Melania URSU 50-year career in theater, Cluj-Napoca Romania
Cunoscuta actriţă a Teatrului Naţional din Cluj, Melania Ursu, va primi în luna aprilie premiul pentru întreaga activitate din partea Uniunii Teatrale din România (UNITER). Melania Ursu: Premiul UNITER este o confirmare a valorii.
Melanie URSU 50-year career in theater, Cluj-Napoca
Known actress of the National Theatre in Cluj, Melanie Ursu, in April will receive lifetime achievement award from the Theater Union of Romania (UNITER). Congratulations Melania.
ARAD [ROMANIA] - Bike Travel
Arad is the capital city of Arad County, historically situated in the region of Crişana, and having recently extended on the left bank of the Mureș river, in Banat region of western Romania. The city has a population of 159,704, making it the 12th largest city in Romania. Arad is the third largest city in the western part of the country, behind Timișoara and Oradea.
The main tourist attractions from this video:
# Administrative Palace [00:15 - 00:22]
# Ioan Slavici Theatre [00:23 - 00:27]
# Church of St. Anthony of Padua [00:27 - 00:30]
# Centre [00:46 - 00:53 / 01:12 - 01:15 / 01:49 - 01:53 / 02:08 - 02:16 / 02:46 - 02:50]
# Reconciliation Park [00:57 - 01:00 / 01:23 - 01:46]
# Orthodox Cathedral [01:46 - 01:49]
# Children's Park [01:53 - 01:57]
# Mihai Eminescu Park [02:01 - 02:08 / 03:01 - 03:08]
# The Red Church [02:16 - 02:23]
Song: Tobu & Marcus Mouya - Running Away [NCS Release]
Outro Song: Main Reaktor - Recession [NCS Release]
Light Show Bukarest - Romania Cercul Militar National 3D Fassade Lighteffect
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Light Show Bukarest Cercul Militar National (Odeon Theatre) 3D Fassade Lighteffect on the 24.04.2015 - International lights Festival
Best of my Erasmus year in Romania (2016/2017) at University of Medicine & Surgery. It was an amazing experience that we’ll never forget. Places visited: Transilvania (Brasov, Tampa Mount, Bran, Dracula’s Castle, Rasnov), Bucharest (Old Town City, Romanian Atheneum, National Theatre, Caru Cu Bere, Bucharest Termal Baths, Herastrau Park, Republic Square), Galati, Danube river, University Dunarea de Jos.
Watch it in full HD.
Filming equipment: Gopro Hero 4 Silver + Feiyu Tech G4s; Canon Eos 600D, Lens: 15-85 mm; 50mm 1.8. Iphone 6. Tripod Benro + Manfrotto Head. Editing software: Pinnacle studio 19, Gopro Studio, proDad Mercalli v4 sal.
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Promo Sibiu International Theatre Festival 13 2
Sibiu International Theatre Festival
19 years ago, an initiative group led by Constantin Chiriac, actor of the Radu Stanca Theatre of Sibiu, decided to restore the lost glory of the city by organizing a theatre festival.
In his action, he was supported by personalities of the Romanian culture (Nicolae Manolescu, Marina Constantinescu, Cristina Dumitrescu), by theatre personalities from Romania (Silviu Purcărete, Tompa Gábor, Victor Ioan Frunză ) and from abroad (Prof. Kenneth Campbell -- Artistic Director at The „Blue Ridge Theatre Festival, professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, Prof. Noel Witts -- Director of Studies, De Montfort University, Leicester, G.B., and others). The first edition -- 1993 -- did not benefit from sufficient funds for the guests' food and accommodation in hotels from Sibiu. It was March and there were snow drifts. For many who had never seen snow but in movies, Romania seemed a fascinating country. The guests carried garlic in their pockets, to protect themselves from vampires. However, the great performances of the Romanian theatre and of the theatres invited from abroad gave the Festival the quality of a remarkable event in the international cultural landscape.
After 1989 (the end of the Communist Regime), theatre was financially censored, most often ignored by a centralist critique, avoided by chroniclers whose publications had no money for travelling -- it seemed that the provincial theatre was forever condemned to provincialism. However, Sibiu did not disappear from the theatrical map, but, on the contrary, it became more present and well known in Europe.
