3 basic push-up progressions - in the sand at sunset in beautiful Costa Rica. Hard to beat that gym!! Earn your progression and bang out some push-ups. Check out nickholtfitness.com for more info and cool videos..
It Just Isn't Fair... Differences in Body Fat Loss in Men & Women
stephaniekeenan.com and nickholtfitness.com present It Just Isn't Fair... Differences in Body Fat Loss in Men and Women
Have you ever looked at your significant other, brother, father, co-worker and thought, it just isn't fair that HE can lose fat so much faster than me?
Fitness expert, Nick Holt, and I met during my time in Costa Rica. Nick is the king of beach workouts and his videos always feature the beautiful sands of Tamarindo. Nick shared some of his fitness philosophy with us and we have made the recording available to you. This was a great opportunity to hear a man's perspective on HOW and WHY men and women are so different in their fat loss abilities.
Nick covered target body fat percentages, how toning doesn't exist, why steady state cardio is bad for fat loss, the how and why of glycogen, and why fad diets don't work.
Nick Holt is the founder and creator of Nick Holt Fitness. After 7 years working in the corporate world, Nick traded in the high rise office view for the beach training ground in Costa Rica where he teaches fitness, surfing, tennis, and yoga. Based in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, Nick trains clients on the beach or in the gym using simple, functional, and effective protocols. NHF's mission is to show people that being healthy and fit doesn't have to be that complicated. Check him out on his website nickholtfitness.com
My Gym in Montezuma, Costa Rica
Showing off the beach I worked out on every morning while in Montezuma. So amazing!
Staying fit while traveling can be a challenge. It can be tough to get into a routine when your location changes often. While in Costa Rica I'm happy to say that I've been getting a workout in almost everyday. My favorite has been the beach workouts. I started doing them every morning while in Tamarindo, either with a local personal trainer or self-led HIIT workouts at the water's edge... Read more:
Slow-Motion Surfing in Costa Rica
Having some fun with the GoPro at Saltwater Fit HQ in Costa Rica.