Borneo, Indonesia
During our trip across Asia we made our way to Borneo to see orangutans in Tanjung Puting National Park. We went on an Eco Safari with Eco Lodges Indonesia with our incredible guide Hakim. We stayed at Rimba Lodge but spent most of our time and our meals on the safari river boat.
Indonesia – Blue Planet Odyssey in Kumai
After Lombok, the BPO participants sailed to Kumai on Kalimantan to see the orangutans’ conservation area. At first it looked like a visit would not be possible due to the uncontrolled mass forest dfires on Borneo but luckily rain did stop the fire in the area (after months of damagesL. All participants did go on a river boat cruise to the different stations. Harry Rustaman is the man to see to get the best boat crew to take you to day or overnight tours: 4 to 6 for overnight/ 8-10 for day tours. The guides were excellent and the crew was great, especially the cook who had fresh and varied local meals prepared so many times a day! Orangutans and other types of monkeys were well worth the visit but so was the boat river trip itself! Filmed in November 2015!
Tanjung Puting National Park - tanjung puting national park tours - Indonesia
Tanjung Puting National Park is a national park in Indonesia located in the southeast part of West Kotawaringin Regency in the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan (Central Borneo). The nearest main town is the capital of the Regency
tanjung puting national park tours
tanjung puting national park how to get there
camp leakey,tanjung puting national park map
tanjung puting national park accommodation
klotok tanjung putting
get tanjung puting national park
tanjung puting national park airport
More info Please click Link:
Borneo Trip - Tanjung Puting National Park
Tanjung Puting National Park is the largest orangutan conservation in the World.
Located in Central Borneo (Pangkalan Bun)
I took this trip on 13th -15th April, 2018
A lot of foreigners around the world are coming to visit this adventurous place
This trip is one of the most memorable experiences I have
I hope this video will inspiring you to visit this beautiful place
For more info visit link below
Wonderful Indonesia
Video took by Iphone 6S
Orangutan Trekking Tours in Borneo
Orangutan Trekking Tours offer private guided tours in Borneo (Pangkalan Bun). Our Adventure Tour packages have been carefully designed to build an awareness of Orangutans and ecotourism while taking safety and impact on the environment into consideration.
Tanjung Puting National Park. Perhaps the best place to see Orangutans in the wild. Borneo aka Kalimantan is one of only two islands in the world you can see these animals. They are not actually monkeys like many people believe, they belong to the ape family, and share a lot of their biology with us.
We spent 2 days cruising the rivers of Tanjung Puting National Park to see these animals. Many of them are rescues, taken back from the illegal pet trade. This allows us to see them up close, as they still have to be fed by humans. Indonesia is a paradise for nature geeks. These animals are basically like celebrities, and seeing them like this was an incredible experience. You need to check out Wonderful Indonesia!
ϟ My Camera Gear ϟ
Sony Alpha a7S Digital Camera:
Sony 16-35mm FE F4 ZA OSS:
Sony 55mm F1.8 Sonnar T FE ZA:
Sony FE 90mm f/2.8-22 Macro G OSS:
Rode VideoMic Pro:
SanDisk Extreme PRO 64GB SD Card:
PD Capture Camera Clip:
PD Capture Lens Kit:
PD slideLITE Camera Strap:
PD Rain Shell Cover:
3 Legged Thing Carbon Fiber Tripod::
Glidecam HD-2000 Steadicam:
DJI Phantom 3 4K Drone:
♥ Friends ♥
This was part of the #tripofwonders put on by Indonesia Travel (
If you'd like, take the quiz and win a trip here:
♫ Music: Beauty and Abstractive by Deodek
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Tanjung Puting, Borneo: Rainforest & River Safari Wildlife Cruise
Feel the rhythm of the different chorus of nature and breathe in the pure air straight from the lungs of the planet while lounging in comfort. Cruise along the mirrored blackwater Sekonyer River and find a magical journey of captivating array of flora and fauna on each turn along the tropical rainforest.
Belantara cruising Tanjung Puting National Park, the orangutans capital on Earth.
Instagram: @borneohouseboat
Tanjung Puting - Wonderful Indonesia HD
Orangutans in Tanjung Puting - Borneo Indonesia
The orangutans of Borneo Indonesia.
My tour in Tanjung Puting Borneo Indonesia and the Orangutans. I flew into Pangkalanbun and jumped on a klotok - small boat (3 days, 2 night) to work our way into the rainforest. We saw salt water crocodiles, dolphins, proboscis monkeys, hornbills, fresh water crocodiles, monitor lizards, amazing ants, dung beetles and orangutans.
The boat takes you to three feeding stations, the most famous being camp leakey. The park rangers do their call for the orangutans and provides bananas for them to feed on. It is my understanding that the orangutans that come to these feeding stations are rehabilitated rather and being fully wild. However, while on the boat you would periodically see wild orangutans near the waters edge or swimming. An amazing experience to say the least.
