. The Hansa was weakened from outside conflict and the Danish were embroiled in a civil. During this time, Gustav was able to develop a very effective administration, which would stay a massive advantage for centuries. Sweden is ahead of most of the world in using its resources effectively. The nobility was not strong enough to resist, and became administrators and officers for the state, rather than states within the state as in many other nations. Gustav also forced through an inventory of all land in the nation I.E who owned it, how productive it was and thus how much tax was owed on it. This, combined with the nation being rich with natural resources, access to copper and silver, and most of the peasants being well enough off and being able to grow some kind of cash crops allowed for a coin-based economy to replace bartering earlier than in other nations, further increasing the effectiveness of the economy.
Sweden got Estonia from the crumbling Livonian Confederacy and gained the important trading city of Reval, to go with Viborg on the opposing side of the Bay of Finland. In the Ingrian against Russia in the early 17th century, Sweden captured Ingria and the mouth of the Neva river, which meant that almost all trade to and from Russia had to go through Swedish tolls, creating a major source of income for the Swedish state. From Campaigns against the Poles and Russians through-out the early 17th century Gustav Adolf the second adopted a new form of shock cavalry and created the first light mobile artillery as well as refined infantry tactics.
After this, Sweden ran the rest of the 17th century nearly at constant. Using the loot, and pillaging enemy lands to keep its economy going. This was helped by regular French subsidy, especially during the thirty years. The start of the Swedish Empire is generally created to this time, more so when they beat the Danish and Norwegians in the Torstenson in 1645, annexing a large part of their territory into their empire and the occupation of two archbishoprics of Bremen and Verdun. Their territorial epix was after the second northern in 1655, with the Danish provinces of Halland, and Scania ceded to the Swedes but the colonial ambition was largely forgotten at this point. The colony of New Sweden being ceded to the Netherlands. The Swedes would continue to rise until the early 18th century, when, after two decades of. The Swedish empire finally started to collapse, with their crushing defeat to the Russian in 1807, the final nail in the coffin for hopes of its return.
Monumenti për Ismail Qemalin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Ashtu siç ishte paralajmëruar nga drejtuesit e galerisë kombëtare te arteve, edhe faza e dyte e konkursit për monumentin e Ismail Qemalit rezultoi e dobët. Për këtë arsye, projekti fitues i autorit Veli Blakcori nuk do te vendoset ne lulishten e kryqëzimit te bulevardit Dëshmoret e Kombit me rrugën Ismail Qemali, por brenda muzeut historik kombëtar. Nga ky i fundit do te largohet vepra e njohur e Odise Paskalit mbi Ismail Qemalin duke u vendosur pikërisht ne vendin e përcaktuar. Vendimi është marre ne mbledhjen e radhës se komitet shtetëror për 100 vjetorin e pavarësisë, nga ku kryeministri Berisha kerkoi edhe njëherë zbardhjen e te vërtetave historike. Sipas shefit te qeverise, gjate festimeve për 100 vjetorin duhet te përkujtohet edhe Perandori Kostandin, me origjine ilire, për figurën e te cilit sipas Berishës duhet bashkëpunuar me Kosovën. Berisha kërkoi qe sheshi i Flamurit ne Vlore te shpallet monument kulture si dhe te hapet tenderi për mauzoleun kushtuar nënës se Ahmet Zogut. Komiteti miratoi gjithashtu edhe listën e aktiviteteve kryesore te 100 vjetorit dhe çeljen e konkursit për realizimin e spotit.
