National Museum of the Union, Alba Iulia
It is one of the finest museum in Romania: two floors and over 100 rooms, over 130000 pieces of priceless works included in its patrimony, prehistoric, romanian and medieval archeology, historical documents, ethnography and folk art, numismatics, libraries, etc.
INT-HERIT Voxpop - Alba Iulia Citadel
The city of Alba Iulia is one of the most important urban centers of Romania, a place of monumental historical significance with monumental gems, such as the Apulum Roman camp, the Transilvania Princely Palace, the Catholic Cathedral, the Orthodox Cathedral, the Batthyaneum Library, the Museikon, the National Union Museums and the Union Hall in which the Romania Nation was declared.
The INT-HERIT network organized a meeting in Alba Iulia with the partner cities involved in the URBACT III Project in order to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of a cultural heritage strategy.
In this video, we can listen to the experiences of Carmen Preja (National Centre for Information and Tourism Promotion), Ciprian Dobra (Principia Museum) and Liviu Stanciu (ULG Member, Communication and PR Manager), talking about the importance of restoration and a marketing plan in order to increase the number of tourists and cash-flow in the city.
Find out more information about our project:
Instantanee nocturne în Cetatea ALBA CAROLINA Fortress – Night Snapshots (Alba Iulia, Romania)
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The Alba Carolina Fortress was built between 1715-1738 by order of Charles VI, emperor of the Habsburg Empire, acting as capital of Transylvania after the Austrian occupation (1711). The fortress (110 hectares, the largest in Romania), built in the Vauban military system, includes the medieval fortress Balgrad and ruins of Roman castrum, Apulum. Our walk, taken at dusk and at night, along the famous Route of Gates' crossing the city, reach several objectives: Gate I, Gate II, Obelisk Horia, Closca and Crisan, Gate III, old bakery, Roman ruins of Apulum castrum, the building Jericho, Custozza Monument, the building with the Union Hall (former casino), the University 1 December 1918 (the former Apor Palace), the Babilon Building – housing the National Museum of Unification, Princely Palace, the equestrian statue of Michael the Brave, the Roman-Catholic Cathedral St. Michael, the Roman Catholic Bishop's Palace, Gate IV, Gate V, Gate VI and the Romanian Orthodox Arhiepiescopate with the Cathedral of Reunification. In the Fortress Square we witnessed a major folk festival.
Cetatea Alba Carolina a fost construită în perioada 1715-1738 la comanda lui Carol al VI-lea, împăratul Imperiului Habsburgic, având rolul de capitală a Transilvaniei după ocuparea acesteia de austrici (în 1711). Cetatea (110 hectare, cea mai mare din România), construită în sistemul militar tip Vauban înglobează vechea fortăreață medievală Bălgrad, precum și ruinele fostului castru roman Apulum. Plimbarea noastră, făcută pe înserat și noaptea, de-a lungul cunoscutului ”Traseu al Porților” care traversează cetatea, atinge mai multe obiective: Poarta I, Poarta II, Obeliscul Horia, Cloșca și Crișan, Poarta III, Manutanța, ruinele castrului roman Apulum, clădirea Ierihon, monumentul Custozza, clădirea cu Sala Unirii (fostul cazino), Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” (fostul palat Apor), Muzeul național al Unirii (fosta clădire Babilon), Palatul Princiar, statuia ecvestră a lui Mihai viteazul, Catedrala Romano-Catolică Sf. Mihail, Palatul Episcopal Romano-Catolic, Poarta IV, Poarta V, Poarta VI și Complecul Arhipiescopiei Orotodoxe Române cu Catedrala Reîntregirii. În Piața Cetății am asistat la un important festival folcloric.
Alba Iulia has the largest citadel in Romania. The citadel itself is also known as the Alba Carolina Fortress. We are blessed enough to be able to see and visit it. It is also very rich in history and the most lively fortress that we've seen so far. We were able to watch the performance of the Changing of the Guard Ceremony and were also entertained by a Medieval Fight and Medieval Dance performances. You will only feel excitement by seeing these performances and not to mention, there are a lot of food vendors and small local shops inside the fortress. The architecture of this citadel is truly amazing. Even the design of the fortress when seen from above is shaped like a STAR. We enjoyed visiting this place and we highly recommend it!
