Solo Trip To Nglirip Waterfall, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia
Road trip from Tuban to Nglirip Waterfall.
Tebing Nglirip (Cliff) Tuban East Java Indonesia
Its actually a waterfall but it recorded at dry season. And the water is for irrigation so it looks like a cliff. It still looks awesome without waterfall.
Nglirip Waterfall Tuban – East Java
Nglirip Waterfall is not so high, only about 25 meters. The beauty of this waterfall is growing again because there is a cave behind it. Myth is believed, in the cave contained in this Nglirip Falls, is where the ancestors of knowledge their meditation high. And there is the spirit of a woman who waited for her lover until now. At a certain moment, people around believe that this woman will be out shopping.
The Rumble Around Nglirip Waterfall in Tuban - East Java
Nglirip waterfall is located in Singggahan district, around 35 km to the southwest of Tuban city. There are two routes to take in order to reach Nglirip waterfall, which is through Montong route and Singgahan route.
Nglirip waterfall is such charming scenery; from the side of the road the visitors will see the water falling from the cliff over which there is a small bridge beneath. For those who want to witness the waterfall closer, it is advisable to be careful, for the road is slippery and having the rocky path.
The local people believe that Nglirip Waterfall was the place of meditation; moreover, some other said that the cave near the waterfall was used to be a place of woman who was waiting for her lover. This location is still pure and natural, there are no buildings or any kind of modernization, and attractively beautiful in times.
More info visit:
Ndolok Waterfall. TUBAN East Java
Terletak di dusun Dikir-Tambakboyo TUBAN
Widodaren Waterfall - Ngebel Ponorogo East Java Indonesia
Air terjun widodaren adalah air terjun yang terletak di Ds.Talun Dkh.Tritis Kec.Ngebel kab.Ponorogo .
air terjun ini sebenarnya sangat indah tapi sayang kurang di perhatikan oleh pemerintah ponorogo semua itu terlihat dari kondisi jalan/akses untuk menuju tempat tersebut.
Minimnya sarana dan prasarana di tempat tersebut sepertinya akan menjadi PR untuk Pemerintah agar menjadikan Air terjun ini sebagai destinasi wisata di ponorogo.
My Gear : iPhone 6
Edited : iMovie & quik GoPro Editor
color grading : ColorTime
Credit to : NCM Epic Music - We Are Not Alone Epic Dramatic / Royalty Free Music
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Thanks for Music
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Jangan lupa share untuk mendukung air terjun widodaren ini menjadi destinasi wisata di ponorogo..
Instagram : @lelembut.jahat
The View onNglirip Waterfall, One of Potential Tourism Object in Tuban - East Java
Nglirip waterfall is located in Singggahan district, around 35 km to the southwest of Tuban city. There are two routes to take in order to reach Nglirip waterfall, which is through Montong route and Singgahan route.
Nglirip waterfall is such charming scenery; from the side of the road the visitors will see the water falling from the cliff over which there is a small bridge beneath. For those who want to witness the waterfall closer, it is advisable to be careful, for the road is slippery and having the rocky path.
The local people believe that Nglirip Waterfall was the place of meditation; moreover, some other said that the cave near the waterfall was used to be a place of woman who was waiting for her lover. This location is still pure and natural, there are no buildings or any kind of modernization, and attractively beautiful in times.
More info visit:
Nglirip Waterfall From Java in Cinematic
Nglirip Waterfall take place in Tuban Regency, East Java. Hope you enjoy this video. and please leave a comment below...
Madakaripura Waterfall - Probolinggo, East Java
Madakaripura waterfall is located on Sapih village, Lombang district, Probolinggo. The object itself is near from Bromo Mt area. Madakaripura is such a sacred place, where the waterfall's height is about 200 meters from the bottom. This waterfall has related historic with a great ancient Javanese Prime Ministry of Gajah Mada, who strongly struggled to unified the territory of the nation under the control of Majapahit Kingdom, ones said that it is the last stay for Gajah Mada.
