#Nemrut #Adiyaman #TanrılarınTahtı #UNESCO #KaradutKöyü #Mezopotamya #Antiochos #Kahta #MountNemrut
► ►UNESCO Dünya Kültür Mirası Listesi'nde de yer alan,Kommagene Kralı Antiochos,Zeus,Tyche,Apollon ve Herkül'ün dev heykelleri'nin bulunduğu,Adıyaman ilimizin ve Dünyanın en gösterişli dağı Nemrut Dağına,Adıyaman ilinin Kahta ilçesine bağlı Karadut köyün'den 13 km. yürüyerek zirveye eşsiz bir yolculuk yaptık.Nemrut Dağı'nın zirvesine kadar ki, yolculuğumuz esnasında yaşadığımız 4 iklim ve muhteşem doğa manzaralarının zevkini çıkarmanız dileği ile iyi seyirler.
► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►ENGLİSH► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►
► ►The statues of Antiochos, Zeus, Tyche, Apollon and Hercules, the King of Kommagene, found in the UNESCO World Heritage List,Adiyaman and the world's most spectacular mountain, Mount Nemrut,We made a unique journey to the summit by walking 13 kilometers from the village of Karadut in the Kahta district of Adiyaman.We look forward to enjoying the 4 climates and spectacular natural landscapes that we have experienced during our journey to the summit of Mount Nemrut.
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Nemrut Dağı: An Amusing Little Place Oldrover's photos around Karadut, Turkey (kemal malatia)
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Entry from: Karadut, Turkey
Entry Title: Nemrut Dağı: An Amusing Little Place
Nemrut Dağı is an archeological site, the images from which form some of the iconographic tourist pictures of Turkey. Basically, the big crumbly-looking heads. The site is a mountain top, and it is in a Turkish national park. It is not on a major highway route. And therefore it can only be approached from one side or the other. There is no through connection by road.
It is, however, possible to walk across the gap. And this is what I planned to do. The gap, from one parking lot across the site to the other parking lot is only about a quarter of a mile.
My guide book told that the City of Malatya arranged guided tours to Nemrut Dağı. So I chose that option as a way to approach the place; then take my chances on catching a ride down the other side.
In the previous blog I told of arriving to Malatya and meeting Kemal, the Malatya Tourist Office representative. He said that a tour went every day. So, after a couple of days of rest and recovery from a cold, I showed up for the tour to leave on the late morning of June 30.
In the summers Kemal holds his office in a tea garden. And there I met with others attending this days' tour, an Australian family of three from Tasmania. The mini-bus arrived and Kemal saw us off. On the bus already were a Turkish couple.
The 90TL ( US$58.62) price includes transportation to Nemrut Dağı, an evening meal at the nearby hotel, a night in the hotel, breakfast, and a return to Malatya. The schedule is that you arrive in the late afternoon, check into the hotel, have an hour or more to do whatever, then are driven the about 3/4 mile up to the site to have a look around until sunset, then return to the hotel for the evening meal.
The following morning you are awakened around 4am for a return to the top to watch the sunrise. Then return to the hotel for breakfast before the return to Malatya.
For my free time on the first day I chose to look for picture compositions and which included a climb up above the hotel. The Australian family chose to walk on up the road to the site.
All I can say is that on these visits neither the sunset nor sunrise were anything to get excited about. If you've ever seen a sunset or sunrise, well, there you are. The only value added were the brief color added to the site and the views of the dramatic scenery surrounding.
The site itself is amusing for its quirkiness. It is more chaotic than I had expected, not as neat as publicity pictures make it seem. And, judging by some pictures I have seen even more disrupted now than before, where some stelle were in place. It is if they had restored things, then thought better of it and returned things, partially, to the originally chaotic tumbled-down condition that the site may first have presented. I don't know what the deal was.
Well, unlike the others, at the 4am wake-up call I had to pack my gear up and take it along to the top. I am traveling with a backpack, a day pack, and a rolling suitcase, which was my library. It is now greatly lightened as I sent many of my books home from Konya. The ones I've read and those that delt with history and sites I've since passed.
But, the ground is rough. The Australian gent was kind to carry the suitcase up from the parking lot to the site platform.
After the sunrise there was naught to do but pack my gear over to the parking lot on the other side. Fortunately, the other, southern, parking lot was at a lower elevation. The evening before a young Turkish fellow had said hello to me. And again on this morning he again made contact. I found out that he was a friendly tout. And he offered me a ride down the other side.
What it turned out to be was a mini-bus hired by two young Turkish ...
