Cheile Nerei -Beusnita.f4v : excursion/hiking/mountaineering/ Izleti/pesačenja/planinarenje
-136km from Belgrade, in Romania/ 136km od Beograda, Rumunija, Nacionalni park Kanjon Nere
info:; +38162508801 ;
Cheile Nerei--Beusnita (Nera Gorges) National Park
Setting and limits
The natural protected area is classified in the category of National Parks, and according to the IUCN classification belongs to category II .
The main purpose the park was established for, is the conservation of biodiversity, flora and fauna, landscape, local traditions and also for promoting tourism, as well as for the environmental education and the public awareness.
Cheile Nerei(Nera gorges) --Beusnita National Park enjoys an extraordinary wealth of flora, a land of diversity and uniqueness , and a wild side maintained due to difficult access in the area.
Cheile Nerei --Beusnita National Park is situated at the south-west limit of the Romania in the south of the Anina Mountains , in Caras -- Severin county. It includes a karst area on the middle course of Nera river, which constitutes the backbone of the park.
Cheile Nerei - Beuşniţa National Park has a total area of 36,758 hectares.
The mixed Cheile Nerei -Beuşniţa Reservation is situated in the southern half of the Anina Mountains and on the last extension of the Northern of Gorganu calcareous peak , separating actually the Anina Mountains from the Locvei Mountains between the localities: Sasca Montana, Sasca Romana, Potoc, Socolari, Ilidia, Ciclova, Oraviţa, Anina, Bozovici, Lăpuşnicu Mare, Dalboşeţ, Şopotu Nou and Cărbunari.
Položaj i granice
Prirodno zaštićena oblast uključena u kategoriju Nacionalnih Parkova, a prema klasifikaciji IUCN nalazi se u II-oj kategoriji.
Glavni cilj zbog kojeg je bio obrazovan Park je očuvanje biodiverziteta, flore i faune, pejzaža, lokalnih tradicija, hrabrenja turizma, ekološkog obrazovanja i javnog osvešćivanja.
Nacionalni Park Klanac Nere - Beušnice uživa izvanredno biljno bogatstvo, pejzaž posebne raznolikosti i jedinstvenosti, kao i stanje divljine očuvano zahvaljujući teškom prodoru u zoni.
Prostorno određivanje
Nacionalni park Klanac Nere - Beušnice se nalazi na jugo-zapadnoj granici Rumunije, na jugu Planina Anine, u Karaš -- Severinskoj županiji. Obuhvata karstičnu zonu na srednjem toku reke Nere koja predstavlja i srž Parka.
Nacionalni park Klanac Nere -- Beušnice ima celokupnu površinu od 36758 ha.
Mešoviti rezervat Klanac Nere-Beušnice se nalazi na južnoj polovini Planina Anine i na zadnjim severnim produžecima kalkarnog vrha Gorganu, deleći u stvari Planine Anine od Planina Lokve, između naselja: Saske Montane, Saske Romane, Potoka, Sokolara, Ilidije, Ćiklove, Oravice, Anine, Bozovića, Lapušnika Velikog, Dalbošeca, Šopota Novog i Karbunara.
Nacionalni Park Nera u Rumuniji
Nacionalni Park Nera u Rumuniji krije neopisive i opisive lepote, al da ne bih ja manje ili vise uspesno opisivao, tu je reportaza. Snimano 02. aprila 2017. godine, po izuzetno lepom vremenu.
(ROMANIAN) Pesteri, chei, cascade in Banat - Buhui, Ponor Uscata, Ochiul Beu, Beusnita, Bigar, Nerei
Everyday is a holiday
Incepand cu acst vlog vom incerca sa realizam fiecare episod atat in engleza, cat si in romana.
Astazi va invitam alaturi de noi in muntii Banatului. Vom arunca un ochi asupra catorva obiective mai importante, ce pot fi vazute cel mai bine intr-o iesire de weekend.
Dupa ce in episodul trecut am petrecut 5 ore aventuroase si umede in cea mai mare PESTERA din Banat (BUHUI), unde am incercat sa filmam chiar si cu drona in interior (Pestera Buhui are 3 intrari, accesibile pe drumuri forestiere
5km distanta de Anina), astazi continuam aventurile noastre din zona Aninei cu PESTERA PONOIR USCATA, aflata chiar sub drumul national Anina-Oravita, in apropierea fostei Termocentrale
de la Crivina. Inceputul potecii ce coboara in cateva minute la pestera este marcat.
Pestera este destul de degradata, dar fiind usor accesibila, merita efortul de a cobora pana la ea.
