Romania Baile Herculane Domogled National Park
Vom Ausgangspunkt Hotel Sara's sons in Herkulesbad, in Rumänien, machten wir wunderschöne Ausflüge ins Cernatal, zur Donau und nach Baia de Arame und Ponoarele.
BAILE HERCULANE. Domogled National Park, Thermal baths & The Thief Cave, Time Lapse 2018
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In this video, you can see the old Baile Herculane spa resort and the main attractions of the area, such as: the Central park with the Sequoia gigantea tree, Hercules square, Cerna valey with natural pools made by people for treatment, hotel Roman area, the thief cave( Grota Haiducilor), Eye Spring, Iron Bridge, Domogled Mountains, the old Roman sulfuric baths, Hercules statue, casino, Domogled National Park and downtown.
Baile Herculane is the oldest spa resort in Romania and today the resort looks like this. However, there are many sulfurous, thermal-mineral and chlor-sodium thermal springs, indicated for both external cure and internal cure treatments.
Although it is at an altitude of 168 m, in Băile Herculane air is ionized as 1500-2000 meters, due to the 20 thermomineral springs, but mostly because of the beech forests, black pine and fern vegetation in the area.
Foto & slide editing: BKD (Beka, Dan)
made in november 2018 with GO Pro Hero Black 7- TimeLapse mode wide
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Herculane Climbing Haven, Domogled National Park, Romania
One of the most beautiful climbing areas in Romania ????????, Domogled National Park, just outside Herculane, La Carieră crag. What a great day we had! One day before the start of Herculane Climbing Open.
Băile Herculane, Romania - Spa with tradition
Legend has it that the weary Hercules stopped in the valley to bathe and rest. During the 165 years of Roman domination of Dacia, the Herculaneum Spa was known all over the Empire.
BAILE HERCULANE, Cerna Valey, Romania, nov. 2018. Return to the Present, GO PRO HERO 7 black
#baileherculane #travelromania #traveldiary
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In this video, you can see a photo slide with the old Baile Herculane spa resort and the main attractions of the area, such as: the Central park with the Sequoia gigantea tree, Hercules square, Cerna valey with natural pools made by people for treatment, hotel Roman area,
the thief cave( Grota Haiducilor), Eye Spring, Iron Bridge, Domogled Mountains, the old Roman sulfuric baths, Hercules statue, casino, Domogled National Park and downtown.
Baile Herculane is the oldest spa resort in Romania and today the resort looks like this. However, there are many sulfurous, thermal-mineral and chlor-sodium thermal springs, indicated for both external cure and internal cure treatments.
Although it is at an altitude of 168 m, in Băile Herculane air is ionized as 1500-2000 meters, due to the 20 thermomineral springs, but mostly because of the beech forests, black pine and fern vegetation in the area.
Foto & slide editing: BKD (Beka, Dan)
made in november 2018 with GO Pro Hero Black 7
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Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park
720p HD
Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park. Parcul National Domogled Valea Cernei.
Baile Herculane. Romania.
7 September 2012
Beautiful Romania - Domogled Natural Park
On the road from Uricani towards Cerna - unsuccessful crossing due to snow (video uploaded from my HTC mobile phone) * * * April 25th 2010
Prisaca Lake by Drone | Domogled - Cerna Valley National Park | Romania | 4K
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Lake Prisaca (Romanian: Lacul Prisaca) is an elongated lake in the Cerna River in Caraș-Severin County, southwestern Romania. It is located about 6 kilometres north of Băile Herculane and northeast of Mehadia.
The Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park (Romanian: Parcul Naţional Domogled-Valea Cernei) is a protected area (national park category II IUCN)
The National Park stretches across over Cerna Mountains and Godeanu Mountains on the right side, and over Vâlcan Mountains and Medinţi Mountains on left (in Retezat-Godeanu Mountains group, subgroup of mountains in the Southern Carpathians), in the Cerna River basin.
Filmed with Dji Mavic Air drone.
