Six days Safari with nemm tours and safaris
This is a 6 days Itinerary safari from Mombasa to Saltlick, Amboseli national park, Nakuru national park and Masai mara.
Haller Park - Mombasa - Kenya - Africa
Annemarie and Stu recommend that you book your Kenyan adventure with Stu and Annemarie recommend Leopard Beach for your Kenyan adventure, and African Mecca Safaris for their impeccable service
Our Amazing Trip to Kenya, Africa | Watamu, Tsavo East, Nairobi, Malindi, Gede
Our trip to Africa was our first major trip together as a married couple and it has grown us as people immensely. What a magical and rewarding experience. We have touched lives and, we believe, made lasting change.
Our trip to Kenya, Africa has been one of the most incredible experiences of our life. We heard an authentic African acapella group, kissed giraffes, pet baby elephants, saw a baby rhino, fed monkeys, held crocs, pet a 200 year old tortoise, saw the location of the Lion King (Hell’s Gate), learned how to make mandazi, saw the heavenly white beach, canoed through the mangroves in Mida Creek, walked along coral reefs, saw the bottle-nosed dolphins, snorkelled with the fish, met with the elephants - got charged on multiple occasions, went on an African safari, slept under the stars seeing animals all around you ask you wake up (Elephants, lions, cheetahs, Zebras, Giraffes, dik diks, gazelles, kudus, oryx, hartebeests, impalas, water bucks, sikes monkeys, baboons, buffalo, Ugandas national bird - crested crane w/ babies, & bush babies), saw the beautiful trees of Africa, visited an ecolodge and experienced a local band, had authentic Italian pizza, visited eco world - we saw the eco friendly solutions being implemented in Kenya, experienced the process of neem becoming a recognized medicine - helped kids with jiggers, toured Mombasa - seeing Fort Jesus & the Mombasa Tusks, and we took the train through national parks - passing right by elephants, giraffes, and other animals.
We are so incredibly grateful to every single person that has helped us go, and all the people that touched our lives while in Kenya. You are all so special to us - you mean more to us than words can say.
Special shoutout to Bingo and Joseph - the Kamango brothers who are a part of the Legends Taekwondo & Multisports gym coming up soon.
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To learn more about the Rainbow House and Heart of Ruth, check out
Sandies Tropical Village offers an exclusive launch pad to the wonders of Kenya. Paper-white buildings with palm-thatched roofs watch over the resort's animated garden in the form of a Masai Manyatta Village where you will find towering Neem trees, lazy Bougainvilleas and peeking monitor lizards. Life is easy in this wonder. Embraced in a charming oasis of tranquillity, the resort features 109 garden rooms, 2 restaurants and 3 bars. Evenings are spent under buttermilk skies watching the in-house performers entertain the guests. Through the day you can join the animation team in archery, beach volley, Thai stretching and challenge yourself in a coconut throwing competition.
ZILIZALA VIWANJANI:Ligi kuu kung'oa nanga wikendi,michezo ya maji Diani Beach yaandaliwa
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KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond.
Neem Tree Vipingo, Mombasa, Kenya
Private beach house with fabulous pool on Marine Conservancy. Very spacious 3 bedroomed house (Two triples - 3 pax, one double, sleeps 8, all en suite)
Located 40 min north of historic Mombasa, the house has direct access on to the beautiful, safe and unspoilt shoreline of the Kiruwitu Marine Conservancy which offers fantastic swimming and snorkelling. The Conservancy offers: boat rides to spot dolphins or go fishing outside the reef/glass bottom boat/guided walks to the reef. Fishermen bring freshly caught seafood to the door. Vipingo Village stocks basic household items (7 min drive). Vipingo Ridge (10 minutes) has a stunning clubhouse with a restaurant on its world class golf course. Mtwapa Creek and Nyali Beach (30-35 min) both offer good restaurants, night life, scuba diving, medical centres, supermarkets, water sports and alternative entertainment such as the Bamburi Nature trail, a water park, a cinema complex and a casino. Kilifi Creek (15 min) has deep sea fishing, dhow sundowner cruises and The Boatyard is a popular place for lunch. However, once at Neem Tree its unlikely you will want to go anywhere.
