Serbia - Stara Planina - Old Mountain
Stara Planina mountain is the largest mountain in eastern Serbia and a massif which forms a natural border with Bulgaria. It is located 330 km from Belgrade, 70 km from Niš and 50 km from Knjaževac and Pirot. The highest point is Midžor, at 2169 m.
The stunning beauty of its unspoilt nature makes Stara Planina the most beautiful mountain in eastern Serbia and one of its most important areas for tourism. It is a natural treasure of exceptional importance and is a protected nature park.
Stara Planina spends almost five months a year under snow cover, at heights of between 1100 and 1900 m, meaning that there is good potential for the construction of long alpine ski slopes.
Stara Planina-deo u Opstini Pirot-3
We give you a spot on the regional TV Pirot nature park Stara Planina.
Material taken from regional TV channels Pirot and no commercial use.
Pred Vama je spot regionalne TV Pirot o parku prirode Stara planina.
Materijal preuzet sa kanala regionalne TV Pirot i nema komercijalnu upotrebu.
Kalna-Babin Zub (PP Stara Planina)
Kalna-Babin Zub is part of road 222 in south-eastern Serbia. The road takes to the entrance of nature park and ski center Stara Planina. Babin Zub is one of the peaks of Stara Planina mountain (1780 m) and can be seen when driving on road towards ski center.
Complete route shown in the video can be seen here:
Recorded with Garmin Dash Cam 55.
Srbsko cesta od Bulharských hranic směr Niš.
Reportaža Petra Videnova, novinara RT Caribrod o radionici arheološkog i etnografskog filma Pametnik, koja je od 4. do 17. jula 2008. godine održana na Staroj planini. Reportaža je snimljena u seima Boljevdol i Kamenica.
Stara planina, prirodne vrednosti, nestajanje sela i etno-tradicija bile su glavne teme radionice. Radionica je dobila naziv „Pametnik po spomen-kosturnici na Neškovom brdu, kao ideja različitosti i simbol besmislenih ratova, sa ciljem da preraste u mesto okupljanja mladih iz mnogih zemalja. Desesetak polaznika, studenata arheologije i etnologije iz Beograda, sa Stare planine je otišlo sa puno utisaka, ali i sa činjenicom da mnoga sela u ovom rejonu polako nestaju. Sa polaznicima su radili profesionalni reditelji i novinari, medju kojima Slobodan Simojlović, reditelj RTS-a. Radionicu je finansijski pomogla Skupština grada Beograda, a novinar RTS-a Slobodan Aleksić, poreklom iz Dimitrovgrada i reditelj Igor Toholj iz Beograda bili su glavni koordinatori ove svojevrsne filmske škole u prirodi.
Autor: Petar Videnov
Snimatelj: Goša Vladimirov
Montaža: Slaviša Milanov
Produkcija RT Caribrod jul 2008. god.
Manu Chao- Clandestino 2019 version(unofficial video)
Manu Chao- Clandestino
(Topi Do, Serbia version 2019. plus bonus)-unofficial video
in the heaven like gorgeous natural park Stara planina in south east Serbia, in a small village Topli Do (warm valley) the most world famous activist against globalism Manu Chao was a welcomed guest and a support. The villagers were living in complete symbiosis with nature, respecting the laws of nature and being completely aware of the value of Toplodolska river for their lives. In fact the river is all they have. Paws of capitalism have decided to put this water in tubes. This is an ecocide that would kill all of life in this area. Villagers are old people who are protecting their river with their own lifer because for them RIVER IS LIFE. They managed to push away the investor and save their village and the river by guarding it day and night for three months and fighting with their weak old bodies against strong well trained guards of the investor . Manu Chao has decided that visiting Topli do once he is in Serbia is a MUST. everything else has become history.
Manu has promised to help as much as he can!
Zavojsko Jezero je veštačko jezero, koje se nalazi u jugoistočnoj Srbiji, 17 km od Pirota. Nastalo je 1963. godine, kada je veliko klizište napravilo prirodnu branu, koja je kasnije nadvišena izgradnjom veštačke brane. Površina ovog jezera je 5.53 km kvadratna i nalazi se na visini od 612 m.
