Ndomo - solidarity and sharing
Ndomo is a textile workshop where traditional and modern cloths are designed and made, using natural dyes from leaves, bark, and clay. This process is called 'bogolan', or mud cloth. This center was founded in 1990 by Boubacar Doumbia. It is located in Pelengana, close to the city of Ségou (Mali).
The term Ndomo refers to the first phase of the (former) Bamana initiation societies, through which young people are integrated into social life. Solidarity, sharing and a sense of responsibility are traditional values of the Bamana, one of the largest ethnic groups in Mali. Ndomo offers social security and stability by offering education based on local knowledge, and jobs.
This film consists of fragments of the dvd Ndomo - solidarité et partage, Samaké Records 08, and lasts 4,5 minutes.
Camera and editing: Elisabeth den Otter
The making of bogolan textiles in Centre Soroble in Segou.AVI
Here, in the Centre Soroble in Segou, bogolan textiles are still made by hand in the traditional way.
le Bogolan au Mali, Djenne
la lavoration du bogolan au Mali dans la ville de Djenne
Djenné (MALI) Bogolan de Mali (Coopérative de Femmes)
Accompagnée de mon jeune ami et guide Adama, le 24 août 2004 j´ai visité la Coopérative de Femmes à Djenné. On m´a montré les bogolans de quelques peuples du Mali et on m´a expliqué leur usage.
El tejido bogolan se fabrica a partir de pequeñas tiras de algodón, tejidas e hiladas de manera tradicional, y cosidas las unas a las otras para obtener una gran tela. Los algodones se pringan en un tinte vegetal, una cocción a base de hojas, obtenida por maceración de hojas o frutas del tamarindo. Es una técnica laboriosa que incluye aplicaciones sucesivas de tinte y alterna etapas de secado y lavado para fijar los colores y los estampados.
Union: 3 Countries Textile Collaboration
The Three Countries Textile Project brought together artists from Mali, Nigeria and Indonesia for an exchange of ideas, culture and artistic practice. The Nigerians work in adire and batik, the Malians work in bogolan and the Indonesians in batik. All are accomplished artists who have been practicing their art for many years. The project took place in Segou, Mali in 2005 and was funded by the Ford Foundation-West Africa, Lagos, Nigeria.
Artists included Sangodare Ajala (Nigeria), Yemisi Ajayi (Nigeria), Kandioura Coulibaly (Mali) Kletigui Dembele (Mali), Boubacar Doumbia (Mali), Nia Fliam (Indonesia), Janet Goldner (USA/Mali), Souleymane Goro (Mali), Agus Ismoyo (Indonesia), Baba Keita (Mali/Italie), Nene Thiam (Mali)
Boubacar Doumbia_Mali.flv
Présentation de Boubacar Doumbia, lauréat Harubuntu 2010 -- prix entreprenariat -- Mali. Son projet, le ndomo, a pour objectif la création d'emploi pour les jeunes filles et garçons. Le projet utilise les techniques de teinture traditionnelles. Site du projet : ndomo.net
Echos Communication est une ONG belge qui cherche à promouvoir la participation citoyenne au Nord et au Sud, favoriser et mettre en oeuvre un dialogue interculturel qui permette aux sociétés de se questionner et de s'enrichir mutuellement. En réalisant des projets de communication (films, émissions radiophoniques, sessions de formation, etc...), l'association propose des alternatives pertinentes susceptibles de changer certaines pratiques en vigueur dans la coopération au développement.
History Book Review: Bogolan: Shaping Culture through Cloth in Contemporary Mali (African Express...
This is the summary of Bogolan: Shaping Culture through Cloth in Contemporary Mali (African Expressive Cultures) by Victoria L. Rovine.