طائر المينا المَألوفة _ طائر الياسمين
المينا المَألوفة (الاسم العلمي: Acridotheres tristis) (بالإنجليزية: Common Myna) هو طائر من الفصيلة الزرزورية. يتواجد في قارة آسيا عموماً من أفغانستان شمالاً وحتى جنوبها وخصوصاً الهند وسريلانكا ويوجد أيضاً في سلطنة عمان بأعداد كبيرة. يطلق عليه البعض مسمى طائر الياسمين نسبة إلى ياسمينة الشخصية التي لعبت دور في مغامرات السندباد البحري.
تُعدّ هذه المينا أكثر الطيور المألوفة في جنوبي آسيا على الأرجَح، وبالتأكيد في القرى وحول جميع المستوطنات البشريّة.
وهي طائر جريء ومغرور وحذِر جدّاً مع ذلك، وتُحسن انتهاز الفُرصِ التي تتيحها الأعمال البشريّة في توفير الطعام والعشّ. وتشعر بالرّاحة في مَشيِها حول رُقع العشب الصغيرة في المُدن الصاخبة وبقدرٍ مماثل عندما تقتاتُ وسَط الماشية بالقرب من مستوطنة حرجيّة نائية.
توجد غالباً في أسراب نشِطة صاخبة وتجثم في أعدادٍ هائلةٍ في بساتين الأشجار، ومَشاتل القصَب أو فوق المباني. وتتناول أنواعاً واسعة التنوّع من الطعام من الحيوان والنبات، وهي طائر مُصوِّت للغاية وتُطلق مزيجاً من النغمات الخشنة والرّخيمة.
اللون بني بلون الشيكولاتة بمنقار أصفر وكذلك بقعة صفراء حول العينين والأرجل، مع مساحة بيضاء بباطن الذيل وعلى باطن الجناحين تكون على شكل عينين كبيرتين لمن يراه طائراً.
طوله 35 سنتيمتر، ويتغذي على البذور ، الحشرات ، الفاكهة و بعض السحالي
، الجنس غير واضح وغالباً فالذكر ذو وقفة شامخة أكثر من الأنثى الانسجامية بشكل فردي إذا كان الغرض التمتع بمواهبه الصوتية أو أزواج إذا كان الغرض محاولة التناسل، ويبلغ عمره التقريبي إلى أكثر من25 سنة، ويعتبر المينة من الطيور المتكلمة وهي في المراتب الأولى إذ تستطيع هذه الطيور التكلم بوضوح وكما أنها لا تخشى من التحدث حتى أمام الغرباء إذ إنها جرئية بعكس الببغاوات، التكاثر تضع الأنثى من 2 – 3 بيضات ذات لون فيروزي باهت وبها بقع بنية اللون وكلا الأبوين حاضن للبيض فترة الحضانة من 16 – 17 يوم تغادر الصغار العش بعد 20 يوماً من الفقس.
يعتبر طائر المينا من الطيور المتكلمة وهي في المراتب الأولى إذ تستطيع هذه الطيور التكلم بوضوح
و قد يصل عمر هذا الطائر الى 25 سنة
أفريقيانية : Indiese Spreeu
عربية : غراب المينا, مينا
بنغالية : ভাত শালিক
كاتالانية : Minà comú
تشيكية : Majna obecná
الدانماركية: Almindelig Maina, Maina
ألمانية : Hirtenmaina, Schwarzhirtenstar, Trauermaina
إنجليزية : Common Myna, Common Mynah, Crested Myna, House Myna, house mynah, Indian Myna, Indian Mynah
إسبانية : Estornino Pardo, Mainá Común, Miná Común
Spanish (Spain): Miná Común
إستونية : maina
فارسية : مینای معمولی
فنلندية : Pihamaina
فرنسية : Mainate triste, Martin familier, Martin triste, Merle des Moluques
عبرية : מיינה מצויה
هندية : Nahanavai
هنغارية : pásztormejnó
أندونيسية : Kerak Ungu
إيسلندية : Hjarðmænir
إيطالية : Maina comune
يابانية : indohakka, kaba-iro hakka, kabairohakka
اليابانية: インドハッカ, カバイロハッカ
Japanese (Kanji): 樺色八哥
كازاخستانية : Сарыжағай қараторғай
لاتينية : Acridotheres griseus, Acridotheres tristas, Acridotheres tristis, Acridotheres tristis tristis, Paradisea tristis, Sturnus tristis
ليتوانية : Maina, Paprastoji maina
لاتفية : parastā maina
مالاغشية : Martaina, Ramaro, tserikamena
ملايالامية : നാട്ടുമൈന, നാട്ടുമൈന
ماليزية : Burung Tiong Gembala Kerbau, Burung Tiong Rumah, Tiong Gembala Kerbau
هولندية : Treurmaina
نرويجية : Brunstær, Hyrdestær, Vanlig hyrdestær
بولندية : majna brunatna
Pinyin: jiā bā-gē
برتغالية : Mainato
Portuguese (Portugal): Mainato-de-mascarilha-amarela
Rarotongan: Manu Kavamani
روسية : Майна, Майна (афганский скворец), Майна обыкновенная, Обыкновенная майна
سندية : ڇ وب يي ډٮم ڃًي
سلوفاكية : Ékorec tmavočervený, škorec hnedý
سلوفينية : žalostna majna
صربية : Smeđa majna
سويدية : Brun majna, Brun myna
تاميلية : சாதாரண மைனா
تايلاندية : นกเอั้ยงหงอนก้นลาย, นกเอี้ยงสาริกา, นกเอี้ยงสาลิกา, นกเอี้ยงหงอนก้นลาย, ศาริกา, สาริกา, สาลิกา
Thai (Transliteration): nók îaŋ săa-lí-kaa, nók îaŋ săa-rí-kaa, săa-lí-kaa, săa-rí-kaa
تركية : Çiğdeci, Mayna
فييتنامية : Chim Sáo nâu, Sáo nâu
صينية : 家八哥