As it was announced by the leaders of National Art Gallery, the second phase of the competition for the monument of Ismail Kamal proved weak. For this reason, the project Veli Blakcori winning author will not be placed on the intersection of the boulevard park Martyrs of the Nation by road Kamal Ismail, but within a national historical museum. From the latter will leave the famous works on Ismail Qemali Pascal Odysseus being located exactly at the place specified. The decision was taken at the next meeting of the state committee for 100 years of independence, from where Prime Minister Berisha asked once again to solve the historical truths. According to the head of government, during celebrations for the 100th anniversary should remind the Emperor Constantine, of Illyrian origin, the figure which according to Berisha to cooperate with Kosovo. Berisha demanded that the square of the flag in Vlora is declared a cultural monument and mausoleum to open tender for dedicated mother that Ahmet Zog. The committee also approved a list of the main activities of the 100th anniversary and the opening of competition for the realization of a spot.
Pavarësia e Gjirokastrës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Flamuri qe u ngrit per here te pare ne Gjirokastër ne 29 nentor te 1912, eshte ruajtur ne muzeun e Gjirokastrës se bashku me makinën qepese me te cilen u përgatit.
Pas shpalljes se pavarësisë ne Vlorë, ngritja e simbolit kombëtar nisi si nje reaksion zinxhir ne te gjithë qytetet e vendit. Muzeu i Gjirokastrës ruan si kujtim te 100 viteve me pare edhe kete kartoline, ku eshte stampuar fotoja e flamurit origjinal te pavarësisë. Vetëm qarku i Gjirokastrës kujton sot 19 përfaqësues ne Kuvendin e Vlorës, dy prej te cileve jane firmetare te dokumentit te pavarësisë, Elmaz Boce dhe Veli Harxhi.
Flag that was raised for the first time in Gjirokastër on 29 November 1912, is preserved in the Museum of Gjirokastra together with the sewing machine with which it was prepared.
After the declaration of independence in Vlora, raising national symbol began as a chain reaction in cities across the country. Gjirokastra Museum preserves memory of 100 years ago this postcard, which is stamped photo of the original flag of independence. Only Gjirokastra district today recalled 19 representatives in the Assembly of Vlora, both of whom are signers of the independence, Elmaz cone and Veli Harxhi.
shqipëtarët në shekuj.made by vampire
proud to be albanian
(The Agony of Kosova) - AACL Rally in Front of US Capitol with Senator Bob Dole 06-01-1990
One month before Senator Bob Dole visits Kosova to challenge the Serbian Communist regime of Slobodan Milosevic, the Albanian American Civic League conducts a huge rally of Albanian Americans in front of the US Capitol. Senator Dole, the Majority Leader of the US Senate, addresses the rally with former Congressman Joe DioGuardi and many other Members of Congress.
Festa e 28 Nëntorit ndan politiken - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Një feste kombëtare, e ndare mes trekëndëshit te festimeve Tirane-Vlore-Prishtine. Kështu ka qene ky 28 nëntor qe nuk ka dale dot jashtë kornizave te shndërrimit ne një feste me tepër se kuq e zi, me ngjyrosje sipas ndasive politike. E reja e këtij viti ishte futja ne axhenden e politikes te kryeqytetit kosovar, i cili edhe pse e daton shpalljen e pavarësisë ne 17 shkurt, vijon te festoje me unanimet 28 nëntorin si ditën e flamurit. Presidenti i Republikës zgjodhi Vlorën këtë 99-vjetor te shpalljes se pavarësisë, duke sjelle shembujt e rilindësve qe besuan dhe zbatuan moton Shqipëria është mbi gjithçka. Të gjithë ne, pa përjashtim, brezat e rinj, fëmijët tanë, nxënësit e studentët, duhet të edukohen intelektualisht me parime të drejta historike, të çliruar nga shtrembërimet apo interesat e çastit, sepse historia gjithmonë konfirmohet si një mësim i pandryshueshëm dhe i gdhendur përjetësisht në kujtesën dhe në ndërgjegjen e një kombi, ka deklaruar Topi. Ndërsa presidenti vendoste nënshkrimin ne librin e muzeut te pavarësisë, kryeministri Berisha festonte ne varrezat e dëshmorëve pavarësinë dhe çlirimin ne një dite. Ndërkohë lideri i opozitës Edi Rama ka zgjedhur te uroje 28 nëntorin nga Prishtina, ne krah te liderëve te vetëvendosjes. Për politologët kjo ndarje festimesh e ka një domethënie qe për fat te keq është larg idesë se unitetit kombëtar. Ne nivel lokal dallim kane bere festimet ne qytetin e Durrësit, ku prefekti Genc Alizoti qe përfaqëson LSI-ne ka festuar se bashku me drejtuesit e PS ne këtë qytet.
