Exploration lune
La lune est un sujet d'exploration infini. Il faut du bon matériel pour commencer à avoir des résultats exploitables. J'utilise un tube MAK 180 appelé parfois tueur de planète, tout un programme ! C'est un très bon tube qui permet de grossir jusqu'à 400x en gardant une bonne image. Ici, je grossis plus que 400x car j'utilise le zoom de ma caméra. Ce n'est pas très orthodoxe mais cela permet de se rapprocher du sol lunaire.
Il y a sur la lune des formations géologiques parfois qui laissent perplexes. La nature est capable de tout et dans 99% des cas, c'est bien la nature qui crée des formes quasi géométriques (cubes, droites, courbes parfaites …) Moi, je cherche le 1%, je sais qu'il existe, il est là devant notre nez et attends qu'on le trouve. D'autres cherchent aussi, certains ont déjà trouvé des choses très intéressantes, surtout sur google moon. Je préfère chercher en direct sur la lune réelle, c'est beaucoup plus dur mais beaucoup plus grisant. Je ne cherche pas par hasard, je cherche parce que je suis curieux, amoureux de la nature, de notre environnement, de notre histoire, de notre futur aussi. Je cherche parce que ma curiosité m'a permis d'explorer plusieurs pistes et c'est dans l'éclectisme comme disent les inconnus que se trouve les réponses. Alors j'ai trouvé une piste, que je raconterai bientôt dans une autre vidéo. En attendant voici la 1ère sur le sujet.
Chapter 122, Part 6 of 11, is one of 150 Chapters of Paul Hodge's incredible ground breaking February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013. This Chapter is part of an 11 part series chronicling Paul's Tahiti Circle Island Tour adventure on Monday, November 11, 2013, the nineteenth day of Paul's amazing 21 flight, 40,000+ mile, 24 day solo adventure around our planet. Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia which is located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the most populace island with 185,000+ people and the political, economic and cultural center of French Polynesia with Papeete as its capital. Paul's 11 part HD video series captures unique images of old Polynesia and the natural beauty of Tahiti away from Papeete's urbanized environment. The two/three-lane road around Tahiti's big island Tahiti Nui which Paul drove is about 72 miles. With stops at the wonderful beaches, waterfalls and historic sights, the tour took Paul about 6+ hours. This fantastic HD video chapter focuses on the continuation of Paul's Tahiti circle island drive to Tahiti Iti Small Tahiti.
In addition to being the first ever High Definition (HD) Video Book published on YouTube with 160 chapters and 15+ hours of edited, original video taken by Paul Hodge from all over the world during his incredible October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure, Paul's video book is Paul's second on YouTube to provide in-depth coverage and instruction on how to go solo around the world. By providing viewers with such incredibly detailed videos and fresh commentaries, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement. For a summary of the adventure's highlights, please see Paul's November 2013 Trailer:
Paul is one of the few people in this World to have explored and adventured around our planet four times in the last five years!! Paul's third 47 day solo around the world adventure was in June, 2012 (See Trailer: ). His second 24 day solo quest ended November, 2011 (See Trailer: ) and his first world exploration was for 7+ months ending July 2008 (See Trailer:
Incredibly, after returning from Rio de Janeiro in February, 2013, Paul published another ground breaking 84 chapter video book 2013 Rio Carnival which provided singular in depth coverage of Rio's world famous 2013 Rio Carnival celebrations. (See Trailer: )
Paul's October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure was fantastic because Paul covered seldom viewed events/sites, to mention a few: the Rugby World Cup Championship competitions in Cardiff Wales, London's Comic Con, an NFL football game in London's Wembley Stadium, one of the largest world slums in Dharavi Mumbai, India, a Ganges River exploration in India's spiritual capital Varanasi, a meeting with India's former President, Xi'an China's amazing Terracotta Warriors, Macau China's casinos, the fastest China train in the world, Australia's world famous Bondi Beach and Sydney Opera House/Harbour, exotic Tahiti, fabled Easter Island and amazing Rio de Janeiro which is preparing for the 2014 Rio Carnival and the 2014 Football World Cup Competitions. In addition to the foregoing, Paul explored many other exciting seldom seen events and sites throughout the World.