Dupa 1 ora de condus de acolo, prin Oravita si Potoc se ajunge in Parcul National Cheile Nerei-Beusnita, la Pastravaria de pe Valea Beului (Pana dupa satul Potoc, la Podul Beului drumul este asfaltat, apoi va asteapta cativa
km de drum forestier. Langa Pastravarie se poate campa, este o poiana unde este plin de masini si coruti, un mic restaurant, turisti, montaniarzi, paltonari, sacosari, etc :)
Circuitul de la pastravarie pana la lacul OCHIUL BEU(Ochiul Bei dupa alte surse) si CASCADELE BEUSNITEI dureaza 2-3 ore sau chiar mai mult, in functie de cat de sus avansati pe valea Beusnitei.
De notat ca vara cascadele mari pot fi secate aproape complet.
La Podul Beu sunte practic deja in CHEILE NEREI, obiectiv care insa nu poate fi vazut intr-o ora-doua. Alocati cel putin o zi pentru acest canion foarte spectaculos.
Desi lungimea totala a cheilor este de peste 20km (de la Sopotul Nou la Sasca Montana), cea mai salbatica si spectaculoasa sectiune este cea dintre Lacul Dracului si Cantonul Damian.
Primavara, cand apele sunt mari, Nera devine unul dintre cele mai bune rauri romanesti pentru rafting (clasa I -usor). Imaginile din Cheile Nerei sunt de la filmari vechi realizate la o calitate mediocra, fapt pentru care ne cerem scuze.
Nu puteam incheia turul nostru prin Banatul Montan fara a bifa celebra cascada Bigar. Declarata de catre revista online The world geography ca fiind ocupanta primului loc in topul mondial
al celor mai originale cascade, aceasta pare in realitate mult mai modesta decat in poze. Dar merita cu prisosinta o vizita. Ea se afla situata pe DN57B, intre Anina si Bozovici, accesul putandu-se face
dinspre Timisoara (prin Oravita-Anina), Deva (prin Lugoj-Resita-Anina) sau dinspre Baile Herculane (prin Iablanita-Bozovici).
O parte din imaginile de la Cascada Bigar ne-au fost puse la dispozitie (si ii multumim foarte mult) de catre Danny G, de la canalul de youtube Atmosphere Studio. Puteti da un ochi pe acolo, are multe clipuri
de muzica populara si cateva la exceptionala muzica electronica si ambientala compusa chiar de el!
Va multumim ca ne urmariti si nu uitati ca orgoliul ne este gadilat in mod extrem de placut daca bifati butoanele de subscribe si clopotelul.
Apreciem orice comentariu, ne place sa avem atat fanI cat si hateri :)
Asteptam parerile voastre referitor la continuarea vlogului nostru in limba romana, engleza sau in ambele.
Eu, Adrian sunt fost moderator, producator si realizator de emisiuni Tv la statii locale si regionale din Arad. De profesie sunt farmacist, dar televiziunea a fost mereu marele meu hobby. Alaturi de caltorii si sporturi extreme, desigur.
Eu, Alecsandra sunt medic stomatolog. Si sotia lui Adrian :)
Impreuna am lansat la inceputul anului 2018 canalul de youtube de calatorii si aventuri EveryDayHoliDay. La inceput in limba engleya, iar acum si in limba romana.
Ne bucuram daca ne urmaresti aventurile prin toate tarile lumii. ramai alaturi de noi pentru ca fiecare zi trebuie sa fie vacanta!
filmat cu:
Sony A6500 cu OSS 16-50
gimbal Zhiyun Crane 2
Drona DJI Mavic Air
microfon Rode Smartlav+
GoPro Hero 6
Iphone 6s
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
music: Daniel Galea (Danny G)-
fotos (intro): Calin Andra -
Ochiul Beiului, Cascada Beusnita
Parcul Național Cheile Nerei Beușnița - Ochiul Beiului, Cascadele Beușniței, Cascada Beusnita
Mult mai frumoase decât cascada Bigăr!
9E Cheile Nerei si Valea Beusnitei 19 aprilie 2019
C.N.G.T.-100- drumeție: Sasca Română-Cheile Nerei (parțial)-Podul Bei-Valea Beușniței
Romania: Departing Anina, Caras-Severin County, behind CFR Railways Class 69 0003-9 towards Oravita
Romania: Departing Anina, Caras-Severin County, behind CFR Railways Class 69 0003-9 towards Oravita. Recorded May 11th 2012
Anina (German: Steierdorf-Anina; Hungarian: Stájerlakanina) is a town in southwestern Romania, in Caraş-Severin County, with a population of 10,886 in 2000. The town administers one village, Steierdorf.
The Anina-Oravita railway was the first in Romania, built in 1856, it is still in use today for touristic purposes, and it is one of the most beautiful railways in Europe due to very picturesque landscapes, viaducts and long tunnels.
