Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (1/2)
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries.
Owing to its high elevation (1300 meters or 4,400 feet), Krusevo is also one of Macedonias prime winter sports destinations. Yet this same quality also makes this pine-forested getaway a comfortable destination in summer, when the Krusevo air stays cooler and more pure than in the arid lowlands.
The memory of Macedonian artist, Nikola Martinoski, is preserved in a traditional-style house/gallery that contains a huge collection of Martinoskis paintings and drawings, as well as various ethnological artifacts that bring 19th century Macedonia to life.
Krusevo was,as well,the hometown of Macedonian most famous pop-singer Tose Proeski (1981-2007).
Nikola Martinoski - dok1
Nikola Martinovski (Macedonian: Никола Мартиновски), sometimes mentioned as Nikola Martinoski (August 18, 1903 - February 7, 1973) was a Macedonian painter with a rare gift for art.
He was born in Kruševo in 1903, and died in 1973 in Skopje. He grew an interest for painting from his early years. He attended art classes in the workshop of icon painter Dimitar Andonov-Papradinski in Skopje. He was also constantly changing location. In 1920 he was already living in Bucharest, Romania where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1927.
He spent a period of two years (1927-1928) in Paris in the Académie de la Grand Chaumière (famous by former students Amedeo Modigliani and Boris Anrep) and the Académie Ranson, having artists like polish painter Moise Kisling and Roger Bissiere as mentors. This period would affect his way of life and further style of painting.
He came back to Skopje with the looks of a Parisian gentleman and intellectual with avant-garde ideas of art. He developed a very specific expressionistic style and he started dealing with social themes rather than doing mostly portraits. He was a member of the Belgrade group Oblik. His first individual exhibition happened in 1929 in Skopje, and he continued exhibiting in Belgrade, Zagreb, Paris etc. He continued drawing, painting and exhibiting, but there is also a period when he did quite a few wall paintings. Later in his life he established the Art Gallery of Skopje and won a lot of prizes.
He gave 62 paintings as a gift to his home town Kruševo. He died at the age of 69. His house in Kruševo is made into an Art Gallery where a small number of artworks are exhibited.
In 2003, Skopje Art Gallery completed the project of 100 years from Martinovki's birth. What struck the community, was that the exhibition consisted of Martinovski's paintings never shown publicly before. Nikola Martinovski left these 116 paintings in an old box to his family. The audience of the exhibition was surprised to find a new unexplored side of Martinovski never before seen or discussed.
Никола Мартиноски (Крушево, 15 август 1903 - Скопје, 1973), македонски ликовен уметник, педагог и академик, име кое четири децении беше едно од најдобрите репрезенти на македонската уметност пред светот.
Завршил школа за убави уметности во Букурешт 1927 год. Во Париз (1927-1928) ги посетувал Academie de la Grande Chaumiere и Academi Ranson (професорите Ж. Бисиер, Кислинг, де Ла Пателјер).
Неговите уметнички дела се наоѓаат во колекциите на повеќе музеи и галерии, како и во голем број приватни колекции во земјата и во странство.
Бил член на предвоена белградска група Облик, директор и професор на Училиштето за применета уметност, директор на Уметничката галерија во Скопје, член а МАНУ и др. Имал повеќе самостојни изложби пред и по војната (прва во 1929) во Скопје, Белград, Загреб, Љубљана, Париз, Дижон и др. места. Групно излагал (од 1927) во многу европски земји и во земјата со слики, цртежи и графики (на графичките и цртачките биеналиња во Лугано, Риека), на изложбата Уметноста на тлото на Југославија, Париз 1971 и т. н. Пред војната изработил неколку мурали во Скопје.
* Октомвриска награда за животно дело, 1964 година
* Наградата АВНОЈ, 1967 година.
македонија современа уметност сликарство музика класика macedonia macedonia makedonija art music nikola martinoski manu umetnost muzika slikarstvo srbija hrvatska albania bulgaria kosovo greece balkan
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (1)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in the Balkans. The chance guest will not be wrong if they stayle Kruševo as a museum of old architecture. The town is full of old and more recent houses built in the style of old Macedonian architecture.
Each year on Ilinden day, the town wears a festival look. On the balconies and at the windows of all the houses shaggy hand woven blankets (jambolii) in all kinds of colours are exhibited. Kruševo proudly preserves the memory of the renowned Ilinden Uprising of the Macedonian people on 2nd August, 1903. In this town, the Ilinden insurrectionists established the Kruševo Republic which only ten days later was suppressed in blood by the Turks.