Paul's incredible February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book, 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013, is Paul's fourth to chronicle his solo adventures around our planet. The book is intended to encourage and instruct viewers on how to go solo around the world . By providing the viewer with detailed videos and commentary of his recent October/November, 2013 World adventure, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement.
Vaiiha - The second largest valley of Tahiti!
The Vaiiha is the second largest valley of Tahiti. It is located on the east coast in the municipality of Fa'aone. Waterfalls, canyons and natural pools are waiting for you!
Shooting video : cyworks.net
Editing : cyworks.net
Music : Icy Vindur - A Himitsu
Youtube :
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Instagram :
#hiking #tahiti #vaiiha #frenchpolynesia #drone
1648B+1162 Magical Mountain in Tahitiタヒチの謎の山・モーリア・モウアロア山・神々の聖山Mouraroa in Moorea by Hiroshi Hayashi,
Today’s story is about Moorea Island, the magical Island.
The Tahiti Com. Website writes as follows:
Believed to have inspired the mythical Bali Hai from James Michener's Tales of the South Pacific, Moorea is one of the most scenically striking islands in French Polynesia.
Despite her immaculate beauty, she is far from unapproachable.
Possessing a relaxed vibe and welcoming spirit, Moorea is just as warm and inviting as the Tahitians lucky enough to call this island home.
+Terrestrial Globes in “Dokyo” or Disc Mirrors in Japan (Hawaii)
The rulers of this earth are Aliens and its physical Evidence(Re-examined Editon)
This is the Evidence or what else do you want? Answer to Disk Mirror and Himiko and Himoko was an Alien. Here I can show you the physical evidence.
これが証拠です。ほかにどんな証拠があると言うのですか? 銅鏡と卑弥呼、その謎の答え(卑弥呼はエイリアンだった、その物的証拠)をお見せします。なお卑弥呼は、エイリアンだった。その物的証拠が、銅鏡です。銅鏡は宇宙から見た、太陰暦を使っていました。
Hawaii is in the Mirror “Kai-so-Kyo, Mirror”.
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.
Hiroshi Hayashi
Nov. 17th, 2015
Hiroshi Hayashi's Mysterious World of Ancient Times
Lavatubes - 06/06/2018
Découvrez un site merveilleux et mystique avec une équipe exceptionnelle.
Polynésie 1 Au coeur du volcan
Vallée de Papenoo, la sève de Tahiti
Si vous venez à Tahiti, ne manquez surtout pas une visite de la vallée de la Papenoo. Teiva vous fera découvrir cette vallée en vous faisant partager ses souvenirs d'enfance, les légendes, les anecdotes, la flore et la faune. De nombreux arrêts sont prévus, Teiva prend le temps de nous expliquer, nous ne sommes pas bousculés. C'est un authentique polynésien, amoureux de son pays. En fin de journée, vous ne pouvez pas rester insensible à la culture polynésienne.
Cette excursion est un incontournable de Tahiti. Le guide Teiva Un enfant de la vallée, pied nu, habillé en paréo, ses colliers d'os de bœuf, il est juste magnifique, authentique. A l'arrière d'un 4x4 découvert, vous allez découvrir cette vallée, majestueuse, bercé des récits de son enfance et de légendes. Enfant de l'île, il est le seul guide a pouvoir faire pénétrer les visiteurs dans le Marae sacré. Le circuit est ponctué de pause pendant lesquelles Teiva fabrique des couronnes de fleurs pour les femmes ou encore, il défie les lois de la gravité en superposant des pierres. Baignade dans la rivière, découverte des tatouages naturels avec les fougères d'argent. Cette sortie est ludique, authentique, riche en découverte et en émotion. Prendre l'excursion en journée complète. Une pause déjeuner est prévue au refuge de la maroto. Elle n'est pas obligatoire, pique nique possible mais quel dommage. Ce restaurant est situé dans un décor de fou (le paysage est magnifique) et propose une gastronomie locale.