A national holiday, divided between the celebrations triangle Tirana-Pristina-Vlore. Thus it was that November 28 could not come out frames of becoming a party with more than red and black, with coloring according to political divisions. The novelty of this year was the introduction of the policy agenda in Kosovo's capital, which dates back even though the declaration of independence on February 17, following the unanimous celebrate November 28 as Flag Day. Elected President of this 99-Vlora annual declaration of independence, bringing examples of Renaissance who believed and applied the motto Albania is on everything. All of us, without exception, the younger generations, our children, pupils and students should be educated intellectually with historical rights principles, free from distortion or momentary interest, because history is always a lesson confirmed as immutable and carved eternally in the memory and the conscience of a nation, said ball. As the president put the book signing at the museum of independence, Prime Minister Berisha celebrated at the tombs of the martyrs of independence and liberation in a day. Meanwhile, opposition leader Edi Rama has chosen to wish Pristina November 28, in support of leaders of self-determination. For political scientists this partition has celebrations of significance which unfortunately is far from the idea of national unity. We have made difference locally celebrations in the city of Durres, where Mayor Genc Alizoti representing LSI celebrated together with SP leaders in this city.
Dyndje për tortën e pavarësisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Tirana nisi zyrtarisht rreth orës 14.00 festimet për 100 vjetorin e pavarësisë. Pas prerjes se tortës ne qytetin e Vlorës, edhe ne Tirane është prere torta 14 ton dhe 550 metra katrore e quajtur ndryshe Torta Gjigante e pavarësisë, e vendosur ne te gjithë gjerësinë e hollit te Pallatit te Kulturës. Kryebashkiaku i Tiranes Basha, kryeministri Berisha, Presidentja e Kosovës Jahjaga dhe kryeministri Thaçi, te katërt te bashku, kane prere tortën gjigante. Menjëherë pas mbylljes se ceremonisë se ndarjes se tortës, ka nisur edhe kaosi ne sheshin Skënderbeu. Radhe te gjata njerëzish kane qëndruar për ore te tera për te provuar tortën e pavarësisë, por kjo situate ka precipituar ne shtyrje dhe përplasje. Me herët qindra mijëra persona kane dale ne rruge për te festuar, jo vetëm nga Tirana e rrethe te tjera te Shqipërisë. Ajo qe ka rene ne sy ishte numri i madh i shqiptareve te Kosovës e Maqedonisë qe kishin mbërritur për tju bashkuar festes. Nuk munguan edhe kete vit shqiptaret e diasporës, te cilët për kamerën e Vizion Plus u shprehen se kishin ardhur ne Tirane vetëm per 2-3 dite, për festen. Përpara Muzeut Kombëtar dhjetëra persona qëndruan ne radhe për te pare nga afër armët e Skënderbeut apo edhe Mesharin e Gjon Buzukut.
Tirana officially kicked off around 14.00 for the 100th anniversary celebrations of independence. After cutting the cake in the city of Vlora, Tirana is cut 14 tons and 550 square meters cakes called Torta independence giants, located across the width of the hall of the Palace of Culture. Tirana Mayor Basha, Prime Minister Berisha, Kosovo President Jahjaga and Prime Minister Thaçi, all four together, have cut the giant cake. Immediately after the closing ceremony that the division of the cake, has also launched chaos in Scanderbeg Square. Long time people have stood for hours in order to test the independence cake, but this situation has precipitated in delay and crash. Earlier, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate, not only from other districts of Albania Tirana. She has fallen in the eyes was the large number of Kosovo Albanians of Macedonia, who had arrived to join the feast. Not missed this year Albanians in the diaspora, who for Vision Plus camera stated that they had arrived in Tirana only for 2-3 days, for the holiday. National Museum before dozens of people stood in line to see near Skanderbeg weapons or the Missal of John Buzuku.