Chinese (Traditional): 家八哥
Chinese (Taiwan, Traditional): 家八哥
Chinese (Taiwan): 家八哥
Geography Now! Japan
Countries like this are a little challenging because I have to find info on things people don't already know about. Japan is popular. Let's see if we can accomplish that. LET'S SUPER HARASSMENT SANDWICH!!
We now have a Public mailbox! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is:
1905 N Wilcox ave, #432
Los Angeles CA, 90068
BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page:
Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN! Brandon the Cameraman, as well as Ken the graphics guy. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to:
Countries A to Z:
Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road.
CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.
Biomimicry design, explained with 99% Invisible. Check them out here:
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Japan’s Shinkansen doesn’t look like your typical train. With its long and pointed nose, it can reach top speeds up to 150–200 miles per hour.
It didn’t always look like this. Earlier models were rounder and louder, often suffering from the phenomenon of tunnel boom, where deafening compressed air would rush out of a tunnel after a train rushed in. But a moment of inspiration from engineer and birdwatcher Eiji Nakatsu led the system to be redesigned based on the aerodynamics of three species of birds.
Nakatsu’s case is a fascinating example of biomimicry, the design movement pioneered by biologist and writer Janine Benyus. She's a co-founder of the Biomimicry Institute, a non-profit encouraging creators to discover how big challenges in design, engineering, and sustainability have often already been solved through 3.8 billion years of evolution on earth. We just have to go out and find them.
This is one of a series of videos we're launching in partnership with 99% Invisible, an awesome podcast about design. 99% Invisible is a member of
Additional imagery from the Biodiversity Heritage Library:
Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app.
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Let's turn the high seas into the world's largest nature reserve | Enric Sala
What if we could save the fishing industry and protect the ocean at the same time? Marine ecologist Enric Sala shares his bold plan to safeguard the high seas -- some of the last wild places on earth, which fall outside the jurisdiction of any single country -- by creating a giant marine reserve that covers two-thirds of the world's ocean. By protecting the high seas, Sala believes we will restore the ecological, economic and social benefits of the ocean. When we can align economic needs with conservation, miracles can happen, Sala says.
Check out more TED Talks:
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.
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The diet that helps fight climate change
You don’t have to go vegan to fight climate change. Research shows that small changes to our diets can make big differences.
Climate Lab is produced by the University of California in partnership with Vox. Hosted by conservation scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan, the videos explore the surprising elements of our lives that contribute to climate change and the groundbreaking work being done to fight back. Featuring conversations with experts, scientists, thought leaders and activists, the series demystifies topics like nuclear power, food waste and online shopping to make them more approachable and actionable for those who want to do their part. Sanjayan is an alum of UC Santa Cruz, a Visiting Researcher at UCLA and the CEO of Conservation International.