Exploration du haut de vallée jusqu'à la caldeira, centre du volcan éteint de Tahiti : panoramas, légendes, vue sur les monts Orohena, la plus haute montagne de Tahiti, et Pito Iti, poursuivre en traversant le tunnel et vue sur le lac.
L’effondrement du cratère du volcan Tahiti Nui a formé la caldiera, la haute vallée de la Papenoo. Avec ses 91 km² de surface, le bassin versant de l’ensemble de la vallée représente 10% de la superficie totale de l’île de Tahiti. Un site unique, qui présente des paysages exceptionnels avec les vallées profondes et de hautes cascades et qui abrite de nombreuses structures archéologiques, d’anciens sites d’habitation, des terrasses agricoles et des mines de basalte.
La vallée de Papenoo (eaux confluentes) s’est appelée autrefois Ha’apai’ano’o , ce qui signifie « le rassemblement de toutes les eaux ». Ces deux noms convenaient bien à ce vaste cirque dont la principale rivière, sur quinze kilomètres de parcours, ne reçoit pas moins de trente-cinq affluents.
Véritable garde-manger, des berges jusqu’au sommet des montagnes s’étale une végétation luxuriante, de la forêt de bambou en passant par les goyaviers, manguiers et autres bananiers. Les cours d’eau et la flore exubérante sont le repère d’une faune toute aussi riche. Les forêts abritent cochons et chèvres sauvages, des dizaines de variétés d’oiseaux ; les rivières regorgent de chevrettes et d’anguilles…
La vallée a également porté le nom de Te Mano Rahi, «les 10 000 guerriers», car pendant plusieurs siècles, la vallée a été un espace de vie permanent ou semi permanent de grandes chefferies tahitiennes.
La rivière Vaituaru qui détruit tout sur son passage
La rivière, qui coule dans la vallée de Papenoo, ne s’appelle pas « la Papenoo » mais « la Vaituaru » qui signifie fort justement le cours d’eau qui détruit tout sur son passage. La Vaituaru prend sa source sur le versant nord du Mont Mouatamaiti et draine toute la caldeira de Tahiti Nui.
Son bassin versant s’étend sur 79,7 km². Son débit moyen est le plus important enregistré en Polynésie ; il atteint 11,5 m³/s avec un minimum en juillet-août (4 m³/s) et un maximum en décembre (18 m³/s). Les fortes pentes du bassin versant amont expliquent la brutalité des crues. En quelques heures, les averses liées au passage du cyclone Veena (12 avril 1983) ont élevé le débit à 2 200 m³/s.
Grâce à son isolement au cœur de l’île de Tahiti, la vallée a pu conserver de nombreux espaces naturels peu modifiés par l’homme, ainsi que son précieux patrimoine culturel. Les principaux sites à voir dans la vallée de Papenoo sont :
• le site archéologique de Vaiotea
• la vallée de Te Faaiti
• les cascades Vaiharuru et Puhara
• la pierre Pona Roa
• le rocher à sacrifice, Ofai Pehi
• la grotte Pufau
• le site archéologique de Farehape et sa plateforme de tir à l’arc
• les vasques de la Apaapavai
• le site archéologique de Anapua et sa grotte
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's walk along the magnificent waterfront (promenade) of Papeete, the capital of French Polynesia, an overseas country of France in the Pacific Ocean. Spectacular views!!
Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia, the South Pacific archipelago. Shaped like a figure-8, it's divided into Tahiti Nui (the larger, western section) and Tahiti Iti (the eastern peninsula). With black-sand beaches, lagoons, waterfalls and 2 extinct volcanoes, it's a popular vacation destination. Explored by Captain James Cook in the 18th century, it was also often painted by French artist Paul Gauguin.
Enjoy!! Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
Faaroa River and Island Exploration
Discover the pristine natural beauty of Raiatea along the same route as New Zealand's Maohi settlers during this scenic kayak adventure on the Faaroa River.