Thus, in the spring of 1994, the ambitious Young Professional Theatre Festival began in the first theatre hall from Central Europe, built 400 years ago. Because of its ambiguity, the title did not please the organizers anymore. The second edition of the Festival was structured in four sections. The public's reaction -- mostly young people -- showed how much Sibiu and Romania needed high quality theatre. The most important performances of theatres across the country could be seen due to Sibiu Young Professional Theatre Festival. All the performances of the first Sibiu Festival were free, no tickets were sold. It was a wonderful opportunity for the residents of Sibiu, especially students, to spend indefinite time in the theatre. Large groups of people flocked at the hall entrance, where the surprised gatekeepers tried to let the official guests and participants first, before the battle for the remaining seats started.
The Festival has achieved continuity: now, it is well known from America to Japan, and it has become an institution with a very well defined personality and culture. If in 1993 representatives from only two countries (the Republic of Moldavia and Romania) participated, in 1994 -- the year when the first edition of the Festival was officially declared, the number of the participating countries increased to 8, and the next two editions were attended by guests from 21 and 24 countries, respectively. In 2000, on the occasion of the seventh edition, a record number of participating countries was registered, representatives from 54 countries coming to the Festival. In 2005, the 12th edition was attended by 2000 participants from 68 countries around the world, who prepared the cultural agenda for the Sibiu European Capital of Culture Programme - 2007. The year 2007 marks an exceptional edition of the Festival: in recognition of this event's contribution to the title of ECC, together with Luxembourg and the Greater Region, this special edition brought together more than 2,500 guests from 70 countries.
The years of 2008-2012 marks the maturity of Sibiu International Theatre Festival as a meeting place for excellence in the performing arts. Together with the development of the online ticketing system, the productions shown in Sibiu have all the tickets sold in advance. For the first time in history a Romanian festival introduces a heritage section which values the most important Romanian productions. The festival continues the plan to develop a performing arts market and creative dialog by supporting the independent theatre, the meeting of theatrical schools and high schools and the emphasize of Sibiu Performing Arts Market. In addition, the festival became the host for one of the most important book market from Romania, Sibiu BookFest, and the initiator of the Visual Arts Platform supported by Dan Perjovschi.
Istoria teatrului în afişe
Expoziţie inedită organizata la Teatrul Alexandru Davila din Pitesti. Vizitatorii au şansa să descopere pagini importante din istoria acestei instituţii. Totul - graţie afişelor expuse, unele vechi de zeci de ani, de la cele mai multe dintre piesele puse în scenă de-a lungul timpului.
CALEA VICTORIEI - Povestea unei strazi
This year, between 12 to 15 of April, we were part of Spotlight Festival, for the third consecutive time, with the work titled CALEA VICTORIEI - The Story of a Street, a real multimedia show.
This show presented the history of one of the oldest arteries of Bucharest, and it was projected on the oldest university libraries in Bucharest, but also around the equestrian statue of Carol I.
CALEA VICTORIEI - The Story of a Street presents the most important moments, personalities and buildings that have a past related with this place, from the Romanian Athenaeum to Coana Miţa Biciclista, from the Palatul Telefoanelor, the National Military Circle and the CEC Palace to Carol I, George Enescu and Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
Anul acesta, în perioada 12-15 aprilie, am fost prezenți în cadrul Spotlight Festival, pentru a treia oară consecutiv, cu lucrarea intitulată “CALEA VICTORIEI - Povestea unei străzi”, un adevărat show multimedia.
Această lucrare a prezentat istoria uneia dintre cele mai vechi artere a Bucureștiului, și a fost transpusă pe fațada cele mai vechi biblioteci universitare din București, cât și în jurul statuii ecvestre a lui Carol I.
CALEA VICTORIEI - Povestea unei străzi prezintă cele mai importante momente, personalități și clădiri care au un trecut legat de acest loc, de la Ateneul Român la Coana Mița Biciclista, de la Palatul Telefoanelor, Cercul Militar Național și Palatul CEC la Carol I, George Enescu și Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
Teatrul National Bucuresti I L Caragiale Romania Proiectie Istorie 1852 2015
Bucharest National Theatre I. L. Caragiale Romania Projection History 1852-2015
Festivalul International de Teatru Nou, Arad 2013
Underground Theatre Festival Arad Romania: 1st part
Best of the 7th edition 2009
film by Sandor Szilard and Palfi Kinga
production: Casa de Cultura a Municipiului Arad / Primaria Arad
Teatrul Clasic „Ioan Slavici” / The „Ioan Slavici” Theatre / „Ioan Slavici” Klasszikus Színház
Teatrul Clasic „Ioan Slavici” este situat la intrarea principală în axul Bulevardului Revoluţiei. Aici au loc, pe lângă stagiunile trupei de teatru, evenimente cultural-artistice.
„Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre is located at the main entrance of Revolution Avenue. Here are being held, besides the theatrical seasons of the local theatre, many cultural and artistic events.
A „Ioan Slavici” Klasszikus Színház épülete a Revoluţiei (Forradalom) sgt. tengelyének kapujában található, ebben a társulat évadjai mellett számtalan kulturális-művészeti rendezvényt szerveznek.
Drumul Crucii refacut in Joia Mare la Brasov
Reenactment of The Way of the Cross on the streets of Brasov, Romania (Street theatre).
Scene biblice pe strazile Brasovului, in Joia Mare. Trupa Drumul Crucii a refacut martiriul Mantuitorului, de la judecata pina la rastignire, in premiera in orasul de la poalele Timpei. 70 de actori amatori voluntari din orase din Vestul tarii au interpretat realistic personajele istorice Iisus Hristos, soldatii romani, Pilat din Pont, Baraba, Maria -- mama lui Iisus si mironositele.
Judecata lui Isus a fost pusa in scena in fata Teatrului Dramatic Sica Alexandrescu. Drumul Golgotei a fost parcurs pina in Piata Sfatului, unde s-a produs si rastignirea Mantuitorului. Sute de brasoveni, turisti romani si straini au insotit procesiunea si au asistat la dramatizare.
Inainte de Brasov, Drumul Crucii a mai fost refacut si in Oradea, Arad, Deva si Hunedoara iar in Vinerea Mare va fi dramatizat la Bucuresti.
Acest eveniment a luat nastere in 2004 la initiativa ceramistului Daniel Les din Baia Sprie care il si interpreteaza pe Isus. Dupa sapte editii desfasurate local in Baia Mare, dramatizarea stradala s-a extins la nivel national. Anul trecut, Drumul Crucii a fost refacut in mai multe orase din Romania. La Bucuresti, rolul mamei Mantuitorului a fost interpretat de Maia Morgestern, actrita care a interpretat-o pe Fecioara Maria si in filmul lui Mel Gibson Patimile lui Isus.
Daniel Les spune ca i-a venit ideea dramatizarii Drumului Crucii deoarece a constatat ca sarbatoarea Invierii Mantuitorului a devenit una comerciala si a dorit sa aduca aminte oamenilor care este insemnatatea jertfei lui Iisus Hristos.
Mai multe amanunte despre acest eveniment puteti afla de pe site-ul:
Music credit: Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Sibiu, Romania Theatre Festival
A couple performance from Sibiu, Romania's theatre festival.
Premiera la TNB ! Class, peste câteva zile, la Sala Atelier !
Trailer Class.
Armed Forces Day of Romania
25 October - Romanian Armed Forces Day
Romania celebrates each year, on October 25, the Day of the Romanian Army.
October 25, 1944, the Romanian Army Day, signifies the date of complete liberation of north-western Transylvania from foreign ruling and administration.
The liberation of the entire national territory of Romania was achieved by the heroic fights of over 525,000 fully employed troops between August 23 and October 25, 1944. Nearly 58,000 of them were killed or injured. Losses incurred on the enemy stood at 89,934 troops, 76,275 of whom were taken prisoners.
The liberation of north-western Romania did not mean an end to the fights of the Romanian Army, which continued in the war against Fascism alongside the United Nations powers for the liberation of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Austria throughout the final victory.
Romania's Army takes part today with more than 450 servicemen in various international humanitarian missions or in missions meant to combat terrorism or to support peace, including 36 personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of EUFOR – Althea Operation. From 1991 to 2014, more than 8,400 Romanian troops have been deployed in the Balkans theatre of operations and about 1,000 Romanian troops had been deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Romania's participation in EUFOR mirrors the continuity of the Romanian Army’s efforts aimed at reconstruction, security and stability in the Balkans and the support granted to the European Union’s wider involvement in the region. The Romanian military presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of a wider Romanian participation in the European security and defense policy, both as EU and NATO member.