Read and see more at:
Photos from this trip:
1. Kemal Sees Us Off
2. To Nemrut Scenery
3. More To Nemrut Scenery
4. The Hotel Below Nemrut Dag
5. Nemrut from Above the Hotel
6. The West Platform
7. Fallen Nemrut Stelle
8. Mithradates Rocks Out
9. Sunrise At Nemrut Dag
10. Mithradates With Hercules
11. Mithradates' and Hercules' Eternal View
12. Rocks Full of Ladybugs
13. Giving Me the Goat Eye
14. Nemrut from Hotel Room
15. Moon Over Nemrut Dag
16. Whatever the Sign Says
17. Nice Place You Have Here, King
18. And, Who Might This Be?
19. The Septimius Severus Bridge
See this TripWow and more at
Adıyaman Nemrut Dağı ve Bir Kralın Hikayesi
Nemrut Dağı,
Adıyaman’ın 86 km. doğusunda Kahta ilçesinin Karadut köyünde, , 2150 m. Yükseklikte dünyanın sekizinci harikası olarak tanınan, tepesinde küçük kırma taşların yığılmasıyla oluşturulmuş konik bir tümülüsün bulunduğu, görkemli bir kültür ve turizm merkezidir.NEMRUT DAĞI
İ.Ö. 1. Yüzyılatarihlenen ve orijinali 55 m. olan tümülüsün bugünkü yüksekliği 50 m., çapı 150 metredir. Gündoğumu ve gün batımının tüm ihtişamıyla izlenebildiği bu tepede, Kral 1. Antiochos’un şerefine tertiplenen törenlere mahsus 3 terasla çevrilidir. Doğu, batı ve kuzey terasları olarak adlandırılan bu alanlardan doğu ve batı teraslarda; sıra halinde dizilmiş blok halinde 8 yontma taşın üst üste oturtulmasıyla oluşturulan 8-10 metre yüksekliğinde muhteşem heykeller, kabartmalar ve yazıtlar bulunmaktadır. Heykeller, bir aslan ve bir kartal heykeliyle başlar ve aynı düzende son bulur. Hayvanların kralı olan aslan yeryüzündeki gücü, tanrıların habercisi olan kartal ise göksel gücü sembolize eder. Heykeller her iki tarafta da şu şekilde sıralanmıştır:
Abone OL:
Kral 1. Antiochos (Theos); Fortuna (Theichye-Kommagene-Tanrıça) Zeus (Oromasdes); Apollo (Mithras-Helios-Hermes), Herakles (Ares-Artagnes).
yazıtlarda anne tarafından Büyük İskender’den(Makedonyadan) baba tarafından ise, (Perslerden,bu günki irandan) geldiğini ifade eden Antiochos, atalarından gelen bu etnik farklılığı birleştirerek, kültür zenginliği haline dönüştürmenin göstergesi olarak tanrı heykellerinin yüzünü doğuya ve batıya çevirmiştir. Tümülüs deki dogu ve batı teraslarının var oluş sebebi de bu etnik birleşmeyi sembolize eder. Zaten tanrı heykellerinin isimleri de hem Grek, hem de Pers dili ile ifade edilmiştir.
Kommagene ülkesinde güneşin doğuşunu ilk gören yer olan doğu terasına sert kayalardan oyulmuş merdivenli yollardan çıkılır.
Doğu terası;
tanrılar galerisi, atalar galerisi ve sunaktan oluşur. Tanrılar galerisindeki devasa tanrı heykelleri anıt mezara sırtını dönmüş biçimde sıralanmıştır. Tanrılar galerisinin 5 heykelinden biri olan Antiochos, güney uçta ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Kendisini tanrılarla aynı kategoride gören Antiochos heykelini bu sıralamaya dahil etmiştir. 2. Heykel Kommagene-Fortuna Latincede şans, uğur, bereket anlamındadır.
Heykeller arasında en uzun olan 3. Heykel Zeus-Oromasdes, Tanrılar tanrısı Kronos’un oğlu, baş tanrı ve gökler hakimidir. 4. Heykel Apollon-Mithras, Anadolu mitolojisinde baş tanrı Zeus’un oğlu olup ışık ve güneş tanrısıdır. Kuvvet ve kudretin sembolü olan Herakles Anadolu’da Herkül adıyla anılır. Heykellerin her iki yanında içte yer alan göksel gücün temsilcisi kartal ve yanında duran aslan daima tanrıların ve kralların yanında onlara bekçilik etmektedir.
Muhteşem bir gün batımının izlenebildiği , Doğu terasına benzer şekilde yapılmış batı terasında, tanrılar galerisindeki heykel sıralaması ve heykellerin arkasındaki kült yazısı bazı detaylar hariç aynıdır. Doğu terasından farklı olarak, tanrılar galerisinin kuzey ucunda, dördünde Kral Antiochos’un tanrılarla selamlaşması, diğerinde aslan figürü bulunan, kumtaşından yapılmış 5 kabartma (rölyef) bulunmaktadır. Aslan horoskop olarak bilinen kabartma, 25000 yılda bir meydana gelen astrolojik bir olayın sembolize edilmiş halidir.