Sites Mentioned
☞ Piața Iuliu Maniu
☞ 1st Gate of the Fortress
☞ 2nd Gate of the Fortress
☞ Horea, Closca & Crisan Obelisk
☞ Parcul Unirii
☞ 3rd Gate of the Fortress
☞ Alba Iulia Citadel
☞ 3 Fortifications Route
☞ Changing of the Guard Ceremony
☞ National Museum of the Union
☞ Statue of Mihai Viteazul
☞ Coronation Cathedral (Orthodox Church)
☞ St. Michael's Cathedral (Catholic Church)
☞ Medieval Fight Performaces
☞ Medieval Dance Performances
☞ 4th Gate of the Fortress
☞ Original Remains
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Romania: Alba Iulia - Monday | 03.19.18
We took a road trip over to Alba Iulia, Transylvania, to the National Museum of the Union.
Pretty neat to see the historic medieval structures! We even went into prison cells, saw the execution areas, and saw some of the artillery used in war.
Romania: Constanța (8/25) Museum of National History & Archaeology 2017-09-02(Sat)1648hrs
Sala Unirii - 1 Decembrie 1918 - The Union Hall (Alba Iulia, Romania)
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The Union Hall in Alba Iulia is the building where, on December 1, 1918, Transylvania's union with the Old Romanian Kingdom was proclaimed, and where the documents of the Union are kept. The place can be compared, through its symbolism, with the United States Capitol. The Union Hall is a national temple, it is the place where modern Romania was born. In this hall, in December 1, 1918, 1,228 Romanian delegates proclamed in unanimity the Union of Transylvania with Romania. Outside the walls of citadel, around 100,000 Romanians from all around Transylvania celebrated the Great Unification. The Union Hall has also hosted the banquets held on the occasion of the Coronation of kings Ferinand I and Maria as sovereigns of the Great Romania, on October 15, 1922. The Union Hall hosts a permanent exhibition dedicated to the 1918 events, the items exhibited being of great value.
Sala Unirii din Alba Iulia este clădirea în care, la 1 Decembrie 1918, a fost proclamată unirea Transilvaniei cu vechiul Regat al României și locul în care sunt păstrate documentele Unirii. Sala poate fi comparată, prin simbolismul său, cu Capitoliul Statelor Unite ale Americii. Sala Unirii este un templu național, este locul în care s-a născut România modernă. În această sală, în 1 Decembrie 1918, 1.228 delegați români au proclamat în unanimitate Unirea Transilvaniei cu România. În afara zidurilor cetătii, în jur de 100.000 de români din toată Transilvania așteptau și apoi au sărbătorit Marea Unire. Sala Unirii a găzduit, de asemenea, banchetele care au avut loc cu ocazia încoronării regilor Ferinand I și Maria ca suverani ai României Mari, la 15 octombrie, 1922. Sala Unirii găzduiește o expoziție permanentă dedicată evenimentelor de la 1 Decembrie 1918.
Romania: Constanța (10/25) Museum of National History & Archaeology 2017-09-02(Sat)1707hrs
Being Bookish in Bucharest, Romania
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Music by Steve Combs - Looking For Something, CC BY
Alba Iulia Martorii Uniri 2009.flv
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire, in honour of whom the Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg. The upper city's fortress, with seven bastions in a stellar shape, was constructed between 1716 and 1735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in south-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignác Batthyány, bishop of Transylvania, adapted the inside of the establishment for its present use as a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century), the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded here in 1792.
Concerte si focuri de artificii la Alba Iulia, de 1 Decembrie.flv
Concerte si focuri de artificii la Alba Iulia, de 1 Decembrie
he Reunification Cathedral was built between 1921 and 1923, following plans drawn by the architect D.G. Ştefănescu, executed by the engineer T. Eremia. Constantin Petrescu painted the fresco in traditional iconographic style. The first monarchs of unified Romania, King Ferdinand I and Queen Marie, were crowned in the cathedral on 15 October 1922.