Depart the pier via off-road vehicle for the drive to the Faaroa River, French Polynesia's only navigable river. Upon arrival, you will receive your safety instructions and equipment, then embark your kayak. Led by your guide, you will begin your tour by paddling from Raiatea's fjord-like inlet, or Faaroa Gorge, en route to the scenic Faaroa River. Along the way, you will find the steep river walls to be lush with jungle foliage, and home to diverse species of birds and wild hibiscus trees, or purau, growing along the sheer cliffs of the rainforest.
Following your tour, you will re-board your off-road vehicle for the return drive to the pier.
Please note: This active tour involves approximately 1.75 hours of paddling. Guests must know how to swim, and be in good physical conditions. This tour is not recommended for guests with back and/or neck problems, or guests with limited mobility. Please wear your swimsuit under a cover-up with reef shoes, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and insect repellent. Kayaks are single, but two-seat kayaks may be available upon request. Participants must be at least 12 years of age, and weigh less than 220 pounds; children must be accompanied by a parent. You will be required to follow your guide and wear your lifejacket at all times. A small waterproof bag will be available on board the kayak to store your small items.
Tahiti: World of our Own
Booking Website:
Tahiti -- Moorea -- Bora Bora -- island names that evoke a wonderful state of mind, seducing honeymooners, romantics, adventurers, and vacationers looking for escape.
Here, around these South Seas isles, a romantic sunset sea sends giant curls of turquoise breaking onto the colorful reefs that protect the tranquil lagoons of warm, bright-emerald waters and white coral-sand beaches.
Tahiti covers over two million square miles of the South Pacific Ocean and is comprised of 118 islands spread over five great archipelagos.
What Is the Time Difference?
The islands are just two hours behind Pacific Standard Time. During Daylight-Saving Time (March to late October) they are three hours behind. Time in the Marquesas is half an hour ahead of the rest of the islands.
Will I Need to Exchange Money?
Upon arrival most visitors exchange some money at the airport or at their hotels. Since most credit cards are readily accepted in all tourist areas, it is not necessary to exchange large amounts. The currency is the French Pacific Franc (XPF).
Will I Need a Passport/Visa?
For stays of up to 90 days, there are no visa requirements for citizens of the U.S. or Canada carrying a US or Canadian Passport. A foreigner with a residence card for the U.S. is not exempt from the above requirements and should consult the French Consulate based in the U.S. for information.
Is English Spoken?
French and Tahitian are the official languages, but English is spoken and understood in tourist areas. Brushing up on a few basic French phrases and learning Tahitian greetings are appreciated.
What About Tipping?
Tipping is not customary in Polynesian culture and is not expected. However, tipping is welcomed for exemplary service.
What Are the Seasons and Climate?
Cooled by gentle ocean breezes, the climate is ideal. Being tropical but moderate, the climate features sunny, pleasant days and an average yearly air and water temperature of 80∞F. Summer is from November through April, when the climate is slightly warmer and more humid. Winter is from May through October, when the the climate is slightly cooler and dryer. Click here for the Weather Report
What Should I Wear?
The climate and lifestyle on the islands call for casual and comfortable clothing. Pack loose-fitting, natural fabrics and plenty of shorts. Pareus and swimsuits can be worn during the daytime at the resorts, while casual shirts and walking shorts provide the most comfort during island explorations. For dinner, casual slacks and sport shirts are the best choice for men while cool sundresses are most appropriate for women.
Is the Water Safe to Drink?
Tap water is good in most hotels and restaurants. Bottled water is also available everywhere in stores, markets, and hotels
Do I Need Health Certifications?
No shots or certifications are required from North America. Regardless of the traveler's nationality, entry from an infected area of the world as defined by the World Health Organization requires certifications.
What Is the Voltage?
Hotels use either 110 or 220 volts, depending on the location. A converter/adapter is often required for appliances you bring, including computers.
How Do I Get Around?
The most inexpensive and common form of transportation is the public bus system. On Tahiti there are now two types of buses: the open-air trucks called Le Truck and the RTC large white coaches. Both operating frequently in Papeete and around the island. Le Truck also operates on most other islands. Taxis can be hired at most hotels, airports, and ferry terminals. For scenic tours around the islands, try escorted excursions by boat, 4x4 safari, bus, or helicopter.