The Makedonium monument of the Ilinden Uprising is to be found in Kruševo. There are also a number of museums of the Ilinden Uprising, a Gallery of 19th century icons, and a memorial gallery to the master of modern Macedonian painting, Nikola Martinovski, who was born in this town.
A few kilometres away from the town is the historical site of Mečkin Kamen, where the Ilinden insurrectionists fought the decisive battle against the Ottoman army. In the surrounding's there is also an artificial lake, and Kruševo continues to be a well known centre and a climatic health resort.
Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (2/2)
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries.
Owing to its high elevation (1300 meters or 4,400 feet), Krusevo is also one of Macedonias prime winter sports destinations. Yet this same quality also makes this pine-forested getaway a comfortable destination in summer, when the Krusevo air stays cooler and more pure than in the arid lowlands.
The memory of Macedonian artist, Nikola Martinoski, is preserved in a traditional-style house/gallery that contains a huge collection of Martinoskis paintings and drawings, as well as various ethnological artifacts that bring 19th century Macedonia to life.
Krusevo was,as well,the hometown of Macedonian most famous pop-singer Tose Proeski (1981-2007).
Krusevo 2016
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries. Owing to its high elevation (1300 meters or 4,400 feet), Krusevo is also one of Macedonia’s prime winter sports destinations. Yet this same quality also makes this pine-forested getaway a comfortable destination in summer, when the Krusevo air stays cooler and more pure than in the arid lowlands. The memory of Macedonian artist, Nikola Martinoski, is preserved in a traditional-style house/gallery that contains a huge collection of Martinoski’s paintings and drawings, as well as various ethnological artifacts that bring 19th century Macedonia to life. Krusevo was,as well,the hometown of Macedonian most famous pop-singer Tose Proeski (1981-2007).It is the highest town in Macedonia, situated at an altitude of over 4,429 feet (1350 m) above sea level.
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (2)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in the Balkans. The chance guest will not be wrong if they stayle Kruševo as a museum of old architecture. The town is full of old and more recent houses built in the style of old Macedonian architecture.
Each year on Ilinden day, the town wears a festival look. On the balconies and at the windows of all the houses shaggy hand woven blankets (jambolii) in all kinds of colours are exhibited. Kruševo proudly preserves the memory of the renowned Ilinden Uprising of the Macedonian people on 2nd August, 1903. In this town, the Ilinden insurrectionists established the Kruševo Republic which only ten days later was suppressed in blood by the Turks.
The Makedonium monument of the Ilinden Uprising is to be found in Kruševo. There are also a number of museums of the Ilinden Uprising, a Gallery of 19th century icons, and a memorial gallery to the master of modern Macedonian painting, Nikola Martinovski, who was born in this town.
A few kilometres away from the town is the historical site of Mečkin Kamen, where the Ilinden insurrectionists fought the decisive battle against the Ottoman army. In the surrounding's there is also an artificial lake, and Kruševo continues to be a well known centre and a climatic health resort.
Kiril Penushliski promo for Nikola Martinoski mongraphy
Kiril Penushliski, Nikola Martinoski, National Gallery Of Macedonia
Nikola Martinoski - dok2
Nikola Martinovski (Macedonian: Никола Мартиновски), sometimes mentioned as Nikola Martinoski (August 18, 1903 - February 7, 1973) was a Macedonian painter with a rare gift for art.
He was born in Kruševo in 1903, and died in 1973 in Skopje. He grew an interest for painting from his early years. He attended art classes in the workshop of icon painter Dimitar Andonov-Papradinski in Skopje. He was also constantly changing location. In 1920 he was already living in Bucharest, Romania where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1927.
He spent a period of two years (1927-1928) in Paris in the Académie de la Grand Chaumière (famous by former students Amedeo Modigliani and Boris Anrep) and the Académie Ranson, having artists like polish painter Moise Kisling and Roger Bissiere as mentors. This period would affect his way of life and further style of painting.
He came back to Skopje with the looks of a Parisian gentleman and intellectual with avant-garde ideas of art. He developed a very specific expressionistic style and he started dealing with social themes rather than doing mostly portraits. He was a member of the Belgrade group Oblik. His first individual exhibition happened in 1929 in Skopje, and he continued exhibiting in Belgrade, Zagreb, Paris etc. He continued drawing, painting and exhibiting, but there is also a period when he did quite a few wall paintings. Later in his life he established the Art Gallery of Skopje and won a lot of prizes.
He gave 62 paintings as a gift to his home town Kruševo. He died at the age of 69. His house in Kruševo is made into an Art Gallery where a small number of artworks are exhibited.