For Enquiries or bookings contact:
Lyndsey McIntyre
my first villa in diani beach
ushago villa diani beach
Taking a BREAK?? (Vipingo, Kenyan Coast)
Can a creative mind truly take a break? I’ve had a very exhausting year and I really need to know if this is sustainable so I explored the topic in this video shot while attempting a vacation at Vipingo, in the Kenyan coast.
Drone Footage by @JoshKisamwa ::
'28.04.18' by Oliver Thomas Klein -
'Like You Always Do’ by Eugene Cam -
Logo by Tracey Buchler ::
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Twitter [@truthslinger] ::
Free Weekly wallpaper (mostly) celebrating Africa ::
The Majlis Resort Lamu, Kenya - OFFICIAL VIDEO (2014)
The Majlis, a privately owned beach hotel situated in the heart of Kenya on Manda Island, Lamu, is a perfect blend of local tradition, Swahili culture, Western comforts, and luxury. The boutique hotel combines superbly appointed luxury suites with verandas that open out to sun-drenched beaches and mesmerizing seashores. The Majlis offers various recreational activities with a focus on wellness, adventure, Swahili culture, sailing, water sports, and fishing for adults as well as families who visit the resort along with children.
Threading the entire design ethos together is the hotel's name: The Majlis. In the Arabic language, the word majlis conjures up images of a beautiful place, reserved especially for entertaining honored guests. And it's exactly what the resort's designers have created: a welcoming space where you -- the honored guest -- can consider yourself at home.
coral beach cottage
Kenya Diani Beach
Swimming in one of Mombasa beaches it was amazing
Under water camera
Mombasa beach sea pool
Kili-piac és állatenciklopédia - Masai Mara Rezervátum #1/3
Ha kíváncsi vagy a folytatásra, iratkozz fel, és kövess minket facebook-on is:
2016-ban úgy döntöttük, megpróbáljuk meghódítani Afrika legmagasabb csúcsát, a Kilimandzsárót, majd ezután meglátogatjuk a Rusinga szigeten működő Sargy iskolát.
De közben:
Tudtad-e, hol van az elefánt csicse? Na majd ebből a részből megtudod!
Ha a negyedik rész egy kicsit komolyabb, érzelmesebbre sikerült, most vegyünk lazábbra a témát.
Előző részünkben a hegy csúcsán szakítottuk meg „adásunkat”, ebben az epizódban elindultunk lefele:
Leérkezésünk után a Kilimandzsáró himnusz eléneklésével (előző kis feltöltött videó) a csapat ott hagyta cuccai egy részét a vezetőinknek, majd elindultunk a Maasai Mara Nemzeti Park felé. Útközben, már a hegy kapujában helyi árusokba botlottunk, ahol kielégíthettük vásárlási vágyainkat, illetve lemoshattuk torkunkról a vulkáni hamut egy jópofa helyi sörrel. Elhagytuk Tanzániát, majd átutazva fél Kenyát megérkeztünk a park bejáratához.
Meséljen az ötödik rész, melynek végén enciklopédiába illő állatelemzéseket és tanulmányokat is hallhattok.
Természetesen a kamerák nem maradhattak otthon, utunkat végig dokumentáltuk, melyet most epizódokba foglalva szeretnénk megmutatni a nagyvilágnak.
Nélkülük nem sikerült volna:
I have a Brick in Kenya
Udvarhelyi Fiatal Fórum
Simo`s Dental
Oakley- Optika 88
Dancea és társai
VIP gsm
Instal Impex
Menta Bistro
DarxieLand, Dubakupado, Lagoa v2
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Explore Mombasa Kenya
Relax at the Beach,
Glass bottom Boat Ride,
Boating at Nyali.
Water Aerobics.
- Dolphins in Wasini Island
- Watch the Sun Rising
wetlands apartments101101
The Wetlands Apartments, a luxurious collection of fully serviced
apartments with 4 ensuite bedrooms plus attic rest room, is
situated in Kenya's magnificent beach capital Mombasa, near
the Nyali Police station on Moyne drive.