Doğu ve Batı terasın her ikisinde de tanrı heykellerinin tahtlarını oluşturan taş blokların arkasında Grek harfleriyle yazılmış 237 satırlık uzun bir kült yazıtı NOMOS bulunmaktadır.
Abone OL:
Nemrut Dagi, Turkey 1
Nemrut Dagi - to the top of Mount Nemrut (nehm-root dah-uh), East Turkey 2004, mausoleum of Antiochus
Another video Nemrut Dagi, part 2
Nemrut or Nemrud (Turkish Nemrut Dağı, Armenian Նեմրութ լեռ, Mount Nemrut) is a 2,134 m (7,001 ft) high mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC.
The name Nemrut Dagi is a relatively modern one, dating back to the Middle Ages. In Armenian legend, Hayk defeated the Biblical king Nimrod (equated with Bel) and buried him in these mountains. The conquering Arabs gave many ancient ruins they encountered the name Nimrud, including the famous Assyrian capital.
Nemrut Dagi, Turkey
The Heads of Nemrut Dag at Sunset, Eastern Turkey
There is such hype and build-up over the famous, must-see heads built by Antiochus !, King of the Commagene empire on Nemrut Dag that Travels With Sheila felt a twinge of disappointment. Perhaps I expected more of a Lord of The Rings moment and the fact that the statues are fenced off (unlike photos extolling the site) contributed. Believe me. I understand why but photos miscommunicated exactly how close & personal you can get to the statues.
There are two trails up and two choices. Visit the Eastern Terrace at sunrise or Western Terrace at sunset for the most impact. Guess which one the majority of tourists visit? You've got it. Sunset. Unless you choose to rise at 3 a.m., climb the trail in the dark and sit in the frigid air until the sun turns the statues golden. Guides are NOT thrilled if you choose the sunrise option. However, we had no choice.
Visit and make up your own mind.
BMW 1200 GS, Nemrut Dagi, Turkey
Ride to Nemrut Dagi and back from Malatya Turkey
Nemrut Dagi ,Turkey
Rising 2150 meters from the Anti-Taurus mountains in south central Turkey stands the archaeological site of Nemrut Dagi (pronounced NEHM-root dah-uh). Thought to be the burial tumulus and Hierotheseion ('Holy Seat) of the 1st century BC Commagene king, Antiochus I Epiphanes, the site is as awe inspiring as it is enigmatic
Mount Nemrut at sunset - Nemrut Dağı
Nemrut or Nemrud (Armenian: Նեմրութ լեռ) (Turkish: 'Nemrut Dağı') is a 2,134 m high mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues is erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the first century BC.
In 62 BC, King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene built on the mountain top a tomb-sanctuary flanked by huge statues (8--9 m/26--30 ft high) of himself, two lions, two eagles and various Greek, and Persian gods, such as Zeus-Ormazd, Tyche, and Apollo-Mithras. These statues were once seated, with names of each god inscribed on them. The heads of the statues have at some stage been removed from their bodies, and they are now scattered throughout the site.
Remote Viewing Mount Nemrut, Anatolia, Turkey - The Giant Statues of Mount Nemrut
Diaľkové zobrazenie Mount Nemrut, Anatolia, Turecko
Adiyaman (in English) Part 2/2
Adıyaman - Nemrut / God's Heavenly Throne.
Nemrut Dagi
L'iscrizione dice: Io,Antioco, ho fatto erigere questo mausoleo a celebrazione della gloria mia e degli dei.
nemrut dağından görüntüler
Adıyaman nemrut dağından görüntüler, komagene, arsemia, yunan ve pers tanrı heykelleri, yunan tanrıları, Antiochus, kommagene, adıyaman
adıyaman nemrut
yazın sıcaklığında kışın ayazının hissedildiği tarihi nefes yeri
At the top of Mount Nemrut, Turkey
At the top of Nemrut Dagi (mount nemrut) November 2010, in the eastern part of Turkey.
Turkey, Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dağ), Sunrise
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Road to Nemrut Dagi- Construction blocking our way
Adıyaman - Nemrut Dağı - Videography - Travel Video (Sony a7s2 - Zhiyun Crane 2 Test Footage)
Adıyaman - Nemrut Dağı - Videography - Travel Video - Havadan Çekim (Sony a7s2 - Zhiyun Crane 2 - DJI Mavic Air Drone Test Footage)
Adıyaman'ın Kahta ilçesi Gülveren köyü ve Nemrut dağındaki birkaç saatlik gezimizi videography haline getirdik. 4k ve 1080p çekimler gerçekleştirdik.
Sony A7s2, Zhiyun Crane 2, DJI Mavic Air test footage (deneme çekimleri).
Cinematic Color Grade,
Cinematic Video Editing.
#adıyaman #nemrut #videography