Crémieu, France
È un tipico borgo medievale e di interesse storico/architettonico sono: il mercato medievale (XV secolo); il convento degli Agostiniani (XIV secolo); la torre dell'orologio e le rovine del convento di Saint Hyppolite. Faceva parte del territorio del Delfinato.
Early history
Crémieu has a long and important medieval history. First historical references to Cremieu date back to the 12th century, when a benedictine priory was built high on the cliffs of Saint-Hippolyte. the town itself, however, grew up during the 13th century, the southern slopes of Saint-Laurent hill and overlooking the walls of the royal castle which the Dauphins of La Tour began to restore in 1282. In 1315, the town was granted important civis and trading rights which marked the beginning of two centuries of prosperity. Building of a new covered market started in 1434, as did the construction of a fortified wall, almost 2 kilometers long, with 9 gates and 14 towers. The wall encircled not only the royal castle, the old town and the cliff of Saint-Hippolyte, but also the site of a new town below, next to an Augustian monastery. In 1357, a mint was set up at Crémieu, making it even more prosperous. In 2006 a petit blanccoin, struck in the Cremieu mint in 1446,(validated by Cremieu museum) was discovered in the keel of the Newport Medieval Ship. This allowed the construction of the vessel to be dated to not earlier than 1446. It is assumed the petit blanc was placed in the Ship as a token of good luck.The minter of the coin was Jaques Vincent. From the reign of Louis XII (1498--1515), Crémieu benefited from its strategic position on the route of French expeditionary forces bound Italy. The town became a major trading centre in cereals for France, Savoy, Switzerland and Italy. As early as the 15th century, it had an important Jewish community. Raoul de Gaucourt, governor of Dauphiné, renewed the privileges of the Jews in 1441 for seven years in consideration of the sum of 50 florins, which Moses Dandéli of Crémieu and Aguinet Solomon of Saint-Symphorien, Jewish residents, were to collect from their coreligionists. The Jews of Crémieu refused to pay the sum and emigrated in large numbers. The dauphin Louis XI of France recalled them in 1449, and promised them that if they would reopen their banking-houses, he would tax them only one ounce of fine silver in the future, instead of the half-mark that they had formerly been required to pay. New gates were built in 1535 and the lower town, design along the lines of most medieval new towns, was completed at the beginning of the 16th century. The 17th century brought monasteries and convents to Crémieu, where trade was by now beginning to flag. The Capuchins settled there in 1615, The white Penitents in 1619, the nuns of the order of Visitations in 1627, the ursuile nuns in 1633, the Notre-Dame du Reclus hospital opened in 1675 and the church of Saint-John was completed by the end of 17th century. The town's economic decline finalised by the suppression, in 1702, of the annual trade fairs dating back to the 14th century, led the townspeople to turn to the leather and textile industries during 18th century. In 1710, quarter of the population was working as tanners, cobblers carders (of both hemp and wool) and spinners. In the next century, the plateau of Isle-Cremieu and the sleepy town below the ruins of the castle and ramparts began to attract landscape artists, led by Corot, as well as travellers, tourists and lovers of all things beautiful.
un endroit pour la méditation et la prière dans un très bon décors
©CROIRE, Eglises et Cathédrales-POEME THOMAS ANDRE©
La foi, une croyance,
Une forme d’espérance,
La voix d’une alternance,
Le choix de pouvoir choisir sa chance.
C’est le moment de ton existence,
Où en te posant des questions, tu arrives à ton évidence,
DIEU, est présent et m’accompagne,
Dans mon chemin, la vie, que je nomme ma montagne.
Surmontant, les dangers de cette vie,
Par ma prière, et ma force intérieure,
Car, en fait, si bien des fois, je doute de toi, la vie,
Je ne nie pas, ta richesse spirituelle, supérieure.
Tu portes en toi, tous les défauts,
Mais aussi, toutes tes qualités,
Celle de l’amour, celle du partage, et des difficultés,
Comblant les vides, de nos défauts.
Tu nous fais vivre, en conscience,
Faisant le choix, entre le bien,
Et le mal, qui t’exaspère et ébranle ta conscience.
Jouant avec tes vérités propres, comme une alternance au bien.