What Activities Are There to Do?
Tahiti is the perfect place to do everything or nothing at all. Popular activities include 4x4 safaris, nature hikes, scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, sailing, jet skiing, wind-surfing, surfing, bike riding, tennis, golf on the island of Tahiti, horseback riding, deep-sea fishing, shopping, circle-island tours, helicopter tours, museums stops and archaeological tours.
Rental cars are available at most airports for drivers over 21 years of age with a valid driver's license. Major credit cards are usually required for drivers under 25. Because of the small size of many islands, and the uniqueness of many circle island tours, you may find renting a car unnecessary.
4,167 sq km (1,609 sq miles).
280,026 (2014).
Population density:
67.2 per sq km.
Papeete (Tahiti Island).
French Overseas Collectivity.
110/220 volts AC (depending on the location), 60Hz. European-style plugs with two round pins and American-style plugs with two flat pins are in use.
POLYNÉSIE : Voyage en Immersion - VLOG #22
Michelle et Éric, clients MARCO VASCO, sont partis pour un voyage de rêve à la découverte de la Polynésie. C’est à l’autre bout du monde qu’ils ont découvert des paysages splendides, entre plages paradisiaques et montagnes sauvages ! Découvrez leur voyage en vidéo !
Les îles polynésiennes vous séduiront à coup sûr par leur beauté incomparable. Des plages de sable blanc, des eaux transparentes, des lagons turquoise, une culture débordante, des forêts infinies, des cascades secrètes, des sorties en bateau, des plongées inoubliables, une barrière de corail remplie de merveilles… Un voyage en Polynésie, c’est un rêve qui devient réalité avec MARCO VASCO !
Leur itinéraire (3 semaines) : Tahiti - Moorea - Huahine - Bora Bora - Tikehau - Tahiti
Envie de tenter l'aventure ?! Ça commence par un clic :
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Marco Vasco a été plébiscité par des milliers de clients avec la note de 9.5/10. Consultez tous les avis sur Trustpilot
Atolls of the South Pacific
Join Steve and Manjula in the South Pacific. Natural beauty, meets bird and sea life, in the wilds of the South Pacific atolls.
French Polynesia on Tradewinds' Te Moana
This video is about A Tradewinds Must Do..French Polynesia! #tradewindslife
Chapter 126, Part 10 of 11, is one of 150 Chapters of Paul Hodge's incredible ground breaking February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013. This Chapter is part of an 11 part series chronicling Paul's Tahiti Circle Island Tour adventure on Monday, November 11, 2013, the nineteenth day of Paul's amazing 21 flight, 40,000+ mile, 24 day solo adventure around our planet. Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia which is located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the most populace island with 185,000+ people and the political, economic and cultural center of French Polynesia with Papeete as its capital. Paul's 11 part HD video series captures unique images of old Polynesia and the natural beauty of Tahiti away from Papeete's urbanized environment. The two/three-lane road around Tahiti's big island Tahiti Nui which Paul drove is about 72 miles. With stops at the wonderful beaches, waterfalls and historic sights, the tour took Paul about 6+ hours. This fantastic HD video chapter focuses on the continuation of Paul's Tahiti circle island drive and his exploration at sunset of Tahiti's most popular tourist site Pointe Venus and the famous Tahiti Lighthouse. Pointe Venus is the location where the world explorer Captain Cook landed. In his exploration of the Southern Pacific Ocean, among other locations, Cook discovered Tahiti and Australia.
