Travel Russia - Visiting Suzdal Cathedral of Nativity
Take a tour of Suzdal Cathedral of Nativity in Suzdal, Russian Federation -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The inclement climate of Russia has not deterred the faith or architectural prowess of its citizens.
An amazing house of worship is the Suzdal Cathedral of Nativity in Suzdal, Russian north of Moscow.
The cathedral breaks the sky with five colorful domes, each with a cross-shaped spire.
The clean white exterior belies the church's 11th century origins.
The cathedral has seen hardships, including several fires, but has survived through the centuries.
The interior has many frescoes of great artistic skill depicting the Virgin Mary and a newborn Jesus.
Suzdal's Nativity Cathedral is a lasting monument to God as well as to Russian medieval structural design.
Suzdal. スーズダリ Rozdestvensky sobor. (Cathedral of the Nativity)
Рождественский собор в Кремле города Суздаль. Cathedral of the Nativity
Cathedral of the Navity (1222-25) is one of the eight famous White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a masterpiece of Russian medieval architecture . Russia : Vladimirskaya Oblast' : Suzdal. See on map .
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal (UNESCO/NHK)
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Nativity of the Virgin Mary Macedonian Orthodox Church Cathedral, Sterling Hts. MI. USA Aug-28-2016
Inside of the church
До монгольские храмы России/ Pre Mongolian cathedrals of Russia
До монгольские храмы России: Георгиевский собор. XIII век, 1234, Владимирская область, город Юрьев-Польский, Дмитриевский собор. XII век, 1197, город Владимир, Надвратная церковь Ризположения в Золотых воротах. XII век, 1164, г. Владимир, Рождественский собор Свято-Боголюбского монастыря. XII век, Владимирская обл., село Боголюбово, Собор Рождества Богородицы. XIII век, 1225, Владимирская обл., город Суздаль, Спасо-Преображенский собор. XII век, 1152-1160, Ярославская обл.
Спасо-Преображенский собор. XII век, 1152-1160, Ярославская обл., город Переславль-Залесский, Успенский собор. XII век, 1160, г. Владимир, Церковь Бориса и Глеба. XII век, 1152, Владимирская обл., село Кидекша, 4 км от Суздаля. Самый древний сохранившийся храм средней полосы России. Церковь Покрова на Нерли. XII век, 1165, Владимирская область, около села Боголюбово
Pre-Mongolian cathedrals of Russia: St. George's Cathedral. XIII century, in 1234, Vladimir region, the city of Yuriev-Polsky, Demetrius Cathedral. XII century, in 1197, the city of Vladimir, Gate Church of Deposition of the Robe in Golden Gate. XII century, in 1164, Vladimir, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Holy Monastery Bogolyubsky. XII century, Vladimir region., The village Bogolyubovo, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. XIII Century, 1225, Vladimir region., The city of Suzdal, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. XII century, 1152-1160, Yaroslavl region.
Pre-Mongolian cathedrals of Russia: Transfiguration Cathedral. XII century, 1152-1160, Yaroslavl region., City Pereslavl, Cathedral of the Assumption. XII century, 1160, Vladimir, Boris and Gleb Church. XII century, in 1152, Vladimir region., Kideksha village, 4 km from Suzdal. The oldest preserved temple of central Russia. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. XII century, 1165, Vladimir region, near the village of Bogolyubovo
Inside a Church in Suzdal
Nativity: St. Vladimir's Church
Fr. Gregory's Sermon - Part 3
2018.01.07. Nativity, album by Marina Cavanaugh
Рождество Христово, альбом Марины Кавано
Свято-Иоанно-Предтеченский Собор в г. Вашингтон О.К.
7 января 2018
Subscribe here:
Nativity of Christ, album by Marina Cavanaugh
Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Washington, DC
January 7 2018
OMSK - Life Giving Cross Cathedral
The oldest cathedral of the city is the church named Life-Giving Cross (Krestovozdvizhensky Cathedral) built upon the project of architects F. Wagner and K. Lazarev. It’s hard to believe, but even during in time of the cruelest persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church it was never closed for community life.