At the level of the leadership of the Ministry of National Defence, the main effort is to provide for the technical status of the military equipment deployed in the theatres of operations and the logistical support of the Romanian contingents contributing to NATO, EU-led missions and multinational coalitions.
Today, as sign of homage and respect, the Romanian Embassy to BIH, togheter with the Military Attache of Romania to BIH, laid a wreath at the place of Romanian soldier died on duty in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1996.
Hungarian national day
I am a EVS volonteer I Romania, Arad. This i a video, made as a news report, about the Hungarian national day celebrated i Arad. The Hungarians is the biggest minority in Romania, so thats why they also celebrate the Hungarian national day here in Arad. I will also upload a video with the full interview with Bognár Levebte; County President for UDMR/RMDSZ and Deputy Mayor of Arad City.
Go check out my website: - Here I upload pictures, text and videos about my stay down here.
Colegiului Naţional „Moise Nicoară” / The „Moise Nicoară” College/ „Moise Nicoară” Főgimnázium
Clădirea Colegiului Naţional „Moise Nicoară” Arad găzduieşte colegiul cu acelaşi nume, fiind una dintre cele mai bune şcoli din Arad, cu o tradiţie de peste 130 de ani.
The building of the „Moise Nicoară” National College of Arad hosts the college with the same name, being one of the elite schools in the city, with a tradition of over 130 years.
A „Moise Nicoară” Főgimnázium épülete ad helyet a hasonló nevű iskolának, amelyik 130 évre visszanyúló hagyományaival a város egyik legszínvonalasabb oktatási intézménye.
Theatre therapy as inmates fly over the cuckoo's nest
1. Mid of inmates performing in One flew over a cuckoo's nest at the Nottara theatre stage, zoom in to prison actor playing character, R.P. McMurphy as he watches the football game, zoom out to inmates cheering the goal
2. Wide low angle of prison inmates playing characters, R.P. McMurphy and Chief Bromden singing : ''to north they fly, to south they fly
3. Close of prison actors playing characters R.P. McMurphy and Chief Bromden singing: they flew over a cuckoo' s nest
4. Wide of inmates including inmate playing the role of R.P. McMurphy is brought in after a lobotomy
5. Close of inmate playing role of R.P. McMurphy in wheelchair
6 Mid of inmate performing as Chief Bromden covering R.P. McMurphy and then killing him during stage dramatisation
7. Mid of inmates in final moments of play
8. Wide of inmate actors during applause
9. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Dana Cenusa, spokesperson of the National Administration of Prisons:
The message of this theatre festival is that the inmates do not belong to the prison, but to society. The message is that the society gives birth to crime, maintains it and the society alone can resolve this problem. There are so many young inmates, poor, many of them are convicted for theft, but they are not educated. The message of the festival is that we should put our energy and our resources into education. People will have more choices in life. We are the product of our environment and it is determined by us.
10. Close of prison van reflected in EXIT festival banner at the entrance of Nottara theatre
11. Wide of boulevard with prison van parked in front of theatre entrance
12. Wide of prison van parking in front of actors' entrance
13. Close of van with prison colours on side
14. Close of inmates waving through window on side of van
15. Close of sign reading: (Romanian) Nottara Theatre, Actors' Entrance
16. Various of inmates stepping out of van and entering theatre
17. Wide of inmates during play
18. Mid of actors
19. Close of Hela Caius, inmate actor playing a policeman
20. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Hela Caius, in detention for 7 years for theft, and from Arad Penitentiary:
I don't know how it was for the others but for me this was a real therapy: integration in a group, respecting a schedule and learning to listen to the others.
21. Mid of prisoner, Hela Caius playing a police man and prisoner, Cornelia Muntean, playing a lesbian murderer
22. Close of Muntean during play
23. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Cornelia Muntean, 3 years detention for tax evasion, Arad Penitentiary:
In the prison you can only find people that deserve their punishment - even me since I've been inside. But my life changed in another way: I see my childhood dream come true - I've wanted to study theatre and cinematography ever since highschool but back then, times were different.
24. Close of Cornelia during play
25. Wide of actors during play
26. Close of Cretu Iustin Laurentiu, who plays a man who murdered his girlfriend
27. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Cretu Iustin Laurentiu, sentenced to 12 years in prison for murder, in Arad Penitentiary:
Acting helps me a great deal because I forget that I'm in prison. I'm free for 99 percent of the time that I'm practising, and that's for 8-9 hours.