Rainforest Exploration in Borneo with The Orangutan and Tribes Tour | The Great Projects
Explore the rainforest and meet local tribes on the Orangutan and Tribes Tour in Borneo:
For more award-winning wildlife volunteering projects and animal conservation tours for travellers abroad, visit The Great Projects website:
Connect with The Great Projects!
Instagram: @thegreatprojects
#thegreatprojects #volunteerabroad
Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting | wonderful indonesia | Pangkalan Bun
Trip murah dari semarang pangkalan bun hanya Idr. 400-600 ke kota pangkalan bun
Orangutan Klotok Tour in Tanjung Puting Borneo. Tours de Orangutanes por Borneo.
Dian, Professional guide for the best Orangutan Tour in klotok by Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Travel with us to know orangutans and the forest of Borneo in Klotok by the river Sekonyer on an unforgettable tour through the best sites of Tanjung Puting to admire the beauty of the wildest nature of Borneo.
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Dian, guía profesional para el mejor Tour de orangutanes por Borneo navegando en Klotok por el río en el Parque Nacional de Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Viaja con nosotros para conocer los orangutanes y la selva de Borneo en Klotok por el río Sekonyer en un viaje inolvidable a través de los mejores sitios de Tanjung Puting para admirar la belleza de la naturaleza más salvaje de Borneo.
Orangután Tour Borneo es una empresa con guías profesionales certificados, especializada en realizar los mejores klotok tours, recorridos y excursiones para ver orangutanes en libertad dentro de la reserva Nacional de Tanjung Puting, en Borneo, Indonesia.
Wildlife of Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo I - 2015
A survey of the wildlife of Borneo's Tanjung Puting National Park with particular emphasis on the Orangutans. The biology of Orangutans is discussed. In addition, other Primate species, such as Proboscis Monkeys, Silvery Lutungs, and Long-tailed Macaques, are presented as well.
the exotic of Tour Borneo Orangutan Tanjung Puting
We promote wildlife, adventure, nature, rainforest ecotourism and other ecotours in Borneo. CALL +6282151510150 Our Packages tour are designed with carefully & safety
Tanjung Putting National Park is a national park located on the southwestern peninsula of Central Kalimantan province.
Tanjung Puting was originally a nature reserve and wildlife reserve established by the Government of the Dutch East Indies in 1937. Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry no. 687 / Kpts-II / 1996 dated 25 October 1996, Tanjung Puting was designated as a National Park with a total area of 415,040 ha.
tanjung puting
taman nasional tanjung puting
taman nasional tanjung puting kalimantan
Rusty the tour guide of TOUR BORNEO ORANGUTAN
We promote wildlife, adventure, nature, rainforest ecotourism and other ecotours in Borneo. CALL +6282151510150 Our Packages tour are designed with carefully & safety
CLIO Voyage à Bornéo 2019
Maisons longues et art funéraire des Dayaks - Les Orangs Utans du Parc National de Tanjung Puting - Navigation sur La Rivière de Mahakam, vie lacustre et maisons communautaires des Dayaks Kenyah
Dalam Perjalananku backpacker dari Pontianak ke banjarmasin, aku mampir di pangkalan Bun.
Mengunjungi Tanjung Puting
Sayangnya saya tidak sampai ke tanjung puting hanya sampai pintu gerbangnya di Pelabuhan Kumai
Taman Nasional (TN) Tanjung Puting terletak di semenanjung Kalimantan Tengah. Di sini terdapat konservasi orangutan terbesar di dunia dengan populasi diperkirakan 30.000 sampai 40.000 orangutan yang tersebar di taman nasional dan juga di luar taman nasional ini. Selain itu TN Tanjung Puting juga merupakan cagar biosfer yang ditunjuk pada tahun 1977 dengan area inti TN Tanjung Puting seluas 415.040 ha yang ditetapkan pada tahun 1982.
Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting ini dikelola oleh Balai Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, salah satu Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Ditjen Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (PHKA) Kementerian Kehutanan. Dengan status Taman Nasional dan cagar biosfer TN Tanjung Puting ini dapat terjaga kelestariannya dan merupakan daya tarik salah satu wisata di Indonesia, berbeda dengan Konservasi orangutan yang terdapat d ibagian Kalimantan lainnya kita melihat Orangutan di habitat buatan manusia. tidak di TN Tanjung Puting ini kita dapat melihat langsung habitat alami Orangutan secara langsung dan melihat langsung hidup mereka di alam liar.
Selamat mengunjungi tanjung Puting, Pangkalan Bun, kalimantan Tengah
Cruise at Tanjung Puting
visit orang utan at Tanjung Puting National Park Central Kalimantan, the largest rehabilitation of Otangutan in Indonesia. Visit the wildlife, forest, nature of Kalimantan
Mengunjungi taman nasioan Tanjung puting di Kalimantan tengah dengan menggunakan kapal wisata yang cukup nyaman bersih, selama perjalanan anda bisa melihat hutan yang asri, pemandangan alam dan aneka binatang yang ada di kawasan taman nasional
Kalimantan/Indonesia, Jungle Trekking