Instagram profil:
Facebook stranica:
Snimano telefonom: Samsung Galaxy S9+
The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted Decree of mountain tourism development program in the area of Stara Planina Mountain (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia: No. 85/2007) in September 2007. That led to violation of at least 6 Serbian laws and decrees and more than 10 international conventions on nature protection that Serbia signed and ratified and has an obligation to obey them! This Decree opens a path to degradation of the most valuble habitats and landscapes of the Nature Park Stara planina the biggest protected area of Serbia. The Stara Planina Mountain is one of the most important areas in Europe in terms of plant diversity (at least 1742 species and subspecies on 115000 ha), with 160 local and regional endemic species and subspecies. Many of those plant species are on the European Red List, World Red List, Serbian Red List, CITES list, IUCN list of threatened species, Bern Convention and are protected in various ways by the national legislature. There is also 205 bird species, 60 mammal species, 134 butterfly species, 26 fish species, 18 species of amphibians and reptiles and many of them are protected by various international and national legislations and conventions. Beside enormous irreversible damage over fragile ecosystems, Decree of Mountain tourism development program on Mt. Stara planina will cost citizens of Serbia 56.700.000,00 Euros only during 2008. Mentioned funds will be invested in ski infrastructure of the planned ski-resort. Such public money spending is based on superficially conducted analysis and without participation of local communities in designing their own development. Also, project is considered as absolutely unsustainable and ecomicaly ungrateful due to the climat changes, terrain characteristics and great competition in the region. The implementation of this Governmental program would have as a final result only severe degradation and loss of the Serbian, European and World biodiversity, and therefore it is our moral obligation to stop this attempt of our Government and the „ski lobby.
Music: KITARO: Eternal Spring
TANGERINE DREAM: 21st Century Common Man
Stara Planina
Stara Planina Serbia snowbord
Four day camping in wilderness (Stara planina - Balkan Mountain) - Serbia
Četvorodnevno kampovanje na Staroj Planini.
Dimitrovgrad - Pirot - Stara planina
Stara planina 2012
Stari put od Dimitrovgrada prema Pirotu! Vredelo je! :)
Dimitrovgrad - Bačevo - Radejna - Petrlaš - Smilovsko jezero - Smilovci - Mazgoš - Mojinci - Vlkovija - Donji Krivodol - Gornji Krivodol - Boljev Dol - Izatovci - Kamenica - Senokos - Slavinja - Rosomač - Jelovica - Dojkinci - Visočka Ržana - Rsovci - Basara - Pirot
Foto By: Nenad Kirov
Serbia-Stara planina (Tri Cuke) The Old Mountain-4
Ovaj film je napravljen 2002 i 2003.god. uz pomoć mog prijatelja i planinara G-dina Mančića.
Botanički značajna područja Stare planine : visoki planinski delovi Midžor, Babin zub, Žarkova čuka, Kopren, Tri čuke...
Significant botanical areas of the Old Mountain include high mountainous region of Midžor, Babin zub, Žarkova čuka, Kopren, Tri čuke...
Strogi prirodni rezervat Tri čuke koji obuhvata deo subalpijske zajednice bora krivulja (Pinetum mugi prov., Mišić i Popović)...niske kleke i borovnice (Picea excelsum sub-alpinae-Vaccinio-Juniperetum pinetosum mugi, Mišić), ukupne površine 26,31ha. Zaštićen je 1985.god.
Stricti natural reserve Tri čuke encompassing a part of the sub alpine community of mugo pine (Pinetum mugi prov., Mišić i Popović 1998)... and komplex community of sub alpine spruce fir, juniper and blueberry (Picea excelsum sub-alpinae-Vaccinio-Juniperetum pinetosum mugi, Mišić1998),
Of a total area of 26,31ha it was put under protection in 1985.
Dragan Nikolić, geography teacher in School of Economics, Pirot ( Serbia)
Stara Planina-deo u Opstini Pirot-1
Materijal preuzet sa kanala regionalne TV Pirot i nema komercijalnu upotrebu.
