EDEN 2009 - Nemunas Delta Regional Park (Lithuania)
Lithuania's natural wonder: The Nemunas River Delta Regional Park was formed when massive glaciers melted to conclude the Ice Age. What the glaciers carved out and left behind were a series of flooded meadows, rivers, lakes, bogs and the Curonian Lagoon. Among the sights not to be missed are the flooding wetlands from melting snow, the canoes cutting through blue waters, visitors flocking to see the Bird Watching Rally and the Curonian Lagoon filled with fortuitous ice-fishers.
EDEN 2009 - Nemunas Delta Regional Park (Lithuania) long version
Lithuania's natural wonder: The Nemunas River Delta Regional Park was formed when massive glaciers melted to conclude the Ice Age. What the glaciers carved out and left behind were a series of flooded meadows, rivers, lakes, bogs and the Curonian Lagoon. Among the sights not to be missed are the flooding wetlands from melting snow, the canoes cutting through blue waters, visitors flocking to see the Bird Watching Rally and the Curonian Lagoon filled with fortuitous ice-fishers.
Nemuno deltos regioninis parkas (EDEN 2009) / Nemunas delta regional park (EDEN 2009)
3 minučių video klipas anglų kalba apie Nemuno deltos regioninį parką, sukurtas EDEN projekto metu 2009 metais.
3 minutes length video about Nemunas delta regional park. EDEN destination winner in 2009.
Cataraft eco-tour Across Curonian lagoon to Nemunas Delta regional park
Cataraft eco-tour Across Curonian lagoon to Nemunas Delta regional park takes place in summer season. We start from Curonian Spit and reach Ventė cape, visit Bird ringing station and Ornitological museum and continue to Kniaupas bay where thousands of birds breed and millions of water lilies shine. We always go downwind and go back to Nida by motorboat.
motor-boat Concorde400 swiming @ river Nemunas, Lithuania in december :)
motor-boat Concorde400 swiming @ river Nemunas, Lithuania in december :)
Nemuno delta regional park
About the park
Arrived to the littoral region you will see a unique Nemunas delta with its major branches Atmata and Skirvytė and the island Rusnė surrounded by them. This landscape is created by water - there are many interlaced rivers, lakes - the lagoon of Krokų lanka and many other smaller lakes. There are also old river beds, marshes and fens. During the spring floods the regional park will provide you with unforgettable impressions. Your gaze will be able to travel flooded delta meadows full of rear water birds without hindrance. The delta is famous because of rare breeding birds abundance and because it is an important place for travelling birds. Under the Ramsar Convention criteria the delta was added to the wet areas of international importance list in 1993. This unique, versatile regional park landscape that still retains its natural dynamics must be preserved.
The Nemunas delta regional park is rigmarole of canals, unique islands, flooded meadows, seaside marshes and forests. Delta is flooded every spring and often in winter. Then dozens of hectares of meadows and fields end up under water and scattered farmsteads are only available by boat.
Area of the park - 29 013 thousand hectares, forests occupy 10,3%, bodies of water 17,3%, swamps - 13%, settlements - 0,6%, other 7,2%. The park includes Nemunas delta's part with Ventė horn, Rusnė island, adjoin Ragininkai, Galzdonai islands, Krokų Lanka lake, Aukštumala, Rupkalvių Medžioklės swamps. Nemunas delta Regional Park is an integral part of alluvial plain deltoid landscape. According to prof. A. Basalykas the park landscape belonds to the Baltic waterhole area of the Nemunas deltas plain area. It identifies three districts: Šilute, Kintai and Rusne. Šilute - the largest one, stretches from the southeast of the park boundaries to the lower reaches of the river. Rusne district covers the youngest part of the Nemunas delta. It is the most equal and the lowest part of the park area it has the densest network of surface waters.
Ornithological terms of the -Nemunas Delta ParkRegional is important as the international and national importance territory. Park wetland ecosystem, the Curonian Lagoon, Nemunas with all its branches, ponds, Krokų Lanka lake, led to a large breeding and the migrating water, marshes and the wet places birds concentration. The park runs through the Arctic-Europe-East African bird migration route. Through here also migrates a various species of bats and butterflies.
294 species of birds were found in a parks terittory. Delta habitat diversity, food availability, migration path led to the fact that out of 325 bird species found in in Lithuania 20 was observed in the Nemunas Delta. This list adds up annually 1-2 new species. Delta is characterized not only as migrant birds resting and feeding place, but also as a significant number of rare birds brooding place. 169 bird species were detected hatching, 14 -is possibly breeding.
Internationally important as a migratory whooper swan focus of a meadow between the village Minge and Stankiškiai, Kintu farm meadows between the Minija River and Lanka. At national level, an important place for birds: Kniaupas Gulf,lake Krokų Rusnė fishing ponds, lake Lanka, Krokų forests Žalgiris and others.
Due to intensive agriculture, particularly polderised areas, vegetation diversity and abundance of species in the Nemunas delta is not large. Nevertheless, 15 Lithuanian Red book species are recorded in the park territory. The two species (Allium Nymphoides peltata and angulosum) is at the extinction. Another 10 species are classified as category II in the Red Book (rapidly vanishing species) and 2 - category III. 6 found in the park there are rare plant communities (contender in the plant communities of the Red Book).
The Nemunas. During flood periods there settles a number of alluvial deposits along the main branches of the . As a result, in places (in Galzdonai andNemunas River Ragininkų section) there emerged a narrow band with a unique in Lithuania dunes, which lies on the meadows where growing rare Red Book species and communities. The largest delta is made up of ecological bar with a high ground water level, a siltation marsh soil, which increases hydro mesospheric grassland and wetland species and communities.
RiverWorld 2018 Nemunas Lithuania
RiverWorld geriausios VASAROS atostogos Lietuvoje!
RiverWorld best SUMMER holidays in Lithuania!
RiverWorld лучший ЛЕТНИЙ отпуск в Литве!
Facebook: @riverworld.europe
Instagram: riverworld_nemo
Nemuno deltos balsai / Nemunas Delta Voices / Stimmen des Nemunas Delta
Filmas Nemuno deltos balsai - tai filmas apie Nemuno deltą, jos balsus. Rusnės salą, unikalų gamtinį kampelį.
Filmas sukurtas Asociacijos Nemuno deltos namai užsakymu.
Filmo autorius - Juozas Mažonas, VšĮ Marina visio.
The film called Nemunas Delta Voices. Film is about Rusne Island and Nemunas delta regional park, which is situated in west Lithuania.
Film ordered by Association Nemuno deltos namai.
Film author - Juozas Mažonas.
Year of the film is 2012
Boat Test in Nemunas River - Lithuania
We had a nice boat test in summer time Lithuania, river Nemunas.
Nemunas river boat trip HES-Via Baltica
Sukūriau šį vaizdo įrašą naudodamas (-a) „YouTube“ vaizdo įrašų redagavimo priemonę (
RiverWorld NEMUNAS 2017
RiverWorld – tai nesibaigianti kelionė į save, kurią lydi ramybė ir pilnatvė, džiaugsmas ir meilė. Tai pasaulis kupinas nuotykių ir savęs atradimų. Viskas prasidėjo nuo vidinio klausimo - kas aš esu ir ką su didžiule meile galiu duoti kitiems? Ar galiu sukurti kažką ypatingo, kas leistų geriau pažinti save ir keistis į gerąją pusę? Ir aš sukūriau RiverWorld, neeilinę vandens turizmo pramogą - fenomeną ant vandens su savitu vidiniu pasauliu. RiverWorld buvo sukurtas vienam tikslui – įnešti į žmonių gyvenimus nepakartojamą patirtį.
NEMO kapitonas Renatas Žyla
RiverWorld geriausios VASAROS atostogos Lietuvoje!
RiverWorld best SUMMER holidays in Lithuania!
RiverWorld лучший ЛЕТНИЙ отпуск в Литве!
Facebook: @riverworld.europe
Instagram: riverworld_nemo
Nemunas ties Vilkija
Nemunas ties Vilkija.
Nemuno deltos regioninis parkas
Projekto kūrybinės grupės reportažas apie Nemuno deltos regioninį parką
Turizmo diena Rusnėje
Rusnėje, etnografinėje K. Banio sodyboje, buvo paminėta Pasaulinė turizmo diena.
Asociacija „Nemuno deltos namai, Nemuno deltos regioninis parkas, Turizmo informacijos centras, Salos etnokultūros centras, Rusnės seniūnija ir bendruomenė ,,Rusnės sala pakvietė visus aktyviai praleisti dieną, sėsti ant dviračių, pasigrožėti gamta, pasidžiaugti nuveiktais darbais.
Renginys buvo ir tarptautinio projekto „Nemuno delta-gamtos apsauga kaip regioninės plėtros pagrindas baigiamasis etapas. Asociacija „Nemuno deltos namai su projekto partneriais iš Vokietijos gamtosaugos organizacijų pristatė naują filmą apie deltą, interaktyvų regiono žemėlapį, lankstinuką „Rusnės spalvos. ndn.lt
Data: 2012-09-29
Music: J Sigsworth - Northsouth
Video: A.Sirtautas
On the ship in the Nemunas delta near Minija on July 26, 2009
On the ship in the Nemunas delta near Minija on July 26, 2009
EDEN. Baigiamoji konferencija '09. Nemuno delta (2).