In addition to being the first ever High Definition (HD) Video Book published on YouTube with 160 chapters and 15+ hours of edited, original video taken by Paul Hodge from all over the world during his incredible October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure, Paul's video book is Paul's second on YouTube to provide in-depth coverage and instruction on how to go solo around the world. By providing viewers with such incredibly detailed videos and fresh commentaries, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement. For a summary of the adventure's highlights, please see Paul's November 2013 Trailer:
Paul is one of the few people in this World to have explored and adventured around our planet four times in the last five years!! Paul's third 47 day solo around the world adventure was in June, 2012 (See Trailer: ). His second 24 day solo quest ended November, 2011 (See Trailer: ) and his first world exploration was for 7+ months ending July 2008 (See Trailer:
Incredibly, after returning from Rio de Janeiro in February, 2013, Paul published another ground breaking 84 chapter video book 2013 Rio Carnival which provided singular in depth coverage of Rio's world famous 2013 Rio Carnival celebrations. (See Trailer: )
Paul's October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure was fantastic because Paul covered seldom viewed events/sites, to mention a few: the Rugby World Cup Championship competitions in Cardiff Wales, London's Comic Con, an NFL football game in London's Wembley Stadium, one of the largest world slums in Dharavi Mumbai, India, a Ganges River exploration in India's spiritual capital Varanasi, a meeting with India's former President, Xi'an China's amazing Terracotta Warriors, Macau China's casinos, the fastest China train in the world, Australia's world famous Bondi Beach and Sydney Opera House/Harbour, exotic Tahiti, fabled Easter Island and amazing Rio de Janeiro which is preparing for the 2014 Rio Carnival and the 2014 Football World Cup Competitions. In addition to the foregoing, Paul explored many other exciting seldom seen events and sites throughout the World.
Paul's incredible February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book, 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013, is Paul's fourth to chronicle his solo adventures around our planet. The book is intended to encourage and instruct viewers on how to go solo around the world . By providing the viewer with detailed videos and commentary of his recent October/November, 2013 World adventure, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement.
This is my Island, this is our Fenua !
Video shot entirely within the Island of Tahiti using :
Gopro 4 Black edition : 2.7K @ 60 fps
Gopro 3 Black edition : 1080p @ 60 fps
Drone Cheerson CX 20 (Quanum Nova) with Walkera G-2D 2 axis Gimbal
Thank you to the people who appear in the video.
Feel free to contact me about using this video or some of its sequences.
Song : Kygo - Firestone
Tahiti - September 2015
Nature TV - Best Diving cruise through the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia by underwatercam
4k Version of Best Diving cruise through the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia French Polynesia is one of the best diving destinations on the blue planet. Especially when it comes to big animal encounters. The Tuamotu archipelago north of the island of Tahiti is a must go when you look for diving of the extraordinary kind. Rangiroa, Fakarava, Toau, Apataki, Aratika and many more. The best way to visit and dive these places is on deck of a boat. The Ihitai Charter is offering scuba diving, freediving, kite surfing, paddle boards, snorkeling and fantastic land explorations.
for more information please contact us.
shot with Sony Alpha 7Rll
Easydive underwater housing:
All our films can be licensed for waiting rooms, spa, hospitals. Nature has healing and relaxing properties.
Saut Heiata - Canyoning Tahiti
Canyoning vallée de Hitia'a avec Natura Exploration.
Saut de Heiata.
Chapter 119, Part 3 of 11, is one of 150 Chapters of Paul Hodge's incredible ground breaking February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013. This Chapter is part of an 11 part series chronicling Paul's Tahiti Circle Island Tour adventure on Monday, November 11, 2013, the nineteenth day of Paul's amazing 21 flight, 40,000+ mile, 24 day solo adventure around our planet. Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia which is located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the most populace island with 185,000+ people and the political, economic and cultural center of French Polynesia with Papeete as its capital. Paul's 11 part HD video series captures unique images of old Polynesia and the natural beauty of Tahiti away from Papeete's urbanized environment. The two/three-lane road around Tahiti's big island Tahiti Nui which Paul drove is about 72 miles. With stops at the wonderful beaches, waterfalls and historic sights, the tour took Paul about 6+ hours. This fantastic HD video chapter focuses on the continuation of Paul's circle island drive to Tahiti's Black Sands Beach.