The National Museum of Unification in Alba Iulia is located in the Babylon Building. It was originally built for military purposes in 18511853 and transformed into a museum in 1887. The museum exhibits over 130,000 pieces of priceless works, organized chronologically: first a prehistory section, then DacianRoman and feudal sections, followed by the great battles with the Turks, the Revolution of 1848, the Unification of the Principalities in 1859, World War I, the Union of Transylvania with Romania, and so forth. In its two floors with more than a hundred rooms are housed the basic exhibition, the warehouse, the library, and the restoration laboratories. The Unification Hall, also belonging to the National Museum, was opened in 1895 as Military Casino of the Garrison in Alba Iulia; it retains historical significance from its having hosted, on 1 December 1918, the rally of the 1228 Romanian delegates from all Transylvania, who determined the province's union with Romania.
Apor Palace is situated near the Bathyaneum Library. It belonged to the Prince Apor, and was built in the second half of the 17th century. At the beginning of the 18th century it was the residence of the Austrian army leader Prince Steinville. The palace was renovated in 2007.
The Princely Palace (Palatul Principilor) was Michael the Brave's residence during the first political unification of the Romanians in 1600. Foreign chronicles pictured it as an extremely luxurious building, richly adorned with frescos and marble stairs; however, it was destroyed in Ottoman and Tatar invasions. During the rule of princes Gábor Bethlen and George II Rákóczi the second palace was restored, but not to its previous condition. From 1700 the building was used as a barracks.
Festivalul roman Apulum în Cetatea Alba Carolina (2) 04_05_2019
Cea de-a VII-a ediție a Festivalului Roman Apulum, denumită „Revolta”
Ediţia din acest an, denumită în mod simbolic Revolta, se bucură de participarea unor trupe din Bulgaria, Croaţia, Italia, Rusia, Spania şi, bineînţeles, România.
Festivalul Roman Apulum, cea mai mare manifestare de reenactment antic din România, la care sunt prezente trupe din şase ţări, a debutat sâmbătă prin ceremonia ''Inauguratio'', urmată de parada ''războinicilor daci şi romani'' şi de deschiderea taberelor şi a atelierelor meşteşugăreşti.
Reenactment este un cuvânt din Limba engleză ce înseamnă recreerea unui eveniment istoric sau a unei perioade, cât mai fidel cu putință. Este o metodă modernă prin care poate fi reconstituită o luptă anume, modul de viață dintr-o anumită perioadă, cum trăiau romanii la Apulum, spre exemplu. Anticul Apulum (n.a.denumirea latină a orașului Alba Iulia, provenit din numele dacic al așezării Apoulon) este readus la viață de trupele de reenactment ale Muzeului Național al Unirii: Legiunea XIII Gemina, Lupii Apoulonului, Ludus Apulensis și Magna Namesis.
Reenacting-ul se bucură de succes, datorită pasiunii reenactorilor pentru reconstituirea și retrăirea unor bătălii de acum sute și chiar mii de ani, atenției cu care sunt reconstituite costumele, uniformele sau stilul de viață caracteristic unei epoci. Spectacolele de reenacting sunt și un bun prilej de a-i educa pe participanți, prin prezentarea istoriei într-un mod cât mai realist și, în același timp, atractiv.
The 7th edition of the Apulum Roman Festival, called The Revolt
This year's edition, symbolically called Revolt, enjoys the participation of troupes from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Russia, Spain and, of course, Romania.
The Roman Apulum Festival, the largest manifestation of ancient reenactment in Romania, with troops from six countries, began on Saturday with the Inauguratio ceremony, followed by the parade of the Dacian and Roman Warriors and the opening of the camps of craft workshops.
Reenactment is a word in English that means recreating a historic event or a period as faithful as possible. It is a modern method by which a particular struggle can be reconstructed, the way of life at a certain time, as the Romans lived at Apulum, for example. The ancient Apulum (the Latin name of Alba Iulia, from the Dacian name of the Apoulon settlement) is brought back to life by the reenactment troops of the National Museum of the Union: Legion XIII Gemina, Apollo Wolves, Ludus Apulensis and Magna Namesis.