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4 december , albanian day of army
Albanian nationalism (Albania) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Albanian nationalism (Albania)
00:02:40 1 History
00:02:48 2 Ottoman period: Development of Albanian Nationalism during National Albanian Awakening
00:03:02 2.1 Background
00:05:38 2.2 Eastern Crisis and Albanian National Awakening
00:09:42 2.3 Myth of Skanderbeg
00:11:33 2.4 Hellenism, Orthodoxy and Albanian nationalism
00:16:02 2.5 Western influences and origin theories
00:20:10 2.6 Geopolitical consequences and legacy
00:27:13 3 Independence, Interwar period and World War Two (1912-1944)
00:27:28 3.1 Independence
00:31:14 3.2 Interwar period (1919-1938)
00:36:01 3.3 World War Two (1939-1944)
00:39:13 4 Albanian Nationalism during the People's Republic of Albania (1945–1991)
00:41:05 4.1 Nationalist ideology during communism
00:43:02 4.2 Origin theories during communism
00:45:04 4.3 Nationalism and religion
00:47:17 4.4 Name changes
00:49:24 5 Contemporary Albanian nationalism (1992-present)
00:49:36 5.1 Post-communist developments in society and politics
00:55:30 5.2 Greater Albania and Albanian politics
00:58:10 5.3 Influence of origin theories in contemporary society and politics
01:02:12 5.4 Contemporary Albanian identity
01:04:31 6 See also
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Albanian nationalism emerged in Albania during the 19th century. By the late Ottoman period Albanians were mainly Muslims with close ties to the Ottoman Empire. The lack of previous Albanian statehood to draw upon resulted in Albanian nationalism developing later unlike neighbouring nationalisms of the Serbs and Greeks. The onset of the Eastern crisis (1870s) that threatened partition of Balkan Albanian inhabited lands by neighbouring Orthodox Christian states stimulated the emergence of the Albanian national awakening (Rilindja) and nationalist movement. During the 19th century, some Western scholarly influences, Albanian diasporas such as the Arbereshë and Albanian National Awakening figures contributed greatly to spreading influences and ideas among Balkan Albanians within the context of Albanian self-determination. Among those were ideas of an Illyrian contribution to Albanian ethnogenesis which still dominate Albanian nationalism in contemporary times and other ancient peoples claimed as ancestors of the Albanians, in particular the Pelasgians of which have been claimed again in recent times.Due to overlapping and competing territorial claims with other Balkan nationalisms and states over land dating from the late Ottoman period, these ideas comprise a national myth that establishes precedence over neighboring peoples (Slavs and Greeks) and allow movements for independence and self-determination, as well as irredentist claims against neighboring countries. Pan-Albanian sentiments are also present and historically have been achieved only once when part of Kosovo and western Macedonia was united by Axis Italian forces to their protectorate of Albania during the Second World War. Albanian nationalism contains a series of myths relating to Albanian origins, cultural purity and national homogeneity, religious indifference as the basis of Albanian national identity, and continuing national struggles. The figure of Skanderbeg is one of the main constitutive myths of Albanian nationalism that is based on a person, as other myths are based on ideas, abstract concepts, and collectivism. These ideas and concepts were further developed during the interwar period under Ahmet Zog and later the Socialist People's Republic of Albania (1945–1991), which mainly focused on Illyrian-Albanian continuity in addition to reinterpreting certain Ancient Greek figures and history as Albanian. In a post communist environment, Albanian National Awakening values, ideas and concepts that were enforced, developed further and expanded during Enver Hoxha's regime are still somewhat present within Albanian society and politics that have been reinterpreted within the context of Euro-Atlantic integration.