This spectacular waterfall lies hidden at the end of a deep valley in the foothills of Tengger range. The water has cascades from the dense forest above. The primary attraction is the natural sight that is encircled by 7 waterfalls and caves.
The direction from Tongas, which is the downtown of Probolinggo city to the object is about 7 Km, and you will find the great views beside the back of the mountain. The fresh air and the natural sight indeed.
The facilities which available on the object are include; parking lot, food stalls, resting place, the guide from the local inhabitant and security post.
The route from the the parking lot to the waterfall is quietly hard yet so much fun, but after arrive to the top of the waterfall everything is just more and more... fascinating!
My Trip : Madakaripura Waterfall @Probolinggo , East Java
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Ini perjalananku ke salah satu objek wisata di daerah probolinggo, yaitu Air Terjun Madakaripura.
Untuk sampai di air terjun tersebut , medan yang dilalui cukup menantang.
1. Pengunjung Harus berjalan sepanjang +- 1KM
2. Pengunjung harus menyesuaikan berjalan di permukaan yang licin, sungai.
3. tetap Be Carefull.
Jika anda tidak ingin basah , disana sudah tersedia LOKER , Penjual Jas Hujan murah , Persewaan Ban / pelampung , Penjual cover anti air untuk HP DLL.
This Is My Trip. Are You Come to be the Next ?
Chasing for all the WATERFALLS in EAST JAVA | Inparalife in Indonsia |
Short montage from all my trips to the waterfalls in the jungle of east java Indonesia.
- Jumog
- Air Terjun Kedung Kandang
- Luweng Sampang
- Grojogan Lepo Dlingo
- Tumpak Sewu Waterfall
- Madakaripura
- Wüste (Gumuk Pasir)
Song: ekali crystal eyes
Air Terjun Putuk Truno - Waterfall, Tretes Prigen East Java
Air Terjun Putuk Truno memiliki ketinggian air sekitar 45 m.
Berada kaki Gunung Welirang dan Arjuno.
Terletak di Jalan Putuk Truno, Kecamatan Prigen, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Propinsi Jawa Timur.
Air Terjun berada kawasan wisata Tretes dan jaraknya tidak jauh dengan Air Terjun Kakek Bodo.
The Beautiful of Lawean Falls East Java Indonesia
Coban Ciblungan (Waterfall) Malang East Java indonesia
Spending Time at Laccar Waterfall in Bawean Island, Gresik - East Java
Laccar waterfall is located in Laccar sub-village, Kebun teluk dalam village, Sangkapura district, about 15 km from the center Sangkapura district. The location can reached by four wheel drive vehicles up to Laccar sub-village. Arrive the tourist sites, not directly meet the waterfall, but you have to walk through forest path which surrounded by palm trees as far as about 500 meters. Continued by passed the rocky river about 200 meters, then get to Laccar waterfall area. This waterfall has about 25 meters height with artistic cliffs background, but for last ten years, the water flow is heavily and has influenced by season. If the rainy season comes, the water flows swift and mighty strength. Otherwise, during the dry season, the water becomes more weak. This tourist area has surrounded by hills that covered with leafy trees, provides cool air atmosphere. Of course, this condition makes visitors feel comfortable to enjoy the roar of the water that falls in between the rocks and the chirping sounds of variety birds and monkeys of forest dwellers around Laccar waterfall. Those are heard at any time, as if to greet all visitors who come to enjoy the beauty of natural scenery.
More info visit:
Coban Rondo Waterfall Batu East Java Indonesia
Coban Canggu Waterfall - Mojokerto - East Java
This waterfall is located near to Padusan Forest Tourism because its location is at Padusan village, Pacet. Coban Canggu waterfall is a beautiful waterfall which has surrounded by the dense trees. Its cool air completed with the play ground, the beauty of this waterfall and give serene impression.
Coban Canggu waterfall is one of natural waterfall in Mojokerto area. This waterfall has beautiful scenery and clear water. This waterfall is also often visited by many visitors.
Visit the beautiful Coban Canggu Waterfall in Mojokerto tourism and enjoy its fresh air.
My Trip My Adventure Air Terjun Nglirip Tuban Jawa Timur Indonesia
Air Terjun (Grojogan) Nglirip merupakan salah satu ikon pariwisata di kabupaten tuban jawa timur.
Air terjun Nglirip terletak di desa Mulyoagung, Kecamatan Singgahan, Kabupaten Tuban, di sebelah timur Kompleks pemakaman Mbah Jabar sekitar 38 KM ke arah barat dari Kota Tuban.
Letaknya berada di jalur alternatif, dengan menggunakan mobil pribadi pun bisa langsung sampai ke lokasi dengan mudah. Jika dari Kota Tuban bisa mengambil rute ke arah Merakurak, Kemudian Montong, Lalu Singgahan. Sedangkan jika dari Daerah Bojonegoro atau Jatirogo bisa berhenti di Perempatan Anjlok, kemudian mengambil jalan kearah Montong, kurang lebih 2KM.
Air terjun ini memiliki ketinggian lebih dari 25 meter. Mata airnya sendiri berasal dari hutan Kerawak yang berada kurang lebih 3 KM dari air terjun ini. Tetapi saya sarankan jika berkunjung pada saat musim hujan harus berhati-hati saat di bawah air terjun, karena volume air bisa saja tiba-tiba bertambah deras.
Berita terbaru menyebutkan bahwa di sini Foto Selfie Berujung Maut Baru Saja Terjadi di tempat ini. korban Tenggelam yaitu Eva Tri Suryana (15) yang beralamatkan Jl. Sunan Giri, Kabupaten gresik, ditemukan saat magrib tiba pada Minggu 30/08/2015.
Korban ditemukan setelah 7 jam pencarian Tim SAR. Belum diketahui apa penyebab pastinya, yang jelas kejadian terjadi begitu cepat dan sulit diduga. Bukan tanpa sebab, setiap korban yang berjatuhan kebanyakan gadis atau perempuan. Meski ada yang jejaka, itu jarang sekali. Selain nuansa keindahan alam, hawa klenik begitu kental di lokasi wisata. Ditambah dengan adanya makam sesepuh Mbah Jabar yang berada di atas lokasi wisata.
Menurut cerita Mbah Jasmani Salah satu sesepuh warga sekitar nglirip, kakek 10 cucu itu, dahulu ketika dirinya kecil di dekat lokasi air terjun ada sebuah punden (tempat untuk menaruh sesaji berupa makanan dan lauk). Oleh warga sekitar dipercaya bahwa punden itu setiap tahunnya selalu dibuat manganan (makan bersama).
Manganan bukan untuk berbuat syirik atau takhayul, melainkan tanda syukur warga atas panen dan melimpahnya air di kawasan wisata air terjun Nglirip. Meski musim kemarau, air sungai terus mengalir deras. Tidak ada kekeringan seperti saat ini. “kecamatan tetangga seperti Montong, kerek, singgahan, itu ambil air dari sini. Itu tidak pernah kering, pohon besar banyak, ” katanya.
Kini, bisa dilihat sekeliling aliran sungai dulunya rindang kini gersang. Dulu air melimpah hingga tumpah (luber) kini air memerah (warna air merah bercampur hijau). Kiasan itu terjadi, akibat ulah tangan manusia yang menebang pohon sebagai penopang sumber air sembarangan. Serta sudah jarangnya warga yang manganan di sekitar punden.
Madakaripura Waterfall - Probolinggo - East Java
When you happen to visit Bromo or planning to visit it, make sure to include Madakaripura waterfall to your itinerary. Madakaripura waterfall is situated at the village of Sapih, in the district of Lombang, around 30-minute drive from Cemoro Lawang, Bromo. Madakaripura waterfall is actually a series of 7 waterfalls at the end of a deep gorge. The legend has it, that this waterfall was a meditation spot for Majapahit Empires Prime Minister, Gajah Mada.
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