Reenacting has been successful, thanks to the Reactor's passion for the reconstruction and resurgence of battles of hundreds and even thousands of years ago, the attention to which the costumes, uniforms or lifestyle of an era are being reconstituted. Reenacting shows are also a good opportunity to educate participants by presenting history in a realistic and at the same time attractive way.
Arhaeological Museum - Varna
The movie Arhaeological Museum - Varna is produced by Travel TV at the request of Municipality of Varna.
Romania: Constanța (7/25) Museum of National History & Archaeology 2017-09-02(Sat)1644hrs
Catedrala Încoronării din ALBA IULIA - Coronation Cathedral (Transylvania, Romania)
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The Coronation Cathedral is in the western part of the Alba Carolina Fortress from Alba Iulia (Transylvania, Romania), near the Tricolor Square, close to Roman Plateau, where in 1918 100,000 Roumains cheered the unification of Transylvania with Romania. The Coronation Cathedral is known as the People's Reunification Cathedral and the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Alba Iulia. The cathedral was built in record time (9 months) in the years 1921 to 1922, being intended for a specific purpose: the coronation of kings Ferdinand I and Mary, the Sovereigns of new reunited Romania after World War I. The coronation took place on October 15, 1922. Ferdinand I, being Catholic, the coronation ceremony did not take place in the church, but in the yard. After the service in the cathedral, King Ferdinand has placed himself on the head the Steel Crown. A week before, it held the consecration of the church, receiving the patron Holy Archangels Michael (in honor of the first unifier of the Romanians, Michael the Brave, 1600) and Gabriel. The church is Byzantine shaped by Greek cross. The construction of the cathedral is inspired by ancient Romanian medieval architecture. The nave is dominated by the central dome supported by four octagonal pillars covered with marble. The mural painting in the traditional Byzantine style, was done in fresco technique by Costin Petrescu and his disciples. On both sides of the entrance, instead of the votive painting, appear the portraits of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria, the sovereigns of the Great Romania. During the communist regime, these historic paintings were covered with dye. The iconostasis, furniture and pews are made of oak with ornaments inspired from Romanian Brancovan art. The church is surrounded by a rectangular enclosure, with two large pavilions on the east and west. In the pavilions on the eastern side of the cathedral are the Orthodox Archdiocese, the museum and the library. In addition to the symbol of national reunification, the cathedral is also the symbol of spiritual reunification of the Romanians. After the banning of Romanian Church United with Rome, a ceremony was held here dedicated to the Romanian Orthodox Church reunification. Then, on December 1, 1948, many Greek Catholic priests have taken the oath of allegiance to the Orthodox Patriarch of Romania.
Catedrala Încoronării se află în partea de vest a Cetății Alba Carolina din Alba Iulia, în apropiere de Piața Tricolorului, aproape de Platoul Roman, unde, în 1918, 100.000 de români au aclamat unirea Transilvaniei cu România. Catedrala Încoronării mai este cunoscută sub numele de Catedrala Reîntregirii Neamului și catedrală a Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Române de Alba Iulia. Catedrala a fost construită în timp record (9 luni), în anii 1921 1922, fiind destinată unui scop precis: încoronarea regilor Ferdinand I și Maria, suveranii nou reunitei Românii după primul război mondial. Încoronarea a avut loc la 15 octombrie, 1922. Ferdinand I, fiind catolic, ceremonia de incoronare nu a avut loc în biserică, ci în curtea catedralei. Dupa slujba din catedrala, regele Ferdinand și-a pus singur pe cap Coroana de Oțel. Cu o săptămână înainte avusese loc sfințirea bisericii, primind hramul Sfinții Arhangheli Mihail (în onoarea primului unificator al românilor, Mihai Viteazul, 1600) și Gabriel. Biserica este în formă de cruce greacă bizantină. Construcția catedralei este inspirată de vechea arhitectură medievală românească. Naosul este dominat de cupola centrală sprijinită de patru coloane octogonale acoperite cu marmură. Pictura murală în stil bizantin tradițional, a fost realizată în tehnica frescă de Costin Petrescu și ucenicii săi. Pe ambele laturi ale intrării, în loc de tabloul votiv, apar portretele Regelui Ferdinand I și a Regina Maria, suveranii României Mari. În timpul regimului comunist, aceste picturi istorice au fost acoperite cu vopsea. Iconostasul, mobila si Stranele sunt realizate din lemn de stejar, cu ornamente inspirate din arta brâncovenească. Biserica este înconjurată de o incintă de formă dreptunghiulară, cu câte două pavilioane mari la est și vest. În pavilioane de pe latura de est sunt Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă, muzeul și biblioteca. În plus față de simbolul reunificării naționale, catedrala este, de asemenea, simbolul reunificării spirituale a românilor. După interzicerea Bisericii Române Unite cu Roma, a avut loc aici o cermemonie dedicată reunificării Bisericii Ortodoxe Române: la 1 decembrie 1948, mai mulți preoți greco-catolici au depus jurământ de credință către Patriarhul ortodox al României.
