S.A.G. Žilina Promo Video
Spectacular Lightning Storm comes out of nowhere
Just hanging out this uneventful evening in Las Vegas and not planning on taking any video this night, but you never know what's going to happen. A crazy lightning storm builds up out of nowhere and puts us directly in its path! This storm was packed with frequent cloud to ground lightning bolts every few seconds, heavy rain and lots of wind. I love a good storm, but this one is coming directly overhead and I'm not trying to test my reverse luck of getting hit by lightning!
Estrada para Kovno 1944
Reencenação realizada pelo G.P.R.H. Dogs of War em Salto - SP, com tema na Ofensiva de Verão Russa de 1944.
Julho de 1944, a ofensiva de verão russa está em pleno avanço.
Entre as cidades de Kovno e Dunaburg na Lituânia o Exército Soviético se depara com posições defensivas alemãs tentando manter aberta uma rota de fuga para seu 16° Exército.
Um piloto soviético é abatido e feito prisioneiro por paraquedistas alemães. Uma patrulha do exército soviético auxiliado por um partisan lituano vai tentar salvá-lo.
Reenactment performed by G.P.R.H. Dogs of War in Salto - SP, with theme: Russian summer offensive of 1944.
July 1944, the Russian summer offensive is in full progress.
Between the cities of Kovno and Dünaburg in Lithuania the Soviet Army faces German defensive positions trying to keep open an escape route to his 16th Army.
A Soviet pilot is shot down and taken prisoner by German paratroopers. A patrol of the Soviet army aided by a Lithuanian partisan will try to save him.
Skúška objektívu!
Dave Brannigan ~ Crazy (1st gig - Live Escape Club 2012) HD 720p
Dave Brannigan performing song Crazy, live in Escape Club in Zilina.
[camera Jan Cernansky]
Live Concert Indie Alternative Slovakia
Avarion - Ice Eternal (LIVE)
Avarion - Ice Eternal (LIVE)
Live recording: 14.9.2010, Escape Club, Zilina, Slovakia
For more, visit:
[Verse 1]
Awaken from slumber, by dragon slayers.
Hunted for years, for glory and fame!
Countless wounds cover my back,
will I escape from this horrible fate?
Plundered my lair, slain my mate,
enslaved my kin, destroyed our land!
Fear and hatred is all I have left
these old wings must shelter their death!
Ancient spirits, o' thy great strength!
it shallth be mine, or I shall face death
I order you! return my eyes light!
To feed the darkness, reside in my heart!
The weight of ages, I will cast down
Magic of frost, will be my new crown!
Hunters will feel the wrath of my kin
chill of my breath will rupture their skin
The pain I have felt, will come thousandfold
drown in my frost, nay their beloved gold
O' all the dark spirits, come to me now!
Eternal pain and cold, embraced by his frost!
sky ruled by the beast, land trembling in fear!
Their homes destroyed, thousands dead,
sky ruled by the beast, land of humans his feast!
[Verse 2]
Awakened from sleep by frostwyrm himself
hunted for months, for mad beast's revenge
Countless deaths, have met their men
they won't escape from his terrible rage
Ancient spirits, have granted me strength!
now that it's mine, humans shall face death
Hunters now feel the wrath of my kin
chill of my breath, payment for their sins
The pain I have felt, undone thousandfold
drowned in my frost, all they loved the most
O' all the dark spirits, come to me now!
Eternal death, no more human foes
sky ruled by the beast land's silent plea
Their homes destroyed thousands dead
mad dragon's roar, blood, suffering and gore
Offroad trial valca 2018. Robert Kráľ
RATS GET FAT at Rumah Api 20/10/16
Rats Gets Fat is a chaotic hardcore punk band from Zilina, Slovakia. They came together as a 4- piece in the year of 2011.
After they've left of their own previous bands, they've decided to come together to create a new project with more interesting ideas and full force energy to create a beautifully crafted music. They came together to fight against hypocrisy, xenophobia, racism and to support the D.I.Y and UG culture.