In 2003, Skopje Art Gallery completed the project of 100 years from Martinovki's birth. What struck the community, was that the exhibition consisted of Martinovski's paintings never shown publicly before. Nikola Martinovski left these 116 paintings in an old box to his family. The audience of the exhibition was surprised to find a new unexplored side of Martinovski never before seen or discussed.
Никола Мартиноски (Крушево, 15 август 1903 - Скопје, 1973), македонски ликовен уметник, педагог и академик, име кое четири децении беше едно од најдобрите репрезенти на македонската уметност пред светот.
Завршил школа за убави уметности во Букурешт 1927 год. Во Париз (1927-1928) ги посетувал Academie de la Grande Chaumiere и Academi Ranson (професорите Ж. Бисиер, Кислинг, де Ла Пателјер).
Неговите уметнички дела се наоѓаат во колекциите на повеќе музеи и галерии, како и во голем број приватни колекции во земјата и во странство.
Бил член на предвоена белградска група Облик, директор и професор на Училиштето за применета уметност, директор на Уметничката галерија во Скопје, член а МАНУ и др. Имал повеќе самостојни изложби пред и по војната (прва во 1929) во Скопје, Белград, Загреб, Љубљана, Париз, Дижон и др. места. Групно излагал (од 1927) во многу европски земји и во земјата со слики, цртежи и графики (на графичките и цртачките биеналиња во Лугано, Риека), на изложбата Уметноста на тлото на Југославија, Париз 1971 и т. н. Пред војната изработил неколку мурали во Скопје.
* Октомвриска награда за животно дело, 1964 година
* Наградата АВНОЈ, 1967 година.
македонија современа уметност сликарство музика класика macedonia makedonija art music nikola martinoski manu umetnost muzika slikarstvo srbija hrvatska albania bulgaria kosovo greece balkan
Macedonia Krusevo 6 Martinovski 1 2014-7
Visit to the museum for Macedonian painter Nikola Martinovski (1903-1973)
Nikola Martinoski - Sotir Golabovski Macedonia Makedonija Македонија
Никола Мартиноски
Сотир Голабовски
видео:документарен филм мтв архива
Мартиноски е без сомнение една од најважните личности за развојот на македонската култура во XX век. Роден е во Крушево, 1903 година, дипломирал на Школата за убави уметности во Букурешт, Романија во 1927 како најдобар студент за таа година. Во 1927 и 1928 година претстојува во Париз каде ги посетува Académie de la Grande Chaumière и Ransan. По враќањето во Македонија, освен воведувањето на европските модерни сликарски тенденции карактеристични за Париската школа, на овие простори тој се истакнува и со својата општествена активност. Мартиноски е иницијатор и раководи со формирањето на Средното ликовно училиште во Скопје, Друштвото на ликовни уметници, Уметничката галерија во Скопје (сега Национална галерија на Македонија), учествува во формирањето на Македонската академија на науките и уметностите, институции кои и денес се основни носечки елементи на македонскиот културен живот.
музика:КОМПОЗИЦИЈА БР.1 за пијано
- Најстарите музички ракописи што ги имаме кај нас потекнуваат од 10 век. Нив треба да ги чуваме како нешто најсвето, но и да трагаме по нови, зашто тие ноти се доказ за нашиот музички и културен идентитет. Црковното пеење е доказ и за идентитетот на нашата Македонска православна црква. Со тоа што македонската духовна музика е изведувана надвор од земјава, индиректно се признава и постоењето и идентитетот на нашата црква. Како може да има македонско црковно пеење ако нема црква. Се' се гради врз некакви корени, а наш корен е црковната музика - вели Голабовски.
македонија современа уметност сликарство музика класика macedonia macedonia makedonija art music nikola martinoski sotir golabovski manu umetnost muzika slikarstvo srbija hrvatska albania bulgaria kosovo greece balkan
Прошетка низ изложбата на Борко Лазески со проф. Д-р Кирил Пенушлиски
Прошетка низ изложбата на Борко Лазески со проф. Д-р Кирил Пенушлиски иРосица Лазеска
#borkolazeski #ngm #dautpashahamam #борколазески #нгм #кирилпенушлиски #kirilpenushliski
BBC report: Krushevo - ethno town
The Krushevo - ethno town project in Macedonia
Graficka studentska izlozba Telma 18 03 2009
Graficka studentska izlozba / Telma TV / 18.03.2009
My Family's Foundation Dragutin Avramovski - Gute for best graphic work at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macedonia