Anina occurs between Cheile Nerei - Beusnita National Park and Semenic - Cheile Carasului National Park, and due to its natural and industrial heritage deserves the status of a geopark, a much needed status for such an important geological and historical area.
Departing Anina behind CFR Railways Class 69 0003-9 towards Oravița
Caraș-Severin is a county (județ) of Romania on the border with Serbia. The majority of its territory lies within the historical region of Banat, with a few northeastern villages considered part of Transylvania. The county seat is Reșița. The Caraș-Severin county is part of the Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisza Euroregion.
it is the third largest county in Romania, after Timiș and Suceava counties. It is also the county through which the Danube River enters Romania.
The mountains make up 67% of the county's surface, including the Southern Carpathians range, with Banat Mountains, Țarcu-Godeanu Mountains and Cernei Mountains and elevations between 600 and 2100 meters. Transition hills between mountains and the Banat Plain lie in the western side of the county.
The Danube enters Romania in the vicinity of Baziaș, bordering Serbia. Timiș, Cerna, Caraș and Nera cross the county, some of them through spectacular valleys and gorges.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.
CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:
CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight Anina transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.
CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.
CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9
Aside from the seven main train types, CFR also operates night trains, which can be of any status (usually Rapid, InterCity or EuroNight). Freight trains, operated by CFR Marfă, have a different numbering system.
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(ENGLISH)- Caves, canyons & waterfalls in Banat, Romania (Buhui, Beusnita, Beu, Bigar, Nerei)
We spent 2 marvellous days in the Aninei Mountains in SV Romania. The limestone mountains are a symphony of gorges, waterfalls and caves. On the first day we had a 5-hour adventure in Buhui, the biggest cave around. Upscreen you have the link to the vlog we filmed there.
Next day, next cave- only 30 min away is the little but cozy Ponor Uscata cave, easily to visit.
One hour drive away from there is the Nature Park Cheile Nerei-Beusnita. Beside the Nerei gorge, you can find here another wonders of nature: The ochiul Beu karst lake and the Beusnitei waterfalls.
The Ochiul Beu lake contains low concentrations of algae and other substances, resulting in high clarity and a deep blue color which generated a lot of legends- involving turkish warriors and romanian princesses. I, on the other hand, am following my princess on the way to the Beusnita waterfalls. There are 3 bigges falls and several little ones, but due to our lack of time we will walk today only to the biggest one.
The Nerei Gorges are 20 km long and in spring they are perfect for a class 1 rafting. And the Devil's lake in the middle of the gorge is marvellous. Here some images from the movie we made a few years ago.
Not far away one can find the famous Bigar waterfall, somehow surprisingly labeld as the most original waterfall in the world by a famous internet magazine.
filmed with
Sony A6500 with OSS 16-50
gimbal Zhiyun Crane 2
Drone DJI Mavic Air
micro Rode Smartlav+
GoPro Hero 6
Iphone 6s
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
I, Adrian am a former TV-moderator & producer of travel documentaries
I, Alecsandra, am a dentist. And his wife :)
We are from Romania, but live now in Austria.
We love to share our passion for travelling, filming & having fun. That's why our EveryDay HoliDay vlog into life!
We will post once in a week, every monday.
We are always open for comments & new friends. And also, we are wery happy for every new like & subscription. It makes it worth working to keep this project alive.
We love to have YOU in the EveryDay HoliDay family!
So let's have fun! Because: Every day should be a holiday. For everyone.
Many thanks for:
music: Daniel Galea (Danny G)-
fotos (intro): Calin Andra -
Romania : Cheile Nerei Beusnita (CS) - Sasca Montana (CS)
Romania : Road from Cheile Nerei Beusnita (CS) To Sasca Montana (CS) on DJ571K,DJ571C and DJ571.
Maps :
The Cheile Nerei-Beușnița National Parc (Romanian: Parcul Naţional Cheile Nerei-Beușniţa) (national park category II IUCN) is a protected area situated in Romania, in Caraş-Severin County.The Natural Park is located at the south-west limit of the country, in the south of the Anina Mountains (group mountain included in Banat Mountains), in Caraș-Severin County, on the middle course of Nera River and on the upper Beu River.Cheile Nerei-Beușnița National Park with an area of 36.758 ha was declared natural protected area by the Law Number.5 of March 6, 2000 (published in Romanian Official Paper Number.152 on April 12, 2000) and represents a mountainous area (mountain peaks, cirques, crevasses, caves, valleys, canyon s, waterfalls) what shelters a large variety of flora and fauna; some of the species are endematic or very rarely.
Protected areas included in the park: Cheile Nerei-Beușnița, Cheile Șușarei, Ducin, Izvorul Bigăr, Izvoarele Nerei, Lisovacea and Valea Ciclovei-Ildia.