Festivalul roman Apulum în Cetatea Alba Carolina (1) 04_05_2019
Cea de-a VII-a ediție a Festivalului Roman Apulum, denumită „Revolta”
Reenactment este un cuvânt din Limba engleză ce înseamnă recreerea unui eveniment istoric sau a unei perioade, cât mai fidel cu putință. Este o metodă modernă prin care poate fi reconstituită o luptă anume, modul de viață dintr-o anumită perioadă, cum trăiau romanii la Apulum, spre exemplu. Anticul Apulum (n.a.denumirea latină a orașului Alba Iulia, provenit din numele dacic al așezării Apoulon) este readus la viață de trupele de reenactment ale Muzeului Național al Unirii: Legiunea XIII Gemina, Lupii Apoulonului, Ludus Apulensis și Magna Namesis.
Reenacting-ul se bucură de succes, datorită pasiunii reenactorilor pentru reconstituirea și retrăirea unor bătălii de acum sute și chiar mii de ani, atenției cu care sunt reconstituite costumele, uniformele sau stilul de viață caracteristic unei epoci. Spectacolele de reenacting sunt și un bun prilej de a-i educa pe participanți, prin prezentarea istoriei într-un mod cât mai realist și, în același timp, atractiv.
Spectacolele puse în scenă la Festivalul roman Apulum au scopul de a aduce în faţa publicului realitatea vieţii de acum două mii de ani, din vremea lui Decebal şi Traian.
Ediţia din acest an, denumită în mod simbolic Revolta, se bucură de participarea unor trupe din Bulgaria, Croaţia, Italia, Rusia, Spania şi, bineînţeles, România.
The 7th edition of the Apulum Roman Festival, called The Revolt
Reenactment is a word in English that means recreating a historic event or a period as faithful as possible. It is a modern method by which a particular struggle can be reconstructed, the way of life at a certain time, as the Romans lived at Apulum, for example. The ancient Apulum (the Latin name of Alba Iulia, from the Dacian name of the Apoulon settlement) is brought back to life by the reenactment troops of the National Museum of the Union: Legion XIII Gemina, Apollo Wolves, Ludus Apulensis and Magna Namesis.
Reenacting has been successful, thanks to the Reactor's passion for the reconstruction and resurgence of battles of hundreds and even thousands of years ago, the attention to which the costumes, uniforms or lifestyle of an era are being reconstituted. Reenacting shows are also a good opportunity to educate participants by presenting history in a realistic and at the same time attractive way.
The performances staged at the Apulum Roman Festival aim to bring to the public the reality of life two thousand years ago, from the time of Decebal and Trajan.
This year's edition, symbolically called Revolt, enjoys the participation of troupes from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Russia, Spain and, of course, Romania.
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg in honor of Charles. The upper city's fortress with seven bastions, in a stelar shape, was constructed between 17161735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in South-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University Of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located in here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignatiu Bathyany, bishop of Transylvania, transform the inside of the establishment to fit for the present use, that of a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century) the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded there in 1792.Das Gebiet des heutigen Alba Iulia gehörte bis 107 n. Chr. zu Dakien, als dieses für 160 Jahre zur römischen Provinz wurde. Die römische Verwaltung errichtete das 'Castrum Apulum'. Während der römischen Periode erhielt die Siedlung den Namen Apulum und entwickelte sich zur Verwaltungszentrale der römischen Provinz Dakien.