Mais, tu sais, où il est bon, de se définir,
Oui, tu sais, quelle voie, tu dois choisir,
Pour que tu te sentes, en paix,
Pour que tu vives, en paix.
Alors, après maintes réflexions,
Tu te tourneras, vers le Seigneur,
Et, comme les champions,
Tu graviras les marches, qui te mèneront, un jour vers notre Seigneur.
Mise en ligne le 11 févr. 2012
Dans ces moments de tristesses, et de recueillements pour tout notre pays LA FRANCE, j'ai voulu mettre à jour ce diaporama de photos et de photos-peintures de MARTINE ANCIAUX propice AU CALME ET A LA MEDITATION POUR CONTENIR LA COLERE ET LA REVOLTE QUI GRONDE EN MOI.
NE PAS SE LAISSER ENVAHIR PAR DES SENTIMENTS IGNOBLES, que tôt ou tard nous, et notre conscience regretteront.
MARTINE ANCIAUX,photographe d’art,créatrice de la photo peinture,photo painting,art photographer,
Martine ANCIAUX creator of the photo painting,new art of the photo painting,art photographer,
Sainte-Marie de Serrabona fut une église fondée au Xe ou au XIe siècle, habité par
Les religieux de l'ordre de SAINT AUGUSTIN, au début du XIIe siècle, à côté de l'église, Ils construisent des extensions qui leur sont propres: cloître, salle capitulaire, réfectoire, dortoir,et dotent le futur prieuré d'une parure sculptée.70 ans plus tard, l'église devient Prieuré, 1511 le nouvel édifice est consacré.1593,le prieuré et ses biens sont donnés au nouveau diocèse de Solsona en Catalogne jusqu'en 1896. Visitée par Mérimée en 1834 ce lieu devient en 1836 l'un des tout premiers monuments historiques. Offert au Département des Pyrénées-Orientales par la famille Jonquères d' Oriola en 1968, le Prieuré de Serrabona est depuis cette date ouvert au public. L'architecture du prieuré est romane.
Traduit par google translation
Posted on Feb 11. 2012
the 24-11-2015 for MARTINE THOMAS André ANCIAUX remains hospitalized.
In these moments of sadness and meditations for every country FRANCE, I wanted to update the photo slide show photo-paintings MARTINE ANCIAUX conducive QUIET AND MEDITATION FOR HOLDING THAT ANGER AND REVOLT GRONDE IN ME?
DO NOT LEAVE MOVE OVER BY FEELINGS ignoble, that sooner or later we, and our consciousness regret.
MARTINE ANCIAUX, art photographer, creator of the photo painting, picture painting, art photographer,
Martine ANCIAUX creator of the painting pictures, new pictures of the art painting, art photographer,
St. Mary of Serrabona a church was founded in the tenth or eleventh century, inhabited by
The religious of the Order of Saint Augustine, in the early twelfth century, next to the church, they build their own extensions: cloister, chapter house, refectory, dormitory, and endow the future priory with an ornament sculptée.70 years later, the church became the Priory, in 1511 the new building is consacré.1593, the priory and its assets are given to the new diocese of Solsona in Catalonia until 1896. Visited by Mérimée in 1834 this place becomes 1836 one of the first historic monuments. Offered to the Department of Pyrenees-Orientales Jonquères by the family of Oriola in 1968, the Priory of Serrabona has since been open to the public. The architecture of the Romanesque priory.
Remembering the Good: Holocaust Rescue and Resistance in a French Village
November 15, 2017
From 1939 to 1945, the villagers of the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon, France, hid, protected, and ultimately rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazis at great peril to their own lives. Their nearly unparalleled actions during the Holocaust are part of this community’s long history of taking in persecuted outsiders of diverse backgrounds. Anthropologist Dr. Margaret Paxson will discuss her nearly completed book on how this community handled the shelter of outsiders. Dr. Paxson, whose first book, Solvyovo: The Story of Memory in a Russian Village, was named a 2006 “Book of the Year” by, is a Research Fellow at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. Using the archive collection of the USHMM oral histories and other official records, this scholar offers a comprehensive and fascinating narrative of an entire community effort towards resistance and rescue, the effects of which both resonate and remain celebrated today.