Hotel London, Tiranë, Albania, HD Review
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Located in the heart of Tirana, only 1,300 feet away from the Skenderbeg Square, Guesthouse London provides air-conditioned accommodation. Free WiFi access is available.
All units here come provided with a flat-screen satellite TV. Each also features a desk. The bathrooms are fitted with a shower and a hairdryer.
The National Arts Gallery is 1,500 feet away from London Guesthouse. The National History Museum can be visited at a distance of 2,300 feet.
Tirana Airport is 11.2 miles away from the property. Free private parking is provided on site.
Jahjaga nderon Hasan Prishtinen - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Ne prag te festimeve te pavarësisë edhe Kosova nderon patriotet qe kane marre pjese ne Lëvizjen Kombëtare, per ngritjen e flamurit ne Vlore. Qe heret ne mengjes presidentja e Kosoves, Atifete Jahjaga, ka vendosur lule ne varrin e Hasan Prishtinës ne Kukes.
Numri nje i Kosoves ka vlerësuar figuren e patriotit te shquar nga treva e Drenices. Pas Kukesit, presidentja e Kosovës eshte nisur drejt Tiranes e ftuar per te marre pjese ne ceremoninë e inaugurimit te shtatores se Hasan Prishtines, ne lulishten pranë Muzeut Historik Kombëtar.
In the wake of Kosovo's independence celebrations honoring patriots who have participated in the National Movement for the raising of the flag in Vlora. Since early in the morning the president of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, has laid flowers at the tomb of Hasan Prishtina in Kukes.
A number of Kosovo has estimated figure prominent patriot from regions of Drenica. After Kukes, president of Kosovo is heading toward Tirana invited to participate in the inauguration of the statue that Hasan Prishtina, in the garden at the National History Museum.
Top Things To Do and See in Saranda, Albania | GUIDA E SARANDES - SARANDA GUIDE, ALBANIA
Top Things To Do and See in Saranda, Albania | GUIDA E SARANDES - SARANDA GUIDE, ALBANIA
Shore Excursions to Sarande, Albania - Things to See and Do
The name of the lovely town of Sarande has changed throughout history to reflect the influence of the different cultures in the region. Originally the name derived from a Byzantine monastery honoring the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste which later, under the Ottomans, changed to Aya Sarandi. During Venetian rule Sarande was known as Santi Quaranta only to be changed during WWII to Porto Edda in honour of Mussolini's daughter. The name was changed again after WWII, after Albania declared independence from Italy.
Sarande is located on the Albanian Riviera and has a lovely Mediterranean climate, mild in winter, dry and hot in the summer. It's the best cruise port to see Albanian and Greek cultures coexisting peacefully together, evident in the city's mix of Albanian and Greek architecture.
The first stop at this quaint town should be the Forty Saints Monastery, form which the city got its name, built in honor of 40 Roman soldiers who refused to give up their religion and as a result were sent to Siberia. The monastery was built in the 6thcentury and on two levels. Unfortunately the second level was destroyed during WWII. It is possible to see the crypt of the monastery but only with special permission from the town hall.
You might like to head out from Sarande to Butrint, a UNESCO World Heritage Site just 20km away, and on the way stop to admire beautiful views of Corfu and the Ionian Sea from the 16th century Lekursi Castle built to protect the country from invaders from the sea.
Butrint, an UNESCO site, was first mentioned as a military settlement when Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, established a port there, after defeating Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra. The medieval history of Butrint is marked by power battles between the rival Byzantinum, Ottomon and Venetian Empires who have all left traces of their culture on the city and made Butrint interesting to visit on a shore excursion from Sarande.