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Film de prezentare
BAILE HERCULANE Prezentarea Centrului de vizitare a Parcului National Domogled Valea Cernei
Baile Herculane Prezentarea Centrului de vizitare a Parcului National Domogled Valea Cernei
(C)2017 Toate drepturile rezervate. All rights reserved.TUNEA SORIN
BAILE HERCULANE - Film de prezentare
,Stațiunea Băile Herculane este situată în partea de sud-est a judetului Caras-Severin, integrată în Parcul Național Valea Cernei-Domogled, la 5 km de drumul national DN 6/E70 Drobeta Turnu Severin --Timișoara si calea ferata internationala Viena-Budapesta-Timișoara-Orsova-București.
Străjuită de o parte și de alta de Munții Mehedinti si Muntii Cernei, LOCALITATEA se întinde pe ambele maluri ale râului Cerna, fiind considerată cea mai veche stațiune balneoclimaterică din țară si una dintre cele mai vechi așezăminte balneare din lume.
La Băile Herculane fiecare piatră, fiecare zid sau fiecare vârf de munte ascunde o poveste, o istorie care așteaptă să fie cunoscută de călătorul dornic să trăiască cu sufletul, să asculte curgerea eternă a Cernei, să respire aerul curat de munte, să simtă mirosul de cetină a Pinului negru de Banat și beneficiile apelor miraculoase ce tâșnesc din străfundurile pământului de mii de ani, aducând sănătate celor ce se scaldă în ele.
BAIE TERMALA SULFUROASA pe Cerna Valey, BAILE HERCULANE nov. 2018, DJI Mavic Pro, GoPro Hero 7 Black
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Baile Herculane is the oldest spa resort in Romania and today the resort looks like this. However, there are many sulfurous, thermal-mineral and chlor-sodium thermal springs, indicated for both external cure and internal cure treatments.
Although it is at an altitude of 168 m, in Băile Herculane air is ionized as 1500-2000 meters, due to the 20 thermomineral springs, but mostly because of the beech forests, black pine and fern vegetation in the area.
In this movie you can see a natural pool in the middle of the Cerna River, rustic place with sulfurous water, 50 degrees from a hot termal spring, made by local people for treatment.
The movie was made with Go Pro Hero black 7 & DJI Mavic Pro
Octomber 2018
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Baie si tratament la cadite la Baile Herculane in Caras-Severin
În timp ce prin staţiune cam bate vântul şi abia dacă vezi picior de turist în această perioadă a anului, la numai 5 kilometri de Băile Herculane, nici nu se simte că
suntem în plin extra sezon.
Chiar dacă termometrele abia urca puţin peste 0 grade Celsius, bazinele cu apă sulfuroasă de pe malul râului Cerna sunt pline de amatori ai tratamentelor balneare în aer liber.
Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park ( Lacul lui Iovan )
Domogled, rezervatia care leaga si se intinde pe trei mari judete: Caras-Severin, Mehedinti si Gorj.
Marginit de Masivul Godeanu si Muntii Cernei la vest si de Muntii Valcanului la est, Parcul National Valea Cernei – Domogled acopera o suprafata ce depaseste 60.000 de hectare, fiind cel mai mare parc national din Romania, din cele 13 pe care le detine. Mai mult, parcul national acopera intregul bazin hidrografic al raului Cerna; poate de aceea este cunoscut mai mult sub numele de Valea Cernei.
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Mrs. Zazzara by Loxbeats
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Foc la Herculane in Domogled aprilie 2018
Incendiul a izbucnit vineri după-amiază, fiind anunţat la numărul de urgenţe 112 de către un turist care a observat fumul care ieşea din pădure. Citeste tu mai departe aici:
Cerna Valley (by ArtTour ROMANIA)
The Domogled - Valea Cernei National Park is a protected area situated on the administrativ territory of counties Caras-Severin, Gorj and Mehedinti.
Herculane is one of the oldest resorts in Romania and worldwide. Legend has it that Hercules himself bathed in the natural springs that still flow today in Herculane.
Rudăria valley hosts the largest complex of watermills in southern Europe, included in the UNESCO World Heritage.