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Glimpse of Nera and Beusnita's Gorges
Nera and Beusnita Gorges, a wonderful place to spend hiking and sightseeing.
Romania: Anina, CFR Railways Class 69 locomotive runs round after arrival from Oravita
Two clips recorded at Anina station showing CFR Railways Class 69 0003-9 locomotive running round after arrival from Oravita ready to form the return passenger service.
Both clips were recorded on May 11th 2012.
Anina (German: Steierdorf-Anina; Hungarian: Stájerlakanina) is a town in southwestern Romania, in Caraş-Severin County, with a population of 10,886 in 2000. The town administers one village, Steierdorf.
The Anina-Oravita railway was the first in Romania, built in 1856, it is still in use today for touristic purposes, and it is one of the most beautiful railways in Europe due to very picturesque landscapes, viaducts and long tunnels.
Anina occurs between Cheile Nerei - Beusnita National Park and Semenic - Cheile Carasului National Park, and due to its natural and industrial heritage deserves the status of a geopark, a much needed status for such an important geological and historical area.
Caraș-Severin is a county (județ) of Romania on the border with Serbia. The majority of its territory lies within the historical region of Banat, with a few northeastern villages considered part of Transylvania. The county seat is Reșița. The Caraș-Severin county is part of the Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisza Euroregion.
it is the third largest county in Romania, after Timiș and Suceava counties. It is also the county through which the Danube River enters Romania.
The mountains make up 67% of the county's surface, including the Southern Carpathians range, with Banat Mountains, Țarcu-Godeanu Mountains and Cernei Mountains and elevations between 600 and 2100 meters. Transition hills between mountains and the Banat Plain lie in the western side of the county.
The Danube enters Romania in the vicinity of Baziaș, bordering Serbia. Timiș, Cerna, Caraș and Nera cross the county, some of them through spectacular valleys and gorges.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.
CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:
CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight Anina transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.
CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.
CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9
Aside from the seven main train types, CFR also operates night trains, which can be of any status (usually Rapid, InterCity or EuroNight). Freight trains, operated by CFR Marfă, have a different numbering system.
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Vožnja od reke Nere (nacionalni park) do Oravice
Tuuristička tura kupanje u Neri-Cheile Nere-Rumunija tel: 062/508-801
Tuuristička tura,, kupanje u Neri, Nacionalni park Cheile Nerei -Rumunija
Peșteră și cascadă formate lângă Bigăr - Cheile Nerei
Peșteră și cascadă formate lângă Izvorul Bigăr acestea apărut acum câțiva ani când apa a țâșnit din munte astfel formând această cascadă. Peștera s-a format prin prăbușirea tavanului. Administratorii parcului au curățat zona de copaci astfel încât aceste formațiuni să poată fi admirate de turiști. Aceste informații le-am obținut de la un localnic care spre surprinderea mea nici el nu știe cum se numesc.
Imaginile au fost filmate pe data de: 28-06-2014.
Puteți admira peștera și cascada în drumul dumneavoastră spre cascada Bigăr (Izvorul Bigăr).
Pamgaea Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Visit Romania ~ Valea lui Stan ~ 1
Valea lui Stan
Valea începe în acea curbă de 180 grade de pe Transfăgărăşan unde drumul începe să urce accentuat spre înălţimile Făgăraşului. În prima jumătate de oră liniştită, poteca nemarcată ne conduce într-o vale calmă, dar la prima cascadă de cca. 2m apar şi primele cabluri.
Cascadele, care ating chiar şi 35 m au săpat adevărate bazine, numite marmite. Pentru traversarea cheilor nu este nevoie de echipament special, doar de haine comode, pantofi adecvaţi şi multă atenţie! Traseul poate deveni şi periculos! Este recomandat doar turiştilor cu un simt bun al echilibrului, fiindcă sunt câteva locuri în care un pas greşit te trimite direct 10-20 metri mai jos în albia râului. Spre finalul traseului se merge direct prin apa râului care ajunge până mai sus de genunchi. Un stăvilar anunţă sfârşitul cheilor.
Cascada cheile beusnitei
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Drumul spre Cheile Nerei
Drumul spre cantonul Damian. Parcul Național Cheile Nerei
Bigar Cascade Falls, Romania
Izvorul Bigăr (English: Bigar Waterfall) is a protected area (nature reserve IUCN category IV) situated in the administrative territory of Bozovici, in Caraş-Severin County in southwestern Romania.
P1 - Sasca Montana - Stinapari 13.04.2013
Sasca Montana - Fantana Seaca
Cheile Nerei
Trenul care apare spre sfarsitul clipului circula intre Oravita - Anina. Va recomand sau CFR-ul