At Wetlands Apartments, ancient artistry meets contemporary
comfort. Just 10 minutes from the city centre, this collection of
elegant apartments blends age-old ambience with state-of-the-
art business facilities.
Mombasa draws hundreds of thousands of tourists yearly, who
come to enjoy its many natural marvels and that is the main
target of Wetlands Apartments, to accommodate visitors for
holiday or business and to give you a serene environment to
relax at very competitive rates.
These apartments are furnished with modern furniture, with all
bedrooms ensuite. The kitchen has a fridge, cooker, cutlery,
crockery and glasses.
Laundry, can be arranged on request at an extra charge.
Guests can shop at Nyali Nakumatt shopping mall or tour
Bamburi nature trails animal orphanage. Tembo disco and Bobs
bar and restaurant are nearby for guests to unwind.
24 hours security is provided.
for only 20,000/= (300 usd)
Vipingo Kenya
The Vipingo Adventure
cycling to vipingo from mombasa
Safari Live - 2016. 08. 08.
Afrika Szafari 2016.08.08-a, reggeli élő adásából felvett történések.
Sajnos ennél jobban nem tudtam megvágni a videót! Napi 2 alkalommal 2x3 órában láthatjuk az élő adásokat.
Köszönet a lehetőségért WildEarth-nak, és az összes résztvevőnek, akik ezt számunkra lehetővé teszik.
Naponta 2x, reggel, és du. nézhetők az élő adások, az alábbi linkeken.
(FRISSÍTÉS: szerda, június 1:)
A Sunrise hajtás fut 6:30-09:30 helyi idő szerint, ami azt jelenti, indítási idő 00:30 ET, 21:30 PT, 05:30 Az Egyesült Királyságban, 06:30 Közép-Európában, és 14:30 Sydney idő .
A Sunset Safari fut 15:00-18:00 helyi idő szerint, ami azt jelenti, indítási idő 09:00 ET, 06:00 PT, 14:00 Az Egyesült Királyságban, 15:00 Közép-Európában, és 23:00 Sydney idő .
Kamera elérhetőségek:
NatGeo Wild:
Nagyképernyős élő adás itt látható:
(Itt sajnos sokszor nincsen adás, v. közben megszűnik. Ezért az előző linkekek közül, leginkább a YouTube link a legbiztosabb.)
Saját felvételek, saját szerkesztés - Szemaful - 2016.08.08. Reggel
Szafari legénysége:
Brent Leo Smith Safari Guide
Hayden Turner Sfari Guide
James Hendry Safari Guide
Jamie PatersonSafari Guide
Bryan Joubert
Wium Dornbrack
David Eastaugh
Jeandre Gerding
Élő közvetítések helyszíne:
Djuma Private Game Reserve,
Arathusa Safari Lodge,
Cheetah Plains Lodge
Igaz, hogy hosszú a videó, de a benne látottak miatt érdemes megnézni. Láthatunk benne gyönyörű napkeltét, impalákat, atilopokat, elefántokat, leopárdot a kölykeivel, oroszlánokat a kölykeikkel, kaffer bivalyokat, és sok minden mást, ami érdekes lehet mindannyiunk számára. Sajnos aki a nyelvet nem érti, annak vontatott, unalmas lehet, de a látottak magukért beszélnek. Kellemes kikapcsolódást kívánok, és köszönöm Mindenkinek, aki megnézi a videót.
Kasa Beach Villas
Kasa Beach Villas, Located on Mombasa's North Coast, offers you the perfect combination of a simple and comfortable home away from home. Visitors enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the Indian Ocean to the east and the vast African interior with its stunning sunsets to the west. Kasa Beach Villas are an ideal get away for a family or group of friends looking to relax, soak up the African sun without the limitations of a hotel.
jetski rides at raydon water sports kenya diani
Weltreise Vlog #008 Safari Ngorongoro und Serengeti Teil 1
So Ihr Hübschen, viel Spaß bei meinem Video durch die Savanne Afrikas :)
Alex Tone - Africa (OriginalMix)