The Danube Cauldrons and the Iron Gates National Park, the largest in Romania, represent a unique natural reserve that also hosts Europe's largest rock sculpture representing the Dacian king Decebal.
Orșova is a port city on the Danube river in southwestern Romania's Mehedinți County, in the area where river Cerna meets the Danube .
Cascada Vanturatoarea Baile Herculane
Nu o fi cea mai frumoasă din lume, după cum The World Geography a considerat-o pe Bigăr, nu este nici cea mai înaltă, Cascada Cailor întrecând-o, însă este, fără îndoială, cea mai spectaculoasă și cascada cu cea mai mare cădere liberă de apă din România - circa 40 m. Vânturătoarea poate fi găsită, cu puțin efort, în cel mai mare parc național din țară: Domogled-Cerna.
Pensiunea President Baile Herculane Romania tel:004 0745 609 554
Pensiunea President se afla situata in centrul statiunii Baile Herculane, zona UGSR, retrasa pe malul raului Cerna.
Pentru deplinul confort al turistilor, Vila President a fost conceputa cu spatii generoase, luminate natural, aerisite si racoroase, pentru ca Dumneavoastra sa va bucurati pe deplin de aerul curat de munte, linistea oferita de zonele montane in susurul raului Cerna.
Cazarea se face in camere dotate cu pat matrimonial KING SIZE, in care incap lejer o familie cu 1-2 copii si sunt prevazute cu sistem de climatizare centralizat, care pastreaza tot timpul anului o temperatura constanta de 19-23 grade celsius. Deasemenea ptr. confortul dvs. dispunem si de camere cu pat matrimonial si canapea extensibila , ptr. familii de 2-3-4 persoane.
Camerele fiind prevazute cu sistem centralizat de climatizare si pentru mentinerea proaspata a aerului din interior, fumatul in camere nu este permis, se poate fuma pe terasa din fata fiecarei camere, fara ca fumul de tigara sa deranjeze nefumatorii.
Facilitati camere:
Camerele au fiecare baie proprie cu chiuvete, dus, WC si sunt dotate cu mobilier modern, TV, frigider, conexiune la internet (wireless) si fiecare camera are iesire pe terasa dotata cu scaune, mese si umbrelute.
The tourist circuit of the Herculane Baths resort
Live footage from Baths of Hercules, all the way from train station to Seven Springs Bath Băile Herculane (Latin: Aqua Herculis; Romanian: Băile Herculane; German: Herkulesbad; Hungarian: Herkulesfürdő; Czech: Herkulovy Lázně, Turkish: Lazarethane) with sightseeing points: Railway station (00:00) - The new center (00:30) - View from Afrodita hotel (00:48) - View from Diana hotel (00:54) - Road between new and old resort center (01:24) - The Countess spring (01:30) - Cerna river (01:35) - Fire department (01:48) - Cerna river (01:52) - Neptune Fountain II (01:58) - Venera baths (02:03) - Cerna river (02:22) - The spring still water (02:25) - Cerna hotel (02:29) - Baths complex (02:35) - Central park (02:50) - The Herculane Spa (02:52) - Cerna river (03:15) - Postal office (03:20) - Old center (03:27) - Hercules Market (03:32) - The most impressive building in the market (03:51) - The Roman-Catholic church (03:56) - The statue of Hercules, the Herculane Baths symbol (04:16) - Road to Seven Springs (04:20) - Roman hotel (04:49) - Seven Springs Baths (05:44).
Băile Herculane is a resort in Romanian Banat (south-west of Romania), in Caraș-Severin County, situated in the valley of the Cerna River, between the Mehedinți Mountains to the east and the Cerna Mountains to the west, at an altitude of 168 meters, only 25 km from the border with Serbia and is part of Cerna Valley National Park Domogled.
#TheTouristCircuitOfTheHerculaneBathsResort #BathsOfHercules #SevenSprings #BaileHerculane #HerculaneBaths #BathsComplex #HerculaneLiveFootage #HercuaneTouristCircuit #HerculesMarket #CernaRiver #CernaValley #NationalParkDomogled #ruins #Roman