Keindahan WIsata Alam Telaga Ngebel (Ngebel Lake) - Ponorogo City, Indonesia #HD
Ngebel Lake Location :
Ngebel Lake Ponorogo Indonesia on vacation
Ngebel lake for tours destination naturally atmosphere
Ngebel Lake Ponorogo
It is called Ngebel Lake because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 metre height on the sea and the temperature 22 to 32 celsius.
With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, Ngebel lake surrounded by the road along 5 km. This lake has an amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up.
We also could met various fruits like: durian, mangosteens, pundung, etc. In the lake also spread various fishes, one them is the variety fishes that has protected. It is Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish.
For that purposes, it also available accommodation facilities that already for the visitor who want to spend the night. The facilities is managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.
Ngebel Lake PONOROGO East Java
when I return to Indonesia on July 2013
cold air, a quiet state,....
I love Ponorogo ...
a place where I was born
Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo Indonesia
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Telaga Ngebel, Ponorogo East Java Indonesia | Telaga Ngebel, Ponorogo East Java Indonesia
This lake is located in the district Jenangan, East Ponorogo area adjacent to Mount Wilis. Ngebel itself comes from the Javanese language, 'ngembel' or watery. Ngebel society itself has a tale about the origin of the lake that became the icon Ponorogo.
Telaga ini berada di kecamatan Jenangan, daerah Ponorogo Timur yang berdekatan dengan gunung Wilis. Ngebel sendiri berasal dari bahasa Jawa, ‘ngembel‘ atau berair. Masyarakat Ngebel sendiri memiliki dongeng tentang asal muasal Telaga yang menjadi icon Ponorogo tersebut.
Reference / Referensi :
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@wetrip channel
#wisataponorogo #ngebel #wetripchannel
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#telagangebel #telagangebelponorogo #nagabaruklinting
Akhir pekan ini saya bersama keluarga jalan jalan ke telaga ngebel Ponorogo, kali ini misi utama cari Buah Durian tetapi kangen juga Tiwul Goreng dan ikan Nilanya.. Simak Liputannya..
PONOROGO - Libur Tahun Baru, Ribuan Pengunjung Serbu Telaga Ngebel
Libur Tahun Baru, Ribuan Pengunjung Serbu Telaga Ngebel
Kitaro - Koi Cover in Ngebel's Lake, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
For the umpteenth time,
It feels so peaceful.
Nature seemed to embrace me with the accompaniment that plays from the sound of the bamboo flute that I blew.
I played old songs like drowning in a sad atmosphere mixed with happiness.
Previously, many bitter events had come closer slowly but I was still convinced that tomorrow was not something to be afraid of.
believe it or not there is a pure life that is always there to guard and accompany us even though it will not be able to be explained only by words.
And basically we are never alone ...
For those who have gone in peace, may they find true happiness.
Father, Grandfather, Grandma, Aunt,
hope to calm down there.
i will always remember and prayed for you,all.
I sent a song with the form of a cover instrument from the albums of kitaro with titled Koi on this lake as a symbol of my love for all of you.
Greetings to God in there
Indonesian ://
Untuk kesekian kali,
Rasanya ini begitu damai. Alam seakan merangkulku dengan iringan yang ku lantunkan dari suara seruling bambu yang ku tiup. Ku mainkan lagu lagu lama bak tenggelam dalam suasana sedih bercampur bahagia.
Sebelumnya, banyak peristiwa pahit datang mendekat perlahan demi perlahan tapi aku tetap yakin bahwa esok bukanlah sesuatu yang harus ditakutkan.
percaya atau tidak disana ada suatu kehidupan yang murni yang selalu ada menjaga dan menemani kita walaupun itu tak akan mampu dijelaskan hanya dengan kata kata.
Dan pada dasarnya kita tak pernah sendiri☺.....
Untuk mereka yang telah pergi dalam damai semoga mereka menemukan kebahagiaan sejati.
Wahai Ayah, Kakek, Nenek, Bu Dhe tercinta tenanglah disana.
Aku kan selalu mengingat kalian.
Ku kirimkan sebuah lagu dalam bentuk instrumen cover dari album Kitaro berjudul Koi di telaga ini sebagai lambang rasa sayangku untuk kalian semua.