Spain - Barcelona 7 - The Nativity Facade of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia
The Roman Catholic church the Sagrada Familia's construction started in 1882 and is expected to be completed in 2026 on the 100th anniversary of the death of Antoni Gaudi the master architect who designed the project. Gaudi is buried in the Sagrada Familia. During the Spanish Civil War in 1936, part of the Sagrada was damaged and had to be rebuilt. It's most striking aspect is the 18 spindle shaped spires representing in height in ascending order the 12 Apostles, the 4 Evangelists, The Virgin Mary and the centre spire Jesus Christ surmounted by a giant cross 170 meters in height making it the tallest church in the world.
Facing the east to the rising sun and constructed between 1894 and 1930 is the Nativity facade dedicated to the birth of Jesus. This is the happy side with sculptures decorated with scenes from nature. At the base of the two large columns lies a turtle representing land and a tortoise representing the sea. There are two chameleons on each side of the facade representing change. The columns divide the facade in three porticos that represents the theological virtues of hope, faith and charity.
Troparion for the Holy Virgin's Protecting Veil [Synodal Chant, Tone 4]
Provided to YouTube by NAXOS of America
Troparion for the Holy Virgin's Protecting Veil [Synodal Chant, Tone 4] · Suzdal Holy Virgin's Protecting Veil Choir
The Divine Wisdom of St. Sofia Praise We in Chants
℗ 2011 Russian Compact Disc
Released on: 2011-10-04
Choir: Suzdal Holy Virgin's Protecting Veil Choir
Composer: Anonymous
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Боголюбский монастырь Рождества Богородицы | Bogolyubovo monastery
12-14 июля 2018 года мы совершили очередное Путешествие Выходного для в Поисках Души России – в город Суздаль!
В Суздале мы бывали уже раз 10 и будем приезжать сюда вновь и вновь… И Вам рекомендуем! И обязательно с ночевкой!
12 июля мы поздно вечером, сразу после работы, сели в поезд и отправились в город Владимир. Погуляли по ночному городу, от железнодорожного вокзала до «Золотых Ворот» - здесь у нас был забронирован номер в отеле!
Утром 13.07 – мы осмотрели основные достопримечательности города, сели на рейсовый автобус и поехали в деревушку Боголюбово, где располагается Свято-Боголюбский женский монастырь. Потом пешком по шикарному полю пошли в Церковь Покрова на Нерли. Обратно, не удержались от дополнительных расходов – прокатились на лошадке до железнодорожной станции.
Ну и в Суздаль – основную нашу цель поездки на эти дни!
* * *
Боголюбский монастырь Рождества Богородицы (c XIX века в честь явления Боголюбской иконы Божией Матери) — женский православный монастырь в посёлке Боголюбово Суздальского района Владимирской области (Владимирская и Суздальская епархия Русской православной церкви).
Монастырь занимает территорию дворца-замка Андрея Боголюбского — единственного гражданского здания домонгольской Руси, дошедшего до нашего времени хотя бы частично.
Владимиро-суздальский князь Андрей Юрьевич Боголюбский (второй сын ростово-суздальского князя Юрия Владимировича Долгорукого) около 1158 года основал здесь загородную резиденцию — «град камен» Боголюбово, в котором также воздвиг храм в честь Рождества Богородицы.
Позднейшие источники объясняли выбор места волей Богоматери, либо чрез Владимирскую икону, либо при её явлении князю Андрею (см. Боголюбская икона Божией Матери).
Ансамбль княжеской резиденции включал в себя, помимо храмов, двухэтажный каменный дворец и каменный киворий; замок ограждён каменными стенами (см. одну из реконструкций).
«Другого столь значительного комплекса белокаменных зданий мы в домонгольской Руси не знаем», — констатирует Сергей Заграевский.
Замок до 1950-х годов считался утраченным, пока Николай Воронин в 1954 году не обнаружил лестничную башню и переход на хоры, соединяющий башню с собором Рождества Богородицы. В XVIII веке над лестничной башней была надстроена шатровая колокольня. Белокаменный храм Рождества Богородицы рухнул в 1722 году, но в 1751–1758 годах был построен вновь.