Prior episodes at or visit for more
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And check out the University of California’s channels:
The University of California is a pioneer on climate research, renewable energy and environmental sustainability. UC is dedicated to providing scalable solutions to help the world bend the curve on climate change. UC research is also paving the way for the university to meet its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025. Read more about our commitment at
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Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app.
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15 Eco Efficient Dome Homes | Eco Luxury Dome Homes
Dome homes have many structural advantages and have been built around the world in varied climates. These have proven to be a stable and efficient form of shelter with a natural resistance to external factors like earthquakes, high winds, and flowing water. Here is our list of 15 eco efficient dome homes | eco luxury dome homes.
*Website* ????
*Mind's Eye Amazon* ????
*Playlists!* ????
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Featured Dome Homes ⭐
15. Bear Creek Dome
Step by Step Build:
14. Domespace by Solaleya
13. White Pod Eco-Luxery Hotel
12. Dome of Visions By Tejlgaard and Jepsen Domes
11. The Pearl by Solaleya
10. Dwell Domes By Pacific Domes - Geodesic Yoga Dome
9. MinneDome by Natural Spaces
8. Biodomes Geodesic Dome Homes
7. EconOdome Home created by EconOdome
6. The Highlands Tanzania's Geodesic Dome Suite
5. Domegaia Air crete dome homes
4. Glass Dome Eco House In The Arctic Circle
3. The People's Meeting Dome
Tejlgaard and Jepsen Domes
2. Dome of a Home
. Aura Frame-less Dome by Viking Domes
Social Media ????
Licensed Music ????
Broken Radios by Binary Love
Sweet Glimps by Appearing
Abstract Emotion by Stefano Mastronardi
Five Spiral by Ian Post - Wildlife
(Voice-over) by Glenn Nobel ????
15 Eco Efficient Dome Homes | Eco Luxury Dome Homes
#mindseyevideo #luxuryhome #domehomes
*Our Latest Video* ????????
Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!
Bob Ross - Island in the Wilderness (Season 29 Episode 1)
Take a walk with Bob Ross down a little lakeside path in a secluded place; you’ll delight in the discovery of a small uninhabited island.
Season 29 of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross features the following wonderful painting instructions: island in the Wilderness, Autumn Oval, Seasonal Progression, Light at the Summit, Countryside Barn, Mountain Lake Falls, Cypress Creek, Trapper’s Cabin, Storm on the Horizon, Pot O’ Posies, A Perfect Winter Day, Aurora’s Dance, and Woodman’s Retreat.
Subscribe to the official Bob Ross YouTube channel -
Season 29 Playlist:
Originally aired on 8/24/1993
How to Track a Predator!
On this episode of On Location, Coyote and Mario are in Ohio and go out searching for animal tracks to cast! Who will find the coolest animal track to make a plaster cast of?! And will they come across some predators along the way?
Get ready to learn how to track a predator -- and guess what?! You can make your own animal track casts with our latest Brave Wilderness Adventure Kit! Get yours here:
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Thank you for joining us On Location! In these segments you will get a behind the scenes look at all of the fun and exciting things Coyote and team experience on their adventures when they’re NOT encountering wildlife…or at least not by choice!
The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters. SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man!
New Episodes Every Saturday!
Find more info at:
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This is no topic to be humble. We need an epic view, original ideas, perfect execution. Aquascaping contest tanks are the deep end of aquascaping - they're built for performance. They should reflect your best efforts, and they should be innovative, you should not compromise. The first episode of three videos covers the topic of creative planning. Our VIP guest this time is a well-known movie concept graphic artist. Éva Kedves - the creator of the original idea behind the 2014 IAPLC Grand Prize winning work Hidden Passage. In this episode, you'll learn how to use Photoshop for building contest concepts and how to find creative ideas lying around.
If you like the video, please do not forget to subscribe. Click the bell to get notified of new updates. Feel free to comment and give feedback to us. We're glad to answer your questions.
DISCLAIMER: Our kit.com list contains affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of the product links, we will receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!
Camera Operators: Csaba Viczián, Balazs Farkas
Post-Production by Péter Hajdu and Balazs Farkas
Sound Mixing in Adobe Audition: Viktor Lantos
Subtitles: Tamás Demeter
Graphics, editing and color grading made in DaVinci Resolve Studio 16
Music: Honor at Last, When All Else Fails, Try to Catch Me, Something in the Waters, Believe in Glory by Hector Posser; White Rooftops by FormantX, Tranquilize by Jean Leonti
Music licensed through:
Artlist.io - License Number 366579.
#greenaqua #aquascaping #aquascapingcontest #iaplc #contesttank #aquarium
Tiny homes of the future | Lara Nobel | TEDxSouthBank
Lara Nobel has always had a natural tendency to problem solve, so when she found herself at the bottom rung of one of the world’s least affordable housing markets, she immediately started brainstorming alternatives. In this talk Lara shares how she was able to innovate, creating one of the world's best tiny houses.
Lara Nobel has always had a natural tendency to problem solve, so when she found herself at the bottom rung of one of the world’s least affordable housing markets, she immediately started brainstorming alternatives. With an optimism that’s grounded in tangible solutions, Lara has travelled the world studying urban design solutions in Berlin, micro-housing in Tokyo, and alternative housing in Portland. She’s now developing a new type of compact housing in Australia – one that’s driven by our needs rather than market expectations. Leading by example, she has co-founded a company to produce these affordable ‘tiny houses’.
After completing a Masters in Architecture, Lara transitioned to an apprenticeship in carpentry to gain some hands-on experience that would aid her new venture. She is now near the end of this apprenticeship and last year won Apprentice of the Year.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
7 Things We Don't Know About the Ocean
The ocean covers 70% of the planet, but humans still don’t know very much about it. In this episode, Hank discusses seven mysterious ocean topics.
Hosted by: Hank Green
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Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Accalia Elementia, Kathy & Tim Philip, Kevin Bealer, Justin Lentz, Fatima Iqbal, Linnea Boyev, Tomasz Jonarski, Chris Peters, Philippe von Bergen, Will and Sonja Marple, and Mark Terrio-Cameron.
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Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet?
The Ocean Floor
Beneath the Seafloor
Brine Pools
Milky Seas
Unidentified Sounds
The 52Hz Whale
Abyssal Gigantism
Alaska Tiny House with Green Design for Sustainability College Professor
Mark Wipfli's Midnight Sun Tiny House might be the most northern tiny house! It's still a work in progress, but Mark's tiny house is unique in design and can withstand an impressive 150 degrees of temperature change from Alaska's summer to winter season.
Mark used to live in a large log cabin style home in Fairbanks, but then decided he didn't need so much space. He now rents his beautiful log cabin on AirBNB and lives in his tiny house on the property. He has access to electricity and water through his garage and pottery studio.
Mark is passionate about having a low-impact lifestyle, so he grows, hunts and fishes his own food. He also composts and utilizes rain catchment.
Full story & photos -
Rent Mark's Log Cabin on your next vacation -
Follow Jenna here:
LIVE - Why cant we see the Apollo sites from Earth with Marc D'Antonio - replay
Our 1st live steam where looked at a subject I covered before about 15 months ago, of Why can't we see the Apollo sites from Earth but this time with the help of astronomer Marc D'Antonio in more detail with viewer questions.
Timestamped Sections
Marc D'Antonio 0:34
Main topic start 2:15
Q&A start 28:04
Marc's Battleship Office 1:22:59
Marc's 3D printed Crators 1:27:00
Mutual UFO network 1:30:35
Our guest speaker is Marc Dantonio
SkyTour LiveStream with Marc Dantonio on YouTube link:
SkyTour Radio on KGRA with Marc Dantonio
Thanks to our chat moderators
Andy Munzer
Rebecca Kelly
Intro music by Mike G Mullen, BMI, positrosmic.com
Images : LROC, NASA
Some links to items in the show
A working out of the maths to resolve an image the size of the LM from Hubble and Earth
Hubble Shots of the Moon
Apollo 11 as seen from the LRO
LRO Quick Map
Another good reference why we cant see the apollo sites
Audrey's Back! | Travel and Life Q&A While Cooking Korean Kimchi Fried Rice
It's been a while since we saw Audrey on the channel so we decided to film a little Q&A related to life and travel. This is just a casual video where we're hanging out in Canada, telling you about our next trip, cooking kimchi fried rice, and answering the questions you all submitted. If you want to skip ahead to a certain question, here are the timings:
3:22 Where will your next adventure take you?