28. Close of Laurentiu
29. Wide of play
20. Wide of theatre hall with audience applauding the inmate actors
A number of prisoners in Romania are swapping their cells for the stage.
The inmates say performing One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest - which is set in a secure mental unit - has proved to be very therapeutic.
The novel and film, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - interpreted by prisoners on stage in Bucharest.
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TESZT 2015 - Euroregional Theatre Festival Timișoara
18:30, Theatre lobby
The official opening of the Euroregional Theatre Festival Timișoara
19:00, Main Hall
Via Negativa – Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre – MASZK Association – Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre – Infant (RO, HU, SRB, SLO)
Via Negativa:
D.: Bojan Jablanovec
17:00, Studio
MaladypeTheatre, Budapest (HU)
Ernella at the Wolfs’
D.: Hajdu Szabolcs
20:00, Main Hall
Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade (SRB)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky:
Crime and Punishment
D.: Ana Tomović
19:00, Main Hall
Slovene National Theatre Drama, Ljubljana (SLO)
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz:
The Crazy Locomotive
D.: Jernej Lorenci
22:00, Scenery shop
Auăleu Theatre, Timișoara (RO)
The Treehouse
D.: Ovidiu Mihăiță
17:00, Main Hall
Zetski dom Royal Theatre, Cetinje (MNE)
Slobodan Šnajder:
Encyclopedia of Wasted Time
D.: Lidija Dedović
21:00, Main Hall
Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre, Timișoara (RO)
Kokan Mladenović–Góli Kornélia:
The Beggar’s Opera
D.: Kokan Mladenović
18:00, Main Hall
HKD Theatre – International Small Scene Theatre Festival, Rijeka (HR)
Oliver Frljić:
Aleksandra Zec
D.: Oliver Frljić
21:00, Main Hall
Nézőművészeti Ltd. – Szkéné Theatre, Budapest (HU)
Don Quixote
D.: Rába Roland
17:00, Main Hall
Theatre of Novi Sad, Novi Sad (SRB)
Katona József:
Bánk bán
D.: UrbánAndrás
21:00, Main Hall
Sombor National Theatre, Sombor (SRB)
Fedor Šili:
The Wizard
D.: Boris Liješević
17:00, Main Hall
Serbian National Theatre, Novi Sad (SRB)
Lev Tolstoy:
The Death of Ivan Ilych
D.: Tomi Janežič
17:00, Main Hall
Ioan Slavici Classical Theatre, Arad (RO)
Joël Pommerat:
Reunification of the Two Koreas
D: Radu-Alexandru Nica
21:00, Main Hall
Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre – German State Theatre, Timișoara (RO)
Moliendo Café
D.: Silviu Purcărete
00:00, Studio
Slam poetry
00:00, Studio
Slam poetry
00:00, Studio
Forte Company – Szkéné Theatre, Budapest (HU)
Dés András: Unblinking
D.: HorváthCsaba
14:00, Studio
SPOT Company, Carei (RO)
Master Manole Human Gallery
D.: Kurt Murray
00:00, Theatre lobby
Secret Company, Budapest (HU)
Theatre jam
D.: KárpátiPéter
14:00, Theatre lobby
TESZT Book Launch: Border Roads
15:00, Studio
A show by Magyari Etelka and Levko Esztella (premiere)
23:00, Theatre lobby
Secret Company, Budapest (HU)
Theatre Jam
D.: KárpátiPéter
15:00, Studio
A show by the participants of the TESZT Workshop
00:00, Theatre lobby
Secret Company, Budapest (HU)
Theatre Jam
D.: KárpátiPéter
We reservethe right to change the programme.
Arad, Romania
Arad is the capital city of Arad County, historically situated in the regions of Crişana, and having recently extended on the left bank of the Mureș river, in Banat region of western Romania.
An important industrial center and transportation hub on the Mureș River, Arad is also the seat of a Romanian Orthodox archbishop and features two universities, a Romanian Orthodox theological seminary and a training school for teachers. It had one of the first music conservatories in Europe. The city has a population of 159,704, making it the 12th largest city in Romania. Arad is the third largest city in the western part of the country, behind Timișoara and Oradea.
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