Im Jahr 953 ließ sich der ungarische Stammesführer Zsombor auf den Namen Gyula (Julius) taufen. Der ungarische Name Gyulafehérvár leitet sich von ihm ab. Die kirchliche Organisation Siebenbürgens wurde im Jahr 1009 vollendet, als der Bischof von Ostia vom Papst beauftragt wurde, die Grenzen des Erzbistums Weißenburg (Gyulafehérvár) festzulegen. Der erste Bischof von Weißenburg war Buldus (1009-1046), gefolgt von Franco.
Im 12. Jahrhundert bekam die Stadt Weißenburg Privilegien von der ungarischen Krone. 1241 wurde die Stadt durch einen Tatareneinfall verwüstet. Für den Wiederaufbau schenkte Ladislaus IV., König von Ungarn, dem Domkapitel von Weißenburg das Salzbergwerk von Thorda (Thorenburg)
Nach der Besetzung von Buda durch Süleyman I. war die Stadt von 1451 bis 1690 Hauptstadt des östlichen Teils des Königreichs Ungarn.
Im deutschen Sprachgerauch hieß Karlsburg bis zu dem Ausbau der Festung unter dem Habsburger Karl VI. (Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation) Weißenburg.
Der Anschluss Siebenbürgens an Rumänien wurde am 1. Dezember 1918 in Alba Iulia proklamiert und durch den Friedensvertrag von Trianon bestätigt.
Im Jahr 1922 wurden Ferdinand I. und Maria von Rumänien in Alba Iulia als König und Königin des neuen Großrumänien gekrönt. Die orthodoxe Kathedrale wurde zu diesem Anlass erbaut.
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg in honor of Charles. The upper city's fortress with seven bastions, in a stelar shape, was constructed between 17161735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in South-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University Of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located in here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignatiu Bathyany, bishop of Transylvania, transform the inside of the establishment to fit for the present use, that of a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century) the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded there in 1792.Das Gebiet des heutigen Alba Iulia gehörte bis 107 n. Chr. zu Dakien, als dieses für 160 Jahre zur römischen Provinz wurde. Die römische Verwaltung errichtete das 'Castrum Apulum'. Während der römischen Periode erhielt die Siedlung den Namen Apulum und entwickelte sich zur Verwaltungszentrale der römischen Provinz Dakien.
Im Jahr 953 ließ sich der ungarische Stammesführer Zsombor auf den Namen Gyula (Julius) taufen. Der ungarische Name Gyulafehérvár leitet sich von ihm ab. Die kirchliche Organisation Siebenbürgens wurde im Jahr 1009 vollendet, als der Bischof von Ostia vom Papst beauftragt wurde, die Grenzen des Erzbistums Weißenburg (Gyulafehérvár) festzulegen. Der erste Bischof von Weißenburg war Buldus (1009-1046), gefolgt von Franco.
Im 12. Jahrhundert bekam die Stadt Weißenburg Privilegien von der ungarischen Krone. 1241 wurde die Stadt durch einen Tatareneinfall verwüstet. Für den Wiederaufbau schenkte Ladislaus IV., König von Ungarn, dem Domkapitel von Weißenburg das Salzbergwerk von Thorda (Thorenburg)
Nach der Besetzung von Buda durch Süleyman I. war die Stadt von 1451 bis 1690 Hauptstadt des östlichen Teils des Königreichs Ungarn.
Im deutschen Sprachgerauch hieß Karlsburg bis zu dem Ausbau der Festung unter dem Habsburger Karl VI. (Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation) Weißenburg.
Der Anschluss Siebenbürgens an Rumänien wurde am 1. Dezember 1918 in Alba Iulia proklamiert und durch den Friedensvertrag von Trianon bestätigt.
Im Jahr 1922 wurden Ferdinand I. und Maria von Rumänien in Alba Iulia als König und Königin des neuen Großrumänien gekrönt. Die orthodoxe Kathedrale wurde zu diesem Anlass erbaut.
Bulgaria: Retro Museum, Varna
In Varna you can find an impressive collection of classic cars from the Soviet Union.