In addition to being the first ever High Definition (HD) Video Book published on YouTube with 160 chapters and 15+ hours of edited, original video taken by Paul Hodge from all over the world during his incredible October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure, Paul's video book is Paul's second on YouTube to provide in-depth coverage and instruction on how to go solo around the world. By providing viewers with such incredibly detailed videos and fresh commentaries, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement. For a summary of the adventure's highlights, please see Paul's November 2013 Trailer:
Paul is one of the few people in this World to have explored and adventured around our planet four times in the last five years!! Paul's third 47 day solo around the world adventure was in June, 2012 (See Trailer: ). His second 24 day solo quest ended November, 2011 (See Trailer: ) and his first world exploration was for 7+ months ending July 2008 (See Trailer:
Incredibly, after returning from Rio de Janeiro in February, 2013, Paul published another ground breaking 84 chapter video book 2013 Rio Carnival which provided singular in depth coverage of Rio's world famous 2013 Rio Carnival celebrations. (See Trailer: )
Paul's October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure was fantastic because Paul covered seldom viewed events/sites, to mention a few: the Rugby World Cup Championship competitions in Cardiff Wales, London's Comic Con, an NFL football game in London's Wembley Stadium, one of the largest world slums in Dharavi Mumbai, India, a Ganges River exploration in India's spiritual capital Varanasi, a meeting with India's former President, Xi'an China's amazing Terracotta Warriors, Macau China's casinos, the fastest China train in the world, Australia's world famous Bondi Beach and Sydney Opera House/Harbour, exotic Tahiti, fabled Easter Island and amazing Rio de Janeiro which is preparing for the 2014 Rio Carnival and the 2014 Football World Cup Competitions. In addition to the foregoing, Paul explored many other exciting seldom seen events and sites throughout the World.
Paul's incredible February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book, 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013, is Paul's fourth to chronicle his solo adventures around our planet. The book is intended to encourage and instruct viewers on how to go solo around the world . By providing the viewer with detailed videos and commentary of his recent October/November, 2013 World adventure, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement.
Chapter 123, Part 7 of 11, is one of 150 Chapters of Paul Hodge's incredible ground breaking February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013. This Chapter is part of an 11 part series chronicling Paul's Tahiti Circle Island Tour adventure on Monday, November 11, 2013, the nineteenth day of Paul's amazing 21 flight, 40,000+ mile, 24 day solo adventure around our planet. Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia which is located in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the most populace island with 185,000+ people and the political, economic and cultural center of French Polynesia with Papeete as its capital. Paul's 11 part HD video series captures unique images of old Polynesia and the natural beauty of Tahiti away from Papeete's urbanized environment. The two/three-lane road around Tahiti's big island Tahiti Nui which Paul drove is about 72 miles. With stops at the wonderful beaches, waterfalls and historic sights, the tour took Paul about 6+ hours. This fantastic HD video chapter focuses on the continuation of Paul's Tahiti circle island drive to Tahiti's spectacular waterfalls in Tahiti's Faarumai Valley .
In addition to being the first ever High Definition (HD) Video Book published on YouTube with 160 chapters and 15+ hours of edited, original video taken by Paul Hodge from all over the world during his incredible October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure, Paul's video book is Paul's second on YouTube to provide in-depth coverage and instruction on how to go solo around the world. By providing viewers with such incredibly detailed videos and fresh commentaries, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement. For a summary of the adventure's highlights, please see Paul's November 2013 Trailer:
Paul is one of the few people in this World to have explored and adventured around our planet four times in the last five years!! Paul's third 47 day solo around the world adventure was in June, 2012 (See Trailer: ). His second 24 day solo quest ended November, 2011 (See Trailer: ) and his first world exploration was for 7+ months ending July 2008 (See Trailer:
Incredibly, after returning from Rio de Janeiro in February, 2013, Paul published another ground breaking 84 chapter video book 2013 Rio Carnival which provided singular in depth coverage of Rio's world famous 2013 Rio Carnival celebrations. (See Trailer: )
Paul's October/November 2013 Solo Around the World Adventure was fantastic because Paul covered seldom viewed events/sites, to mention a few: the Rugby World Cup Championship competitions in Cardiff Wales, London's Comic Con, an NFL football game in London's Wembley Stadium, one of the largest world slums in Dharavi Mumbai, India, a Ganges River exploration in India's spiritual capital Varanasi, a meeting with India's former President, Xi'an China's amazing Terracotta Warriors, Macau China's casinos, the fastest China train in the world, Australia's world famous Bondi Beach and Sydney Opera House/Harbour, exotic Tahiti, fabled Easter Island and amazing Rio de Janeiro which is preparing for the 2014 Rio Carnival and the 2014 Football World Cup Competitions. In addition to the foregoing, Paul explored many other exciting seldom seen events and sites throughout the World.