Князь Андрей был убит в своём замке. Предполагаемое место убиения князя Андрея, находящееся под лестницей лестничной башни, сохранилось до настоящего времени.
Вероятно, во искупление этого злодеяния и был основан в Боголюбове монастырь. Н. Н. Воронин высказал предположение, что монастырь на территории замка был устроен при преемниках Андрея, в начале XIII века, однако ранние сведения об истории обители очень скудны и датируются гораздо более поздним временем. В академических списках древнерусских монастырей он не числится.
В 1991 году часть зданий была передана монашествующим во главе со схиигуменом Никодимом. 14 января 1997 года по решению священноначалия сюда были переведены 60 сестёр из Задонского Спасо-Преображенского монастыря; возникли два монастыря: мужской и женский. После этого началась активное возрождение монастыря.
Собор Боголюбской иконы Божией Матери был полностью оштукатурен, проведено паровое отопление. В соборе повешены паникадила: центральное весом около 2 т и девять малых боковых; гранитом и мрамором выложен пол, белым мрамором — солея, алтарь, престол, жертвенник и горнее место. Отреставрированы росписи, в 2002 году изготовлен новый трёхъярусный резной позолоченный иконостас. Возведены хозяйственные постройки, посажен фруктовый сад, отреставрированы келейные корпуса. Есть швейная, иконописная, столярная мастерские. Праздничным звоном оглашают окрестности колокола весом 1050, 2500 и 8000 кг. На святом источнике у стен монастыря выстроена часовня и две купели.
Возрождена традиция крестного хода с Боголюбской иконой Божией Матери, установленного в XVIII века, в память чудесного прекращения по молитвам перед образом страшного морового поветрия. Крестный ход из города Владимира в Свято-Боголюбский монастырь совершается ежегодно 1 июля — в день празднования Боголюбской иконы Божией Матери.
* * *
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Russia Suzdal Bell Symphony
Russian Orthodox Chant: Magnification of St Sofia.
Here I present the troparion, Magnification of St Sofia,
set to music by Alexander Kastorsky.
Sung here by the Choir of the Suzdal Holy Virgin's
Protecting Veil.
Panorama of Ferapontov-Luzetsk monastry
Tne inside panorama of Ferapontov-Luzetsk monastry
Russian Art - 4 Architecture: Late Muscovite Period
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Historia del Arte:
Land of the Art:
Russian culture is an hybrid generated from habits of many civilizations that shaped this great multicultural state, and it is the result of its development for several centuries, being deeply rooted in the culture of the first eastern slavs.
The Late Muscovite Period goes from 1630 to 1712. After the Period of Troubles, the church and state were in bankrupt, and they couldn't pay more constructions.
The rich merchants of Yaroslavl financed many cathedrals in XVII century, with many bulbous domes and tended roof.
Elijah the Prophet, Yaroslavl: the first churches were asymmetric, like this. It follows the tradition of Middle Muscovite Period. The interior has frescoes of byzantine influence. They were commissioned by Ulita Makarova in 1680, and were painted by a team of 15 people leaded by Guriy Nikitin and Sila Savin. They represent scenes of the life of Elijah and also normal life scenes.
St. John Chrysostom, Korovniki: it follows the aesthetic of the previous one but greater. The bulbous domes are very big compared with the own building.
St. John the Baptist, Yaroslavl: it is the best of all these churches, and the most beautiful. It has fifteen domes. The belltower was built later, in mid-1690. The interior has more than five hundred frescoes about christian saints, St. John the Baptist and biblical themes. They were painted by Dmitri Pleyanov and Fiodor Ignatiev in 1694-1695.
The churches of Moscow of XVII century are very well decorated, but they are more little.
Ascension of Uglich: I'm not even sure if the image I put is of this church to be honest...
Hodegetria, Vyazma: one of the most beautiful buildings. It has three tended roofs, similar to candles. It is called so by Virgin Theotokos Hodegetria, the Virgin that guides saying that the Child is the path to salvation.
Nativity, Putinki: many tended roofs, following the aesthetic of the one of Vyazma.