They recently just released their latest album Hnev in August 2016, which they will be taking it with them while they are touring in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore with Fyasco in October 2016.
Check them out at these venues near you :-
Kuala Lumpur (20/10 - Thurs) - Rumah Api
Perak (21/10 - Fri) - Nagarakota
Penang (22/10 - Sat) - Soundmaker
Selangor (23/10 - Sun) - M2 Studio
Johor (30/10 - Sun) - The Wall
Melaka (31/10 - Mon) - The Key
Kudus (24/10 - Mon) -
Cirebon (25/10 - Tues) -
Sumedang (26/10 - Wed) -
Begasi (27/10 - Thurs) -
Bogor (28/10 - Fri) -
Hell 3 (29/10 - Sat)
Avarion - Runaway (LIVE)
Avarion - Runaway (LIVE)
Live recording: 14.9.2010, Escape Club, Zilina, Slovakia
For more, visit:
[Verse 1]
For countless days,
robbed of my freedom
Sleepless nights
yearning to see her
Curse these chains,
that let them bind me!
As lord's son aims
lady to lay thee
Scorn is born,
inside of me!
Yet it presents itself,
last of the chances
Fading light of
warden's torch is
Path to thee
I am free!
[Verse 2]
Blood painted ground!
shouting guards
As I run away!
A runaway!
Chased dog astray
eluding his fate
With broken legs he runs
With broken heart he hopes
To runaway!
[Verse 3]
For countless nights
I've been in hiding
Days afoot
yearning to see her
Yet chased still
they want to bind me
I have to protect
my dear lady
Scorn gave birth,
to hatred inside me
It tears my heart
as I weep for thee
For lord's son
has had his way
Empty promises where
her dead body lay
[Verse 4]
Blood yet again
Chase at it's end
And as I walk to my death
No longer will I run away
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP International Dance Organization 2002
Marta Worobiec & Katarzyna Maciejewska Brown Medal WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Disco Duos 2002
Strongman Galanta [Aftermovie]
Stredoeurópsky pohár silných mužov - ôsme kolo v roku 2017 - Galanta/Slovensko
Organizátor - Marek Tóth & Slovenská asociácia silných mužov
1. Čestmír Šíma /CZ/ 60 b, 2. Rafal Kobylarz /PL/ 60 b, 3. Konstantin Iljin /UA/ 56 b, 4. Didziš Zarinš /LAT/ 54,5 b, 5. Igor Petrík /SR/ 52,5 b, 6. Lukáš Svoboda /CZ/ 39 b, 7. Volodymyr Cyfra /BLR/ 37 b, 8. Michal Tichý /CZ/ 29,5 b, 9. Peter Rekenei /SR/ 24 b, 10. Patryk Przybyla PL/ 22,5 b, 11. Ivan Hryhorovský /SR/ 14,5 b, 12. Ivan Derkač /MLD/ 11,5 b
Central Europe strongman cup - eight round in 2017 - Galanta/Slovakia
Organizer - Marek Tóth & Slovak association of strong men
1. Čestmír Šíma /CZ/ 60 b, 2. Rafal Kobylarz /PL/ 60 b, 3. Konstantin Iljin /UA/ 56 b, 4. Didziš Zarinš /LAT/ 54,5 b, 5. Igor Petrík /SR/ 52,5 b, 6. Lukáš Svoboda /CZ/ 39 b, 7. Volodymyr Cyfra /BLR/ 37 b, 8. Michal Tichý /CZ/ 29,5 b, 9. Peter Rekenei /SR/ 24 b, 10. Patryk Przybyla PL/ 22,5 b, 11. Ivan Hryhorovský /SR/ 14,5 b, 12. Ivan Derkač /MLD/ 11,5 b
My BMW F800 after a 720 AUD service from Santiago Bmw
This is how my bike is running after they gave it back to me and said its all good at BMW Santiago ahahahaha Throw in a broken can cover, replaced with one out of another bike by itself and not the head cam cover combo that could possibly destroy my motor, a supposed new battery ahahahahaha you can only laugh at that one, being lied directly to your face isn't nice, if it is a new battery I'm a 21 yo model. The trying to blow me up by forgetting he O-ring in the fuel pump then only to do it again but this time when I questioned that they had forgotten it again was told no they had just put it in crimped, oh great so I guess that will leak at some point in the future as well now. Then throw in the throttle sticking and being told it is normal ahahahahahah only to have them say when they played with the cable as the guy tried to work out how it went back on the bike leaving me on the first night able to turn the handle bars to accelerate. I'm sure I am forgetting something, all I can say if you take your bike to Santiago Bmw you are in for some surprises. Someone said they should be put on the wall of shame list, that actually means they know what they are doing doesn't it ahahaha. Thanks for nothing is all I can say.