Paul's incredible February, 2014 High Definition (HD) Video Book, 2013 SOLO AROUND WORLD IN 24 DAYS, OCT 24 - NOV 18, 2013, is Paul's fourth to chronicle his solo adventures around our planet. The book is intended to encourage and instruct viewers on how to go solo around the world . By providing the viewer with detailed videos and commentary of his recent October/November, 2013 World adventure, author Paul Hodge shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing bucket list achievement.
Pacific Documentation - Lost World of The Pacific - Polynesian Islands Documentary
Pacific Documentation - Lost World of The Pacific - Polynesian Islands Documentary
Polynesia is characterized by a small amount of land spread over a very large portion of the mid and southern Pacific Ocean. Most Polynesian islands and archipelagos, including the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa, are composed of volcanic islands built by hotspots. New Zealand, Norfolk Island, and Ouvéa, the Polynesian outlier near New Caledonia, are the unsubmerged portions of the largely sunken continent of Zealandia. Zealandia is believed to have mostly sunk by 23 m.y.a. and resurfaced geologically recently due to a change in the movements of the Pacific Plate in relation to the Indo-Australian plate, which served to uplift the New Zealand portion. At first, the Pacific plate was subducted under the Australian plate. The Alpine Fault that traverses the South Island is currently a transform fault while the convergent plate boundary from the North Island northwards is a subduction zone called the Kermadec-Tonga Subduction Zone. The volcanism associated with this subduction zone is the origin of the Kermadec and Tongan island archipelagos.
Out of about 117,000 or 118,000 square miles (300,000 or 310,000 km2) of land, over 103,000 square miles (270,000 km2) are within New Zealand; the Hawaiian archipelago comprises about half the remainder. The Zealandia continent has approximately 1,400,000 square miles (3,600,000 km2) of continental shelf. The oldest rocks in the region are found in New Zealand and are believed to be about 510 million years old. The oldest Polynesian rocks outside of Zealandia are to be found in the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain, and are 80 million years old.
Geographic area
Polynesia is generally defined as the islands within the Polynesian Triangle, although there are some islands that are inhabited by Polynesian people situated outside the Polynesian Triangle. Geographically, the Polynesian Triangle is drawn by connecting the points of Hawaii, New Zealand and Easter Island. The other main island groups located within the Polynesian Triangle are Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Niue, Wallis and Futuna and French Polynesia.
There are also small Polynesian settlements in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the Caroline Islands, and in Vanuatu. An island group with strong Polynesian cultural traits outside of this great triangle is Rotuma, situated north of Fiji. The people of Rotuma have many common Polynesian traits but speak a non-Polynesian language. Some of the Lau Islands to the southeast of Fiji have strong historic and cultural links with Tonga.
However, in essence, Polynesia is a cultural term referring to one of the three parts of Oceania (the others being Micronesia and Melanesia). DNA studies suggest that the indigenous Pacific Islands population migrated from Taiwan thousands of years ago and dispersed throughout the region into three distinct cultural groups.
Island groups
Mokoliʻi Isle near Oahu, Hawaii
Cook's Bay on Moorea, French Polynesia
The following are the islands and island groups, either nations or overseas territories of former colonial powers, that are of native Polynesian culture or where archaeological evidence indicates Polynesian settlement in the past.[3] Some islands of Polynesian origin are outside the general triangle that geographically defines the region.
Don´t miss: Cute Monkey - Funny Monkies - Compilation
-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: Pacific Documentation - Lost World of The Pacific - Polynesian Islands Documentary