Salam buat Tuhan ya disana
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Thanks for all????????
Wisata Ponorogo
Wisata Ngebel adalah wisata yang paling banyak di kunjungi wisata dalam ataupun luar kota, sering di jadikan acara acara komunitas, dan terdapat kuliner buah khas ngebel setiap musim durian banyak yang jualan di sepanjang telaga, setiap tahun di adakan pesta durian
Trip to Ngebel lake - Ponorogo - East Java
dokumentasi lawas @pardicukup @ponorogozone .
Video ini di rekam dengan menggunakan kamera SONY HDR-XR350 keindahan telaga Ngebel yang masih asri, sejuk, dan indah. Sangat disayangkan potensi wisata Ponorogo ini kurang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah setempat.
Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo || Wisata Alam Indonesia
Telaga Ngebel adalah sebuah danau alami yang terletak di Kecamatan Ngebel,Kabupaten Ponorogo. Kecamatan Ngebel sendiri terletak di kaki gunung Wilis. Telaga Ngebel terletak sekitar 30 KM dari pusat kota Ponorogo atau yang terkenal dengan nama Kota Reog. Keliling dari Telaga Ngebel sekitar 5 KM. Dengan suhu antara 20 - 26 derajat celcius, suhu dingin nan sejuk membuat pengunjung makin nyaman mengunjungi Telaga Ngebel. Selain Reog, Telaga Ngebel merupakan salah satu andalan wisata yang dimiliki Kabupaten Ponorogo. Pemasok air bagi Telaga Ngebel terdiri dari berbagai sumber. Sumber air yang cukup deras berasal dari Kanal Santen. Selain itu, juga terdapat sungai yang mengalirinya, di mana dibagian hulu sungai terdapat air terjun yang diberi nama Air Terjun Toyomarto.
Wisata Alam
Telaga Ngebel
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wisata alam jawa tengah,
wisata alam air terjun,
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wisata alam gunung bromo,
wisata alam hutan mangrove,
wisata alam indonesia terindah,
wisata alam indonesia yang mendunia,
wisata alam indonesia yang tersembunyi
Trip to Ngebel lake - Ponorogo - East Java
dokumentasi lawas @pardicukup @ponorogozone .
Video ini di rekam dengan menggunakan kamera SONY HDR-XR350 keindahan telaga Ngebel yang masih asri, sejuk, dan indah. Sangat disayangkan potensi wisata Ponorogo ini kurang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah setempat.
Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo Lereng Gunung Wilis
Telaga Ngebel terletak di Desa Ngebel, Kec Ngebel, Kab Ponorogo. Kurang lebih 25 km dari Ponorogo kota. Berada di ketinggian 734 mdpl membuat telaga ini cukup dingin di waktu malam.
The History of Ngebel Lake, Ponorogo
It is called Ngebel Lake because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 metre height on the sea and the temperature 22 to 32 celsius.
With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, Ngebel lake surrounded by the road along 5 km. This lake has an amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up. We also could met various fruits like: durian, mangosteens, pundung, etc. In the lake also spread various fishes, one them is the variety fishes that has protected. It is Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish. For that purposes, it also available accommodation facilities that already for the visitor who want to spend the night. The facilities is managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.
According to the developing legend in the community, Ngebel lake was formed based on the story of a dragon snake, named Baru Klinting.
When the snake take a meditating and unintentionally he was cut-piece by the community around to be eaten. Mysteriously the snake changed into a child who afterwards visited the community and made a contest to repeal the rib that was transfixed by him into the land. Not even one succeeded in carrying it out.
Afterwards he repealed this rib, and from this rib hole went out water that afterwards became the big pool that welled up and became Ngebel lake. It seems Ngebel lake had important role in the history of Ponorogo Regency, because one of the founders of Ponorogo regency, Batoro Katong, before doing the greatness Islam religion in Ponogoro regency had clear himself in a pool near to Ngebel lake. At this time, it is known as pool / Kucur Batoro.
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Yang Hot di Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo
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Motor: Yamaha YZF R25
Cam: Gopro Hero 4 Session