5:06 How's Pumpy / George?
6:10 If you were not travellers, what would you work as?
7:50 What is the one thing your spouse does that makes you roll your eyes?
9:13 Who edits the videos? And who's better at pieces to camera?
11:00 Who is going to win Copa America?
11:36 What were the most surprising or unexpected things during your trip to Argentina?
12:52 What's your favourite food or cuisine?
27:26 How did the whole family learn to speak Spanish?
29:33 Do you feel more connected to your Argentinean or Peruvian roots?
31:46 What's a typical day when you're not travelling?
34:36 How do you choose the places you go?
36:32 How long have you been married / together?
37:34 A few things you always pack besides obvious things?
38:43 How did you get the idea to start making videos?
46:58 Do you have gastric / heartburn / pain after eating all that food?
49:30 Are you fond of landscapes of prefer history and culture when you travel?
In terms of cooking Korean kimchi fried rice at home you'll want to make sure you have the following ingredients:
1) kimchi
2) rice
3) sesame oil
4) dried seaweed
5) eggs
6) garlic
7) tuna (optional)
Have you made Korea food at home before? How did it turn out?
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Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
* * *
* * *
Hey guys! We are Samuel and Audrey, a vlogging travel couple from Canada. In this travel channel we share our travel and food vlogs while touring the world.
Our most recent trip was to South Korea where I embarked upon a two-week adventure without Audrey. Invited as part of a YouTube vlogging trip, organized by KTO, I spent the first week traveling with other YouTubers in Seoul, Busan and Gyeongju. My second week included independent exploration of Korea with my good friend and fellow YouTuber David of DavidsBeenHere.
Having lived and traveled in South Korea, the chance to return to one of my favorite countries was one of the biggest surprises of 2019. On this particular trip, I had an opportunity to do many things I had not previously covered including a visit to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone between South Korea and North Korea), a Buddhist Temple Stay and a Korean cooking class. It was almost as if the program designed by KTO knew exactly what I had missed out on before.
Obviously, a huge highlight from the two weeks I spent revisiting Korea was the food. I feasted on all of my favorite Korean dishes including Korean barbecue, dolsot bibimbap, haemul pajeon, tteokbokki, bulgogi, kimbap and many others. I can honestly say that Korean food is world-class and is one of my top 5 favorite cuisines in the world. Aside from trying familiar dishes, I had the opportunity to sample raw Korean seafood for the first time.
While visiting Seoul, highlights included going to Gyeongbokgung Palace, Namsan Seoul Tower, Jogyesa Temple and Hongdae. As one of the biggest cities in the world, I barely scratched the surface of things to do in Seoul.
Spending extended time in Busan was my favorite part about the trip with top highlights including a Korean temple stay, fresh fish markets and a Korean baseball game. It was from Busan that we ended up taking a day-trip to Daegu where we enjoyed a traditional Korean market and tried Galbi-Jjim for the first time.
If you want to see more videos from Korea in the future, let us know in the comments what places you'd like us to travel to and what food experiences you'd like to see on this travel channel.
Have you traveled to South Korea before? What was your experience like? Please share your Korea travel tips, advice and experiences in the comments below.
Thanks again for watching our Korea travel and food series! Until next time!
* * *
If you're new to our channel or this Korea series please check out the following playlists to get caught up on all of our videos:
All of our Korea travel + food videos:
This is part of our Travel in South Korea video series showcasing Korean food, Korean culture and Korean cuisine.
* * *
Music We Use:
Japanese MANGA Artist DRAWS in VR【Oculus/Tilt Brush】
Uchida Shinnosuke draws HUGE wall sized manga all over the world but today this Japanese Manga Artist is going to try drawing in VR using Oculus Rift in Google's Tilt Brush App for the first time! Will be feel the same? What will she draw?
Pro vs. Amateur (Uchida draws cyberpunk)→
Manga Live Painting Part 1→
Manga Live Painting Part 2→
Manga Live Painting Part 3→
Shinnosuke Uchida Links:
- Web→
- Shop→
- Twitter→
- Instagram→
Want to see more videos with Uchida-san? Tell us what you'd like to see in the comments!
Shinnosuke Uchida Links:
- Web→
- Shop→
- Twitter→
- Instagram→
The History of Bethesda Game Studios
Embark on a quest through the history of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. With insight into the development of everything from Arena to Fallout 4, Noclip takes you on a journey through the creative process of one of the most prolific RPG designers in gaming history.