The Patriarch Nikon said that tended roof constructions were not byzantine-typical, and so he declared them anti-canonical. The tended roofs were forbidden.
Voskresensky Monastery: this is the residence of Nikon. It is also called New Jerusalem Monastery or Resurrection cathedral. Byzantine forms are recuperated.
When the tended roofs were forbidden, the muscovite architects used bracket arches, called kokoshniki.
Kazan cathedral, Moscow: do not confuse with the one in St. Petersburg. It is in the Red Square. It is a reconstruction, because Stalin destroyed it in 1936.
Holy Trinity, Nikitniki
St. Nicholas, Khamovniki
Trinity, Ostankino
Great Cross, Kitai-gorod: this one was destroyed by Stalin and was lost.
Russian architecture became purely decorative, influenced by ukrainian and polish baroque. The first russian baroque churches were little chapels built in zones of family Naryshkin, near Moscow, so the name of Naryshkin baroque is frequently used in this style. Some of these churches are similar to towers, with cubic or ortogonal floors.
Protection of the Theotokos, Fili: composition similar to a stair, with belltower.
Ascension, Pokrovka: it seems more like a jewelry work than a building.
The Stroganov patronized many baroque buildings.
Nativity, Nizhny
At beginning XVIII century it is interesting to name the wooden churches in the north of Russia.
Intercession, Vytegra: it has 24 domes.
Kizhi Pogost: the legend says that the carpenter Nestor only used one axe, that when the building was done, he threw it into the lake Onega while he said there wasn't and won't be other church like this. The most important building of this complex is the Transfiguration church, with 22 domes. Near it is the Intercession church, with 9 domes. The amazing thing of these constructions is that they were built without any nail.
As an add...
Palace of Aleksei Mikhailovich: the artistic reconstruction of interiors was based in historical sources and authentic prototypes.
Take a look at this link for more russian wooden churches:
Music: Pólyushko-Pole by Irfan Kaya [Полюшко-Поле]
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir - Part 2 (Episode 19) - Orthodox Christian Podcast
Intro - “The icons are a source of God’s grace. One should never regard them as mere worldly objects, but instead – show a particular reverence when coming into contact with them. The Lord’s grace emanates from them, yet it smites those who approach them without according respect…”
The following is an Orthodox Christian Podcast series produced by Voice of Russia Radio Network, currently owned by Sputnik News (
This series has been unfortunately been discontinued.
These podcasts are very nice to listen to and have been beautifully made, and should be enjoyed by everyone.
Please subscribe as I will upload more of these podcasts (150+), and they cover a wide variety of topics.
Суздальский кремль /
Собор Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы 13 века входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
The Cathedral of Nativity of Virgin is included in UNESCO World heritage list.
Закажите экскурсию по Суздалю на этом сайте:
Adoration of the shepherds// Xmas greeting
Adoration of the sheperds/Hugo van der Goes, Angels exult/Ensembele Sirin
Detail from Randall Jarell: Old and the new masters:
...So, earlier, everything is pointed
In van der Goes' Nativity, toward the naked
Shining baby, like the needle of a compass.
The different orders and sizes of the world:
The angels like Little People, perched in the rafters
Or hovering in mid-air like hummingbirds;
The shepherds, so big and crude, so plainly adoring;
The medium-sized donor, his little family,
And their big patron saints; the Virgin who kneels
Before her child in worship; the Magi out in the hills
With their camels--they ask directions, and have pointed out
By a man kneeling, the true way; the ox
And the donkey, two heads in the manger
So much greater than a human head, who also adore;
Even the offerings, a sheaf of wheat,
A jar and a glass of flowers, are absolutely still
In natural concentration, as they take their part
In the salvation of the natural world.
The time of the world concentrates
On this one instant: far off in the rocks
You can see Mary and Joseph and their donkey
Coming to Bethlehem; on the grassy hillside
Where their flocks are grazing, the shepherds gesticulate
In wonder at the star; and so many hundreds
Of years in the future, the donor, his wife,
And their children are kneeling, looking: everything
That was or will be in the world is fixed
On its small, helpless, human center...
see the whole in English and Hungarian: