Natura tartufi i Vikend tartufa, Buzet 2012
U Istri, u Buzetu, Daniela i Marko Puh otvorili su prvu kušaonicu tartufa u Hrvata. Tim povodom ekipa G.E.T. Reporta organizirala je dolazak grupe enogastro novinara u njihovu kušaonu.
Prilikom cjelodnevnog izleta, obilaska proizvodnje, kušaone Natura tartufi i Vikenda tartufa u Buzetu, imali smo mnogo sugovornika. To su:
- Vitomir Andrić, novinar
- Valter Flego, gradonačelnik Buzeta
- Nada Prodan Mraković, direktorica TZ Buzeta
- Denis Ivošević, direktor TZ Istre
- Ivan Jakovčić, župan Istarske županije
- Siniša Škaberna, sommelier
- Kvinto Zigante, tartufar
- Marko Puh, tartufar
- Daniela Puh, tartufarka
- Paola Puh, buduća tartufarka
- Željko Suhadolnik, novinar
- Domagoj Jakopović - Ribafish, novinar
Najtežeg ima Natura tartufi, tartuf sajma obitelj Karlić
Festival istarskih tartufa u Buzetu, održan tijekom proteklog vikenda, ispunio je svoju svrhu: brendirao je izlagače autohtonih proizvoda, popunio smještajno-ugostiteljske kapacitete te još jednom potvrdio Buzet kao grad tartufa.
Natura Tartufi
A successful brand of Natura truffles is engaged in purchasing, processing and distribution of fresh truffles and truffle products. The Natura company is headed by a young couple, Daniela and Marko Puh.
Uspješan brand Natura tartufi bavi se otkupom, preradom i distribucijom sviježih tartufa i proizvoda od tartufa. Na čelu tvrtke Natura stoji mladi bračni par, Daniela i Marko Puh.
Zigante tartufi at Subotina, Buzet 2016.
The making of the giant portion of scrambled eggs with 11 kg of white truffle at the festival Subotina in Buzet, Croatia. The famous Croatian singer Jasmin Stavros joined us and helped us slice the truffles.
Laureati obitelj Krulčić i Natura tartufi d.o.o.
Nezaposlenost se ponovno spustila na 2,06 posto, razinu koja je posljednji puta u Buzetu zabilježena sredinom pretkrizne 2008. godine. Ta je brojka prepolovljena u odnosu na početak godine, istaknuo je buzetski gradonačelnik Siniša Žulić na Svečanoj sjednici održanoj u petak povodom proslave Dana Grada, a na kojoj su nagrađani ovogodišnji laureati.
Dani zigante tartufa - Buzet
Dani zigante tartufa - Buzet
Stara Ostarija Buzet, Istria, Croatia - the biggest truffle in 2005.
Najveći bijeli tartuf ulovljen 2005. godine u Istri, pronađen je u blizini jezera Butoniga sa buzetske strane i težio je 950 grama. Zbog straha da će biti otkupljen i predstavljen u svijetu kao tartuf iz nekih drugih krajeva i država, Robert Marušić je organizirao brzi otkup i večeru u buzetskom restoranu Stara Oštarija da se potvrdi kako najkvalitetniji bijeli tartufi, tuber magnatum imaju istarsku adresu i porijeklo. Prosinac, 2005. godine.
Natura tartufi (Hrvatski Radio 5.11.2012., Vjekoslav Madunić)
Audio: Vjekoslav Madunić, Hrvatski Radio
Foto: Siniša Đekić, G.E.T. Report
Natura tartufi najbolji poklon za Božić
Dani Zigante Tartufi - Subotina
Dani Zigante Tartufi - Subotina 2012
Na Vikend festivalu istarskih tartufa u Buzetu rekordan broj izlagača
Tartufi u izlogu, tartufi na pjatu – samo su neki od načina kojima će Buzet predstojećeg vikenda opravdati titulu grada tartufa. U šator površine čak 900 kvadrata stiže rekordan broj izlagača autohtonih proizvoda među kojima će i ovog puta pažnju plijeniti kralj podzemnih gljiva.
Karlić tartufi: Obiteljska tradicija lova na tartufe
Lov na tartufe, prodaja tartufa i proizvoda od tartufa.
Dugugodišnje iskustvo obitelji Karlić u branju tartufa koje se prenosilo s koljena na koljeno rezultiralo je osnivanjem poduzeća GIR d.o.o. (Goran i Radmila) 1994. godine, koje se s velikom predanošću posvećuje lovu na tartufe, otkupom i prodajom svježih i smrznutih tartufa te preradom i plasiranjem na domaćem i stranom tržištu.
Organiziramo degustaciju proizvoda i nezaboravnu avanturu lova na tartufe uz našu pratnju.
Paladini 14, Buzet
Tel: 052/667-304
Otkrijte novi Citroën Jumpy i kako se snašao u uzbudljivoj avanturi sa Zigante tartufi i njihovim proizvodima. Novi Citroën Jumpy - za svakodnevne heroje.
Truffle hunting- Karlic truffles -Croatia
Director of this film:
Truffle trouble in Croatia
(25 Oct 2012)
Motovun, Croatia - 10th October 2012
1. Mid of truffles picker Miro Kotiga and his dog Fido crossing a wooden bridge
2. Wide of Kotiga and his dog walking through woods in search of truffles
3. Mid of the dog digging and sniffing for truffles
4. Tracking shot of Kotiga and his dog walking through woods in search for truffles
5. Close of the dog digging and sniffing for truffles with truffle picker's assistance
6. Panoramic view of Motovun town and surrounding hills
7. Clouds moving in the valley below town of Motovun
8. Pan of medieval gate of the town of Motovun
9. Tracking shot of medieval gate of the town of Motovun
10. Mid of Venetian lion inside the gate
11. Close of a chef preparing truffles in a restaurant
12. Mid of chef preparing truffles
13. Close of steak being laid on serving dish
14. Chef shaving truffles onto steak
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Claudio Ivesic, owner of a restaurant that serves truffles specialities:
The season already started, it started around 15th of September, I can't say that the season is good, because there was no rain during summer and that's why now we have big difficulties to find truffles.
16. Pan of the forest in valley below town of Motovun
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Claudio Ivesic, restaurateur:
Somebody says that it is a very good aphrodisiac. On the other side, it's very hard to find to find them. On the third side, probably during history, it was made as a speciality for the aristocrats' tables and that's why it is still very precious.
18. Close of truffles in a dish
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Claudio Ivesic. Restaurateur
They (truffle smugglers) already have the problem because they can't find the required kilos, let's say, of truffles to bring them over the border, to Italy, of course. I saw some of them very nervous, because they just don't have enough quantity to go back. So it will be very hard for them. But maybe this is a good thing because a lot of truffles, so this small number that we can find, we can sell it here.
20. Wide of border crossing between Croatia and Slovenia
21. Mid of a car crossing the border
22. Close of border police officer stamping passports
23. Mid of a police officer returning passports to passengers
24. SOUNDBITE (Croatian) Elvis Kubaj, head of county border police:
During the three year period, in some 15 cases, we have found some 21 kilograms of that highly valued and rare mushroom; truffle.
25. Mid of a border policewoman checking passengers at the border crossing
26. Close of car driver getting back his documents
27. SOUNDBITE (Croatian) Elvis Kubaj, head of county border police:
Perpetrators, or persons who attempt to illegally bring that protected kind of mushrooms across the state border try to hide them different ways. In their clothes, for instance, in their pockets if there are smaller quantities, or sometimes inside car bumpers, in plastic bags below car seats, in the engine, wherever, just to manage to bring them across the border.
28. +++Timelapse+++ of town of Motovun in dusk
It's a bad year for truffle-hunting in Croatia... Or is it?
Last summer's drought has brought about a decline of the so called diamonds of the kitchen.
But, in a twist of luck, the shortage of this highly-priced delicacy has put local prices through the roof and truffle smugglers out of a job.
Among the forests of Croatia's scenic peninsula of Istria lies a hidden treasure: truffles.
Hard to find and expensive, the smelly subterranean mushroom is a specialty of Istria, in the northern Adriatic region of Croatia, that can be found in its small restaurants and tasted with local wine.
Approximately 10 tons are found each year in the Motovun forest.
But not so much this year.
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Vikend festival istarskih tartufa-sajam na kojem svi delaju
Sve ono najbolje što Istra i buzetski poljoprivrednici proizvode predstavljeno je na 14. Vikend festivalu istarskih tartufa u Buzetu. Rekordan broj izlagača i dosad najveći broj tvrtki koje se bave proizvodnjom i otkupom tartufa u Buzet su doveli i rekordan broj posjetitelja.
Sutra u Buzetu počinju Dani tartufa
Kralj gljive, bijeli istarski tartuf, od sutra pa do 1. prosinca zasluženo će mjesto naći na tanjuru 14 buzetskih ugostitelja. Toliko ih se, naime, uključilo u gastro manifestaciju Dani tartufa.
Ipša Klaudio i Marco Oreggia, Maslinovo ulje i tartufi, Istra, Hrvatska
Predstavljanje Ipšinog maslinovog ulja i sljubljivanje s gastronomijom i tartufom.
Truffle Hunting Karlić
Lov na tartufe u Istri.
Istra hrvatska Buzet Motovun dog forest nature beautiful blacktrufflle truffles