Noclip's work is 100% crowdfunded. Consider supporting us on Patreon:
Check out our new website here:
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Chapter Markers by Game
06:37 - Arena & Daggerfall
15:15 - Morrowind
21:38 - Oblivion
33:30 - Fallout 3
55:43 - Skyrim
01:09:02 - Fallout 4
Licenced Music Used
Corn Fields
Fracture 3
Game Music Used
Fallout 4 Theme:
Oblivion OST - Peace Of Akatosh:
Morrowind Theme Song:
Morrowind OST - Shed Your Travels:
Oblivion OST - Glory of Cyrodiil
Oblivion OST - Als is Well
Oblivion OST - Dusk at the Market
Fallout 3 OST - Explore 1
Fallout 3 OST - Explore 2
Fallout 3 OST - Explore 3
Skyrim OST - Distant Horizons
Skyrim OST - Journey's End
Skyrim OST - Around The Fire
Skyrim OST - Secunda
Skyrim OST - Dawn
Fallout 4 OST - Of the People, for the People
Fallout 4 OST - Deeper and Darker
Fallout 4 OST - Darkness Falls
Fallout 4 OST - Imagine Utopia
#noclipdocs #fallout #elderscrolls
Geography Now! NETHERLANDS
Who knew that being so low could keep your head held up so high?
Follow the crew on their Instagrams here:
Ken -
Noah -
Check out ! You asked for merch so we made it for you!
We now have a Public mailbox too! Feel free to send anything via mail! Our public mailbox address is:
1905 N Wilcox ave, #432
Los Angeles CA, 90068
BTS info and tidbits? Check out the Facebook fan page:
Become a patron! Donate to help pay for production of GN including Ken's salary. You also get exclusive BTS footage, pics/ and access to other perks! Go to:
Countries A to Z:
Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road.
CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email: GeographyLater@gmail.com
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
2019 Acura MDX SH-AWD with A-Spec Package
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
7727 Frontage Road
in Overland Park, KS 66204
Learn More:
Step into the 2019 Acura MDX. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the refined 6 cylinder engine, and for added security, dynamic Stability Control supplements the drivetrain. Acura prioritized practicality, efficiency, and style by including: front and rear reading lights, a tachometer, power front seats, a leather steering wheel, lane departure warning, blind spot sensor, and much more. Third row seats provide an even greater maximum passenger capacity. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Audio features include a CD player with MP3 capability, and 10 speakers, providing excellent sound throughout the cabin. Acura ensures the safety and security of its passengers with equipment such as: dual front impact airbags, head curtain airbags, traction control, brake assist, anti-whiplash front head restraints, ignition disabling, and 4 wheel disc brakes with ABS. You'll never lose visibility with rain sensing wipers, which activate automatically when the drops start to fall. We pride ourselves in the quality that we offer on all of our vehicles. Stop by our dealership or give us a call for more information.
How to Solve the Housing Crisis
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Editing Laptop:
My Patreon Expense Report:
Thank you to my patreon supporters: Adam Flohr, darth patron, Zoltan Gramantik, Henning Basma, Karl Andersson, Mark Govea, Mershal Alshammari, Hank Green, Tony Kuchta, Jason A. Diegmueller, Chris Plays Games, William Leu, Frejden Jarrett, Vincent Mooney, Ian Dundore, John & Becki Johnston. Nevin Spoljaric, Kedar Deshpande
Once again thank you to Maeson for his amazing music. Check out his soundcloud here:
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This one took me a little while longer because of its length. Thanks for your patience. Let me know what you think!
Check out Wendover Productions' video about Urban Geography:
Thank you to my patreon supporters: Adam Flohr, darth patron, Zoltan Gramantik, Josh Levent, Henning Basma, Karl Andersson, Mark Govea
A large portion of this video was inspired by this article by Edward Glaeser:
Big thank you to Kian Yap for allowing me to use his drone footage of the Taipei 101
To get a more human look at this problem, check out the Vice News documentary on the gentrification of London:
Once again thank you to Maeson for his amazing music. I used 5 of his songs in this video. Hi, The Catch, Winter, Noir and Time. Check out his soundcloud here:
This video is sponsored by VideoBlocks