Voodee - Too Much
Big tune!!!
Taken from Music Take Away_FM 3 - Slovak dnb Edition.
Ultimate survival Slovak parody 3rd day part two.m4v
3rd day, 2nd part
The Paranoid Vás pozývajú na Quadtrophy do Lučivnej - 8.2.2014
• Info:
• Line UP: Rytmus, Ego, Kali, Kristina, Strapo, DJ Ekg, Ine Kafe, The Paranoid
Police car crashed when chasing Fiat Brava...(Slovakia - Bratislava)
Police car crashed when chasing driver on Fiat Brava who tried to escape during standard police check.
The Neural Shock - это некоммерческий dnb фестиваль. Основное направление - продвижение и популяризация отечественных drum and bass музыкантов.
Открывайте себя миру вместе с Motor TV
Kontroverzné vylúčenie Erika Saba v zápase Žilina - Spartak 0:0
Kontroverzné vylúčenie Erika Saba v zápase Žilina - Spartak 0:0
Vlog.3 Futbalový víkend (tréningy, Fifa19, plány)
Futbalový víkend za nami. Sleduj ako sme víkendovali, ako s nami makajú naši klienti a aké plány má Bianka.
Instagram: Fit.Couplecoach
Email: bibss.luke@gmail.com
Hudba v tomto videu
Ďalšie informácie
Blood in the Water
Witt Lowry
I Could Not Plan This
Licencia pre YouTube od autorov:
TuneCore (v mene spoločnosti Witt Lowry); Vydia (Music Publishing) a spolky vlastníkov práv na hudbu (5)
Avarion - End Of Chivalry (LIVE)
Avarion - End Of Chivalry (LIVE)
Live recording: 14.9.2010, Escape Club, Zilina, Slovakia
For more, visit:
[Verse 1]
I can see them marching
French pride on the batlefield
Take the bows of England
yelled the black prince corageously
Brace yourselves and pray to god
odds are not on our side
We must hold the normandy
said Edward we cannot flee
So now bring all that you've got!
Thousand dozen troops i have
Hundread thousand march on me
Thousand arrows hit their flank
Hundred soldiers falling dead
[Verse 2]
First waves run in terror
they cant even reach our lines
No place to take shelter
arrows raining froom thee sky
Horses stuck in mud
fallen knights on ground
Sixteen waves march on us
we will break them one by one
So now is that all you've got?
Hundred thousand troops they send
Tens of thousands died in vain
August twentysixth's the day
Thirteen sixty-four the year
[Verse 3]
And as the battle unfolds
There lays the legacy of
those that lay
In pain and death
agony, lost faith
Heed the call of victory
shrieks of men's misery
The toll, their lifes' fee
is sacrifice of chivalry
[Verse 4]
Arrows cloud the sky
one step worth thousand lives
Yet countless more
steps the french have to take
Nobility shouts ahead!
yet.most are already dead
And still countless more
lifes Edward has to take
Sword of the black prince waves
enemies halt his way
Will I fail my son,
or will I fail england
Today in the hands of men
chivalry bows down broken
With our souls bound for hell
victory to england!
Hundred thousand troops they send
Tens of thousands died in vain
August twentysixth's the day
Thirteen sixty-four the year