Prirodna bogatstva
U Srbiji, Stara planina obuhvata 1800 km2 brdsko planinske regije, na dužini od 150 Km uz Srpsko- Buigarsku granicu, gde se nalazi i najviši vrh Midžor 2170 m n.v. deo je glavnog planinskog venca dugačkog nekoliko hiljada Km, sve do Crnog mora u Bugarskoj.
Poseduje oko 1195 taksona viših biljaka u 33 porodice, izmedju njih 48 vrste se nalaze na Evropskoj listi ugroženih vrsta kao što su: Androsace elongata, Lycopodium complanatum, Rosa balcanica, Campanula calycialata i Pinus mugo, 203 vrsta ptica, od toga 154 su gnezdašice, 52 biljnih zajednica, 30 vrste sisara; uključujući i Spermophilus citellus, Chionomys nivalis, Ursus arctos i Lynx lynx, 26 vrste riba uključujući veoma važnu Salmo trutta, 6 vrsta vodozemaca i 12 vrsta gmizavaca u delu parka.
44 000 Ha odredjen je 2000.god. kao IBA - Stara planina- Vidlič kao glavno stanište za: Buteorufinus i Alauda arvensis, glavno stanište u Istočnoj Srbiji za Scolapax rustucola i stanište Balkanskog endemita iz vrste Eremophila alpestris balcanica.
Burna geološka prošlost je uslovila pojavu moćnih krednih krečnjaka; a kotline su ispunjene jezerskim i rečnim sedimentima, uključujući i fosile paleozojske vegetacije iz perioda Devon-Karbon (pre 350 ml.god.), fosile trijaskih pustinjskih ekosistema ( pre 182 ml.god.), maritimne eko sisteme iz paleozoika i mezozoika ( pre 137 ml.god ).
Iako nema većih speleoloških objekata, značajne su pećine ( u nekim su pronadjeni tragovi čoveka pre 6 v.n.e ).
Od površinskih oblika u reljefu, a koje je i poznati srpski geograf Jovan Cvijić istraživao su i 2 uvale Vrtibog i Ponor....
Natural sights
In Serbia, Stara Planina covers 1800 km² of mountainous region; 150 km along the border between Serbia and Bulgaria it is a part of the main mountain range which is long several thousands kilometers, all the way to the Black Sea in Bulgaria. Its highest top is Midzor (2170 m above sea level).
It has about 1195 herbal tuxones of 33 families, 48 of them are on the European list of endangered species, such as Androsace Elongata, Lycopodium Complanatum, Rosa Balcanica, Campanula Calycialata Pinus Mugo, 203 bird species (154 of them build nests), 52 herbal groups, 30 mammal species, including Spermophilus Citellus, Chionomys Nivalis, Ursus Arctos and Lynx Lynx, 26 fish species including very important Salmo Trutta, 6 amphibian and 12 reptile species. 44 000 Hectares of the park are declared in 2000 to be an IBA Stara Planina Vidlich, as primary residence of Buteorufinus and Alauda Arvensis, the main residence in eastern Serbia of Scolapax Rustucola and residence of Balkans endemite from the Eremophila Alpestris Balcanica specie.
Tumultuous geological past caused appearance of powerful chalk limestone areas, and valleys are filled with lake and river sediments, including fossils of Paleozoic vegetation from the period Devon Carbon (350 million years ago), fossils of Triassic desert ecosystems (182 million years ago), maritime ecosystems from Paleozoic and Mesozoic (137 million years ago).
Although there are no bigger speleological objects, of significance are caves (in some of them traces of humans before VI century b.c. were found). Surface relief shapes, which were also explored by famous Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijich, existing in this region are 2 valleys Vrtibog and Ponor....
The Beauty of the Stara Mountain
Fun in the nature
Waterfall, Vodopad,Cascade Mauntain Stara Planina in Serbia
Mountain in East Serbia which name is Stara Planina.
From my trip.
International WorkCamp STARA PLANINA
Dobrodosli!!! Volonterski kamp sa temom premakulture i ekologije, koji traje vec pet godina i svake godine okupi vise od 200 ucesnika iz zemlje iz inostranstva.
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