Noarootsi vs Palivere
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
View from the Oleveste church, Tallinn, Estonia.
View over the old town of Tallinn, Estonia, from the Oleveste church .
Laser scanning of Haapsalu Episcopal Castle in Estonia
Laser scanning of Haapsalu Episcopal Castle in Estonia using laser scanner Leica ScanStation P20 was carried out in order of Archaeovision.
Haapsalu. 28 aprill 2016.
2014.01.25 - uisuga Rohuküla - Heltermaa
Uisupäev, pildis üks siledam plats Heinlaiu juures.
Tour skating on Väinameri, Baltic Sea, western coast of Estonia. Started from Rohuküla harbor (mainland) and headed to Heltermaa, island Hiiumaa, to catch a ferry back to Rohuküla.
Tracklog at
STREET FAIR in Haapsalu | The White Lady Time | Estonia
Street handicraft fair during White Lady Festival in Haapsalu, Estonia (24th - 26th of August 2018).
White Lady legend - On the Baptistery’s circular window built into the southern wall of Haapsalu Dome Church a female figure appears during the full moon nights in August, who has been named the White Lady. How and why this woman reveals herself on the chapel’s window for centuries a legend tells the following:
In the Middle Ages, during the reign of Oesel-Wiek Bishop, every canon was supposed to lead a chaste and virtuous life according to the rules of the monastery. Access of women to the Episcopal Castle was forbidden by threat of death. However it happened so that one canon and an Estonian girl fell madly in love with each other. As the young people could not stay apart, the canon dressed the girl up as a boy and brought her to the castle to sing in the choir. For long it remained the secret, but one day the deception was discovered. The verdict of the Bishop was harsh: the canon was thrown to the castle’s dungeon to starve to death, while the girl was immured alive in the wall of the Baptistery, then under the construction. Lamenting of the poor woman was heard for several days until she finally silenced.
Yet her soul could not find the peace and, as a result, she appears on the Baptistery’s window to grieve for her beloved man already for centuries, and also to prove the immortality of love.
The White Lady Festival has been one of the highlights of the summer in Haapsalu for three decades. In the weekend closest to the August full moon the Haapsalu old town transforms into a buzzing marketplace, where the vibrant culture programme lasts from dusk till dawn and upon the arrival of the darkness open-air performances of the White Lady take place.
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[RUS] Уличная ярмарка в Хаапсалу во время фестиваля Белой Дамы. За таинственными стенами епископского замка Хаапсалу скрывается легендарная Белая Дама. К легенде о Белой Даме можно приобщиться в августе, при полной луне. Кроме представления в городе также проводятся многочисленные концерты, театральные представления, художественные мероприятия, а на улицах Cтарого города продаются изделия ручной работы, экологически читые продукты питания и много другое...
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Unconditionally by Broken Elegance
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
#Haapsalu #Estonia #Хаапсалу
Common Info about Estonia:
Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
Estonia my way (Tallin, Haapsalu, Hiiumaa)
Estonia 23-27.07.2010
Welcome to Estonia yuneec + goprohero3+black
The pastor Mart Metsala and deacon Veikko Vosu from Valguse Tee Church (Estonia, Tallinn) discuss about the power and influence of words.
Nordplus project in Paide, Estonia
Outdoor Activities
Märjamaa Tuletõrje 101
02.08.2014 tähistasime Märjamaa tuletõrje 101 juubelit. Tänane Märjamaa päästekomando, uhke järjepidevuse kandja oli külalistele maakonnast, koduvabariigist ja kaugemaltki ette valmistanud tiheda programmi hommikul kümnest keskööni välja. Juubeli ürituste märksõnadeks tuletõrjesport, tuletõrje ajalugu ja rahvatants. Hommikupoole võistlesid folgi esindused, keskpäeval alevi keskel päästetehnika paraad ja maakondlikud meistrivõistlused 2014.
Õhtujaheduses tunnustati Märjamaa tuletõrjeveterane.
Iskelmätehdas On The Road - 13.7.2016 10pm - Märjamaa, Estonia
Samsung Estonian Cup Otepää 2013 parimad hetked
Samsung Estonian Cup rattamaratonide sarja viienda etapi, Otepää Rattamaratoni, võitis Erki Pütsep. Lõuna-Eesti kuppelmaastikul ja legendaarsel Kekkose rajal kulgenud maraton oli kiire - võitjal kulus 63 kilomeetri läbimiseks 27 sekundit üle kahe tunni, mis teeb keskmiseks kiiruseks 31,4 km/h.
Kokku osales Otepää Rattamaratonil 1623 ratturit.
Dance Until You Drop Haapsalu
Ice road between Hiiumaa island and Estonian mainland
The longest auto route in Europe over ice.
26 kilometers in length road over ice between the island of Hiumaa and the Estonian mainland. Music: Fernando Paz - Culmina.
Weekend in Tallinn, Estonia
This winter in Helsinki has been two things. Grey and very wet. As a result, my girlfriend and I decided we would book a trip to Tallinn in Estonia for the weekend.
Tallinn is located 90km south of Helsinki and takes around 2 to 3 hours by boat. One of the best things about Tallinn is the architecture - dating back hundreds of years, it’s possible to see some truly breath taking buildings around the city.
Here are some of incredible buildings you can find in Tallinn.
Benedicti e llaudati
Esitajaks on Vaikuse Muusika (Musica Silentii) stuudio Tõnu Sepa juhendamisel.
Lucia päev Rootsi Mihkli kirikus
Rapla kevad, Raikküla ja Pirgu ka
Käisime Aarnega Raplas. Peale tööd natuke kevadet ka. Raikküla mõis, Pakamägi (hiiemägi), Vesiroosi gümnaasiumi tagused saviaugud, Pirgu. Praegu on just see aeg, kui kõik on rohkem kui hiirekõrvul. Kohe käib roheline plahvatus. Peale väikest vihmasabinat.
Muusika: (CC) Schwarzweiss - Spring,
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