The whole area around Butrint is a National Park, protecting a huge national and cultural heritage of Ottoman and Venetian castles with Roman villas as well as unspoiled nature.
Lord Rothschild and Lord Sainsbury raised money to finance archaeological excavations at Butrint, such as the Greco-Roman theatre which is still standing but whose floor is filled with water in which turtles and fish live. Or the baptistery of a 6th century church which boasts a Roman floor mosaic of peacocks, vines, birds and wine urns as it probably originally a Roman's private pool, the acropolis, the Greek Well of the Nymphs, the Temple of Aesculapius the city walls- but a huge proportion of the excavations have yet to be even started.
To the north of Sarande (around 90 min drive) there is a well preserved Ottoman town and UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gjirokastra, which is worth including on a full day shore excursion from Sarande. It lay at the crossroads of several important trade routes across Europe and the Mediterranean, and was protected by the formidable Gjirokastra Castle which is nowadays a Military Museum. The town is built on a hillside and is nicknamed 'the town of a thousand steps' but is immensely quaint and charming, with distinctive old stone houses clustered along narrow cobbled streets.
After enjoying beautiful sea views from the top of the hill head over to City Hall to see the 5th century ruins of the Jewish community Oncheasmos which once boasted a community center, school and a synagogue. Unfortunately most of the buildings were destroyed by earthquakes and invaders but you can still see some mosaic floors with animal designs, a menorah and other Jewish symbols among the tiles.
On the whole the town of Sarande makes and ideal stop over during cruising the Mediterranean. For more information about shore excursions in Albania please []Email Tara
or check our website at [
Article Source: [ Shore Excursions to Sarande, Albania - Things to See and Do
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Gati bustet për pavarësinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Me nisjen e muajit te 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë, disa nga zonat kryesore kryeqytetit jane kthyer ne mini kantiere ndërtimi. Kjo per shkak te busteve dhe monumenteve qe pritet te përurohen kushtuar pikërisht këtij 100-vjetori e qe kane nisur te realizohen prej kohesh. Kështu, sipas kalendarit tashme zyrtar te aktiviteteve te 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë, i pari qe do te vendoset, ne 21 nëntor është ai ish-presidentit amerikan Wilson ne zonen e njohur si sheshi Willson. Me pas, edhe pse eshtrat e mbretit Ahmet Zogut pritet te vijnë ne Tirane me 17 nëntor, monumenti kushtuar atij do te përurohet vetëm ne 24 nëntor ne krye te bulevardit Zogu i Pare, pune per te cilin tashme ka nisur. Do te jete data 26 nentor, kur busti i Ismail Qemalit, ai qe ka realizuar Odhise Paskali vite me pare e qe ndodhet ne muzeun kombëtar, do te vendoset pikërisht ne kete zone, ne krah te Kryesisë se Kuvendit. Ndërsa monumenti i fundit qe do te perurohet sipas kalendarit te festimeve, eshte ai kushtuar 100-vjetorit te pavaresise. Monumenti do te vendoset ne 28 nëntor ne parkun Rinia, ku ka nisur dhe puna.
With the launch of the 100-month anniversary of independence, some of the key areas of the capital have become mini construction sites. This is due to the torso and is expected to be inaugurated monuments dedicated to exactly this 100th anniversary of which have begun to realize a long time ago. Thus, according to current official calendar of activities of the 100th anniversary of independence, the first to be placed, on November 21 is the former U.S. President Wilson in the area known as the Wilson Square. Then, although the remains of King Ahmet Zog expected to come in Tirana on 17 November, the monument dedicated to him will only inaugurated on November 24 at the top of the boulevard First Bird, for which work has already begun. Will be the date of November 26, when the bust of Ismail Kamal, he realized Odhise Pascal years ago in the National Museum, will be located precisely in this area, in support of the Presidency. While last monument to be inaugurated by the calendar of celebrations, he is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of independence. The monument will be placed on the November 28 in Youth Park, where he launched and work.