Valamon luostari. Valamo Monastery Heinävesi Finland
Uusi Valamon luostari talvella. Kuvaus 2.1.2011. Orthodox monastery in eastern Finland.
The Convent of Lintula and The New Valamo Monastery - Suomi/Finland
Beautiful nature and the eastern orthodox church hand in hand. Kaunis luonto ja ortodoksisuus käsi kädessä. Hiljaisuutta ja rauhallisuutta - luonnon ääniä - on tarjolla täällä, jossa rumuus on karkoitettu ja myötätunto kaikkea olevaista kohtaan elää ihmisten sydämissä heidän pyrkiessä korkeampaan totuuteen. Kaitselmuksen yhteyteen.
Lintula Holy Trinity Convent & New Valamo (New Valaam) Monastery, Heinävesi Finland.
4K Re-Release. Filmed during May 2016 & June 2015.
Valamo Monastery in Heinävesi | Finland
North Karelia in Finland
Valamo monastery, Heinävesi, Finland.wmv
A famous finnish orthodox monastery in Heinävesi commune, Eastern Finland.
Valamon Luostari - Uusi Valamo - Valamo Monastery Heinävesi 2017
Valamon Luostari - Uusi Valamo ortodoksi luostari , Heinävesi - Valamo Orthodox Monastery, Heinävesi, Finland 2017
Orthodox monastery in Finland - Valamon Luostari
The Valamo Monastery or the New Valamo Monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ is the only monastic community for men under the Diocese of Karelia of the Church of Finland and is located in the district of Heinävesi in the eastern part of Finland.
New Valamo Monastery and Lintula Convent.
Gorgeous video published by Justusosaa. We just add beautiful peaceful music Ave Maria by Schubert to it.
Finnish Orthodox Chant - Valamo Monestary
Orthodox Christian Chant
Orthodox Christian Monestary
Valamo Monastery and Lintula Convent
Valamo Monastery and Lintula Convent.
Both can be visited at same time because they are so near to each other (7 mls / 10 km).
Valamo - 2019 - Majoitusmarkkinoinnin mainosvideo
Коневский Рождество-Богородичный мужской монастырь / Konevsky-Theotokos Monastery - 1896
Коневский Рождество-Богородичный монастырь - 1896
The Konevsky-Theotokos Monastery in 1896
The Great Prokeimenon - A Valaam Monastery Chant sung here by the Choir of the Novospassky Monastery
The Konevsky Orthodox monastery is located on the island of Konevets in the western part of Lake Ladoga in Leningrad region . The Monastery was founded by Reverend Arseny Konevsky, the Novgorod Wonderworker, in 1393. Due to flooding, the location of the monastery changed once to avoid flooding. The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was built by St. Arseney in 1421 and served as the main monastic church. The main shrine contained the miraculous Konevets Icon of the Mother of God, brought back by St. Arseny from Mount Athos.
The Monastery is often regarded as the counterpart of the Valaam Monastery , also located on an island in Lake Ladoga.
The golden years of the monastery had to be the 19th century, when the fame of the monastery spread throughout Imperial Russia. In June, 1858, the island was visited by Emperor Alexander II & the Imperial family, as well as prominent citizens of St.Petersburg. The French writer visited here during his trip to Russia and Nikolai Leskov, in his writings of 1873, describes his impressions from visiting the monastery .
As a consequence of the popularity of the monastic community, a new cathedral and bell tower were constructed between 1800-1809. The latter being a huge two-storey building crowned by five-octagonal drums that support five blue domes......
After the October Revolution of 1917 the monastery was on the territory of the newly independent Finland and fell under the jurisdiction of the autonomous Finnish Orthodox Church (in accordance with the decision of the Patriarchate of Constantinople). The island was fortified by the Finnish military, hotels were occupied by the military. During the Finnish War and the Great Patriotic War, the monastery buildings were damaged. On March 1940 the monks were evacuated to Finland, taking with him an icon of the Mother of God Konevets. During the Soviet period the monastery was occupied by the military.
In 1990 Konevsky became one of the first monasteries in the region, to be returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and the following year the relics of St. Arseny Konevsky were returned from Sweden, after 400 years.....
Heinävesi Route - Saimaa, Finland
Heinävesi route is a scenic boat drive between the cities of Kuopio and Savonlinna in Saimaa basin waters in Finland. During our Around the Finland Run 2010 we enjoyed the scenery very much. We also made a side trip to Valamo monk monastery.
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Heinäveden reitti on veneilyn maisemareitti Kuopion ja Savonlinnan välillä Saimaalla. Nautimme kovasti maisemista venematkallamme Suomen ympäri 2010. Poikkesimme reitiltä myös Valamon munkkiluostariin.
Katso lisää:
Valamo Monastery
- Easter Friday - Finnish Orthodox Procession
Sons of Abraham -ryhmän moottoripyörien siunaaminen Valamossa
Sons of Abraham -ryhmän moottoripyörien siunaaminen Valamossa 23.7.2016. Moottoripyörät siunaa ja vihmoo pyhitetyllä vedellä, Valamon luostarin pappismunkki Mikael avustajanaan kanttorina toimiva munkki Nasari.
Monastery in New Valamo. Монастырь Новый Валаам.
Lovely view around orthodox Monastery in New Valamo, Heinävesi, Finland. Чудесный пейзаж в православном монастыре Новый Валаам, Хейнявеси, Финляндия.
(c) olha-links
Iegor Reznikoff Valamossa / in Valamo church, Heinävesi, Finland 2016
Kuvaus / shot by Mikko Keinonen
Lintula Monastery threatened by the Beowulf Mining graphite mining project in Heinävesi, Finland
IGUMENIA MIKAELA from the Lintula Holy Trinity Monastery speaks about the controversial graphite mining project in Heinävesi by Beowulf Mining and how it will be a threat for the livelihood of the monastery.
@ 18.7.2018 - a discussion event about the consequences of the mining project
Read more about the planned mine and locals' and other finnish people's and decision makers' reactions to Beowulf Mining's plans at Aitolampi Heinävesi from Pro Heinävesi's social media channels:
Näkymä alas rantaan luostarin mäeltä Valamosta